. .. .,...,,.. , jvl MOCKSVILLE, N. q, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 15 1900- NO 10 113 Davie Record, PCBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. E. H. MORRIS. Editor. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION $1.00 50 25 One copy. One Year, - - - 0oeCopy. Six Months, ,Copy, Three Months One SVILLEjN.C AUGUST 15 X90q JtOCKSY WJFj&jr j I REPUBLICAN TICKET m William Mckinley s OF OUIO, K For Vice-President. TH33 R3D3EV.ELT OF NEW YORK 1 8 1 For Congress, 7th District. JOHN Q. HOLTON OF YADKIN. is. a i &2 The Kultiifh correspondent of the Wilmington Jlesiieiiger writes that paper: "ffiate Chairman Simmons "says: Xorth Ciiioima will give its elecw tol vole ior Bryan beyond pel's a-iventanv ' We are inclined to b.dieve that Simmons is mistaken. Home of the meu who were with Simmons dnr icg the nigger howling, red shirt ttmpaigu, jnst closed will not be villi km in the National campaign If tiie machine does as much bal- dozk cheating and stealing iu the presidential election as it has in foe State election, it will strike sane men who are neither Popu list nor Republicans and plenty in Sorth Carolina. Populist support f Bryan may depend quite large ly upon his eadoisement or con demnation of Simmons methods. Populist are uot going to vote for nyman who endorses redshirtism -times-Mercury. Yes brother Click, I have uot canvassed Davie county, and min gled ith her people with my eyes hut- I could not see for the life of me how au honest selfrespectmg j upullst could stand shoulder to gutter with the Republican par yinitsfightfor honesty and liber ly' and take the vile abuse heaped ?a all who have dared to oppose ons fea shirt, Winchester fiJtten e?S throwers, intimidators llothox thieves, and then Qra nght around and join this ? ia Xrth Carolina' nd aid electing men to Congsess avebeen among the vilest re If Mr. Bryan does not Jiaie Simmonism, he is un ofthevoteofadecent heh vS1DgP0PUlist- If u Cannot BarkrMCK:iUley yU T0t0 for C 'apdtfr Donn -ith k e d for Bryau should edi0rSe tbs Sim,nons Goebel llrnf rtbCarolina3 vote he JCgPnl rSeaQd "wallow Simmons BIl I:. tH,; VlQS 80D3 of Carolina to us m au . effort MK -UUJd liberty and free Vote of Bavie. Below we give the vote by town ships for legislature aud Sheriff, Mocksville, Sheets 189, Eatou 241; Sheek 195, Peebles 237. Jerusal em Sheets 133, Eatou 103; Sheek 137, Peebles 163. Fnlton Sheets 167, Eatou 98; Sheek 111, Peebles j , oMtuj, - , 173, Eatou 48, Sheek 173, Peebles a o a .c 49. V est Shady Groe,-o .eciS 109, Eaton 23; Sheek 109, Peebles 26;. Farinington Sneers 1 75, i 13ft. vU,,l,. Cllioritu Eaton 134, Sheek 183, Peebles 128. Smith Grove-Sheets 126, IMon 47; Sheek 128, Peebles 45. Gala haln Sheets 131, Eaton 119: Sheek 1.32, Peebles 12. ' Clarksville Sheets 159, Eaton 87; Sheek 151, Peebles 90. Total, Sheets 1362, Eaton 9G0; Sheek 1354 letbles 990 We will not at present jdve the vote in the state, from last ac counts the Simmons machine had not got through countiug, in the negro counties ol the east; Halifax is claimed by the Democrats bi anywhere from 3000 to 670. They did not leave a single negro county to the Republicans, The Simmons I Gof bel election law is a great yote couuier. They may tulk about Canby, but no such rascality has ever been witnessed in North Caro lina, and for the good name of our j ; state it is to be hoped it will never j j occur again. Leniocraacand Lepui; j Mean papers alike in the North aro speaking out in no uncertain way c-x L of the outrages perpetrated in: this state by the Red Shirt Win-1 Chester crowd. The conditions ex- i istig here presents a spectacle un- j precedented in a civilized and i christian state. We can iuvite law abiding and respectable people, ; who have money to invest to come j here, and put their money in enter - prises, with the assurauce that if they are not in perfect accord with the Simmons machine, they'll be ostracised aud boycotted, aud de nounced as scalawags and scoun drels, Red Shirts, shot guns and Winchesters are great advertisers. God save our state and preserve the liberties of the pfeople. 