JlJA.'V'IE MOCKSVILLE. N. O., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1903. NO. 51 RECORD r7aKD EVERY WEDNESDAY. rioF suksckiftion Lfliti, One Year, - - 75 cents LoP Months, 40 UcoPV, u-ee Months 2o THE WATTS BILL Watts I Jill will go into ef It.i.. 1 ii)0;S. and it enforc- ftf will then sec whether it is a orabadhiw. The Republi- ! 1-'J'-V . j. i j 'a that no Lfemocrat coum en Jia the l:tillcfy busiuess. The LlHIliii'pli to both Demo Vand Republicans. The Watts 1i IS II! Ut" 1111 v " i-v . ... 4-.- ii lnv 4li a f '" ,11... .......1 c-.,"Ke ought to In? good for her ii"Compui!i;i''- i't jf ve were a Democrat, wc . -. i. oii-inil tii imhlisli sueh xiffas the above. v0W we have b?en a resident ot paviacoauty for isuiuy years and most of the time persons oi both -ties have e::ga,ed in distilling. 'jcic are Democrats in the v. his- rbiisiaM5? at the present so we !aieJ. Yet such staff as . . i i , ... i tse above is puiuiMieu iuiuito ihe facts. We know that uu &-Mr. rHeIaudfs administration vgy pr&sure possible was brought j Sear upon Republican distillers i order to get them into rue lemocratic party. Now if the epablicaa party had such a re- nlas has the Democratic party this State for fraud, rascality j ....... -m i vile political trickery we !! be ashamed to open our! -T-rl. .,i2 the- Tin f- iti t ii o icle. carried the county and elected A . T. Grant Jr. to represent us iu the State Legislatuie, but soon after Mr. Grant got to Raleigh, a cau cvtss of Democrats met and decided that all laws introduced by Mr. Grant and other Republican cf a Apolitical uaturt" should first Ic referred to the chairman of the Executive Uy depriving Davie and every Republican county in the State of its legal it-presentation. Such high handed levoluliouary meth ods were never heard of before in a free country like ours, but it was done, and your party did it. If you should be fed out of the same ipoon you fcho.ild take the med icine and be ashamed to protest when retributive justice had over taken you. Its a base slander of Davie county Republicans and the Times should give tacts and fignes to support assertions if it expects to make others believe such things about its :own peop'e. From the Times contention the Watts bill is a political measure passed to injure as it thought, Republicans and is not intended to promote temperance. The Demo cratic party has for the past 30 years stolen elections iu this State, jand counted their own men in, 1 thus depriving Republicans of of fices they were legally and honest ly entitled co. Your returning boards have throwu out Republi- i can precincts, and awarded cer tificates to your own crowd who were not legally elected. Shame, eternal shame upon a party with such a rec ml. Namj your man. To Cure a Cold In One Day I Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure, W. Grove's signature is box. 23o. on E. each JUDGE FURCHES WAS RIGHT. Another Democratic law has aocve' ooiae u gnei in me uer.iwiou i of the Supreme court of the Unit- Sow vc arc going to give tne Iijies a little of its party record M let it see how it looks along be line of honest v and decency. 18HS it began its tleig.ng the people if successful lot to iutenere with any man's Ifi;lit to vote, it succeeded 3 we think l?v trauu, iu u e w umUiirton ed States, in which decision it was adjudged, that, the Craig law was unconstitutional . Possibly the next Legislature will undertake to campaign ! impeach these United States jud ges just as they did our own be cause they had decided certain laws passed by this same Legisla ture unconstitutional Bat one of niassa-! toe judges this Legislature sought hie lo-Howed, where numbers of innonceiit negroes were shot down. to impeach (Judge Furches) defi ed this very law (the Craig law) and Kopiil.lican officials were for-j exactly tins way in tne case ot tritoMirreudLi- their offices and j Debnam vs the Bell Telephone Co. law the State. The Legislature j where the company which had of Kill ignored its promises and j beou chartered in New York had pledges and submitted the amend-j