f? -s. J. J. , ,-tyffc1't . .11 A MOCKSVILLE, N. O., WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1901 Dayie n n ft- 5 k LED EVKHY WEDXESDAV. ven- - EDITOR. TKii-is of subscription j nne copy. One iear, - i.uu i Six Months, Three Months - One copy OQi 0!i! CC-I'V REPUDIATES. ;r..v:ial to the Observer. April for vi ci- 10. Mr. Congress- I'arrv S . inner, iht. i-rst North Carolina !!!,;:! riiiv approves 1 teen A considerable clement ot the Lest iue.1 of the South," he said, believe in the policies which Pi-esii'-ent :.iciviuicys aununim tioa ivpiesciits. They believe with the administration on all the iawrtu:t iir.csiions ot the hour, i t :,:"'- tinv ou-d't to stand i vr'aV Conditions 'ought to be jfjS DAVIE ..r MeLiariu's Char ot'.e speech, -ed personnel of that party in Ht'iCe exception to his advo- the South. .Of course, the Prcsi I'uhii'his principles "within fie dent cannot do everything him-'-lie should over bag self, but must have the assistance ,, i .o-be such as to enable the I ove io.wara ami not cJiug to tne ; criminals uuoarc is noc cnangea ' of V " oath who believes as!tleaei past. The future of our j by reason of his holding a respon t'viMxau 'srtv believes to ! glet country canaot be best sub- sible office or position. Justice lteoo:iie Kepubiicaus. The pro-n-essiveb .si:;css element of the South, ir.eu wno Jsre in sympauiij- with the national policy of the 3?ij)!ihiican party, cannot be in faenced by Federal patronage, but respectability of association is es- seiitial to identification with the -""11 :( 1 11 1V11 V Xhe X euCral i appointments in the South should ! H5 mat:e from among the best peo 1.!.. .fU a rtnininnitv IVAIll tnP oaservalive business element of the ol 1 Democratic . party, wh llepublieaus are not available. '1 he class of men in the South iose vhr.vs of national public policy coincide with the policies of the administration is not com ¬ posed of men who want Federal oHice, their interest in patronage lei iiar meielv a desire that the Fed era! authority should be represen ted hv the bes? class of citizens " He said he had made a mistake in believing in silver at 16 to 1 i'n; now reouuiates it. 1 oe-. lieve," he said, "that the best in torfsls of the South will be served by those men of the South, v.-ho are in sympathy with the policies iepi-eiemed by the Republican ?rty, allying themselves oliti eallv with the administration and ai.iiug the President iu the ful fillment of his good intensions to wrcls the South. Under coudit imsat present existing the Feder al office-holding class is net all we tiesire or would suggest, but the fault is not so much that of Mc Kinley as that of the better . ele ment f the South, who think and i'aow better, lint who persistently refuse to lend him a helping word r hair!, and who are alert to criti ce. cyndeniu and denounce any good iaau who may tlcsire to ac cept a position under McKinley. "A very considerable- propor tion of the mcu of affairs in the South v.idu of the very best so ti;i' Position, highest business in tegiity raid the hu-gest material liiterest believe iu sound money, aerate projection, national im Irovenicut, a reasonable ship sub and iu expansion. Their con "':tiou on these subjects makes tae:n Republicans, whether they acW,vledge it or not. I believe t!i-it they can serve the best iuter .sts of their section aud of the chantry by openly acknowledging teasel ves what they are and b poratiug effectively with the publican party. . Tlje President can make it eas ;erfor them to associate them- party to which they "J Properly belong h omis S toe utmost care to give the eral service in the South high Jjandmg. Nothing is to be gained ' roi,Sh the distribution of patro ,? nut Kmch is to be accom 'fbed hy put ting none but men character in Federal po rtion? pie g many 0 our peo" realize that the Republican .v is constructive, not deslruc- "e. a.l ' a safe guardian of Principles which encourage j industry, development a ad pro gress The difficult thins: to aeeom - plish, but which I loav believe is on tnc verge of accomplishment, the ttme snrely being