5Ir. Price Cenies tlie Charge, To the editor of the Observer: Tour Raleigh correspondent had the following to say in regard to my speech at High Point. ''The news had reached here that A. H. Price, McKiuley elector for State at large, said in his speech at High Point that the negroes were bet ter citizens than the white people and better laborers." Everybody personally acquainted with me knows that such a thought never, for one moment, could possibly eu ter niy.-nind, and how such an in- j ference could be dravn. from nij remarks I cannot understand, I ; believe that my political opponents will bear me out in saying that the speeches I made in this campaign could not possibly give offence to any fairniindcd person, I know that your Raleigh correspondent would not intentionally do mo an injustice, and I will appreciate it if you will kindly publish this denial iu your highly esteemed pa per, I am with geat respect. Very truly yours. A.H.Prics Salisbury, August 3. Ah . Gus if you get off with noth ing worse than that said of you, you will make a great 'scapement." These Simmou spueakers will in vade hades and the tomb if neces sary to misrepresent a Radical, and make political capital Toa may search history, ancient, sacred and profane, and you will be unable to find a parallel, or any thing ap proaching it, equal in yilianions rascallity as the election jnst pass ed. North Carolina to day stands before the civilized world sore and bleeding from the wounds inflicted by a gang of political cut throats; her fair name has been sullied, her poetic name, "The land of the free the home of the brave, 'which her brave sons aud fair daughters have sung with hearts aflame with love and patriotism, has been strangl ed and stripped of its beauty and pathos, and we, who love her for her past greatness and glory, aie forced to bow our heads in shame, when we be L-old the corps? of her polluted, dishonored bod v. North Carolina, a state which was first to , . taLeirP aiTOS against British try- - anv and oppression, a state which ust respond to the undying sen- liments of Patrick Henry, Give me liberty or give me death.'7 A state which first said that taxation without representation is unjust. A slate which has produced such men as Gaston, Macon, Badger and Morehead and many others who have given her a name to conjure with. First at Bethel aud last at Appomatox, yet to day she stands before the world as au oppressor ot the weak and defenceless, a repu dmtor of a constitution which she solemnly accepted and ratified. Can sne do it? Will she be permitted to nullify the supreme law of this great republic? Will the men who have led her into this disgrace be allowed to profit by their unholy ,vork? Ia the will of the majority lo be tlins throttled and the chief ronspiratora rewarded by seats in j7 TT r, , , the U. S, Congress? We will see ' We wiU Kee- . YES. ' j j On day of election here we notice ; a red poster tacked up near the voting place with 6omething like this ou it; "Toil can't be white and -fuie against the amendment Down with white negroes' It s jiiaded like an extract from the-j t Monroe Enquirer, but was credited j toa Charlotte printing house. It was a base slander aud whoever posted it up there knew it. Some of the best white people of the county voted against the amend ment, and they were honest in thier convictions. That eleetiou poster was printed in a city whoso Democratic mayor keeps a negro convict as a janitor of the city hall aoa good salary