1. Davie Rec u ORD. 122 mocksville, x. c, Wednesday, December 12, 1900. i NUMBER 36. . jfjjAVlE RECORD. ERY WEDNESDAY. . EDITOR ' ct-NSCIUFTION : TR .,,, - 81.00 vif eir, y Montis, Three .u."Lii-- LOU iSC ----7 "7; ! ti DECEMBER 12k WOO I N. C, 1IEKE IT IS. o ikt of 32 conn- . .--.o.-if T-r.r.fM the a. in.- .(ill c i. f in flip Aiurust ..'.runs i"1 " compare iui If there were oua counties, it ii"'- ...-. -...-. .-c 1 :hnns- 10 beaatorHi iu '"n erestolen and counted out show where. These ligurcs rascality as resorts 10 j ? i i Democratic menus iu - v.Alr.Aveock, and perpesuaie - T- C -, nl -wives iu power. , n i- ,Prto an honest maivwhen he of it, ana rcalize-3 tnat larceny, are o 1 U3v.ithv,hich "a great '.t?s rained, We should over these ,?ect and ponder Liberty .r? under suca a paiy lisnance of thousands of aol- e:ect0rs shall meet, etc. a worth of interest bearing d. Kead and keep posted, :rth-?y meet again next month. i.i "aa&rt 538 GS2 1,259 -tie '.srell area 3!iberland iljtcoiabe EVfll ilia itrtfurd .aoir 3-Si 2,21)5 '333 330 3,1S0 1,264 593 sss 284 2,324 1,872 62 ii 349 805 '718 370 57S ii!eabr.rr omerv '':iL't0u tiier i-uoad Jste aea sitae" 34,071 CHANGED TO POISOX. ;weffects like those of arse il" . ' Kil's Xew Life Pi'1 fitly, easily bnt suv wiistipatiou. Billiousness, :ulaehe Fevers, all Liver :J;jdRwel trouble. Oub '-ePresifipT,,',, '.r... x -. . o -'icsue to ton- is a very conservative, fOrWar.t itfr.,- 4- T4 r to all mat W e ; 4. fei.,. " oiions ot tne -caongthe lines of safety C0lf ty. It is devoid , 1'hrase.s. Witiv.,1 ,, Bf -ULl II spassioi.atn utterance Vwstions of the day. Ky Dayton, f ' A,1aVeilSed Raimin's M U ioulc prf ets for ; t. . - ... " --iiiuu O forth, rL,8' ough of ojKf . luy aid for iv ,,Jo littv 4 e thought, he e;;,. 0 Pills, but US..,.-.. "'Test Of ll.-S tnl-Mwr night" he o. So we H.:i -lns: lh to him ; he 10111 lle delicate 1 Jrovetl immediately, looks as healthy VO" fv A FUSION ULUXbEli. 3Iakes Double Trouble Tor El tors, Two Meetings Neces sary. Kaleigh, X. C. Dee. 5 The electors of the President and Vice President of the United States met 50 1 here and adjourned unlil the s o-) eond Monday in January, when a second meeting will be held,- ami he vote will be east, This first meeting is useless, and is the re suit of ignorance in framing the twice on the first Tuesday in j cember, to coimdy with the Slate ; law, and on a the second Monday in j .ranuarj- to comply with the Nat ional law. This latter is the date on which the electors in all the states assemble. Winston Journal . Some of our Democratic friends are so prone to pack all such blun ders on the Fusion Legislature that it gives us great pleasure to inform the Journal that if he will turn to Chapter 507, See. 83, laws of .ISM, passed by his Demce-atlc leg sla- tare. he will find that it is a L)c- I mocratic blunder, and not a Fa-! sion blunder at all Read: "1 he governor ansa thereupon - immediately issue his proclama- j statute calling the meeting. This ! sew anea ana got the erth when was passed by the Fusion "Legisia-! he h'A'1 a chance, without longing lature of lSO.V Th Wtrs met I -,r tv,' worlds in the Bush . What nr.d before another election j ti0n and caure the same to be pub- i """t" - - -i -t.4.-i. j ..... ; around, uecuie ueiiw , nsned in such daily newspapers s ! and trecom caa cxiMjmayl)epiibIlshp,lin. ke city o: :vuea..vv ; Raieigh, wherein he shall set for In i :e papers have announced a ue-1 the names of the persons duly e.ec- i aiatais state of over 312j,000, ted as e eetors ami warn each .ofi? landreland twenty-five thous- thei:i to atte:id at.-tho capitoi in . 4 T .-,. r- . ..- 4--? ii T Ti m O ' . t . v . 1 i dollars, a. j-eiujwan xj6i j tne city ot lvaieigu at noon on tne j are was iu skwu iu w ( inesaav preceding cue nrsc v e..-1 Jt the appropriations of thejnesdaT of. December next after hi.