complied with the requirments of mt, ami its leaders organized j the Craig act; was sued iu the W Shirt brigades who paraded State courts and sought to have Ostein i -art of the state in armed! the case removed to the United kfiscoerebg and intimidating i States court. The- petitiou was tkrsrters. Prominent white Re-j denied by the judge presiding in pfiWicins were not allowed to j the Superior court and the compa- 5&ka.t many points, force and ro:te i eggs w ere used to prevent speech, aad plots and schemes aniltue ringing of bells to call to Seller your cohorts, of -force and framt to do violeuce to one of Swtli Carolina's U. S Senators, aK'ljet the Times talks about no! 1 foam-rat beiur allowed to Sill. Your f.-mi Tfr Timpc; or a Democrotic United States bnpie- foiuted in m0O more 'than one court decided as the present County Superintendents. In July next, a aewsupeiinteud- uimiUee, thus virtua- 'eat of schools is to be elected by the county board of education, and it is to be hoped that the board will give the county a com petent superintendent. It is a po sition of vital importance, one that concerns all the people of the cou nts7 alike, regardless of politics, and should be filled by one thorou ghly competeut to test the ability of those who aie to lay the founda tion upon which our future citi zenship is to be built. We believe the gentlemen of the board of edu cation will rise equal to the occa sion and will not follow the 'nn suae" idea, that any old thing that has done party , service is good enough to till the place Chatham Citizen. Chatham county as shown by the above enjoys the Democratic privilege ot electing its superin tendent, that distinguished honor and right was taken from the .peo-: pie of Davie county and givem to the Legislature at Raleigh which ' has so efficiently managed the af fairs of the State for the past few years. Republicans.have managed their financial affairs iu Davie without calling on the Wall Street Bankers for money to pay its ex penses so the Legislature concluded that we were not compeuteut to elect our own officers you see, Postiffjce Iepartiitcnt An important development in the Post office Department scandals is the resignation of Superinten dent Machen, of the rural free de livery system. The alacrity with which he got out and the amiabili ty which attended the proceedings indicate his guilt or crooked prac tices, and this is but one instance of the rottenness which doubtless extends throughout the Depart ment. A ridgid investigation by a congressional committee will no doubt disclose uu imagined corrup tion and this cannot be undertaken too promptly nor prosecuted too vigorously. Charlotte Observer. Yes a rigid investigation should be made and we think it is being made, and all guilty Tiarties should be severely dealt with, we dont want any such investigation as was laade by the Democratic Legislature last spring of the man agement of the State prison. The Observer should not Jose sight of the fact that many of the Post office officiate are Democrats eh ! 3 3 I E AT CLOTHING SALE R SALLS'BUR o Yve have just closed out the entire stock of Clothing of J. MANN'S & SON, Baltimore, Md., retiring from business. Be on the lookout, 'OR THE GREAT Clothing: Sale r Fine stock of highly tailored. Clothing to be sol I at half price. We had the cash ami scooped them in, and our friend s'aall have the benefit of same. Watch the arrival of this large lot of Clothing and be on time, as our price3 will lie lio per cent, below all cost sales so as to move them quickly. 