propitious, is to brin into closer association with the republican party those men cf the soa!li wii0 really be- i ?ve ia its principles. The tact but have they conducted thern is that today the Southern men j selves in the past in such a way as who believe substantially as Iv!c- to claim the right to dictate peace. Kinley does are the representative j Have they ia the past by their men of that section, both socially J acts or words contributed iudistur and commercially. They need the j biag the peace! If no, should courage to associate themselves j they not join with those who by v. ilh the party of their principles, and to be encouraged in doing so by the improvement in the recog- and co-operation of those Southern people whose honest . convictions draw them towards him." "NYe heartily endorse Mr. San- uers position. When one sees the ' error of his past life he shou'd at j once face about and make a new , start. 2To use clinging to the old i snip, wnen it is rotten, oroicen thrwu and useless. We should serve i by loosing imK anu ue- j moaning the dead past. When a ; man like Senator McLaurin reaii- j zes that the policies advocated by his party are dead and o no po- j litical beuelit to the country, and i that the other party represents the : livinS issues, and embodies those j 1" liioli7JC'3 UCJt diiuu iw the welfare aud well-being of the ! gieatesu numoer 01 tns people, it j lv ?couies liis duty to espouse im i'aae, uuu uuue nu m l"ij t i. j-,. which represents those principles. The shafts of hate, and spite will be hurled at him, and he can now realize that he is no longer in ac cord with the Democratic machine and that if it be possible for them to ruin and defeat him, it will be done. They are jumping on to him now and abusing him more violently than if he were a regu lar Republican. Do the manly tiling, Ssnator McLanrin, burn the bridges behind you, aud join .vg,!, ""j"" not regret it. FOUGHT FOR HIS LIF.j. "My father and sister both died .'if Consumption," writes J. T. Wea therwa.v, of Wyandotte, Mich, 'and i was saved from the same rightful fate only by Dr. King:s Xew Discovery. An attack of Pneumonia left an obstinate cough and very severe lung trouble, which an excellent doctor could not help, but a f e v months' use of this wonderful medicine made ine ,s well as ever and I gained much In eigh t. ' Infallible foi Coughs, (Jjlds and all Throat and Lung trouble. Trial bottles free. Guar anteed boUies 50c. and $1 at C. C. Sauford's. AX OFT RE PE ATED QUESTION . Richmond Times. Why should our people be the only ones to close their eyes to what is going on? Why should we move along in the sai:e old ruts aud insist that political policies and old traditions long since dead are vital living issues, and depend on them for the salvation ot the Souths Senator McLanrin. Many other Southerners are ask ing themselves the same question. Yes, indeed, the people are get ting their eyes opened, and are doing some tall thinking for them selves in the South. The machine element has had its way long erougn, in the South, and the people are getting tired of being led by the nose. The future of 4r country demands that these old dead weights be discarded. The command has been given. Forward, march. OLD SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCE. M. M. Austin, a civil war veter an, of Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was sick a long time in spite of good doctor's treatment, but was wholly cured by Dr. King's Xew Life Pills, which worked wonders for her health." They always do. Try them. Only 25 cents at C. C. Sanford's drug srore. If you want one of the bestreap: ers and mowers on the market, I call, around and get our price? on the Buck ceye. PEACE. Some of the papers are lull of ! articles on the suhier.t nf "To , , have peace." It is indeed very-de- j sirable that we should have peace ' and along with it justice, for peace ! can fiu-1 no abiding -nlnn ! justice is ignored. Those who ad- ! voc-to peace no doubt riosirA it acts ana words have been consis tent in advocating peace and jus- lice, and thus