TaI? 8ho.7ld TemembSTttTtliourr " lands of iand-organ . players in this country who have not been nd feel mollified. ANOTHER NEW COTTON MILL1 The kissing bug has changed his name from picipes melanolesthes to coronorhnms sanguisugus. This re doubles the snspidiou that he is mm. cutting his depredations under a bunch Cabafrus county oi aliases. STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY- 0?rnf.i Breaks all Records From Point of Attendance. Hhe University opened Monday with an aenaanee that breaks all rp.-orda Mill is the name of this latest pvt- v- Def 're cr iQce t&e war. Four nun prise. Its location is fi..rnr.i dred and seventeen st.udnta ,hM afternoon. This Larse Manufacturing Plant to Be Located et Mount Pleasant, Another new cotton mill was granted articles of incorporation by the seer- j i cvate. ne "TuscarbrA rnifo THE EXPOBTFAIB OH r; National Exhibition in Philadelphia Be gun With Dedicatory Ceremonies. The precocious four-year-ojd Illinois boy who reads the newspapers and standard authors may develop into an able man, but the chances are against him. The law of nature is that ex treme precocity is followed by early ueaia or weaicening of the mental physical pow.ers. and Notwithstanding the recent expul sion of Mormon missionaries from Germany, "the activity of that church m seeding to make European - A-tol n 1 - con- lne ammirt, of r. aay be increased to $100,000. The in corporators are: L. J. Foil, J. w Can non, Paul Barringer and A. N. James. ine annual meeting will be held lh second. Tuesday in September. The business proposed is the mannfart,, and sale of cotton, cotton good?, van;, thread and woven cotton, silk or hum, elf her spun or woven. Within a ra.Hu cr seventy-five miles of the site of (he 6. eat laaKin river power Plant now being building there axe at present no le?s than eighty-three cotton mills alone, to which power could be sup" plied. Some of these mills now, and are situated cr. nthor nmv0r istered by Saturdav is a gain of eighty-two over last year .1 at vms -time, great as the numbers tnen a gain of twenty-five persons, cent. There are one (hundred and ninety seven new students already registered. presenting eighty-seven counties. eleven states and Japan. There is a notable increase in law and medicine. The men are well prepared and enter i no regular courses reflecting great crenit on preparatory sohoois. .ujiuluSi5 die mu ana tne town PRESIDENT STARTS MACHINERY,! RECALLED FROM MANILA lATAAFA TO iMcKINLEY, President Requests Commissioners Benby and Worcester to Return. Forwards the Relics of Lieutenant Lansdale, Killed in Samoa. TVorli of Establishlnj- Municipal Coveni merits Unexpectedly Interrupted 'a tive Tolice on Bury For First Time. 5Eoa ChlM-'"" - terto thefresident, Depiorin the Recent risbtlnff. MANILA Coventor Slnm ... KepresentaUre IF. F. Bepbun.. oi Iowa, Make Addresses-President 7-Ic- TCInlAV Kanrla U -U - - r5aSe-Large Crowds Witness the Opening; Ceremonies. Philadelphia, Penn. fcpeciali.-AViH, simple ceremonies the National Exnm-1 rv. position was formally opened, Governor Stone, Mayor Ashbridpe and tive Henbu rn fating r.nt it. .1 . is Ming rapidly. The beautiful Carr seises. A messae wa7 , - . - -4i trepi m New Can for the r,, ""u me paitan j ment to tteet tL -! Hht ior cars. The r. ,T ce " -"-"uaru bos Cr. r ino- 't; a,;; ' ;'mh ; r,p;r?i omosionaries Have msf n;i,i from Philadelphia for work in Eua land, Germany, Switzerland aud Scandinavia, t The New Orleans Daily Picayune commenting on the suggestions that the Philippines be made a penal colony says: "The forty-five States of thV ITmou have in their penitentiaries' many thousands of convicts. If all those who are serving long sentences were sent to a penal colony it mirht uoau ior mem and best for the country." creased plants. Especially is this tn;, of the Coolemee mills in Davie roimtv -:n cource ft erection, on the south Yadkin, where they ha-e an avail.