iu face of-the fact that a one-legged Confederate sol- .1; i,oC onniia,i fn, t.h a-nlW with tllCl ixc&j ayjiivu. i - a respectable pstition sigael by white men. And this mayor'is a loud-mouthed speaker for 'waite suprema y," Such as this disgusts all decent men regardless of party Oar Home. Hed Shirt Xmperalism. What a light North Carolina has just thrown on Mr. Bryan's ''para mount issue!" Why is nothing said by the eloquent Nebraskau a gainst imperialism in one of the oldest American states? Doc s not the constitution follow the flag in to North Carolina, aud are not the negroes born and bred their citi zens, and as such entitled to all rights and immunities enjoyed by the whites! Why, then, is the champion of the Filipinos silent upon the infamous treatment of American citizens? Chicago Post. The six states of Alabama Louis iana, Mississippi, North Ca-olina, South Carolina and Virginia con tained in 1890 a total population of 8,316,2S9, of which 4.474.832 were wiiites and 3.871,807 negroes. They h d 48 represensatives in cougress and 60 presidential electors. The elimination of the negroes from the representative population would cave to these states 26 representa tives and 38 presidential -electors, a loss of 22 from eaoh body. There should be no hesitation by con gress in the performance of a duty that it owes to that portion of the union which never interferes with the lawful exercise of the suffrage, either by fraudulent constitutional amendments or violence Xew Haven Palladium. That such a discrimination a gainst the negroes in favor of the whites is grossly unconstitutional is as apparent to the able demo crats in the senate as it must be to every reasoning man. The adopt ion of the amendment casts au ev en more serious reflection on the civilization of Korth Carolina than does the great percentage of illiter acy . New York Sun . Bryan will see nothing wrong in fraud iu Xorth Carolina by which' a race which was invested with the ballot more than thirty years ago is disfranchised, but he shrieks f t the denial of a voice in their gov eminent to the ignorant aud bar barons Tagals, who had been war ring on the United States for a year and a half, aud who still keep up. their hostility through the as sumption that their party friends the Bryauites, may triumph in the united States iu November, and then pull -down the flag in the Philippines, Satan rebuking siu is a picture of idyllic honesty com pared with the spectacle of Bry an and his resurrected Kv.klux de manding a liberty for Agninaldo's PoliMinoion I.inri niiuifoo wliicii fhf: J 1 Brjamtes have taken away Jrom citizens of the United States. St Louis Globe Democrat. . . , Imperialism as now talked about is known to the people as a sham, but the disfranchisement will ap pear to them, when they come to see it iu its true light, as the actual ! subversion of our political system. ir. suostifntes au - oiijraivnv lor a popular sov A 41J j v a.. - Jl J - i .'J J . i m v. may go on in its discriaiiua- tion aud include other clashes, un- i til nothing remains to it of popular soverignty. If the discrimination is tolerated in one state, and in one form, why may it not be j ushed to ! all states aud car red to any ex treme by methods like those which forced through the" disfranchise - m8nt in North Carolina? W if thia sm-t nl ihiw ., h done in xorth Carolina- aud that state tate -has nothing to fear from out ide interference" on account of it, si wha t is to prevent party managers in any other state lrom using simil ar methods to put through any scheme of dis franchisement which would assist in perpetuating their power! People who do not see the danger to our institutions involve;! I. , -v-r.il. -...' .1 . .1 : ., 10 cue iNonu wouua pi ocuv iuus are not the educated and induen- tial classes. They are