bring about a last ing peace? Peace cannot come, and will not remain as long as the disturbers are allowed to dictate and control. To have a lasting peace, the outrages and crimes which were committed by the dis turbers should cease once and for all time. You cannot place the men who have been guilty of theft, aud lobbery, in office, and expect them to enforce the law without fear, f ivor, reward or the hope of rewara, auu even nauuea jus- tice to be meted out to all men. A uoes not now irom a corrupt ana impure fountain. If the fountain from which the stream flows is poisoned and pollntecrt those who drink thereat will be injured and poisoned. L?t's strike at the root of the evil, and then we may hope and expect good results to rjiiun, man t L.r iiv.c a pure, holy, God-like life cannot auora 10 eauorse taac wmcn ue knows is wrong, xiie preacner m the pulpit is not doing his duty to his church, to his God, and to his feiiow-mau who fails to condemn the wrong, and who shields the criminals in his church. He loses his influence, aud brings the church into disrepute. Men of the world cannot be attracted to the church, or 1 e persuaded to have faith or respect for a Christian church who keep wicked men on its rolls j ust because they have influence and contribute liberally to the minis ters salary. If we expect to ele vate public sentiment and promote peace and good will among men, we have gob to withdraw support and com tort from evil doers, and this cannot be done by endorsing crimes aud criminals at the bollot box, and the man who doe3 so en dorse them cannot command our confidence or respect, and it couks with poor grace for him to ask for peace, when he is a principal in strument in disturbing the peace. Just here we wish to relate a little incident which took place at our last term of court. Jim Alli son, colored, was indicted for re tailing on the day of election, and his case was disposed of by allow ing him to pay the cost. On the other hand, John Etchison, an un fortunate maimed white man was found guilty of retailing, and he wa sentenced to six mouths in jail, John came into court and plead guilty, acknowledged that he had done wrong, and today he languishes in jail, while Jim Alli son, a negro, notorious for violating the law in this respect, and who has been at this business for years was turned loose on the public on payment of cast. Why was this done? Is there any reason why it should have been done? We think there was. Jim Allison is a Democratic negro, and has been dealing out whiskey in and around Jerusalem for years, if all reports be true, and the whiskey he has been dealing out came very near beiug the cause of a bloody riot 2 years ago; besides, if Jim had been placed on the stand he might have implicated some white man. Evi dence could have teeu produced which would have not only shown Jim's guilt, but would have im plicated the seller of the ardent; but in order to protect some one else; Jim was given a light sen tence, but John Etchison was placed in jail for six months. These are facts, and can be substantiated, and we denounce the proceedings as an outrage against peace, jus tice and decency. If our courts are going to be used to shield party favorites, and j ustice can no longer be had, we arejudeed in a deplorable condition, and we can not expect or hope , for - a lasting peace. These things 'should be considered by our people' ami a remedy should be applied. ' The above shows that: we get peace with a string attached. Do you seel ' r i A GOOD START. Davidson Dispatch, Hon. E. M. Simmons, United States Senator, is making a good start. He is already busily en gaged in looking after matters of interest to many of the pejple of his State. A good start indeed! It is time for a good start, and we hope he will not forget it before the next election. One of the good starts is no doubt an effort to land some Simmonsite into an office, and then have Josephus Daniels cuss out gold Democrats for accepting ap pointment under the McKinley ad ministration. Joey seems to think every man who accepts appoint ment under the