-m horse power of several, thousand, T;?e laaism River company, which is erect ing this power plant at the Narrows, intends to erect an immense rn; uuimucries ttesides. The picked youth of the Stale are there, full of enthusi asm and ready to work. Every train brings many mere, and all next wee!: nae numbers will grow, students should come on ex- All delayed at once. Negro Girl K lied in Salisbury. Ada Bennett, a colored girl of about 17 years cf age, was rhct and instant'y killPtl at Sali'th xiu.j c!,jmiay nignt oy 3 mm somewhere near the plant, to de- Der0 named John Farrow whn rin monstrate the efficency and cheapness fo-r Mr. W. G. Newman. F.rrnw of electriciy as a power compared wiih the SM met near the corner cf Eranks team. land tnne etrcc.f. t, . wvv.ts. iiit engagea m conversation, and passers bv hear thn After Colored Recalls. irl ask Farrow to chanee -5m t . . I r- .1 J lieutenant Settle yesterday received lor B5r- He tooK the mcney about a orders to begin enlisting men for the I 1uar-er 3cd started off. and officially opening the great ernnQfrf, ' and then the large chorus and the and!. saner "Tim Stn- Sisanicj r. .. " "f"6iou iJctiiuer. acoiii - t"1"' l" marine P3na and the bi position organ. The first event, of the day was th Innrl Ipg of Kear-Admiral Sampson d h, officers of his squadron. The naval offloert ?r!re "II11.!0 the City Hall, where a Mayor Ashbndge's offlaethey met Govern!? Stone and his staff, the officers and dfree tors of the National v.t A,T,A!?'reL- the officers and trusteesof the Commeteii Museum, the officers nn Franklin Institute and about T haad -1 prominent citizens of vmiJ.J10: other cities. y'11' auu The exposition grounds t7ere thrown open to the public" at eiht o'clock and long before noon thnnwnS. t ttl ?u.1 entfire Whn " c"Pe nan began the auditorium was filled and anv The British naval mancwivres this year proved m an abstract way that a squadron cannot go out to meet aeon oy of food ships on the Atlantic and pring n mto port without the jleet being .r LU secure admissiou. Cn th. plat orm besides the State and city of ficials and the exposition authorities were Rear-Admiml Sampson and his oMmh LUO JJ I I 1 1 ( 1 m itT 1 f I 'n.n and 6?hf ollni-i two colored volunteer regiments. tho M11331 aQd said to him: "Vm, Hnn t Forty-eighth and Fortv-ninth. an to take my mcnev ; w0 Q" Forty-eighth will be stationed at Fort back acd -''Hush. Did ycu ay Thomas, Ky.. and the Forty-ninth at anythias to me?" Just as he said the Jefferson Barracks, near St.' Louis. wrds there. was the report of a pistol" Recruits can select either, but thnso and the girl fell to the trr.-mT.rf a enemy's having no preference will be sent to ber cf Perscas were passine.' all r,f nJL'Zi? st..n mad9 an address, wel tn ru;!hed itm rQ cr, aift,., j i. V7' ui!cpmi toe hsdo- many prominent business men of the citv a la the absence of P. A. B. Wideneml aent or the exposition, First Vice President W. W.Foulkrod made the formal address turning the exposition over to Govern? T.o ,v. I U'hnra j. . . " T"1 tuo visit, me uujy ty tne spot where the I fLl".?n an(1 turning it over to the li-,Xt I'nuarlfiln iln J w signted. This is wn Fort Thnm eiiancn en far n i 1 . i . . . .. o--". jjrwy res- i ' a'umis iu ub rajspfi artri tnov i am jr. .1 vv i.nno- iv. SOnmc "Rno-l-hTv. l , . - nriii r..n.,.. . . . I ! . & was Ui lna I Mavor AhhrM .. i, "ows m nis heart r'1 ww nuea very quickly, """er. me girl breathed for a few tion from the GovVrnn 3 , ru exPsi tnat the best Dossiblfisnforr,.!- - The recently aonoint.Pd nninrax minutes hnt Tifn A... I tan w i -.n?t,1Qa KeP-esen ,- . -aungmnsi , , . . V v' cio piucauy ex- -77. " n;.; 7' "Tu;ir.ni.01 10w; cha yati0a m war time ig Americ guoa win. The list of physical ahnnrmiit,- which have been credited from time u wuie to tne riders of the wheel now been increased by the discov OI IU6 "blCVClfl fnnt. " rn. v -WW. iui an r , 7 . 