-j and also authorized ; eiccti0n, at which time the LiU i-U S VV DEATH NEAR. "It often made my heart ache," writes L. C Overstrret, of Elgin, Tenn., "to hear my wile cough un til it seemed ner weak and s re 12I0 lungs would callupse. Good doc- f0rs sie ,vas so far jrone with 1,080 j Consumption that no medicine or 571 j earthly kelp could s ive her, but a 2,373 j fri nd reconmeuded Dr. King's 1. 2o6 j Xcw Discovery jud persistent use 68 j of this excellent medicine saved 2S0 1 her life." It's absolutely guarau 3,126 j teed for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, $'7 Asthma and all Throat hik! I.misr diseases. 50c. snd 1.00 at C. C. Sauford's. ' Trial bottles free. The American "Bridge Company has perfected plans;; for. -.the--erection at Pittsburg of ,. the largest bridge and structural steel 'works in the world. The plant will cost $1,000,000 and Will occupy a space of fjrty aers. ! ; " A WOIAX'S AWFULPESIL. "There is only one chance to save your life and that is .through an operation" were the sta.rtlin.5' ttOi-us'he.ii-vt by 31 rs. I. B. Hum, of Linio Kid go, Wis., from her doc- i tor after he had "vainly tiied to) cure her of a frightful case of srom-1 ach trouble and yellow jaundice, j I s pose somebody would be oner Gallstones had iormed and she ! ing her .four thousand a mouth to constantly grew worse." Then she began to use Electric Bitters which wnoliy cured her. It's a wonder ful stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only 50 ..h-;, Guaranteed. For sale "by C, j. Saufor-d. It is said that hundreds of man ufacturing concerns in Connecti cut are feeling already the return of confidence with MeKinley's re election and that new orders are pouring in. Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that pro duces immediate result3 is One Min ute Cough Cure It is verjr pleasant to takfc and can be rwied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all iung diseases It will prevent con sumption. C. C. Sanf ord. Where It's ft Success. . "Is marriage a failure!" ."1 should say not!" remarked an dregoii farmer. "Why, there's Lucindy, she gets up in the morn-j . Starts four children to skewl, looks iii, . luii-ven .-.a-v w.t.i, j-,.v .7lv..v.-.v..-, , arter the other three, feeds the hens, likewise the hogs, likiwise some motherless sheep, skims twenty pans of milk, washes the clothes, gets dinner et cetery, et cetery. Think I could hire any body to do. it for what she gits? Not-much!-'- .Marriage, sir,,. is. a success a great siiecess!" Ram's Horn. j : - When the sioradcix h tired, out it must have a rest, but we can't live wituout f ood. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure rdigesti what.vou "eat" so that you can eat all the good" food you want while it i restoring the digestive cr ?aha to h?alth It the only pre pa- , - - - t - n ':.. Ji s-r-'cs Pa m Business Methods. ( '1 tell you what, ' paw sed nf- e j t'er he got his slippers on Nite Ik j fore last, "this is a Grate Aic. It makes me proud when I think I ! nni liT?tifi ? if TH..,.. :. . n. .... 11." iu ii,. xui?j ifi me aige of business. What sho do you s?pos Ellick Pander or Seezer would stated if they -were here now Ellick got Pinions becOz he side ibr a nuttier world to Conker. That shows hew far they were Be hind the times then. If Ellick would hare had the bizness in stinct of Today he would of hus- wonUl l.hey be iu it for Ellick or eezei n uey would buck against m ine convention, with his minu ma. ie up ior sum buddy else? "Bizness is the thing that'counfcs now. If AVrilliam the Conkerer would of had the bizness ability of Joe Chamberlun what a neesy thing it would of Been for Mm. "How?" maw ast. "By selling spears and Battle axon to both side," paw sed, "and then keeping the war going till he got tho capassity of the facktry dubled and they had to put on a uite force. Annther mistake thev made in Olden times was not hav- : if l .. .i i 1U a "wu erasing manager wnen t-ne v,-ent on tne Crewsades. Think of ail the Cood onc-nifp .stands they could of made going an 1 coming, with , the standing lloom on!.V sine out every time T? '.fhcivri tlif. T. --. T-Tioi'(--.1 - ,,-v'"V.., VV , , V V ever rote wa3-to haye a Goo(1 time ;lKl never