the dm' and sf upid classes. New York Sun. Free speech did not exist in North 'Carolina . The Declaration of Independence is a good demo, cratic ornament for harangues a gainst Impsralisiii, but the demo cnxts of North Carolina arc ready to ' demonstrate by the shutgans that negroes have no right to vote. Alter this North Caroli na business the droning of the democrats about the dowu trodden j Filipinos becomes more than mere sound and fary. It becomes a nauseating hypocrisy. Media; (Pa.) American. Wait Aud See- The (Iree'jsboro Keeord ventures the prophecy that the newly adopt ed constitutional amendment will never be taken into the courts for interpretation. "Who will take it thereF'it asks. Certainly uot the Democrats, and if the Repub licans do, and the amendment is construed as disfranchising, illiter ate whites, then the disfran chisement will be the result of Ice publican action. It will indeed, and the Democrats need not want a better issue upou which to go to the people. Let the Republicans carry the case into the courts if they dare Charlotte Observer. 'If they dare;" Good gracious alive brother Caldwell, do you sup pose you can bluff auy body in any such style. We hold the four aces and will go you any amount better. rignty. If a state is j gCSfe The Republicans are going to dar to do right, aud if your crowd has made a blunder as we think you have, ''the people will know who to hold responsible. Your bluff wont w?rk, you are in a hole and we purpose pushing the hole in af ter you. iE Or CARDUI lion Buflcrinsf v.-omea who were on their W way to premature graves. Mrs. Mitchell was fast declining in health, when Wine of Cai-iiui performed a "wonderful cure" in her caso. feho ftuffored v.ith the aec nies of faliiny of tha v. ocib, lencorrhoera and profuse menstruation. Tfie v-oofrly appearance oltboincrieesfortworr.cntbs sapped her vitality until she was a phys ical wreck. Hei norvous evBtera gave way. Then cane tho trial of Wino of Cardui and the euro. Mrs. Mitchell'o experienco ought to commend Wino of ga Laraui vo Fullering women In words or gg burning eloquence. 1 t- isTrUhiTithereaphofn.il. Women who (fl t.rv l. nrf rfillPTpil. sir vr.iir rfrnrnnst i7! km - -r ; ... . v.. . ji - . for a SI bottle of Wins of Csrdui, end do La not take a substitute ii tendered you. r3 Mr?. Wiir.c Miti holl, Tenth Onsto i, N. C: M "Wino of rardiii nnl 'j'hpuford's Binck- M UranKfct havo perfornie'l a rutracnlons cure in my case, t had be n a prest FufTercr u3 withfnlHna of tbi Troinb rnd leicorrliE, fi stud mv raener-3 came every week for two memtbs ai d were very painful. 117 hns- vS 52 band ii:duced me to try Wine of Cm (Jul KS 83 and Kl iek-iraiieht. an:l now the leucor- 3 iii rbopa has disappeared, sind 1 cq restored t f3 perfect hcaiiii." In cass reinirir.ff epeoial c!iico.liirs, auat5!8, jjiTin Kyijitoiiii.."Tlie LailiC3" .i Tiscry Iepnrtmepl." The ('!i'ili:tr;.in 'f(iiiiiie Co., lu tiairfK-K-l, Te;.-:. SALE OF LAND. In pursuance of tlie power and dire;?-ion coidained iu the last will and testament ofirarrison C001: de ceasej, the uniersigned execu- 1 tors will sell at the court house in Mocksvibe . .. on Monday hopt- emutr rfru i"uu, ine ioiKm rug reai ! estate. One tract known as the .Madison Ijames lauds containing about 90 acre, adjoining the lauds j of Isaac Roberts, El isha Jones and others, also about 43 r.crcs North of the tan yard branch and the old home place of Harrison Cook. We will also sell under the same power on t he premises on Tuesday the 4th day of September 1900 at 12 o'clock N one tract known as the Jacob Gross tract in Iredell county containing 23 acres, adjoin ing the land II. C. Jones, Thomas liagerly and others. The above lauds will be sold one half cash the remainder on a credit of six months Possession will be given upon com pliance with terms of sale, C. L.Cook Ex. Ann Cook Ex. of Harrison Cook deed. This 1st day of August 1900. a C .. n e s3 a ?3 03 H 5 2 S 3 feB 2 tK. i- O i. O o u s 2 .B .