-1 MOCKSVILLE, N. C, WEDNESDAY MAY 2 1900. NO. 4 S 9K ft M l a A s to 2. K le Davie Record, WEDNESDAY. t H. 310URIS. Editor. orsrBScaiPTios: " - Orue Year, Mnnth.9. icopr-iUllVJ $1.00 50 MAY 2 Z900 Spcblicas ticket. For President 1900 WttJIAM McKINLET KJ ;VA of onio. For Vice-President. M ietSjcpbitchard rg ' OF SOBTU CAIiOLINA. o For Governor. OF GUII-FOKD. For Confess, 7th District, g WTT.LIAM A- BALL-bJ j OF DAVIE, gfr etsllave Liberty at Home. be disfranchised even should the 5th clause stand, and no man who prize his reputation as an atty can truthfully say that this amend ment is not intended to take away rights guaranteed uuder the consti tution of the United States. Leav ing this phase of -the question, and going on down to the next, wo find that the policies of all great par ties are knocked in to a cocked hat. because those policies are bs ed upon the idea of the betterment of the people, the increase of wealth, the mating of dollars therefore any party .which has in its plat form a plank which appeals to the love of nioney, one of the chief instincts of the hum anheart according to the contention deser ves to be repudiated by the people because the Bible says "money is the root of all evil." Now lets analize alittle further. The Truth. Index is an admirer of Mr. Bryan and favors his election, wh? Because he believes in f.kee silver and free silver will make more money, and more money will make better prices, and belter pri ces will give us more money, and to want .more monye and to want higher prices for what we sell is an "appeal to the lowest meanest instincts" of our fallen corrupt na ture" therefore to favor Mr. Bryan and his policies i according to the Truth Index, all wrong, because of the appeal to the lowest instincts of our nature. The argument cf our contemporary puts i;,- in a boat between the devil and the deep blue sea., without a hope for the betterment of mankind. The Democratic parly as a party ds for liberty and self govern - it ami sympathizes with ah ieeveiy-wlere, who are strug- g for the attainment ct tnese. lemocrats think that others jean inalienable right to what demand themselves, vv e re- i to belong; to a party the vast fcriiy of which applies the sn- j policy of the party which holds out eruleol ethics to tuis que-j M: i,,rli.t for th betterment of the great masses of the people, and which we can re ly upon from past experience, is the party which all persons, who desire to sec prosperity con tinue, and plenty and abundance ami entertain tne principal: atoever ve would that men jo you. do ye even so to them." fe received recently from a ii boric? tow j a communication . ed from the Charlotte Obser- writteu by a professed . Demo . but, one, we are glad to say does not hold with the major, tut with ibe few of Cue party. are, in uiuuy things, in sym - ly with the Republican party - iinj; the Philippine policy of administration, The argu of the wriitr was base ! upon lollur, and the great eoaiiner- opportanitv it aiTords the h in particular and the coun- i jeneral. iiautiiiig all he s- the ap- wt the lowest meanest -in-Its of our fall u, corrupt na--"the love of money" which ghe root of all evil. Truth f ladtna above taken irom a fccratic paper published in pry, and compare it with jpon f the Simmons machine s State, at this time- Self praent uiu'ot be given to the I Eicaas, Sandwich Islands. Jlie Uolo men of the Philipp jSoiue of whom fig'it with h and go half necked, and fa of them can speak English pny not even Spanish, al the Spaniards have had !sion of most of the islands Feral hundred years. These r to us and our Dem- F frinds are in deed, solicit- I'ioui the Spanish neiroes, J and self government, while f very time they are tryirg to wavea and earth to aceom tLeir refainous irame in M'arolina and other States, the ballot from a pcause he is too poor to p. f W tax, that he must be able fa