I TOT Record AVIE MOCKSVILLE, N. C. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1809. NO. 18. 3& Kimbrough, :axs&sukoeoxs. . ! First door South ot r vie ZroCKsvui.K, Nv C. " jORNING POST. KLV, one year, &.uv 'A, one year, 51.00 la-:. I Pl.Eln, X C. .: JR. ANDERSON, -.' Dentist. ..iCE: First tloor W(W nr McC.ire & Kimbrough. Qc. ksville N. C, AILY OBSERVER, CIIA RLOTTE, X. C kiilyper year - - S.OO $1:00 Address-. J. p. CALDWF.LL, Editor. ' Charlotte, X. C. fiflii9i'iaii i tMMMmmm fa 1- 'Ou inrent or inprovo ; a.so fret I . DE MAR.K. C GPYRICKTc-r CESiG'J 60TLi...i- Se-d luclcl. sketch. cr photo. Trfreee toinati'-.n crd a1vlco. t IBSX I J PATENTS feefx r.L 1 -, Mi - IIXTEEEST TO IXYEXTORS. i . A: fJii'.v & Co., one of Hie j "J$ K 4 J&l fcl S3 SO S festf a::! most successful firms of j section i. fcnt 'attorneys, wliose cilices are i Inelf for xsitetfie United States -L tltVUt ! i",e in Washington. J). C., Will Pl'bmsh XoTi-i:s At ,.the following R2TPRICES.-W )tices wlici e fees $0, 'X and s t rcsncc- vwii! becharg " f e l. K CifigiiTCS, represent an actual 5Vinj.fr3.'Jl ).t r cent and Verbis now allowed bv I law , ' fon r..i-.ieiore you make a t,C. r we are ready to meetly V c o rr r i: t i t i o x m : ier & wiisofl 'iary Motion and I Bearings. the;- .JEST tVR h t 1 ;!. Si! L-i WiU; Kit Ulf.if istratot Wf Sale, S Jige Sale .- 1 tin I- J 1 ZAZ4ZAZAZAZ4Z4 For President li00. WILLIAM McKINLEV, Ohio. For Governor. JAMliS 13. 150YI, Gail lord. For Congress. WILLIAM A. 15AILEV, Davie. I fa C4 0 Taat-AZAZAZZAZ The Dayie Record, PtriJIJSilED EVERY WEDNESDAY. II H. MOllKIS, Editor. TEHMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : One copy, One Year, . - - $1.00 j One copj Six Months, One copy, Three Mouths - Mocksville, N. C, August 2. With this issue of Thk Record Mr. Win. C. Ivy, a veteran news paper man, becomes local editor and business manager. He brings an experience which will greatly improve the paper, which we trust will be appreciated by its readers. When yon conie to town give us a call. AVe are at the .same stand. one door above the post office. Th Tw-klit.ifs of Tin.: Kkcowt re- ; - ' -.'-..--.. ' " - mains the same Republican, and I will be conducted as in the past ! IL lJ Ull liU IIU"1' uwiit. lit ; expect to pour hot shot into the:board of eiectious constitutes the j ranks of the Shot-gun and V.Tn-i board of county canvassers, which Chester brigade, but doivt want the j canvasses the returns and declares i great mass of the Democratic partv 1 the rcsult- ltl Sive the !'. . , , . , . -. . , ' party in power a stronger weapon ;totmnkour editorials are aimed at ( fesei!ve . its hold on 4he state jthem, for they are la nowise re-1 than this iniquitous law. enacted j sponsible, unless they go to the j as its - first purpose to secure the polls and endorse their , schemes. Section 4. Any person presenting registration or voting i snail re able to read and write anv :nd i F:-rt oi the Constitution in Tne b hav p;vH-iiicd -patents for I ghsn language, and shail have paui rethatfl7,o0v inventors, savthat h' the lirst day of -March the poll i the IT. S. Patent Oiiice, patents j as prescribed by law, and shall ex- j white rule, and - who now- hesitate YnWlie more proinpllv procur- M'ibit the receipt therefor when he ot hOAv to vote on this vital Iihanfetanv previous tinieii. thei-i "iters to vote. Poll taxes shall be a measure because of some impl.ed erie.M of bventv-iive vears." i Vitn only m messed properly, and promise iot to disfranchise any one, I W- - : i no process fehall "issue uhGkcd ; tfctdd. I shjJl not invaae ihe f" ' - n....i: ,1' ji. j.iilnmin rF TSTVV.t-01lSfieT;f,e. Tint mg to the improved conditions, I 1XJL lut-Mw; n..-uuji ,yc.u, y 1-4 , i "."'' " i -jo i .4.a . T,,...,.f- !... 1 1 lo dedare that the hour is- hhinOTnA DAAA-n1 isive Earmer. ! piking i it has become the - ( I r. i ii . V jr. n .Ui i St t.:!,;, r.,,f oofi-. : uur.y oi e ery pran iu xijo i July, called The Record to ac- ! count lor sOijae comments it made on t" i il. . . t . 