Knowt. And what a ane lot of elianec3 our ancesters let wast0 lu tniS country, too.77 "In what way." may told him. ".Ly not ma-ring use ot tue can- ang us Didn't didate who get elected i'resiueuc,' ' paw sed. "Look at big A little a run Burr Sposing -.omeouay tiiat was running a gun shop 3oMewhere would of of fered him a Job in the place at twenty thousea dollars a vear and sot the invpers to notus it. In less fuan a week' he would of Been mak ing guns'for the whole Sivveiized world. "And then there, was Henry Clay. He was another defeated j candidate they let go to waste be :oz they didn't no how to take ad vantage of a Good thing. If some Chicago alderman that had a Half interest in a Poker joint would of ollVred Henry aboul forty thous and a year to be a copper for the place think what a boom he mite of worked up for the Bizness. But they let their chances go by, and wondered why fate was crewell. "Think of Horace Grealy, too." "T don't see how they could of used him," maw sed. "That's hecoz the business in stinckt is not a part of your nait cher," paw answered. "Sumbud dy that was running a Seed store could have made an independent Forchuue by offering Horrus a large salary to go on the rode and running in Bryan's place this time ue a model iu a Cloak faektery or something of that kind and get ting her refewsal in the papers with Hig head lines over it." "I wonder what we are coming uj? ' maw sei after she thot about it awhile. " Well," I'll tell you," paw told her. "We are coming to the time -when Bryan'll get mad and accept Samboddy's offer and then they will be a sudden death from heart disease." George, in Chicago Times-Herald. -o- Many personsjiave had the exper ience of Mr. Peter Sherman, of North Stratford, N. H., vho says, "For years I suffered tortue from chronie indi gestion, but Kodol Dyspejia Cure made a well man of me." It digests what y )j. eat and i3 a certain cure for (Vyepepsia and every form of stom ach trouble.- It gives relief at once even in the. worst cases, and. can't help but do tou good.- C. C. Sancrd. livery woman that cries too much Lies to get out of it by ex claiming she is so nervous. o- 80 of DeWitt s Witch Hazel Salve. Most uoa z use any of the counterfeits of them are worthless or liab'ly; to cause iujury. The original De Witts Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, uoresand skin diseases. C. C. Sanf ord. -o Love means a. different thing to every man and the same thing to all woman. - Tlie most effective little pills made are De Witt's . Little Early Risers. The nefer gripe. C LV Sanford. o- PreBideut Diaz yesterday took , e oath of office as President of the the Mexican ; rep'ubl ic for the next sell seeds. Taev mite oi oroKe rce. ; ,VTi- - r . ' . , , . . , .. rf-nr-l wtv -'Trni-, ' trido and Djlliver, and Representative trained workman will not only be Thil Vhe - ha"-! of Ivi tl- Grosvenor. President McKinley wanted, but needed.-The Manu- loresiUtoseewhat they missed enthusiasm of the lMtL'r' -Annther chance they misled . was when Belya Lockwood didn't -anger observing the ease SAYS HE WAS TORTURED, get elected. If she would of been - Twikw nf w-a . .. , . I vv r iUiN JLiiLi 1 Li ii.. From our Regular Correspondent. Washington, D. C, Dee. 8. President McKinley has taken occasion to express his pleasure at the business-like maimer in which Congress has got down to work, to Senators and Representatives who j have called on him. The House nas been especially active. One of the big appropriation bills Legis lative, Judicial and Executive h is been reported; the Army re organization bill, providing for a regular army of from 58,000 to 100,000 men in the discretion of the President, has been reported and passed; and the Revenue re duction bill has leGn reported from the Ways and Means com mittee. In tie Senate the Ship subsidy bill, which was taken up by a vote of 38 to 20, the affirma tive votes being all Republican, is being considered, and unless the Democrats resort to fillibustering tactics will shortly be passed; pro gress has