1 ProD?Diy assigned om tne moment th hall struck state and ' PorXn uommittee on later- uCil, itxruit. ana it so offices may r " flaring passed through her tioa or the day. Ho TdweTt rnnon nV. f be opened in Durham or Winsr heart. Farrow .J T 57, , 7," trade and t& fflZH.0? 1 Graham's New Factory. the wheel Tia, L ese are r0S times, and the wis wheel has Scott Melane jIanufactupi ComMrv ery of Graham, manufacturers nf m-Pr.-n O 1." I I . . . .--.v., affliction doAR nnt ua,c.UJlblvn eir Quarters and have . " irom century nearly compleated a large UuiiuS, uut returnea wth ono ,rf t,fl Mesa-3. Newman. He said the shoot- " 'iL-tiaentai; that he was flour- Wiuus le Pisxoi as a bluff, when went cif. The man placed in jail. was arrested and Ki,...Tedlot on pronounced bvAr..h. ;,,u -nyn, or tDis city, after whioh fh fid!!!95Se was ?ead!6 AtThe Slosl uo Diwuses meanninr nm m.. 1 . 1 - " .. -. uulu. in open to the public, and VhT r X 1 u..7. "mes rifleshots; no casu ffUesta fninooJ i" ........ I'"ioui and exhibits. """ Krounaa Sd'fbV House. (By Cable).-Colonel Charles Wbiotov, V. C. (Special).-Mr. John Denby and Professor Dean Worcester, eortrn Leigb, a corresponuouiw tae ion mem ten of the Philippine Commission, ion Times, who is returning to Encland have received instructions from President I from Samoa, called on President UeEtaley McKinley asking them to return as soon as nd delivered to him oien nuui 4iuia, nossibJe. 'he denosed King of Samoa, concerning a I . M rH lia The Commissioners had just moved into watch found nt the place woere lieutenant , , r.ew omces ananaa exDectniitoern 1 r.nnada a una v..-..u, w iu- r " I ... wrn-j 1 montbs working on the establishment of I United States aavy. m munieiDal crovernment. I if Matnn.ru a nnnBro" ias,. The watch was benevou Freriy Df eitber Landsdale or Monssrhan and Ma t.r. anfmated It to Mr. Leigh for deliv- PrAident McKinley. 'When Mr. Leih was In San Franciaoo he showed the ratch to Mrs. jjansamo. tuo wiuuw ot tlie officer, who identinoa u as oeioosrinit "o ber late nusuui. w nuueu 4i fha vr.it nh to Mrs. Lansdale and ex- ,-Uined the circumstances wnu uere. me Ptter from Mataafa follows: To Ilis Excellen"y William McKinley, President of the unueu btates or Amer . "Vour E.rcellencv: I have been informed :hat a watch has been found by one of my people which Is believed to nave belonged :o Lieutenant Lansaaie or .ensign J. it. ifonaghan. who were unhappily killed In attle at Vaflele on April 1. 1 nave learned !iat 31 r. Leiarh Is about to leave Samoa for Itnerica, and I have asked him to convey he watch to your txaeueacy in tne nopo :lat you win cause n 10 oe lorwaraea to :he bereaved motner or nenrest reintlre of :he brave and much-lamented officer. "Mr. Leijjh will tell you that I have sin jorely deplored the sad, untimely death of :bejtrav8 officers and men who came from America and perished in the late unhappy 'useless) war. My sorrow Is the more be ;ause of the great friendship which your treat country has in the put extended to jamon. I am especially anxious that this ihould be made known to the sadly stricken mothers und relatives. "May it be the will of God that there will aever again bo strife between America and the Sa moans, and tbat the thrco powers trill recognize my submission to their will and desire for good jrovernmeat. I pray that God may give yoa long life. 