2 i A - 1 "I . J j T me i.-onsiiiuiionai amenument wiin reference to the poll tax clause. We adjnit our error as to the voter - - - - hl.o i uumg io exuiou ms poll tax rc- j der execution - - .2.00" j ceipt when he offers to vote. v 1 -k .---.t-- ---. . -ji,. " v ; tfiMK; jo-0t our information from the Pro-1 supremacy7" to be made permanent. 5 U-rossivc Farmer, and nrlnt at ihJThc end justifies the means. A f i' ' X' t , , , i irom ,fiat PPer. -Igladly make j Jie correction, for tiave no de sire to mislead anyone. We had not seen the law, or a certified copy of ii, and presumed thalt the Pro- gressive Farmer had ii it had been standing in orrect-, as hat parer for months uncontradicted. After rcadir-g the law as contained iu the books we do hot see tb;r we made l as big a mistake as s;fi a mistake as sme ov our. - I - Democratic friends ha we and arc i maiung every oay Thfev are con-' l tending with all thefr Imisrht and maiii that no white person will be! disfranchised by the ;meudineut i until after 1 998: We, ok the oilier ; hand, contend that t hell poll tax! will deprive thousands of V'm&iii F"5-J.-. r ' - 4 ill )m&.&r.!$&: 'jr rz-sk - -i .a-;: . i I assertion we will ghfe toe 4th : section of the amendmcu tained iu the la,f book. las con- ead it: Section 1. livery pe3)U pre senting himself for reJistration shail be able to read and wl fe any in the ore he section of the const? tuli'oi English language, and lil '.'ll be entitled to vote e shall ii t o paid on or before thelfirst d tte II arch of the ; year ia wliich pV poses to vote bin polliitax day he T;rescrilC(i bv law tor the incv ye.ir. Poll taxes shall be atlic ly on assessed property awlyuo css shall issue to enforce Jthe le-tiouofthe same except as ess3d property. Now, section four says til fore vou arc" entitled to vo' shall have paid on or bofor- pie 1st of Tdarch of the year he propl sedtoj : IK'iiil'i .ft- ...... 1,,,. T...u f..v M i- pre" UIUUHJ4 uiu pevpic ;law,ioi ihepiiOJstai. V ow, , j-the White voters ot the stale and i hut I hoe I maj neer nesnat to , to torcLTnei-s and to trade. ti 4 ;? . ...i.w. 1 i.ii if you are .too poor, or.r.egKict lor repiWiatrtl the idea of a partizan j do justice to any man becietaij T . ., .... ,-Vfn-i h-. iiv t! e fh-euKi-.tic nc-ro is nrolib!v . - t -a - v,,.ir iv in 4i- ':oi.rifv i Ab-er has gone to New ork on ' General (Jomez has refused the ed, e. tu tDe Mgn.uiues n.i mg r one um.ih i.iik ik . ro is pn.iioiy any reason to p.y join poh as . ele, iou t . SeU will not return offer of a handsome house as a per- shades and characteristics of the no ,:m,c interred in Reserving prescribed bylaw, I would lii?e tor ; The above, taken from the Aslie- j P1".,, Tues lay, when he wilt man-it place ofabode and wishes ' originals. The luck hs owner had Ihe rignls ot I lie o,i:-oo of his nice . I' L d io convey tin pression that one was forever de barred by the poll tax clause, but for a citizen to be deprived of his vote for one year, is certainly a disfranchisement for the time men tioned, and no quibbling on words will deceive the people. We will continue to tell the truth and correct all errors. Go and do thou likewise. Sinking Conscienc. The strongest evidence that the managers of- the amendment cam paign m the last legislature did not have faith that the white people of this stste would favor the suffrage amendment Avas the. passage of a strictly partizan election law. They annulled a non-partizau law and enacted one such as few States in the union have ever had oh their statute books. The majority of white voters in this state over the colored Vote is hot far from one i hundred thousand. Then why should a measure intended, as its campaign managers claim, strictly to benefit the white people need a crooked election law to engineer it through? . There are three political parties in this state, and each lias had equal representation on all the boards of elections until the legisla ture of 1899 enacted a law that de prived two of them of representa tion. .Now there a -state board of elections