( tn Z2 2 ) i. c i at W 5-2 fcfl r "a, ' J o f,"tj O oil rj zs 3 V n o H n .55 bo Q tn w ; H . A gentleman recently cured of dys pep-ria ave the following" appropri ate rendering of Barn;. famous ble.-.s- ing; '"cJomohave meat and cannot ! eat, and some Jiave none that want it; but we have meat and we can eat. Kodol" Dyspepsia Cire be thank ed.V This preparation will digest, wliat you eat It instantly: relieves andradicall,y cures ndifrestion an stcoviCb -.sorilerj.,n- C. C. Saford ; gfSggd 1 m I i v-v:-'.wr..-..i ten S J VtobiC . i Record Agents. The following gentlemen are an thorized to take subscriptions for the Record:. M. W. Mackie, Yadkinville, X. C. D. I. Reavis, Cross Roads Church. W. G. Pattei-son, Exist Bend. C. B. Reavis, Footeville Ben Shore, Grant. S. P. Shor Shore. J. C. Pinnix, Marler. A P. Woodrnfl, llr-.nvillo. Beferenee-Awards at 2 greatest World's Expo eitioos and thousands of graduates in positions. Cost of fall BmlafiS Coarse, including Iui tion. Books and Board in family, about fyQ. SHORTIIASD, TKPE-WRITHG TCLECK1FBT, SrECULTIES. EThe Kentucky University Diploma, tinder seal, awarded pradaates. Literary Course free, it desired, j Kovacalloa. Knternow. Graduates successfnl. I In order (o liava your tetter reach us, addreu only 1 WILBUR R. SMITH, Lexington, Ky. , Note. Kentucky Vnivertity reeoureee, (300,000, m4 naa tuearij iuuu icuaau in aueuacmem muc year. National Hotel, REIOJRXISIIED. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. RATES, $1.00 PEH DAY. J. H. Ramshy, Prop'r. Mam St. SALISRUKY, N. C DR. F. G- CHEEK EYE SPECIALIST. ORict.1. over Jacobs' Clothing Store, AVrNSTON, N. V SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Till . STANDARD RAILWAY of the soirnr. The Direct Line tc all Points. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA. FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strict'' Fiist Cla.sa Equip ment on all Through and Lo cal Trains. ul!maH eping Carsoiuill Night drains. Fast and Sa.e Schedules. Travel by the Southern and you are assured a Safe, Com fortable and an Expeditious Tourney. Apply to Ticket Agentr, fcr Time Ta bles. Rales and General Infor mation, or address R. L. VJ-'UNON, 1 R. DARBY T. P. A. C. P. & T. A. Charlotte N. C. Asheville N.C NO TROUELE TO ANSWER QUESTION FR&NK S. GANNON J k CULP dv. P & Gen Man. fraf. Man. W. A. TURK G. P.A. WASHINGTON. D C ' f-- - -V .-SfT r - -r- i - .vrj;KJe.'&J 1 ;. .: jr i. . .. i (. - -.;o.( i I :;?'v-1 . -V. ret. I - r' o o PA o CP O c i i i .ii.i j ,s'&y -- , '4 Remington Single Barrel Breoci Loading Gun, - $0.50 Others . . . , $4.50, $0.0' Loaded Shells, 35c a lox. Shot, 7c. per pound. Primers, 12c. a box. All Other Goods Equally Low P. M. ROHEUTS, -145 Liberty Street, -"WINSTON, X. O' Furniture ! X-fi you -aeed Furniture of auy Kind IT WILL PY YOU TO SEE Simtley & Hilr?"StocS THEY SELL 1THST-CLASS FURNITURE AT the Right prices, stock always Complete. 420 and 12S Trade Street; WINSTON, y. C. VOU GO TO Winston, N. G.,- . -CALL ON BROWN Tun Jfnvni.KR. I have a Nice Line of Watcher Jewelry and Silver Ware, Specif clcs aud Eye ( lasses, etc. Finn Ilepairiqg dcue while you wait an., fully insured tor one year. Priwu to suit the times Yours for business, BItOWN. Tin; Jcwklew 448 Liberty Street. Next door to' Ilobert'sthegun man Greqnsboro Nurseries, GREENS DO UO, N, C. For all kimlg of Fruit, Shad: and Ornamental Trees, Vine and plants. I am the iotro ducer of the famous GREEN. JJOKOandCONNET'S South ern Early Peach. Greensboro Herd of Registeiert POLAND CHINA and Marv moth Black Hogs. One of th o finest herds in tho South. Write for prices. JoviTA. Yotf.NG, Prop 1