'T. J. Mataafa." Mr. McKinley, in course of conversation frith Mr. Loigh, expressed himself much srratifled with this proof of Mataafa'. :uougDtiui Humanity, and said that It would afford him more than ordinary Measure to personally respond to the etter. He very warmly thanked Mr. Leigh for his action in the matter and for paving personally conveyed the relics to Mrs. Lansdale. nd Foundry Com,... iori50 refrir.r J b8s . proved bo,r2' C." o ft ordered. .i" The F5altimoie k fj. u J received In nT. .iCC cafg w win yj go, and when th "ered. will 1 the I.Vnrrn . TO SIC 0twtv b in th. c.i. .. . . fcU lift Thetusbandiaidto hi. . ' , we co. or do we not so " " Thecood wife r.r..,.. Provided we co bv , 7' cir Above al, do not K lb? rhii i ',f great event. They will ti,uk ..V n eats, in tic ywsto ,t.a,. r''C'' at one and one-third ttn ton,?1' an rsu or hV yorfoll: n.i ... ' Tickets on sale !h.r weather an:! r.rfo ' ' f - . ! , to return until o-tor aarantac of the Air Lino to tho most stiv r- otism cf the cnturr. "' ol:!; V PEOFESSOE DBAS WOSCESTES. It is understood here that the return of the two members of the Philippine Com mission remaining in Manila is In order to advise the President respecting the verv latest aspect of affair an that i, gresLe informatIon in his message to Con- The Filipino police, numbering 250 men. each armed with a revolver and club went on duty for the first time at Manila a few --j" "r.". a "a luito is oonrrouea by the Luneta1 !rars,la,3 and was "viewed on the SfrMKES A POpiii , . nineteenth district V v v e i"-to ua-sca! pr-mirV;;, pa?r?t(. nf A SHARP NAVAt FIGHT. A Filipino Schooner Sank by the Con boat Faraua. WASHtKGTON. D. C. ,RnMn Tk. lowing dispatch was received at the Navv Department: "MAKII.A "Secretary of Navy, Washington: posc-J by him, yn, ".,s7,v t:: ir-Tciscs sr he -n 1 tita T Vi 1 . " ' a. i..c Ji::Fcr:2r.r:? of the . a year will be acd to the C th Fa:e frcn the tit ir v. "ty Will t3 thS frn-i.-'-,. . ports sharp engagement at Balomao. ridinar or from tha e , uau" ui ecorenmg It is caused by wearing shoes with . MlM too thin to protect the feet from thfi iafa i n -? r7i . a amwiuoui, m aismouutiao ftr, i .1 A f iau 10 nainsr over rough ,,m.. loocis called flat-foot" hTr iin;A.l . j -"'siti ciijercs and n 1 c.. t crS WhO Can nfFnvA . . . . : - use terms of me Presbyterian Svrmd nt ntvt. xormiaabie phraseology. Carolina will convene in Asheville 0:. tne 10th of two sfrirv- 1 1 1 r , ... ' u-icii iactory, 7osl30 feet. This busi ness was begun only a few years ago and the great success which it has met shows what can be done in the old North State by men of the '-get up and set" spirit. Eeturni j . 1 1 1 1 1 r-1 3. n n -rwrt I .-nv. A . I . . LUii- Americans irom abroad nue its session for uv.i v, t eecm unanimous in the omninn 4i, is-expected that ahnt onn 1'. . 1 . - vua.U I .y, ucic incites the only thing in the world that wil1 attend the meotine. Britain is afraid of is that the United 13rwln Q' Kouston has been appoint- btateswill steal away her marlr ea,Psar at Davidson. Government statistics for ih Jli":" downed ealyearcive h.f..i . ..... " s . U3 eacn oa Saturday, ih pM-n0t, 1 A I e,u"u-LU ui uuiei justice JJiar the British alarm. Not nnW,r. shall. v f O I Key and Company Compromised. TVinstom-Salerc. Special Captain R. B. Glenn, who returned from Wash- mfeCKj my Saturday morning savs that a ccmpromise was effected Friday m the case of Key & Co., the rectifying distillery firm cf Statesville, whose plant was recently eeized by revenue officers. The company offered ,tr - v w f-'i. tne government $2,400 for exemption from prosecution for alleged irregu larities. ' Collector Harking recom mended that this offer be accepted and Captain Glenn succeeded in getting an order issued releasing Key & Co 'a property. 8 pressed the telegraph key whic the machinery of the Exposition a started SCHLEY CETS A SEA COMMAND, lift ST. tti , . , AaKe CIlargo of tIje South Atlantic Station. Washikgto.v, D. C. (Special).-Bear-Admiral Schley some time a.so nnnU t m, Navy Department for s.i m... ISavy Department has notified him to hold latatlS t?