administration be comes tainted. How about his family who held such jobs? Buffalo calves should not bleat their brains out. Is Mr. Simmons fishing after auy of the Army appointments! Surely no Simmons-Daniel Demo crats could or would accept and hold office under a Radical Ad ministration; they might become tainted, you know. It's a nice state of affairs in this state, that applicants for appointments at the Xaval and Military Academies have to be questioned as to their politics. Mr. CJaude Kitchen, if we are not mistaken, has inaugu rated this innovation. Such a crowd, such a crowd. Respectable methods indeed! The first emancipator of the slaves, Joha C. Fremont, never re ceived anyr honor or gratitude from the negro race; a daring sol dier, and a Major-General, he liv ed in poverty for twenty-five years without a pension; the man .who had given a vast realm richer than Goiconda to his country he died, not owning a single foot of ground to leave to his children. Ladies' Home Journal. IT SAVED HIS LEG. P. A. Danforth, of LaG range, Ga., suffered for six months -with a frightful running sore on his leg; but writes that liucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five days. For Ulcers, Wounds, Piles, it's the best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only- 25e. Sold by C. C. Saniord. EXCURSION RATES VIA NORFOLK & WESTERN RAIL WAY. Pan-American Exposition May 1st to Oct. 31sc, 1901, The Norfolk & Western Railway will sell excur sion Tickets to Buffalo, May 1st to September 30th, 1901, GERM AX BAPTIST MEETING, Lincoln, Neb. One Fare Round-Trip. Excursion tickets on sale via Xorfold & Wes tern Railway, May 21-22-23. Good until June 30th, 1901. UNITED COXFEDERATE VET- ERAXS RE-UXIOX, Memphis, Tenu., May 28-30, 1901. The Xorfolk & Western Rail way' will sell Excursion Tickets May 25th. 2Gth and 27th. EP WORTH LEAGUE COXVEX- TTOX, San Francisco, Cal. Cheap Excursion Tickets via the Xorfolk & AVestern Railway, July 5th to the 12th, good until Au gust 31, 1901. W. B. BEVILL, G. P, A. Roanoke, Va. LEGAL NOTICES. Legal notices-will be charged for as follows: 83.00 notice for 2,50; $2.50 notices for $2.00; $5.00 notices for 84.00. AMERICA'S REPRESENTATIVE FASHION MAGAZINE THE DESIGNER Published flonthly WITH HANDSOME COLORED PLATES. I ALSO ILLUSTRATES 1 TII2 CELEBRATED- Standard Patterns j The only reliable patterns, because 1 they aUow seams. ; Subscription Price: $1.00 a year. 1 0 cents fr cinste copies. CANVASSERS WANTED FOR THIS PUBLICATION. - I' Liberal cash commission. Write for . sample copy and terni3 to Subscrip tion Department, THE DESIGNER, 33 West 14th St., New York City. E. B. HUNT, EXPERIENCED BARBER. fcSh-irp Razors. Clean Towels. 3ure Dandruff Cure. Money re jj funded if not satisfactoi-3'. Razors ground and Concaved Block. Give me a trial. E, H MORRIS. THREE PAPERS FOR $2,00. We will send you the DAVIE RECORD, ATLANTA COXSTI TIOX and THE SUXXY SOUTH all three weekly papers, one year for 82.00 THE SUXXY SOUTH is a fine literary and story paper and is worth the price asked for all the three. Hand us in your subscription and set these papers at once. DAVIE RECORD, Mocksville, X. C. Greensboro Nurseries, GREENSBORO, M", C, We have a large surplus ci standard AY inter Apples. Xow is the time to set; place your order before the assortment is broken. Special terms to these wish ing to plant largely. Address. JOM A. YOTJlfG, Proprietor. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. The Direct Line tc all Points. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA, FLORIDA, CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strict Fiist Class Equip merit on ail Through and L. cal Trains. Pnllmau Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains. Fast and Sate schedules. Travel by tlie Southern and you are assured a Safe, Com fortable and an Expeditious Journey. Apply to Ticket. Agents for Time Ta bles, Kates and General Infor mation, or address F. R. DARBY C. P. & T. A. Asheville N.C, T. P. A. Charlotte N. C. M TROUBLE TO ANSWER. QUESTION S H HARD WICK, ' . R.J.A. WASHINGTON, DC ! fk For sale by CURI0 a Avonderf ul preparation, holding- the hair in perfect curl for days, resist ing the effects of perspiration and all moisture in the atmosphere It is easily applied. Price $1. Sample package 25c. Ve prepay all trans portation charges. Address The Eugenio Preparations Company. 