1 s:. ; ATI ECORD MOCKSVILLB, X. C, THURSDAY APRIL 7, 1004. NO. 41. D R E . www nmn Ann ' ri Ei UM VIXj JYCiUUIMJ l'L'BUSUFJ) KVEttY THURSDAY. - EDITOR. TERMS OF RUHSCIUPTION " One copy, One 'Year, - - 50 cent One copy, Six Months, 2.1 REPUBLICAN STATE Convention CJreensboro, N. C, May 18, 1904. FOR GOVERNOR HON. CI! AS. A. REYNOLDS, of Forsyth County. lion. Spencer Blackburn Nomi nated. The Hn. Spencer Blackburn was nominated for Congress in the Sth, last week at Wilke3boro. Tbe division among our friends of the .Sfb, (list, has given the Democrats lUllcll KiiitMiitiiuu, w v iiupe me breach may be healed, and that the Republicans of the 6th will preseut u united front to the machine Democracy from now on. All of the candidates are our friends. The success of the Republican par tv in November is paramount. Let's not aid our enemies iu this iMiripaign. The welfare of our State and country is paramount. Lay aside all differences gentle men. RIG BONDISSUSE. Jackson, Miss., March 11 The 1 ower house passed a bill to-day . , i a, . . r provjuiiu; lor me luss'-iraocu oi lie hundeied thousaud thirty vKir bocds, bearing three and half percent, interest, to make up any! ti -heiencv mat may arise in me ito revenue. Another Deimeratic State heard Uova. This show what Democra cy is doing for the Southern States. North Cuioiiua is paying for the j lends issued by the Democrats, and our people inay look out for another baud issue if Democraej is successful this year. Bonds, bonds and Democracy go hand in hand. Republican Stati Convention. At a meeting of the Repulicau .State Executive committee, held in the city of Greensboro, X. C, on Feb. 3, 1904. the State Convention of tbe Republican party was called j to meet at Greensboro, X. C. on May 18, 1901, at noon, to nominate candidates for Governor and other State officers, two Associate Jus tices of tbe Supreme Court, and two presidential electors at large, ami to elect four delegates aud 4 alternates at large to tbe National Republican Couvcntion, to be .held iu Chicago June 21, 1904, and to transact such other business as may properly tome before said convention. The Republican organization? of various counties are requested to call a convention of the Repabli cans of their respective counties, (if they have not already done so) aud elect delegates and alternates to the said State Convention, in accordance with the plan of orgaui zation adopted by the last State Convention. Each county is en titled to one delegate and one alter-. uate tor every 100 votes or f racDion -al parts thereof cast for the candi date of the Republican party for Governor at the last general elec tion. All persons who believe in the continuance of the present prosper ous condition of the country, who believe in a clean and economical administration of Natiim iL, State and County affairs, who believe in wmnd money and protection, and who are in favor of honest elee Hons in North Carolina, and all persons who are opposed to Bryau ism and Ilearstism, who are op PS' d to the excravagance of the last Legislature, who are opposed l the preseut high and burden some rate of taxation, and who are opposed to class legislation, are cordially invited to participate in w Convention. By order of the Executive Com -mittee. Thomas S. Rollins Chairman. Robert H. McNeill, Sectretary To cure a Cold In One Day iake Laxative Bromo Quinne tablets. All druggists refund tbe X?ney if it fails to cure, Mr. E. V- lrOVfi's Rifrnatiiro is 'e's signature is on each feox 'oe, Yes, But. The average Soutbe n Republi- : can wants office bad enough to risk -a good deal, Dailv Sentinel, Jan. 19. Yes the Republicans waut office bad enough, but they have never wanted office bad enough to get it through dishonest election laws. Yes. they want office, but they never have wanted it bad enough to pack a Jury to rob a sheriff of his office. They have never lot respect for the house of God to get it. They have never destroyed the will of the people by appointing five Commissioners over the three elected by the people to get the small county offices. They have never blackened their souls by registering au oath in Heaven to hold au honest election and then uot do it. Tney have never sought to im peach honest Supreme Court Jud ges f unblemished character to get it. They have not dipped their hands in human blood to get it. They have never organized them selves iu lawlejs bauds to destroy human freedom to