been made, in executive session, toward the ratification ot the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, and the Army bill has been introduced and referred to the Military com mittee. These are only the out ward accomplishments. The men who arc directing the work of Congress are thoroughly in accord with the advice in the Pres ident's menage concerning the danger of being tempted iuto mak ing extravagant appropriations by the prosperous condition of the national Treasury. The tempters are on hand in the persons of those who are asking tor extravagant appropriations for all sorts ol things, but there will be no extrav agance. The country is rich enough and prosperous enough for liber ality, but the Republicans do not believe that any country is ever rich enough or-prosperous' enough to justify extravagance, and no ' extravagance will be authorizes by Congress. Senator Wellington declares that he is still a Republican, but in every vote taken siuce the Senate reassembled in which party lines were drawn he has voted with the Democrats, consequently he is judged by his acts and not his words. While Mr. Wellington has not exactly been cut. -by- the Re publican Senators, it must be c" early evident to him that they shun him. Senator Fairbanks has intro duced a bill for the admission to the Uuion as a State of Oklahoma, and providing for two Represen tatives in Congress. , The .Nebraska Republican Club, of Washington, held a jollifica tion meeting touight that was a corker. Among the prominent sxeakers who assisted the -Nebras-kans to rejoice over the return ot their State to the Republican col umn, where it is likely to JStay, would believe that he only became a member of that dignified and august body during the present we3k. Mr.. Dolliver's long and conspicuous service in the House and his close'friendship with many Senators made him feel at home where most new Senators feel re strained and awed for a time. - Ouc feature of. the Ship subsidy bill, uow being considered by the Senate as the regular order of bus iness its opponents are careful to say nothing about. It is that clause of the measur e which pro vides that all vessels receiving subsidy are required to carry the ocean mails of the U. S. free of charge, and in case of war may be impressed by this government as auxiliary cruisers or transports. A section of the Army bill gives the President authority to satisfac torily dispose of the Eagau case by placing him on the retired list. The sectiou in question empowers the President to retire any officer who is suspended by a court-martial for a period to or within one year of the date of his compulsory retirement for age. It is under stood that. this clause was put in the bill becausu Gen. Eagau de clined to apply for retirement un der the voluntary law. The report of the Isthmian Ca nal Commission favors the $ i ea rn uga route, as expected, and there is no doubt that tho bill for the construction- of the Nicaraiiga Ca nal will become a law at this sess ion of Cougress, although the Hep burn bill which passed the House at the last session and is now pend ing iu the Senate' may be amended before it is passed. -o- Whcn you need Br.ThiuT -antiseptic a heilir.g aid arolicafioa for 'ff 'vitch . Hazel" Saive,a'- well , ' ... CUT-e for piles and skia "diseases purpose, - use tne orij-iaai. uc- . 1 ' T ! --" It heals sores witnoatiea vixig a: scar. t r- nf wzitfafteits: C.-C r?anfvT :l t ,. J. .. . BJF ji .v-.