composed of live persons ELECTED BY. THE LEGISLA TURE, which has the power to ap point county boards of election con sisting of three persons in each mnnt - , - . Members of the county Willi ( V- I Ll J V. -i. O Vi. 111V T J board may be removed by the state j uoard and the county board in turn r.iAY KEMOVE ANY REGISTRAR OI .iitdre or i.:T.ErrTO"VR. The eountv passage of the amendment limiting the suffrage.. The Hon. - E. I). Winston, who introduced the first orarr or me sunrage umemiuu-ui io 1 i ! ft . "J 4- X- ihe legislature, In addressing ins lellow members on the proposed measure said: -.. "I am told that there are members of this house who were scut here oh the issue of conscience for the public good To realize what is , meaut by the "public gcdd?" it is necessary to un derstand that the framers of this election law and the disfranchising amendment regard the election oi i the last legislature as the triumph ftf .w!l;tii s,,,,." ,1 th;i! the VI II llilV v v - yuuuu liwini luiuuiw iwiu 'white IZ . ,.14-:,. 1.-..- -..?, tliti Tr. htical machine, which has labeled i(sclf usvhite supremacy.' supreme power in the state. Is it too much to say that men who would enact such a law in their own behalf and ! against their opponents would use I tlie law in their own behalf to de- feat a vote that was oppvc to them? . luthat case what does suf frage amount to in this state? What assurance has the citizen that the election will be conducted impar tial! v. that it. will record the ver- (diet of the people and not. the de- -.- T - si res of the politicians that have" ab- solute control ot it! 'a here is no . - - . : - assurance except the hope that ihe machine may be more just in exe cuting its laws th:Ui iit enacting them.- How slender this hope is may be appreciated, however, by? a reading of some of the literature sent out from the snfirage a-mcud- ment bure: Joseph as Daniels savs. . m .on "The whi Loeumentsi ki noi- hite people" (i. y.ln pol iticians now in coutrol) "oi North Carolina have resolved that they will rule thk .STATE ho matter what the cost or sacrifice." . We have a noi ed rdentv of such e'vmvis - Sious before, which show that there is a class of politicians in this state that propose to rule it, even if it is necessary to sink conscience to en- ibrce their "divine richt to rule." I that is stronger than the people Had the managers of the amend- mcnt not desired this conclusion toi the? tl" c(i. n. -Vii Li:- ; -.-.nh l.iomvn fli harsh thi ncs whifh :.n .,r.r,.-, nfmm rf lio i-.i-ll llimselt. 1'jXCliaUL.e; I i viitj I v vui:ilf.llVJJ.i rmuu iiiv,uii, I JO - - - . . it'.i'u...i... ..... -.- - - - l !..;.. I. .....iiii .u Tutllilllllt U'llll lOUS , . . .. ,, J 1 f im Tm'f fv-t,; ti.nin ! - . mi.:,. . ii.. . KiuClUll 41 1 HIMinuCUl WHO 'ii rkii. w i ' , j-.- i- .. a Txitniiiiri rptiros'pn uo TiT.r , iu.imi ucii n.inu in niiOTiirr is .- Ui OPM1-. wnv. 1;r ai POlifrrno!! tii'MlilDHUUinmui, wuu uc nvn. iuwii : nrftir nnff ts. iiiiw ir iueiiiiim- . . .. .. - , . . .. ' ... ? .,1 . . ,xw" ;c,.,ui,.u...! t.i.i u,.,,,.n ,.iiwnvph- si !in( in? maiitn v under t.f..,. i.Y -i,ir.l, flit. Mostm uiitions .vi""v'.'", . : "v " " i roun; in a u ociiitu it iuuou uc win i'. i , ...v. ,- u ; niniac.iu """" . . w , - ..j....- i ,., it, tt..;4..i jU, ...i. ,v t. r. . gainst l,V"Vf. " T V, , , m- 7-;u "n.iitp hi, iwl f7i T Liw .ni,io ti'one dollar silver certihcate to tlie has diswvered a negro wlio heioi 55 in? io n-iiihi.i.iif! fiirrtn'ri-i hnt in ri ltiift wi'l vmuicaie Him. iDift tinin snf the ticaties relate to tnet . t . .. . . . . the event of this tailing another J will be a reaction m jils laxor. -x .dt of foreigners anl i-cgniations ; - . " j aVhoriiies -it ' hM.lv intel i-.ut urn -umI a '! i way is afforded by an election law these things all the more read of foreign trade, Henceforth for-! Je Scus t r e i "J?2r-?r," Vr JL",-"il.l speaks pe :': for itself, rf -North C It shows the irolina, iu terms which are pkin and unmistakable, what an infamous election law the machine crowd, bossed by