-COmmaQd " South aitios. Paragua silenced in AIT rrvAnf a A wenty minutes; range from 400 to 900 jaras. Occasion. capture Filipino schooner, which Davidson destroyed. fhT018 in tiie Pvlace of Masbato, uth of Luzon and nortn of VIsavae. sou CYCLONE STRIKES BERMUDA. Houses Unroofed and Blown Down, Tree. Uprooted and Boats Sunk. Islako of Beemcda (By Cable). -A ey- ntlPINOS STARVE OCK SAILORS. Lieutenant Gilmore and Hi Fourteen Comrades Get Only ltlce to Eat. WASHixoTojf.D. C. (Special).-News coa jernlng Lieutenant Gilmore and fourtn 31 tne enlisted men of the Yorktown who were captured by the Filipinos at Baler t ore than six months ago, ba reached r ,f,n letti" to mtry officials from their fellow officers iu the Islands The latest information comes throuirn n bpanish planter by the name of Garza, who was imprisoned hv the l subsequently made his escape! Oarzo said clonu swept over this island, doing heavy Hbati onfow "and louZ mrZ oamacre to Dnbh nnri I Bit.au. where thnv trara ,Kt.i-. . - ... w v on uaiai iuk oil ft Not Bupolantinor tlio T'i.--i. i. -. - r -o ugusu iraaer in sun fv-5ww tne wants of peoples " 7 ASia and Af"ca, but wc are --uug into his own home market o items which it has long been th British pride that England" beat th world. ' A good deal of attont: - , - "vxuuuu is oemc Philade phia, to the enforcement of the State law against food acIult txon. The Grand Jury at Philadelphia recently made a special presentment n the subject. inwhiT, it .iii x. ' u. ine 7;w'uon 01 toocl i a matter of such ir "P"nce to every member of o to prevent. Wfi DM Jr., pressed with a belief that while close" u. aeaters, the wholesaler and .trer should not be allowed to eseariA Jr. k . m, .7 luo CIOSe lamination John F. Rov,iand, a prominent 7-. publican of Rutherford countv. ha d- clared for the Constitutional Amend ment. The Bank of Madison has opened it uoors with Col. J. U. Gailowav HS m-o. ircnt "Vtrv. ri t.. cci.. Mm. v. nuum as vice-Dres-idcnt dtiu u. nagsdale as cashier. The Albemarle correspondent tV'th Charlotte Cbeserver says that (1 pv..." lev Ti-fsc- t- 1 1 . , ..-o eCx.lt;iM,eu L.j tne iate court ten into his pipe . v-u wl luc iiciiitt'niiary ior p?r jury. The Cartridge in His npe. A special from Greensboro to th Raleigh Post says: There was an explosion at the steam launary fcaturday morning that might easily have resulted fatally, though fortunately, no one was hurt. Mr. E A. Miller, the manager, was nuffvie u& ciay pipe when there was a bang and the pipe went, inrn thousand pieces. Upon investigation he found that seme one had put ha'f utizen nip.tr m-ri iuU.HUgC!, in, nacco box. and one nf his to- these had got- measilrea oliAnlJ i.. , , """mil ue xaKen and pnuish tj,a Xlliitj. uroaaegnotonlyofthe wmcn mat field is regarded there has come a more thorough ap the instruction of youth in that know! edge which is most conducive to sue -iT:lC0n7iSt- Itis-entha the old-fashioned" business collet does not go far enou-h in its bova 4 " " "OI SUmcieQfc to train v- uo uoouKeepers and "sse&uon mat Air. W. ( rtt Will pyfpnrl hie. nA j....... . IO i nu rn i now vo lne- millt n . ... " iuub oeyona Uarrhagf; to uieensboro. It would eivP boro connection with the Seaboard Air jjine. TVio r 1 ,uc "ituuiuoro ttecord says that since the SouthernRailway acquired the UUUI!-r-i ena of the Cane Vr ra i no isii . 1 i r-r-if :-i 11 1 1 -f l m flfr li n n t - , . urti ire-.gnt rates have gone uo R, fore the purchase, the rate on tobacco irom a south Carolina point t -i ... -cuLb, ana now it is 96. Tho tto it.;i . ."--wj imnKB rms a case for th Commissi-jn State Notes. et of Hickory Grove township, Mek ienburg county, was attacked bv .nit funated 1,,,. The bull threw him to the ground and errPri h,-m c i,.. thsthe died within fifteen mtentS asre to Dublie and r.rio.t,, ... Th... v f-vyviij. I meaffrn nnnnMIn -.r .1 oluiuI ueglla Wita a ra . . a.uea ai not more sa thaTthVcapes could jot stand such hardship and such fare much urns f.11 a . . luiiowea Dy a wind which blew with ?""Cft-n5 ' Then the principaT dTm- i r uoae- . mouses were unroofed and I 'oneer. e.n.tal aDd trees were destroyed' ive alrladT been ThaTiV , were asliel into the sea. 