-. . . , .., . ... s 1, j TOi sn.ii iiaiii rroiii corns The PMlipine Problem. The Philippine experiment is in its conditions so new to us and our system of government that, as a nation, we must feel cur way along earefully. Even Senator Lodge, known as a vigorous expansionist, said at Philadelphia: "We must I go on like honest men and deal with the daily problems as they arise, not grasping at the future which no one can read. Xo man is wise enough to say today what will be best to do a vear hence, or five years hence." Many other Republicans would go further and say that it may perhaps not prove the right thing permanent ly to re tain the Philippine Islands. That is something for the future to de cide. We bidieve the Republican party, under President McKinley, takes up its present task with no strongly preconceived ideas on this point. Its promise of the lar gest measure of self-government the Fil i pir o j im plies some doubt as to the remnant of authority over them which it may in the future seem wisest and best for us to hold. Of course, this is not a time for the expression of niis gi vi ngs . Boston Transcript . Help is needed at once when a per son's life is in ttaner. A neglected cough or cold may soon Decome serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cure coughs and colds a.:d the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat and limy- tx-oubles. C. C Sanford -o- Industsial Education If we arc to win our way in the higher line of labor we must do it as others have done it, by bend ing our energies and best efforts to wards the attainment, not only of knowledge, but of skill, the abil ity to use knowledge. Educators agree that the splendidly traine man, even out of the ranks of th average boys, gets what has been accumulated age by age, uses it, gets good results and "increases his own height by standing on the ! shoulders of the human race." The self-taught man may make his way, may make his own tools, but he wasts weeks and years in experimenting and tinkering that educated, school trained men might have saved him. The re ceipt, rule of thumb or shop-trained man must be narrow, necessar ily. Education is not calculated nor intended to rob men of geniu" or talents, butrt enlarge and' ligh ten both. A day is coming when the industrially or technically I could hardly walk," writes II. Robinson, Hillsborough j 111., "but Biickleu's Arnica Salve completely ciued them." Acts like magic on sprains burns, boils, ulcers. Per feet healer of bkiu diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by C C. San. ord. 25c. Half the clothes a woman has on are about as much use to !er as a joke to a man when he has y;-)t the toothache. -O- De Witt's Little EarU' Iiiricra are daint- little pills, bvit thoy T . icver iaii to cleanse the liver, remove oojtruc tioas and invigorate the syslein C. Sanford. C. -o- Evaugelist S;iin Small, who was jailed for contempt of court iu Havana has been released. MAR LIN SASfAJS For Trap or Field Shooting, combine tbt elegance J of outline, perfection of balance1,- ease of taking j apart and quality of finish of the best double guns 2 with the superiority in sighting add shooting of jj the single barrel, and also posoe's the rapidity of 5 1 REPEATING RJFLES. 120-psgs cat-3 5 aloe of arms and ammunition, colored cover by 5 i. Osthaus, niaitsd for 3 stamps. - - - E Ma Fins Arms Co., Nw H&vgn. Ct. u f UAI TI F"? Vl 1 Xj U Jt-i RACKET STORE; SCHOULER HAS flas everything yo.i w.uit in the Dry GjoJs lire. 11m haudreii Of bdrgaiiis that can't be matched in price anywhere else Sv.liouler has ladius i.(M shoes for 50c. S hoalcr has men's shoes for &1.0.); Schouler has boy's sil.'yj suits for i)8e; . Sehouler has men's 12.50 suits for 87.50. Schouler has men's Si.OO sample hats for 1.00. Schouler has boy's ! .00 sample hat's for 50e. Schouler has men's 1.00 pants for 5ic4 Sehouler has 50c. pant god Is for 25o. t Schouler has good spoo cott ni, 2tf0 yd to sponl worth 3... for lc; t, Schouler has a large lot of capes audi jackets bought at a bankrupt sale, that he is selling at froul' one third to one half below regular value. . Schouler has tho largest and best selected stock Cf uiilliuery in tho city at prices to please every orir Schon'er has what you want and will bide'Iightol to sec you audgive you his best baraiuj. FOB A PLEASANT DAY'S CUTiKG TAKE ALONG A Stsvens Favorite It l Bit Beeurnto rifle, put vcarf !io j.i it wher yen !! it; i light wcifrht. f.rct. fu!lr oullinrcl. a bon fide arm In an;enrinee and ceDitruclUx.; aotfalng chea? about it but th? pr- Just tho tli.ii-; for an outing -ahr-re jroa