Simmons, Josephus Daniels and their ilk:,' enacted, as well as what they are trying to do in order to fasten the chains ot political slavery upon the great mass of the people. If yon vote to enslave yourselves, your children and future generations, you will do it with your eyes open, as The; -Record purposes to expose, from the present until the polls close in 1900, these traitors and political schemers. Read. Read both sides; thiuk for yourselves, and, like freemen and patriots, huii these arch con spirators from power forever. Hand down to your children the heritage of freemen bought with the blood of your Revolutionary sires. Teach then! the lesson taught the British in 177f that taxation without rep resentation is unjustj and will not be tolerated. The Democratic papers are busy outlining the kind of campaign the Republicans will make in North Carolina next year. . They need not lose any sleep so far ahead, for it's going to be a hot time for the Sim mons Regulator crowd . WASHINGTON LETTER. -f-m . - - i Washixutox, July, 28, 1899. President McKinley will enjoy his well-earned vacation all the more because of the knowledge that he left public business in a very -satisfactory condition.-; lie has secur ed a man for Secretary of War in the person of Hon. Elihu Root, who will take charge of the department August !, against whom no word of criticism has been Said even by his partizan opponents. Secretary Hay has succeeded in getting the troub lesome Alaskan boundary question fairly on tbe road to an early di plomatic settlement; more than half of the volunteers wanted for the Philippines have enlisted, and Gen eral Otis has cabled that so many of the volunteers, already . in the Philippines wish to reenlist that a third regiment two have already been enlisted Can be enlisted from them. The length of the Presi dent's stay on Lake Cham plain will derien'i nnon Mrs. McKinlev's WW-t4feaUli' ana upon u. ute of public business Kcprtttmrftndis, of IndT irTiaJ" 'who was in Washington this week, looking after some business for his constituents, said of the sit uation in his state "Our people are too well satisfied with the pros perity under this administration to desire a change. Everybody is happy and prosperous. . Farmers are paying off their mortgages and loanimr money. . iney nave seen i that the price of wlmit is not de pendent upon the price of silver, and they have abandoned the belief that free coinage is necessary fof irood t imes. If the Democrats have i spoke lelt in the wheel of their political chariot I do not know it. I don't believe one hundred demo crats w ill march to the same music in anjr county in Indiana. Expan sion is very popular in Indiana, es pecially among the country people. The" farmer generally likes to hold on to all he can get, and he carries that idea into national matters. The Democrats will make a great mistake if they attack the adminis trtlion for determining to hold all we have m the i iiiiippmes.' .Notwithstanding L.ryan's attempt 1 to ocrats ton thi wiuprowaoiygo nepmn cau. p- resentative Berry saiu mat. lrseem- ed probable Ew'.n.'VdTI r oiiid he heut and a ticket rn.VoTf'i?Vi3Kion o-i-io.rr headed by cx-Gov. Brown tie nominated oy I the independent Democrats, and ! that if that propability became a j fact the Republicans would almost ' sur'elv carry the Staie; . j Senator Elkins, who was once ! Secretary of "War himself, had this I to say of his retiring successor: i "Secretary Alger has been compel l- ! cxl to endure a series ot undeserved, not to say brutal, assjxuus. lie uiu o get airtne viuj ucn.oviai , is lor(1 of a1 he snrVevs. a very support (xoeble, Kentucky rtern- j rinc(i of the lk4d all(l ullcn hU wjio nave ueen in wasning- .odu.ls are oenl to the market, no s week admit that tlie fatate . f . 1 1 . i . , . . . . Hor.i'i :i iv t rM r ill I I ' , . . . I . n-i i i i iiiniruii 1 1 - - ----- 1,.., ,x.f how nt thft SnmC WIIV Ofliu' ,..f.l.1,.flc.iefio.n.nisn n.,-i,? in nnr mrtv. T n.,,T rro I apologist for him. I do not want ; formally 1 p ud meat to S-i .