4t i his I J3 roPt i or of Ciothino Arrived Tn.nivjlc-- Clothing at Half Price. Two Suits For tne Price of One. SALISBURY, N. lOOPtiiGRGOhS v r? vv? -r S r 2l Com pa Jobbers & Dealers ny appealed to our Supreme court which affirmed the decision of the court below, but Judge Faiches dissented and placed the grounds of his opinion ou the fact that the company was still a New York corporation. Had the Republicans passed this law and Judge Clark ftDrnlied iguoraut negro judges of .W,:. .... .... . . -"-i-jus, niHi tne rape ot the uai 'Ijowas consumated by their iilaiid assistance. They were pupets v J'-Jur hands to do your dirty Til "our crowd did not stop at 'liis, fcme coanties elected Repub fiansanda few Republicans held 'iicial offices and you tried to Wte them out of office iu order fP'Jt in jour crowd who were tnngrvingaiid thirsting after these You r legislature ' aoooi nt- I d f()!linicci'.. . r. i- .....uiicia iu ttepu-ncan rties. Yon Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Implements, Stoves, Tinware, Wooden ware, Belting, Guns. Cutlery, Ammunition, Sporting Goods, Sash, Doors, . Blinds, Glass, Paints, and Oils, Disc Harrows, Chattanooga Plows and Disc Cultivators. 420 Trade Street, WINSTON-SALEM N. C. Everything In Furniture AND HOUSE FURNISHING AT Huntley Hill & Stockton WINSTON-SALEM N. C. You are always welcome at our Store, and our motto is The best 'for you i the best for us. Come to free us, GompieteURdertakingDepartment l JR VsJKksnWfJK1! usual vncG. Cnoice of acv stanciarrt tu-es ana oest WixTSfc miW'fi'$ eouipaicnt on ail our bicycles. Wrongest guarantee. mrlUWWmi Wc SJJ PP&&VZ C. O. D. to any ono m MWWW with a cent devosit aad allow i0 DATS UE mVliV i$QMiM TKiAL before purchase ia bindia.?. Wnfti ml? h vzte . t VvWI in I I! IwJ-lM .Arsrr VniTif-.-y.a u:l ujaKivi -m iM.ia, Kwi as .itw ml L' LKVE4SSis 8Sy mill factosv pieces 'and free I in each tovrn to take orders for our zxsw u.igh Crada Guaranteed Bicycles. "Bol&SC," Complete $8.75 GQ&SSZ&kj,?9 Guarantee J K!jh Grede $JGm7$5 M SBBSSR . ' ABwiuty $t75 BzudOPfJ v" ltoad-raeer M,& fcmh I'M no better uicvcla at anv nrico. CTSsAi'Ha 0llicr or moaei you vsc-nt m cnc-mira ton for oitr TRIAL OFFER. Tires, enuiomont, sunGris and sjrort lr.p- poods of all kinils. at half regular price, in our free ur'iryc8a'cg. Con', n insa world of ii30ful information. Write for it. - - - Down On Fraud. crrew even bolder wl iu 1.001 your crowd impeached Republican mpnlKrs nf iVi h!ilte Supreme court anil snmo nf the nri t-An -C. i. l i . . J ? j Sncu mr Luis tiiiiy fr0rk was topt rir! nn?miil.li(miw last aet, one of the vilest, 'aest and most diabolic! neie- 1 Work ever undertaken bv the j enst .foot-pads or highwaymen. u (Hd not oton at that in moi jar Legislature passed a school nd elected the county school twlS Ht "gh, but provided & tW ye:us tllreflfter thev anT- , electedy th counties, 03 this law wa amended iow conia deprive Republican 10, " 1hese oi1ice3 iu abont iar.v m ti tuht at home here court has the Democratic press would have lauded Judge Clark to the skiers with its praises aud long and loud would have been the echoes of "We told you so." Rat this wise and hoaesfc Jadge was only a Republican whose opinion s not worth uoticing anyway . Union Republican. , Yes Judge Furches wa3 not on ly sustained by the U. S. Supreme court in the Craig act. but also in the bond ease but then Judge Fur ches is a Republican, and as of old no good thing co nes out of Galilee. Davie county is justly proud of her sou. He has forged his way from the bottom of the ladder to the topmost round, and is to-day the man of sterling integrity he has always been regardless of the at ienpt made by Lock Craig and others to degrade aud dishonor him. You Know What You Are Tak ing When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle shoeing that it is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless form. No j cure, no pay, 50c. Old papers tor 'sale at the ecrd, office .10 cents per 100. Elizabeth City, N. C, May 20 Duiiug the delivery of a strong and eloquent sermon Sunday night Rev, D. H. Tuttle referred to the notorious crookedness and glaring frauds of the recent city election. He expressed the hope that the grand jury would be camposeJ of brave, horjes,t incorruptible men who would keep their oaths invio late and bring to justice all crimi nals, especially those who deliber ately commit perjury and rob the American- citizens of the sacred right oi having their votes count ed as east. Raleigh Post. The shoe is beginning to pinch when the thieves legiu to steal from the elect, but as long as