section of the consiitu ftbeEaglish language or he vte. Yet these Spanish f 3 saould be taken in as full :iCiliw, '-atseverye batmen do to you. do ve P totLe;a,"and yet vou and worn crowd want . -t-uuoerues of the ior f0l them because thev are faa illiterate. If vn Mr Uex wre poor and il!itr. f had a knaiiy of children Wm poverty, but who lar- Pr state, loved hi peir . , n ,j -..muicui, uuiu. you nPb)the polls in Ant F your vcte to take am nts ofesehovs of vonra. causa ihw :. . . : athtr was unable to sive V education! The Bible , ? l,oor ye shall have ;Ys." If this b0 true, "i tute men out." Down with Simmonism in fair Carolina. Washington D?i C. April 28. Chairman Republican Convention Mocksville N. C, I send greetings to the Republicans of Davie county and wish them harmony and suc cess. Jas. E, Boyd. Republican Coiisty Cohven-tion. The Republicans of Davie coun ty assemble! in the court house at Mocksviile on lai Saturday, and E. II. 21 orris was elected chairman and C. M. Sheet secretary. Every township in the county was repre sented. The tallowing delegates were elected to the state conven tion. C. G. Bailey and W. A. Bailey alternates, C. F. Sheak and J. Smithdeal, to the Congressional convention, C, G. Bailey and G. W. Sheek. Alternates j". F. Moore and M. D. Kimbrough. To the District convention M. D. Kim brough aud W. C. T.hite, alter nates A It. Fitzgerald and G. L. White. To the Senatoral conven tion Dr. J. M. Cain and J. m. Far dies, alternates R. A. Stroud and C. L. Weir. The Hon. John H. Dobson of Surry was present and delivered an unanswerable speech against the eieyUon law and amendment, which was well received an ap plauded to the echo. The con ven tion by a rising vote thanked Mr. Dobson for his able speech and af ter adopting the following resolu tiona adjourned.. The Republicans of Davie coun ty in convention do resolve. 1st. We point with pride to the administration of Presideut AleKinley for the tulltilLjient of its pledges to the people which has brought prosperity t.i our en tire country. YV heartly indorse the foreign polici of the govern meut in its intention of th-j terri tory brought to U3 through, the bravery of our sohliers in the 1-te war. While we d. plore war, yet we believe in standing by and up- to.8mile all over this great country ! holding our government in its ed' of jars. Such a Party is tlie Re pubii'.'au party, and the pe;pie can see and feel without being toid that brains, are in control at Wash ington, and not idle dreams; not visionary rain-bo y chasers, but men who love their country, and desire and labor for its upbuilding and for its present sad future prosperity. Siiiiioxs Taxts Money oris to restore order and establish a stable government for Island pos sessions. We believe that the fu ture prosperity of our country de pends in a great measure on for eign commerce, especially with the orient and we endorse every e'l rt made by oar government to in crease and develop our foreign trade, thereby insuring a bsller market and higher prices for our products a.id manufactures, an! the enhanceiueut of the price ot labor. 2nd. Yre endorse the patriotic devotion to the people, of Senator J. C. Pritchard and o;ir represen- j t;,tive Hon. R. . Z. L nuey. They ( Any sum from one dollar up, and will be gladly receive I, and j have al,jy and fearlessly repr scknowieJged.