56 New Street, New York. Come around aud look at our spring and summer rain pi eft". If you want a tailor made, up-to-date suit, come around to' the post office. W. H. LEONARD, WINSTON Tnc ol Reliable up to date Jeweler and Optician, will gitrd you one hundred cents worth for every dollar, one price to al! and th? best goods for the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. "Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, China aud rich Cut Glass- o o o 40G Liberty Streets WATER It will be to the iuterest of investigate our DOUNLE TURBINE WATER WHEELS. They are giving remarkable p jwer with smill quantity of water. "We cau turnish splendid testimonials in proof of our claims. We areniaking extremely low prices at present cii thescf wheels. "Write for particulars. G. T. GLASCOCK & SONS, Mate. CIIEEXSDOKO, X, c. BOSPT FOB. 1ST to call at the Hed Front and see our new lot of ready made skirts. We carry a nice lino of Dress Coodd and Trimmings, White Goods, Lawns, Silks, llamburgs, Laces. You will Find Our Stock Complete and up to date. We also carry a nice line of Shoes for all. When in Mocksville give me a look. I will always inako prices O. K. Yours anxious to please, - Ktg: ' TT7r-.TrW IS ggi Fifty Cerits a Yeir Less Tixai & Ptnnr m. Number THE SOUTIPS LITERARY WEEKLY Published ct Atlanta, Ga. After a career of mora or less activity in the Southern field for over a quarter of a century 'I lit; Sunny oith ha again become a weekly, Letter and more readable than at any time iu ita history. It contains serial t-tciies from the I est known authors the world over. It is devoted to Sou the.! leadert and Southern writers and is their ov. n Btory i-aper. frhoit fctorics, f ketche-, iucidenta of war and of peace, anecdotes at home and alleld, t-ocins, ideas, fash ions, hint a lor home keepers, everything of interest to old and young will appear in its excellent weekly make up. The two great frcrialrf, Tkisthaji Ol-' JJlkxt," by Aktjioxy Hope (now in progress with full synor!! to cover' former in stallments), and l'Haly nde's Lovers," by Maurice 'I honip son, to Sjegin April 27th, will be read with -absorbing interest throughout the hole South. This is your opportunity, and only 50 cents for a full yen r of it. Think of it! 6) cents. Subscription price is oa'y fifty cents n j'ear. No agente' commission. The paper ia its own best offer and argument to the subscriber. One sample copy free to you and to your six neighbors whose names aud addresses you send on upon tal card, provided you feud at once. " A club of five at 60 cents each, accompanied by the full amount f2.50 net to us, entitles the sender to The Sunny South a whole year free The Sunny Couth ii your old friend in a tew form, al ways improving, every iffcus to excel the last one. The South 'a literary paper i. here at last. Order it to-day. The Sunny South In combination with the greatest of all Southern Weekly NEWSPAPERS The Atlanta Weekly Constitution both for only $ 1.25 a yeac Remit that amount to The Sunny South, and get these two great paper Ono Literary; the other News. Address all letters and remittances to THE SUNNY SOUTH. ATLANTA, CA MA4. go YEARS' ' FXPFRIFNOF Trade M Marks Designs COPVRIQMTB Ac. qnlckly asc.rtula our pfmii free whnther & Invention H probnbif t.itetibilrift. Cotntnunlra' tintis.-UrtctlTCOtindeuUal. Handbook on I'iteoU ecnt Tree. Oldest OKcncr fur ecru rt fix patflntit. Patonts tuken through iMunn A,Co.reoclT tptcial notice, without clmnre, ta tLo Scientific Jimerlcau A hnndromely lllnxtrnted wpklr. Ijirsmt rtv dilution of any ncicnltdc Journal. Term., f 3 c yonr: fonr months, (L bold by ail rewadnalerwi HUNNCo.3612. Hew York Branch Offlce. CZ5 F 8U Washington, l. U , N. C. -o- WHEELS. every user of water power to i .1 i i A -; 1 i! "1 t 1 .i. '-i -'