't;7a o iiX.- Baa telegraph poles and o i :r i"cini3 say IQar steps already been tn.b-n w x Annnf filU . , . i,CU- """uuio aaa nis party. SSE J35JB; NED FOR HICHWAY ROBBERY. able damaco t h 1 I v... ThACin. "TuT,""". tttP- . I " -"eatli In Virginia 1-p m.. JLXo.il. lll ill I if crnrnano n 1. a t I " - tanged for robbery k- uoatu h o kill 31a or J. h thant of Pulanti a a man was and several oubl e anIi618 Confession. were also damatred ..r.... Kichmoxd. Va. fKnAnn t.. . - . craft in thfl hn;r sraan I Ir , . . v-rv-t me nrst ashore nM sunK arisen I 'i1 luo history of Virginl Information from the dockyard savs the "..uij, uaujagea. ua Ireland n, Boaz islands evervthin " .5 ? ad iured The loss throu?bou the 7sl,nd is roughly estimated at .$1,000,000 PARCELS-POST REGULATIONS. vruer tisirt a.i 7 man changes With Germany. Washingtok, D. C. (Special). -Under the parcels-post convention negotiated be- larte ex'er.. Tfcr cc-;;;' t3in anerdmer.t; to ir.r mn:-. ihe occasion for the csMirc oil- esslcn rf th? fepuiaturr r, I " :n.-jairii. i;eniTor rord I? ycurg man, and has been kfr.' New York city politic? fr KLe" seven years. Already, howfver. - being talked cf as a poss'bl? ras lo for the mayoralty, all on th svjen en of the franchise tax nej?ur. k lad fats n Nothlna Sometmn t lJet I - w i Noah Flnley, a negro 'ant8' the Por maa has. thf:0,0 it Pulaski City for I ,pepds aad "ie peDdthrift si-?"1 SOUTHERN RAILWA City, for and attempting Ao,rsi, a mer- An immensn Ex- EEAR-ADMIEAt WIXFIELD S. SCHLEY. .lhe DePartment will make the command Vas to be nrlcnro lad' bedenaereeradWhh the 8Ctt y the Rev J H b er vices were held er, who IfteVrd' tBPt minis he Lord'a "!r Petition, repeated t.mtk.ir.u.,.. . I p. ,. -"f'-J"3'. X1D16V O nlmr tn in rna t ' r. ui lii eras i . o " " fuot uul weign I ana enfovedhoinn. v.L" "a "C jrtnne sts a iesa ii feir c; Ibutio Condensed Schedote of riWnrr pow. In Effect June llth. 1839 Itaxali Kos-thbouad. Corporation 5KRock iu re atauea is silu- y r .' h d ranri X" I MM V 1VS n n A. 1 . - , j ucsb oe tauo-ht tho broader principles on which the W rSlt0'dayi3 ducted. Thev boukl be educated with a view to b A local option election cently in the townsh county in which arys by G majortfy. R. L:eb," a jistlvp riov,-.-.- living torliatfiEoHiamtv tn. v friend cf foreign th, has leased two farms belonging to Musp. adjoining the well known Jcnea farm on Hominy, aid win'-' sume control at once. It i3 heIiSve"d these gentlemen win Mrr, .l.L stenog- w the most thorough style. ha v a issc -war things.-amons iramins in th . farming I " wu"l'.l1 wneie -aiming iS done scientifically of ne-e-ty.--A8heville Citizen.. ne' ben ahear fapc"ar accident that befell a. yo-ang ffian by harvesting Herbert J. Hirshinger. of Ohnn formerly second lieutenant of ,V' First North Carolina Volunteer-, who served on the staff of Gen. E. P per son in Cuba during: the -Snani. hss passed the examination for Bron 4 lieutenant in the Marine nom at.. Hirshinger was fourth in a class of o6 who took the examination. ,1' ulco,.j,, uctooer lS,r. William Huddleston, father of tr. eirl assaulted by Melville prr' 11 hs is going to bring suit againsVth county of Durham for several thoaw ang COnvir' when if . .. - diiegea that t- assault was committed. Fuddie eten claims that this was a violation c the law on jfce part, of the county tax Told a nel v " -.1 a failure. rnK- iac U1.",a." 51 were cast fe7tn;r.. .ut of To become a laViT J, ff a r1 ifc necessary for a majorTfy of 55?