want a rid" which will nnt cost too much, but will do tho work. M.idr. In three calibres .!2, :ii an 1 .! iliu-fire. Wfiht lu. No. IT-Pluln li- Mjht...0 Ko. 18 Tancet SlffhU .Ot IT IS K "TAKE IOWX. Ask your dealpr fur th Pavorltp." If 1- iloejn't keep ltt wo will acai prepaM ert reieipl t lit rice. Send tramp for our nrnr 1 12 pa f entnlotm containing deftiptivn of cur tMirt Un und general information. J. STEVENS AKM9 X- TOOL CO.. Box .,, - - Chlcopee Fall. Mow. X-ncJCOi'd ..r-Lgeil'tSi. The following gentlemen are an thoried to take subscriptions ft r the Kecord: M. W.Mackie, Yadkinville, X. C. D. I. Beavi. Cross Bonds Church. W. G. Patterson; Vast Dend. C. B. feavis Footevill, Ben Shoie, "(irant. S. F. Shore, Shore. J. C. Pinnix, Marler. A, L Woodruft, Boonvillc. Thadc Marks Designs . Copyrights Ac. Anrone nenrtlnR a ikcch and dpscript-ntt mr.y qutokly ascertain our ojiinton free whwher an iuveutlon in probably patentabli. Coniiliun.cn. Hons strictly coiifldeiitlnl. naiidbook on FntentJ. Bent free. Oldest ireii.y for securitifrjpatent. Patents taken through Munn A Co. recelre gpenal notice, without cliarsre, iu Ua . Scictttific American. A handaomely lllnfrtrated weekly. 7,rue3t clr dilation of any ncientitla journal. Terms, f3 a yenr: four months $L Bold bya.l newsdealer!. MUNN & Co.3618ro8dw9 New York Brand) Office. 625 F St.. Washintot. D. C. North Carolina In Superior Court. Davik Count:. E. M. Phillips j A. T. Grant, CSC. etal . ) Charles Howard, j" NOTICE OF RES AL et al. J Purssuant to an order made by nr t '1ail- Sin ......J rr frnrt A uicu'f, viv..-iv..v. r, Davie Countv, in above entitled ; .onsi.. T will ie-ell at public auc- tion at court house door in Mocks ville, on Monday the 7th day of January, 1901, the following lands situated in Davie County, Shady Grove township, near Bixby, and bounded as follow, towit: Be ginning at a post oak, Charlie J'.l nott's and Tom Howiird' -.rner, j x. 16 chs to pine, Charier Elliott's :and Allen's corner, E. 11 chs, 7-" Iks to a sta akc-or stone, on the bank h, Masey s corner, S. ,1 nf a branc chs and 2.") Iks to a dogwood. K -lw tind 7ii Iks to a ttiikc. S. 15 chs and a 1 s to a stat.C, ILl? beginning corner .of tho Jenkins! tract, V. 16 c hs and 7C Iks to a hickory sapling on (he John Ob "on old tnict, S 13 chs 2. Iks to a stone,. biri6usi corner, W 11 chs to JkMA 60 YEARS 1 b -r -j44-.-A ?Ha cl)gwo6d sprout, Bogaii -Hay-. .i-noii'.i iDrncr. W 27 chs aiid 50 Iks to a sweet gum, 20 Iks . to a post oak, the fccginuing vptncrv. containing 151 acres, 71 poles more or less, rscccua iolk i,.iav- j Terms of sale: -75.o6.. of iur-.j chase money be paid in c:ish, bal ance on six months creuit secured by tond with approved security, j - . J - . .V AM f llf.tl fV. is tiftid ii-fuil.'-;XoVt; tmbt-r 'S,u 1DC0.C v . C. A. iiAi.i , vh. '-. Bv j acoL' Sti:av akt, Attorn ty.- . ' . . a -9 tr . - mf 1 - i IX D IT! HAS WHAT? SCHOOLER'S RACKET STIIRF. 2 2'f r- it W9 m i ? 22 2 l rs w SKIS s Iff Itf s - a I SreBusboro Nurseries GBEENSBORO, N, C. We have a large surplui of standard iuler Appleh.' Xow is the lime to fet; place jour order btfore the asscrtmeut is broker. Special tc rms to those wish ing o plant largely. Address. JOIIX A. YOUXG, Troprittcr. SOUTHERN RAILWAY the ; . ; HTsi)Atli RAtLAVA Y 6'FTHESOUTi. Ihe Direct Lihe tc all TointB. Texas; . . ' CALlFOKXI.i; FLOiUDA, v cfeuA and fdlrrd itico. Stj -.tly . Clasa Equip: . f. ..... fJ, ... , . . 1 incut uu an iiiiuugn aim im cat J rains. . - , . ; '. ,. Pullmaii Sleeping Carp on all XigLt Trains. Fast and Sale echedulee. ...-' : : i . Travel by the Southern and you are assured gale. Com-, fortablc and an xpealtlou tlourney. ,( Apply to Ticket Agrnts ft r Time Ta bles, Kate and Geueral Infot matlou, or audreM , . j - BKKoy . F. R. PARBY T. P. A. C. P.&T. A. . . Charlotte N. C.. ' Aih.;Tille N.C. HO .TROUBLE TO AKSiEi UEFTICN, FRANK J5. ftANNOtf t K CCLP .... - - . v;. a. iursg. p.a; , WASHINGTON. U 2k t:w erl -1 .1 an" 1 1 T i! i! A ii I) m

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