- We shall UDt-Lii h n.tifl apM.rva th of North Carolina. Perfidy. A 10-cent editor and politician wants to know of the Populists who are criticising the Democrats tor turning Mebane down why the Populist convention did not nomi nate Mebane. The Populist would have been foolish to nominate him after he had permitted designing Goebelities to "do him" by getting him to write a letter and de-dare that henceforth (in order to get the Demos rati e nomination die was no longer an independent, and would not allow his name used by any convention except the Demo eratie convention, While Mr. Mebane has made a splendid ofli cer he is not a politician and did' nt understand the trap until be was led into it. Poor Mebane! We feel sorry for him, Ue was tem pted by the Democratic machine and, and he fell. Our Home Paper. The treatment accorded Supt. Mebane at the Democratic conven tiou at Raleigh was the consumma tion of a dishonerable and disrep. ulable scheme, if the truth eoul d be known no doubt Mebane was ! feared by the machine as au oppo- aiton candidate, and this trap wad set to get rid of him, and he walk ed in and lost. In 1;08 a trap was set for the independent voter, and promises and pledges and afil davits were made to convince them that no disfranchising scheme would be resorted to by the Demo crats. Behold the resu'.i. The picture is bsfoie you, do you like it? ' AMERICA'S REPRESENTATIVE FASHION MAGAZINE THE DESIGNER Published flonthly & 4? & v 9 V 3? & WITH HANDSOME COLORED PLATES." ALSO ILLUSTRATES THE CELEDRATCD. Standard Patterns The only reliable patterns, because thsy allow ssams. Subscription Price: 1.00ayear. 10 cents far sirfc capics. CANVASSERS WAITED FOR THIS FUDLICATIOr;, Record Free Gifts, 1 Set of Furniture Jo pieces.) 1 Sewing: Machine. .1 Stove. 1 Chattanooga Plow. 1 I3raiiiton Sliot Gun. One dollar pavs for the Liberal csg!i ccnusshn. Writs fur sampis copy asd Icrtns to Subscrip tion Department, THE DESIGNER, 33 West 14th St., New York Cit 1 V X T" WX uijuiy uiu v.vnr ana you XOT1CE. Bv "irture of an order made by A. T. Grant, Sr., C. S. C, I will sell at public auction at the court house door in the town cf 3Iocks- EYE SPECIALIST. Ofiice over Jacobs" Clothinjj Storo, vixstox, x. (; attempt to conceal the truth. The present conditions are serious, and needs urgent. Let every man do his duty. Raleigh Post T .e calf rope has been called for, and unless relief is immediately given our friends, the enemy will go down in ignonimoss defeat. The leaven is working, the people are being aroused, they have caught on to Mr. Simmons designs, and money is not going to purchase the birth right of citizenship in North Carolina. The Democratic party led by designing men has plotted to oi erth row popular gov eminent ia tn's State, they prom ised and pledged themselves to not interfere with the franchise if el ected in 1803- What have they done" They have placed upon the statute, book one of the most unfair, yes, one of the m:st infa rarjs election laws ever enacted by a free, liberty loving people. They did .-not stop there, but have sub mitted and amendment to the con stitution .which, will deny o every man to poor to pay his poll tax his right to voe, and should the courts Bbt aside the oth section o: the amend meni and leave tho. re mainder standing, every white man wbo cannot read and write will have cast his last vote. The peo ple who are able to contribute money for legitimate campaign purposes, are going to be slow to contribute teir money this year to a crowd bent on taking away the liberties and rights ot their less fortiin&tc friends and neighbors. Millions for the rights and , liber- represeui- ed the people, and deserve the en tire confidence of our people. 3rd. We denounce the Demo cratic. party for its attempt to sub vert the constitution of tue United States and destroy popular govern ment in this State by attempting to deprive a large miaiber of the citizens ot t -eir rights and liber ties after most- solemn pledges and prorsrises made during the cam paign of.ItiOS. not to do so. We father denounce them for repeal ing cue of the fairest election laws ever made in the state and replae- WilATS A T2AJTQ3. V We don't want to !e considered earning, b it. we would really like to be informed now a man can bQ guilty of treason or rebellion a gaint a corstitatioa wLiui is ex pressly deela d to aim. idkin Tim 3. We be lieve that tho generally accepted deanati :u of "tk uxoii" is, "One wjio esing - tsjistud BETRAYS. l3UeuiJ.:c Arabia sj a trusted officer, but he betrayed his trut, and joined with the enemies of his country and ended his life in Engiaud. Aguinaldo was a trusted o.Ticvr of the rhilip pineo and he joined Admiral Dew ey in crushing Spaaisa . authority at Manila. After victory was gained and Spain crushed he turn ed traitor to his trusted ally, and made war against the re.