-e-6a tered votes to be effg Jnemt Nevi PINCREE TO LEAVE POLITICS. Hi, Announcement to Retire to Private Ufe Caused a Great Sensation. Dethoit, Mich. (Special). Governor Piugree has declared that he would not be a candidate for Mayor at the coming elec tion, and tbat he would retire from politics at the end of his present term as Governor to aevote himself ro his private busi ness. "I have dven n gi,, much of my tiaie to tne people as mey ougnv to ex pect orjhe,' said GovEENon FrwGEiE t ' an(1 when . . left thrn-mh .ui. chain LnfysiSoxltA.. business." ZOlMto my own private def?rffr-?erees announcement cf hi Sated ?Ka ? get out of Polities has created he greatest stir of years la Mich ! more. ho i " wsiga na entovert h,i . v.T"" ' cirjtnu nniinna . 1 - " v,iijt a 11 irnnravmaM parcels" for Germ7T w "" on ' "" W. was a imnii- ing 2 marks 40 nrmi. t Un,ted States, ffhen the drop felt -hi brIc Pavement everaftksSw4e0,?uet"n,g eaCh-' PCeI' bat-' ffitn thS S? Siff WW9 maybe collected Tof TI "wntangied in ordeA, 'iU-?tobe aiMSOT OI eacn 1 110a. """n oiranrrnia. Lv. Atlanta, C. T ATiaata, E. T. Norcrosa " Buford " ainesvlle... Lula Cornelia Ar.Mt.Airy: -" xoccoa. o.lJj0. 38 it c -r lr Plly. jQu f r . j. 7 60 a!i9 nn ml "TwA n (Lei Too p in Ui : . ...... . 7 J- 2 J3 d' 7 48d t I r 8 60 a 9 30 a 10 05 a 1035 a 10 68 1068 a J 42 n' 8 lOp fc .UJ a .(11 03 D 8 40p parcel mnnwi CAUSES A WniUIAH.e rfr.-.. I Alio On... . . -. Bira Turns oAe Cas, .nd Hs MJ.tres. !tt mA! Ia "earn navigation. Atpnyxlated. I . ""-uuecrure "d i u J.. . ' WashisW n o "the ocean ferrv. f h. -777. 7. a,sl0r Knottvtwenty-one years old. as tn nto port at vf-u ii!- .ne came " Central. 7. ' OreenvlllM Spartanburg. Jjarxners..... " Blacksbur.. 4uu( mi. . " Qastonia... L.v. Charlotte . . Ar . Greensboro Lv. Greensboro.. Ar. Norfolk le. Infhic if lyoyage. Sh6 Wa. ..:"V.,.um n maiden result ofan act of her pet parrot mturn! IX&X mTOT the distinction nf i"!."6.0611 belon near th. ?M5 v noor witJl bills I aIJoat. Measurin.. VlS .D,est thing evidenTlv .5 f"!!ds that of the old nT-Vlien?ta 8n air it could. While , hVk . w" Z?:10" 'eet. TLe o,"" a seriona .ni was in I -"og reoord "T"' umao that life had hnl"""!?- decided Coroner nrr -f77.V"'ur ae7eral.tiours. Ar. Richmond . I Ar. Washington. 2 Phladephla. . ew York . . . Southbound. county, last t,,i.. .. J - tie was wtirktftwct c"-Peu Bjumg on tne itnce rl)r ng the scythe and cradle on ground nearby with the cde of th! scythe up. By some demonstratp,! them tliA r. ii. ., -va militia of the States " Sreat service as a .appl.neot to ft J work of th e men with whom they ;W!Mf10n--teurtar -e acneme of the Xary Department Lfj' CUttiES th?onSh his Tho " a7 d J and with the est.! ent, lnto Ms f no. ana t 1,-. in . vuasi nne of whiL tf th6re 18 " iaPk work Beeves" f d' T ' W aelves for thls work. ,. nT; , "'""' valM.,,,-M brofe.ont cn Us Band. The do .vuvduj pn ro v .1. .... 1 -w mv. ixieLii .-.fTY :.7UC story of csherofcp- ai i-3 are bein xi-noi r" rCfiJ7"'"c,u-. iuere is an unnre county has there been Wan intSS m minerals i iv. " ii-ieresi ran. f Klch Aged Pair Bnrnsd- ohn MeCTintock and his f ir 1 Clintock, livin near Woree.', T. Y Strong reasons exist forteiie-Jv were first murderAd Tk 7u5Jla Ins rfrei were They were aged, aMeclTntL iS01--of the wealthfo ft "ntocK was od HeMSIW in the .section. before for "some" cowT He ria"?? tbe day in banlr Ue flaeed no monev r.1"?"" was summoned. He de!dd oiiiuci ror several hours 21135 was a former resident of Iowa. Nominated on the 399th Ball ot. reoord on u no M repotted, la". d9 'bat it is Iossible frtare.sold 'r ahead jailer tSSSSS ?r .ft?7a and anod-T." 'v.oocaia Iron Washington Lv. kichmond .7. LyanyUle . . IV. Norfrtiv " Ar. Qreensboro. . .14 03 p is p B-r I O El , llh : r 6 08 p . . ioei ' 5 2Sp . ' " '7 7 1 gaop sis p7!7 ic; &g P 10 47 pj CC. 8 20 a I b C r yap u m p! 42 a; Ti 8 00 a! !.?