-retary Root. T hitter was in Wa.shlngtoa evcr the i 4-...mv rwer t hn VV'iir - 1 1 I mi' Uii-itn-M TtlMT ll 4 nn41S 1 i 1 ll ll.'Cll iiJi imivi i uuiu "n"'-'" 1 Hilt - 1 . v 1 1 ... j - x L 1. V I J v.. ..iii.vi'i,,-, ------ - - days this week, and nothing but favorable words are heard from those who met him . The slight changes announced this week in the plans of the battle ships Maine, Missouri aud Ohio, now in course of construction, by the Navy -Board of' Bureau Chiefs, were not made necessary by errors in the original plans, as the yellow jourrals insisted (upon publishing. They were made dimply to increase the efficiency of the vessels, by giv ing them a speed of 18 knots, in stead of 16, as under the original plans-; The contractors agreed to the changes aud made valuable suggestions to the board. That is the whole story. The originator of the story that Secretary Gage was not legally Secretary of the Treasury because he owns stock in the Chicago Na tional bank of which he was presi dent before he entered the cabinet, ought fo hire himself out as a finder of mare's hests. - Tnere is no law debarring holders of National bank stock from becoming Secretary of the Treasury, and as a matter of tact there has probably not been a Secretary of the Treasury since the national banking law was enacted who did hot own some of this stock for the very simple reason . that it would be almost if not quite impos sible to find a man coinpetent to dis charge the duties of the Secretary of the Treasury who does not hold a financial interest, if not an active connection, with a bank. He must be a financier, and the ablest finan ciers of this and all other countries are found in the banking business. Uriiiistone Cures Diphtheria. A few years ago, when diphthe ria was raging in England, a gen tleman accompanied the celebrated Doctor Field on his rounds to wit ness the so called "wonderful cures" which he performed, . while the patients of others were dropping ou all side's. All he took with him was powder of sulphur and a quill, and with these he cured every patient without exception!, that is, he put a teaspoon ful of Hour of brimstoue into a. wine glass ot water, and Stirred it -with his finger instead of a spoon, as sulphur does not readily amalgamate v.itn water, and on the sulphur becom ing well mixed he gave it as a gar gle, and in ten minutes the patieut was out . of danger, as brimstone kills every species of fungus in man, beast and plant in a few min utes. Instead of spitting out the gargle, he recommended the swal lowing of it, and, in extreme cases, in which he had called just in the nick of time, when the fungus was too nc.Wiy-vlosi ng to allow the gar gling, he blew fhesmpVjVX through a quill into the throat, aud aft(4 the fungus had shrunk to allow it, t hen the gargling. He never lost a pa tient from diphtheria: Or if the patient cannot gargle, take a live coal, put it on a shovel and sprinkle a spoonful or" two of the brimstone at a time upon .it, let the sufferer innate it, holding the head over it and the fungus will die. London Larcet. A sensible negro preacher iii the of race lo Rtick tothe farm An exchange, taking up the ser mon of that minister truly says: The negro is a born farmer and agriculture suits him better than any .other occupation. Herein is one field at least in which he has j an equal chance with the white man and in which there can be no pos sible discrimination against him. In business, in the professions, in the industrial world the color of his skin is often against him and J ( he viu. fl?ht r,ice p:.elKice j jis j aotrue of the farm. V'! IJu are ma(le hv a biacv va an or a white ..,. Ko.iMo ii,0 10, 1 11 . 1. ii .iisiirii. ..11: Ij'-ji -rt rvt.i . ---- - ; -w who tiiUi know W W nt tnos things. t On the 1 7th the new treaty be- tweTii the U. f4c and Japan, which n,iS in Vovembev of 1 sol went into effect. This, with other treaties between Japan ami nearly 'i ilerc .-n tlm (.imnli'ips vt -KiiroTiA iiniilC .111 IIVj 't.itl.J ' ' . . -- ..'