the ballot box theives were stealing from Republicans it was honorable and all right. Down with ballot box theives of all kinds audclaases The perpetuity of government depends upou a tree and fair election. FRESH D RU G S Just Opened One door below the Post office in Job Printing, . Neatly Quickly. HP By The Rec- Nevin Poultry Yards Nevin, Meekiersfcurg Co., N, C. iCHOUlER'S DEPARTMENT store, Great Slaughter Sale! On For the Hest 30 Days We will give a special discount ot 25 per cent, on all sals of MEJTrt CLOTHING. Our reason for this great sacrifice sale is this: Iu I be future weexpect to devote all our time and attention, in the Cloth in; Department, lo the sale of Boy's Clothing exclusively. We haven't tj room to carry both, hence to carry out our plan, our entire Btock of Men's Clothing must be closed out qcickly. Gentlemen, this i3 YOUR opportunity. Boys Clothing the Weant Building a nice line of Has soxne of the finest Pure-Bred Tf every man would be liberal h t cf enoug h to concede the DRUGS and Toilet articles, io-1 baeeo and Cigars, Oranges, Ban unas Lemons and Apples. Gallin and see us when you nesd any thing in our lino Your patronage Solicited M. D Kimbrough &Sons Dr. M, D, Kimbroughs office up stairs over Drug Store, FRISCO SYSTEM. On the first and third Tuesdays rtf a -ni . IVfnv and June the Fris- co System (Saint Francisco Louis & San Railroad) will have on sale reduced one way and round rip tickets from Birmnigham, Memphis and Saint Louis to points Missouri, Oklahoma, t.i.w.. 0 l rn,nl! I Indian lerruory. mm ac-vo. Write W. T. Saunders, be. v., i . himself, much of the bitterness that political strife engenders would be swept away, and defeat iu fair contests would lose its sting Wilson News. D., Frisco System, Atlanta, Ga. for information. Fowls in the Stats, anr sell Ejrgs at tns following low Price. S C. Brown Leghorns, Lt Brahmas Barred Rocks, Black Minorcas, $1.00; W Wyandottes, Houdaus, Sherwoods, Buff Leghorns, Cornish L Indian Games, -$1.25; White In dian Games, 2.00; 15 eggs, to a setting.. Pekin Duck eggs, 81.00 per VS. Also thorughbred Red Jersey Swine, S weeks old, .00 jeach $10.00 per pair. I Our winnings tor 1002 at two shows M ere 15 first, 12 second, 8 third prizes. We are inventors and patentees of Wardiu'8 Flight Arrester; it prevents fowls from flying without cutting their wings. A three foot fence will keep them cou fined. Does not hurt them cannot.be seen. Jyt the thing for poultry raisers. When writing for them say for what breed of fowls. Sam ple 10c. silver, (no stamps) $1.00 per dozen. Say where j'ou saw this ad. Circulars free. Send at once. WARDIN BROS. Owing to the extreme late spring we find that our stock of Roys' Sum mer Clothing is larger than it should be at this time, bo rather than wait until the tail end of the summer to have our slaughter file, wt have decided to take the bitter dose now, aud have sale in the gi.i ning of hot weather when our little gentlemen friends arc in . I this grade of Clothing. We feci sure they will appreciate thi sale. So come on boys this is YOUR opportunity, for during the a1e wo will How 25 per cent, discout on Boy's Summer Clothing purchased . Scliouler's Department Store WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Tv timm :hM m . One HfflV - ! m awKss SSSiica ifcoaes sow ra ss a s. uu 1 "mmsm Cures dtp Jn Two 3ayc. 1) For th&t Millionaire Feeling wear garments made-to-oriicr by : t : t Strauss Bros. "America's Leadioj? Tcilcr," C Vi i c a q o Good clothes contribute much to happi- 4g3 ness. You z&in the point In Straisa 15ros.' I made garments. Tliey are made scientiScalljr to your exaxt meo.su re by highly skilled tailors . in cleat, 6anitary shops. Every detail Jrom first to last given the minutest attention, the result being garments distinctly above the ordinary and absolutely satisfactory. Yon will wonder Low ittan le done at the low prices ouo'ci. Call sad see iiw eamples of choicest ce7 woolena. ' G. H. MORRIS MOCKSVILLE, N. C. t I' I itl EFFECT iiie epuplicap3j

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