-, 10 15 al ill 18 43 ml . elj. - o.ll LZ " J "I tst.Ml Ves. Wo. 35 No. 37 UallT. Dallr. riJ5 !,4ij',p J O 08 p id am u 12 01 no T. .T mu tc.i... ... -'",iOlOUBenVll B Oh ft TT. n a I H, . "'"'HI nutea ror Concaes? hv t., t . I "ffure. rn,t 1 the Rirt.i.w,..: ' ' . "-i'u"cans ot , tor their V.,m n i Il?fnaces i' VU, ceden ted demand for th iiiCie Ja aDundance. The gradin talc which s uxi vne Sniifh and Georgia tHn " oaro"Da n . "-toa.tJXteilblOn TSHrnzri ve ,. .a..uo a rail oa i ixiarion Iv c tn tt. xrum vent Sir ? Ha3"es' to - S 1 bin Pn' about ltr' Tena ent falling, jumnpd i,-,r,i . M. t,-- aout ten days. Han fivH.. ' ."suuus on tiie 7:r.c employed.- it js t.hn .,7 "in foot to the bone A vsry peculiar C3e rf j,--?-- , . reported fm ""iCpnob About two v,a.s a- C0Ifity in. Play cLA "7- " dn '-ed in StanlycW Ped some foam on Little's h, ' 77 - ui ca 3S proved j-j . . board tn rnn7L. " ailC8 e Sea- InSane b Cisareltes. vigaimiBs at.tneratH nr ovdnev fiflrTon m i. .. 1 PatersonVKT H T ol cinations. He made a d"!" ""a oi naim. on his mother and desperate attack up countyaU to aStTn3 f omn?"ed to tne hissanity W Ifc aQ e2ination as to ttlBUie Methodists I.. America. ir1!1. America tHhere are seventy Primitive Methodist static with tbe samS numblr of miuistew and layout 7000 members. ions y-nlr . ... "toorIthf..7":",MOBrtS mpus fruit cron ::'"7ptoauco a enor- ssau.000,003. ' ""aiea to be Mr. McKlnle,., Weste tor Jones Jones Ta ks Politics. London, By Cable Senat, chairman rr n.. continent. He dp, . . tae , . tuai- nt? intends rn Tri'.. irresident W.R-.T.ia..;-i.'. e trip to Chicaeo ' October willbe supplemented by a Sort The National Game. H1Iwentniae Pla.vers have taken n,r- i the New Vork games. taea par,, la Youncr. or kk r.n...v i than any League pitcher? mre g3 iaere is little chan P ..... 10 tarre Force at Francisco. rrt "" auere are now 11,608 meS-fluartered ati :: ia SaQ FrwotaeVXul. in rsani.. I'ii-iisaaii.avi m iue unteer infunf tllR?" S?1 Pilies. and .-r""" turned Sob rfh? 6000 more i muster out. v aUa awaiting worth General Otl. N l-v. Oreensboro Ar. Charlotte . Lv.Gaatonla...'; - h3Mt- ., Central....-;; u &BeC I oecoa " to6'13 - 2!i?55iii::: "oreross 6 03 7 24 11 00 pUOOp 10a JP- 8 SO 9U I 7 05 J2 99 p a I una p i0O7 a iti1t, . . - ".'ic ju. starter! r. aiv, . muis to reein ' v-ayairv. fllirl .... . 1 a. raE - . . - v. vuoh Wansnin fill aon..,.x Jbeasue hPinr t.,,- T . "l awaqi vpqiiH t.-ii i , . -10 uEurat Alf" utiles r&'upfl tn , -'-o : oi m hpnlth u "i. ' ""tuisaa nex' season ....,.':. So?MaJJ Governmeni, Will Not Bovcot Govern 11 "i" that European exhlblVor. : C7iiga man' l'riv9 Minor Mention. Furs will be higher this winter th-n a nne or ai.i. .. v" 01 started in Berlin cmD,DU9e9 t'as fomedmtB0Is3;oDhlQS LsagU9 h A "goose trust" fi. 1.... . . or monopoly out WT ttiesi aoveiopment eWe?i" P tbe ax A.Pj coniSg-iSS ME -J?" ,n ol been been a - ua Ar. Atlanta, K.T llAt'antalaT 11 81 n'in'j' 4il nlAU I H 84 a 12 ao 2 28' 8 17" 4Q8 480 4M 5 25 10 o 10 183 p, IS p imp 8 18 p. a 0 p 7 87 a1. IsOtm iM5 a 1.1 vOpJTJ 8P I, . 712 d 7 IS p 7 S3 D 8 28 d 8 40 D V 10 D 1UUI p i ;t vea llj (v '7c 1. "as DasAd Woo I fr and coaches fC nposM of barr . r?"ier. ,t,his?M without rit.s Lv? wt7 ."lon fias issued - J. 4a7y t lerJrtni,Z...Ua dSfrii all ffnas. mn lt "1 vessels o. t'T ueans.i rfiir New York 4 lessVenar1 -bowing to. neverthi .$2Un?& 1. oeaiyron with the lSSWAW '-iTrai, and tW- persona rau, Neb-. The wrlPok &S& e f!r killed : L pi o sr n T br be rr hi 1 T 1V. )." DM ; tn hf, rr r.tii bln 1TR IVTWf. . v 1 1 nirvr TT rv .. -v..-, , Generm o. " " Adri..L " oao erf h o . 1 - .1 . .. 0 io & n x : is: at washinctnn --"v.trecary of War I m in .T "wpi'ai Major Mot0.8ead h" M advlle tSfk. l5?2SE2?S?- fteGeneraTLlebsl8t to Judge Ad voJ - Wandnl1 IwPvAtta and Moatr'al. Etpn, York .and Msm , eSta7eBor;"cn,o.l.. ST is na. 7 "l Of Calif orn, iV.thorouehT.J declariag that I for establishing fun solid betwm 2nt3 K fates Fast ) i;. via RoutWrfR,,hlntoa and Nawf 8tate7 ""u lUDculosl3 eater: nud ffiJtV"'W stlffV,' 1 A. JttV with n1Bra$atnaBJ-o,t?,u0i Iwoiaa J3art J msT aw I IIO I wwhinton7D TfTn rJFrotft'r.A Ik' - -vAUi. 411 1 ,