-. - some iine oouiu vi:ii;i-itii iri-uiF- 1:,rks a new em in .Japan's i.n.. t 11.' -. . : . .i . . history, and furthef v - i 5Jf 1 lf'-O" JlP-L ; a the-. iole which she t a. f 0v j litorialitV will be annulled. The care to accent jrifts. He will live ith iil! ' I j..-. - ! ! The People Improving. Certain readers of The Post in these parts were no doubt chagrin ed as well as shocked by the state ment in 'yesterday's issue that the Southern Railway Company had increased the wages of certain of its employees and would soon in crease those of others, to a late generallyequal, in some particulars higher than ever before in use on this company's line, or those which now compose its properties. Yet this advance has been made by the Southern and voluntarily, too. No strike has been threatened, this great Southeru corporation aud its employees get along harmoniously together, and, as conditions justify, each considers the othFs interest. We congratulate the employees, as well as the Southern; we con gratulate our people that their con dition has so improved that the in creased receipts of the company justify it in increasing the wages of those whose faithful work enables it to give the snperb sarvice now enjoyed by the people who have to patronize it. Without this im proved condition of the general pub lic, the income . of the company would have continued contracted, which of course Would have kept the wages of the employees down. The public, therefore, whose in creased patronage has made this voluntary increase of wages possi ble deserve to be congratulated along w ith the wage-earners and their employer, the company And mind, there has leen no ad vance in rates for freight or travel. The increased business, which jus tifies this increase of wages is the direct result ot the service on the part of the company, and the improved condition of the gen eral public, whose condition, first and last, determines the ability of this aud all other compruiesof kin dred character to pay either good or low prices. The Post rejoices at the prosper ity of this and all other corpora tions and enterprises, knowing, as we do, that their improvement orj prosperity means a corresponding improvement and prosperity of th6 people. The one cannot possibly occur without the other. Raleigh Post, 29 th. "Work and Hope. Yes, work and hope. The out look may be dark, the time maybe threatening; but while God lives it cannot but be well with the hope ful, believing, trustful well-doer. True, times and things might be better; they might be worse, also. Despairing never changes anything for the better, but hopeful working docs. Look upon the bright side. If you do not see it hunt for it. Bring a llowcr wlitn you come home from vouriUnvlWwA1 -Vrr-wWi u. sfiffleTToV T wife, your inotaer, your sisterJr your daughter, it will cheer them, and make thm feel that life Is worth living; then in return they will smile up ii and e.hpi- von.' Fill vour home with lr.vin.rKmibs L-hut words. 1 1 pi rd'nl deeds, and then hope will well up thing except the propensity of iu vour oul. Thore is love alli'hc Democrat to do silly things sbout us, if we will but make our- M times Mhen such silliness is ck fielves lovable: there is plenty 0fi Pecially liable to harm tliem will Anmrwciatiim near bv. if we will but 'do something worthy of apprecia "II 7 - . tion. The Avorld is not going to smash, and we are not going to be cast out to die of starvation if we but do as well as we may. There fore, work rud hope. Religions Telescope. j A Man With An Opinion. j A man with an opion and the i courage to express it is a man who ! is valuable to a community. It does not matter where he stands whether behind the counter, orin!"! ' " V1 ""'-V i 1 Ki,i, ,i iiyt. ! stall last night that he is contlidea pulpit. If he thinks and has the cour:if?e to back up his thouiihts clJIM. IJIV iuiviii',-iiv v v.'i v'.i j them he is vorth a th times inorif thai 1 iwki. tlifv, 'K1 . . ' linarer or tlur Ji vnocrite w ! . .-.. "x . f-.- .11 Hint. 