-oguized authority of the United States. PKOSPiiS'iTY. vill ?, X. C, on Monday the 4th day of June 11)00, the following real estate; adjoining the lands of Lewis Harper, et al., and bounded as follows to . wit: Beginning at a stone, Lewis Harper's corner, W. 20 poles and 15 Jinks to a stone in Pott's line; thence S. 70 degrees W., ?? 1 poles and L.. to a stone in Pott's line; thence E. 15 degrees X., 20 poles and 20 links to astout (to the beginning containing two 1 acres, J.U0 poies more or less. Tanjis oe Wale: :25,(0 cash, balance on .six. months time, with vvjud' and approved securhy; in trot at C per cent from day of sale fnle reserved till purchase money is rjayl. - This 2nd day" of May 1000. '.LuOS. . (..ai.i...il. n Adnir. ofO.il. Lippard., Eircct Lina to all Points. get two tickets; ,50 els. lor six months, and you got one tir& Send in your sub.'.cnpUon 1 Ldet the paper dining the iff? eam'aign REFURNISHED. UNDER NEW , MANAGEMENT. RATES, $1.00 PSB DAT. J. II. Ramsey, Prop'r. Main St. SALhSEUiiY, .N. c DR. F. G- CHEEK- Reirdnston Singlo Barrel Breech Loading Gun, - $S.50 Others .... .r0f jjo.0' ' Loaded Shells, ,'i."c a box. Shot, 7c. per pouud. Primers, 12c. a bow All Other (Joods Equally Lot? P. M. rwOUEU'DS, 415 Liberty i'lrcct, VilNTON, X. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY, niE , . . STANDARD RA ILW A Y OF THE SOUTH. A 1't.oruey. v v 9 El n-; el"". I'nt.brif jtl.'' . f UK ' O.li!-o.'.;i? ,1 v(V!!i-C :..-l8.a:l!! Uftit- I i. ail Iliu tei! joibooUs. v ( , is,:t in? (itlsor f. '.-.-.'.mm li'P i!':n-i?t'l-. P'rli'il: I. .!- 1 r;'3io;.':.l iiuiii, isiiti Si.il- St Fodder, gocd, is quick sale at d, 25 delivered Uer3. ?oru w now frVeeats ana scarce at that. Britic in some, fiirraeri. Yadkin Ripple. We congratulate our Yadkin courdv friends upon the stfde o! affairs which the above shows ex;st Its an object lesson to us all, Mc- Kinley prosperity goes lolling on 9 Tho Z?c-r Orleans PIcsyvno It et-m!s now n nioni'incnt ( i p- irr it- ifiHi T"'J rtl 7St T law. With bull pc-- attachments, in anions in 1 Do you reaiember how it was under Mr. ClevelaiKis aaministrauouj If you do, don't forget it when you g 71 Vd BEST FCU PRACTICAL Uii. X 6 It is easy to find vcri! v.-ntaed. 6 rS t ia csy ta Bscertaiti t he r"f-n;inci3tion. C- i It is easy to trcco lle j:rov ih ot t vt-rd. ? 5 It i3 easv to lean: wittit a v,-crd t.ic:zi. O s : o -VTib s :::: v l!:-L.:i:M.t soUoiarihiu, uiul uiwlr 1 s..iii. . ; n Y c iof Mi't v(i:,i!!uto iniU UiL-iul v.oriui ever O Q 'ujlitiliii l:.:3 ':gui.j-: Q o O 0 GLT Ttill, PHST. 6 tjf Specimen pages sent ax a.ppi'.r.aVf.v. 'c r 2 O. & C. KERRTAZICO., rnblinhera, 5 Gpringeid,3Zas3.t U. &.A. X imanes." AU s..u:b03t:cK.briuTiaciit3of the International in lis vanou3 eizcs bear our traue-inax on the front corer a3 shown i a tlio cuts. X CAUTION. rvcl 9 cI'cd V Aster's Dlc;i: WE-.trrs , ACADEMIC , I flaMSCtTOi I .OCM2M!fJ 'or lcwisrjiLja.l fiM-0XK)00000XK0000 X 1XXAS, CALIFORNIA. FLORIDA, CUIIA AND PORTO RICO. rStrict'v Fijt iiui oicnt (ui nil ThioiHib and L c.il Trains. .'ulliaan Sleeping Oirsonull Niglr Trains. Fast siud tr'ale Kchcdu'lo Trr.vel J:y Uk orhrrr c.:' jcu tire $-.ss;r:l a -t:e. C'.wo iVrlfcbii; in:i ii i:.v;c-;!i.ioi!i; IcaiT.ey. .p1-- ' o T'. t A ' T; bles, 'Rates and General Ini'er iniitioc. or acidre3 . r,. vrLKOX. F. PAF.F.Y lrurniuiire ! X you -CLGecl I uiniti:ie of iiny Kind IT WILL PAY YOU TO SRK Eimtley; Hill V S tcck Tin: y llj.