'ilkf. I.i, r I. ii. : honesJe-'opinion is to-day an' to- -morrow, .vna 11 a new spaocr wu ; tor or a politician is lor the single i standard let him have the right to , that opimmi. We Mill not in the ; yi-' ' ,e shall most surely respect his pinion and not call names or imiinuni - - - threaten to stop the pajr because . . - 11 1 1 W W X l, iv IAuuivu, i.m upwuii ' three moutns ot very clever work ; ""the part cf the artist In size, p nntmg two days Delore 11 as uf.fcftie.-!. . The fight is to 1h made in North Carolina, not so much againsl the Amendment, but for fair and hon est elections. Give us a fair Imllot aud a fair count and the people will justly decide the matter of the con stitutional amend inch t and all oth er questions. Vox iorrj.r, vox. DEI. Union Republican. Probably not many people arc aware that the coal mined in the United States annually is worth more than three times as much as the gold mined hero. . The product of t lie anthracite fields alone ex ceeds in value the output of the gold mines in this country, Canada and Alaskn which last year amounted to over .r0,000,000. A Texas paper st.tt'cs that Jen nie Robinson, colored, of Burison county, that state, weighs 417 pounds, ami she recently lifted a piece of machinery which five brawny negros had vainly attempt ed to raise. She was riding a stub loru mustang last week, which rc: fused to cross a bridge. Jennie dismounted, tied he animal's legs, threw him oh her shoulder, carried him across the bi idge,and theucon: tinned her journey. The. Raleigh Post says tht mar ket value of the American wheat, corn and oat crops for 1890 would be, according to government esti- . mrtes ovor l,roo,ooo,000 at pres ent prices. And the cotton crop, at present prices, will add sonic 30,)00,000 more. Our farmers will have something to live on, at least. Eighteen hundred millions of dollars for one year's product of corn, wheat, oats and cotton, even at present prices, show what a stu pendous people we are. Genera1 Wood arrived at Santia go July 10, finding theyellow fever epidemic worse than he expected. He first ordered the removal of headquarters to Congo, a pleasant mountain village twenty miles north of Santiago. This will leaviwlho city with only a small guard 6T American troops and the Sanitary Department. He also ordered the i Paymaster to stp Ihe payment of troops during the epidemic, in or- der to prevent the money with which to buy lipior. . . , Bnrdcttc gives good advice, a follows. "There are young men that do not work, my son; but the world is not proud of them. It doeti not know their names, even, it sim ply speaks of t hem as old so-and-so'M boys. No lKlnMly likes them, no body hates them; tlie great busy world docn't even know that they are there. So find out what you want to be and do, son, and take off your coat and make a dust in the world. Tlie busier you ar, the less devcltrv vou will Ik? apt togetiuto, j the sweeter will be your sleep, the frtijhterand happier your holidays world be with yi." It is a r.olabl that there is less talk against what the Democrats have been calling "i imperialism" I t hail there Was a few weeks ago. lead anyb'xlv to believe that they ... ... wiildareto put an anti expansion plank into their platform next year. Morever, that the only courageous and intelligent anti -trust party irt the J'epublican party is lM'ginuing to dawn on tne minds of the most obtuse Democrats, and stop their demagogic howls about leagues lc tweenthe llcpublicansaiid tbecom bi nes. Nor 1 1 1 Ca rol i 11 ia n . A gentleman intimate with the passenger traffic out from Wilming ton oer the Atlantic Coast Liue roads jtold a n:cmbcr of The Star that fully one thousand tickets for ! P1,lts :Nonn (licts to Ol lltl? Will l' ill U estern lvnms. j- ive negnes vesie.uay V" Vork ami V ashingtou.- liming- 1 ln Star ; lmS.' i ri'i. k Ac ifit'l it l.l '! n ! 1"U 1 I If TP V negroes who are republicans, an hhu ,iiim ""'i)'"1" "'" " safe from the battle axeedge ol tlie : 111.1e11d1.1cnt as I , I-kmu l.an.p- vi prrserving si-r-i sr rigms to m- ;:..i::i:.