-first-c:..ss furniturk" at. the Ki-Iit prices, s'.oc alway Ospleie. 4; r ! r'H Trade artel, vix;tox, In. (, VCL t-C) TO WMoi.!, N. C, -CALL Iiie Jr.AvrT.ri: T. I' Charlotte p-n rj-TrrTTT K c. Asii.-vrie.C, TO ANSV7L11 3dv. F. Gen Viv. V. A. TURK G. T.A. WA3Hir,Gr0i. C Zul us objects and designs upon the rights ot the people, and .-which if enforced will deny to thousands oi our citizens both white and black their rights and liberties as guar anteed by the constitution. We -specially denounce that portion of said law which places the entire machinery in the hands of one political party, also that section which requires the applicant for registration to prove his age, birth and refinance by at least two dec tors. And we father denounce thev: for not makiug some provis ion requiring the judges of election to cp.'SH the ballot in the proper b-j". -or Lhe illiterate voter, which said law , Minf. -.-o-i invest v i-rrrr.rr: ; a'?f r.ctg c;VFftT.Yii; or-WAii;:. c:-p?i'.?c:iTcrn::ta f $ rr.ci2crt-ri. .a-uc.c-i, &!.t:c'i,'-i--wo. . i fee true e-au.:n;.:;;a zr.l r;ra: go to cast your vote. have a 1'-m Lino of Watche.5. r evelry and !ih cr Ware, Swv Ja' Ic-; and l!e Jl-ses, efo. 'Fi'uo ticpaii ing tb'V.v. while you wait :i..d I'aliy ii.Mired lor one year. Priced 'o suit t!:e lis.if . Yours f;r business, I5ROWX. Tin; Jkwklhk I4S Liberty .Street, ext door to Robert "8 1 he gun rauti Eiirscne3, OKFMKr'liOIK), ZT, C. For all hinds of JFniit, Bhado and Oi iaimeutal Treej, Vinci end plants. I am the inlro cut er of lhe famous ilLLKNS ROliO an-.K ON'XRfri South' f-rn iaaly I'cach. G cr.sboro Uwtl of Registered. POLAND 1IIXA and JIamJ ls.oi h Lhi-k Hog". One of the lines! heads in the Sout.i. VIite for pice3. John A. Yol'KO, Prcp'r. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine TR-I-WEEKLY TRIBTOE- 9 . sir -fjK.- --ft. a, M' f ss- -j' s it now stands virtually dl if ranch every voter who :n.x,t i tad the label on the box jvheinur he be white or black, 4th. We shall use our best eff orts to defeat these uujttst meas ures, and we invite all patriotic liberty loving people regardless ot past party affiliations to join with us in defeating these unrighteous measures, which are aimed at the poor man, and which will it car ried out, enthrone a machine in power in this fciate. and destroy I popular self government, by deny but ! ing to the poor man because of his j The New York Tri -Weekly. Trib ! une has superseded and taken the i plaee of the former Semi- Weekb j : Triiinnc. and is an outgrowth ot ; ihe demand for more frequent i.vc ; ! It is printed on Monday, Wedncs ! dav and Friday. Price $1 .50. i in eifect, The Tri Weekly Trib une is a fine, fresh evevy-otber-da j newspaper, each issue of which iv as c:aou. as a find .-vf fVi TOfT1f ilea ji . .fvw. " - not one cent for those who are at ; Poverty and prance a . . t1,.!tho elections of its officers, but lempuug co puu uuvvu t jjluuio of the temple of freedojaa upou lhe re,neadof4thei.nnocentandbetrayed., Weendo,seJa willjji e--saw your sine ill find onf j-; j.of be este compells him to pay taxes, bear arms, and work the public road. Jttdg Ewart ru district Rotary notion, and Ball Bearings daily ot tae sam-r late, and in one number of which. everv week, large space will b ! devoted to the pictorial, Jjterar. ! i and humoj-or.s feature of the Illr.s j t rated Supplement to the Sunda;. Tribune. We believe that The Tri-Weekb will be the best substitute yet to air ! tor a metroDolitdn daily. It bar j one more isue per wef-k ihan iht oid Semi-Weekly, and costs half -' dollar less a year. e Ilie 11LU uvii-. ; v auic .'J y ina t 'in this edition, which is sent U f prefs IWore daylight,. tb ofiic:a ' war cable dispatches of The Trib 1 wne from Europe, which are sent ! from there about 1 a. m. T1IK TIUBl'NE. Xew York City ! ."' I i " " " ! Recor Ai.Ofl pays jwir.ti ail - for tli tick el 'Presents .1! j