get it. They have never wanted it bad enough to fill the State with new offices and then tax the honest peo ple of North Carolina to death to pay them. They have never wanted it bad eaongh to rob the poor children of the State under the promise of ed ucation to get it. They want a free country worse; they want an honest ballot worse: they want. an unbiased judiciary worse; they want an houest jury system worse; they waut perjury punished Hroise; and among other things they waut to retaiu their honor aud self respect worse. Now, Bro. Sentinel, piay tell ns which oue of the crimes we have mentioned your party has not com mitted iu your struggle for office. - Union Republican. Being a D2mocrat Shields a Criminal. Editor Citizen. The Chatham Record informed its readers last week that on thepreceediug Thurs day two men were hanged iu t his State, and then adds: "For the iufo mation of those Republican papers aud scribblers who faisely assert that crime has greatly in creased iu this State because of Democratic bad government, we would state that both of these criminals were Republic ins." Why of course they were. Since Democratic judges and solicitors have obtained control of courts it is mighty hard to convict a Demo crat. - When they co ne into court and admit breaking iuto a man's room and taking his life the judge lets them off with six to ten mou ths imprisonment; if a Je.nerac stands high in the social circle he may shoot down a man going from him at a rapid gait and the jury renders a verdict of '-not guilty ' and the judge who oeeapies the bench says it is a righteous verdict when public sentiment says the mau who did the shooting should be hung. Being a Democrat has doubtless shielded many a criminil from the penalty of tne law in. North Caro lina; but woe unto the Republican or negro against whom there i3 a scintilla of evidence, Such discrimination as this has caused many honest people to lose respect for the courts, and the "-urge of God will surely, sooner or larer fall upon those who are re sponsible for such- miscarriage of justice. Fair Piay in Chathm Citizen.i Huge Joke. "Gwyne" to carry Dade county this fall "air" ye, "mister Dimmy cratr' You is a "bin' carrying it for the lasf 20 years. "Thar'' is nothing like being "saugwyne" and Davie county Dirninytrats "air" the most "sangwyne" crowd we ever "beam", of. What yon "wanto" bet on your "sangwyne" outlook? GUABmN TEED BY A BANK DEPOSIT Railroad Fare Paid. 500 FRKE Courses Offsrsd. Board at Cost- Write Jli 5,000 . MINORITY PARTIES. Minority parties are very neces sary to secure the best and safest government fiom the majority; aud it was hoped that with the adoption of the constitutional a mendmentaelean, aggressive white Republican party v ould spring up in North Carolina. But whatever reason existed at one time for this hope, it has been blasted. There are only two congressional districts in the State in which the Repabli cans stand a living chance, and as slim as that chance is, there is presented the spectacle tf tne Re publicans in those districts fight ing like dogs aud blackguardiug each other like tishwomen That party, so far as there is anything to indicate, never allows thought of the public welfare to concern it but thinks of nothing except get ting and keeping offices. It will never command respect or gain re cruits a long as this is the case, and the indications are that it al ways will be. It has clean and able and honorable men in its ranks but the sound of their voices is hushed in the infernal and eter nal din over offie, office, office, Charlotte Obsever. Great scotts is'nt the above cheeky! The idea of a Democrat throwing up office to a Republican Why brother Caldwell, your crowel in this state have stnffed ballot boxes, had your election officers to commit perjury, falsified election returns all for a few offices. You have rotten egged Republicans, you have paraded certain locali ties with red shirts, shot guns, cannons aud Winchesters, all for office. Go way back and sit down. Yon are uot fooling the people. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab lets or Monuments call On CLAUDE MILiLElt. North Wilkesboio, X.C. . CERTAIN SUCCESS. Guaranteed to Boys And Girls of Limited Means. To pay R. R. fare, furnish board at $8,00 per month, give a thorough business education in ii to 4 months, and a good position as soon as through is the ironclad guaranty of the Ga-Ala. Bus. Col lege at Macon, Ga., the South 's most successful and widely knowu institution. It has been established twelve years, has a $30,000 capital, backs every guaranty with a bank depo sit of 5,000 and has secured posi tions tor every one ot its 8000 graduates, Prest. and Mrs, Martin make a specialty of giving their personal attention to the welfare of students and it is pre eminently the place for boys and girls of limited means for it puts certain success within their grasp. For full information write at ouce to Prest. E. L. Martin, Macon Ga. Tightly LocKed From Nervous Spasms. Physicians Could Not Prevent Fits. Dr. Miles Nervine Cured My Wife. Dr. Miles' Nervine has been successfully tried in thousands of cases of nervous disor ders, but neverihas it made a better record the.n when used in the treatment of fits or spasms. Thous .nds of testimonials prove this, and in nearly every instance the writer has stated that the fits ceased after the first dose of Ner vine wa given. The statement is repeated in the following: "Seven years ago my wife commenced having spasms or fits and I called in my home phvsician and. he said she was para lyzed. He rubbed her with salt water and gave her calomel and she eventually got some better, but in a short time she had another attack. She was confined to her bed fur three months and the doctor could not help her. She had fits frequently, some times very severe. Her hands would cramp so we could not open them and she finally got so her jaws ' would become locked. Finally I saw the doctor was doing her no pood and ordered a bottle of Dr. Miles' Re storative Nervine. She received so much benefit from the first bottle that I got some more. She has taken a number of bottles but has never had a fit since taking the first dose. She also thinks very highly of Dr. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills and is never without them. If there is any way of mak ing this testimonial stronger do so because of the good the Dr. Miles Restorative Nerv ine did mv wife." Wm. Y. Allen, P. Eikville, Miss. Ail druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervou and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart; Ini, Jews NOTICE, By vtkttjre of the power conveyed to us, in a Mortgage deed executed ; to E. H. Pass and Jacob Stewart by Samuel Crawford and wife Mar3r. Ve will sell to the highest bidder, for cash at thr Court House door in Mocksville on Saturday the 9th, day of April 1904, the following described property, towit: A lot of land in the town of Advance adjoining the lands of A.. C. Wood G. A. Allison and others.- Beginning- at a stone in Alli son's line and Wood's corner; thence South 2b de. West 13 poles to a stone in Allison's and Lippard's line: thence West 6 poles to a stone: thence 2 de. East 13 poles to a stone in Wood's line; thence G poles to the beginning1, containing one half acre more or Jess The above described property is sold to satisfy the debt thereby secured, default having been made in payment of the same. This 8th. day of March 1904. E. H. PASS Mortgagee. A. T. GRANT Jr. Assignee of JACOB STEWART. TJlSBS. . - R. It. 7. Box 46 CHARLOTTE. If. C Elas some of the finest pure bred poultry in the State and tells eggs for hatching of the following breeds at low prices: Browu Leghorns, Houdans white Wyandottes, Bar red Rocks. Uuff Leghorn, W hite Leghorn, Sherwoods Black Miuor cas, Light Brahmas, Indian games ami Pekin Ducks. Chicken eggs 15 to a setting, Ducks eggs lo. Al bo thourghbred Eed Jersey hogs. Circulars free, send for them. WMMlBIBIDS.Irl NOTE We have a years scholar ship each iu the A. & M. College at Raleigh, N. C. and the Female Normal at Greensboro N. C, for sale at reduced nrices. MIS You can do so by going and calling I ? For anything in the general merchandise line ; A FEW SAMPLES, j 7ht: i: o ; jt i z a Arbnckle coffee lie per lb. 21 lbs. granulated sugar $1. I All 5c snuff for 4c, Aways ou hands good flour. I n TTT'fTT3 I have some good bargains fl uJS)to offer you in shoes. Ladies' I pants ever jo, C, WALL, KThis Space is W. S. Martin He has something to tell youS About the large Stock f dry goods and Notions that he isuow selling at the Ashcraf t Hege Stand . He Has Bought Their Stock Having bought their stock at a bargain he is selling bargains to every one of his many customers. Call on him if you want a bargain. Write Fui the McCall Patterns - - 10 and lo cents Give him a trial and be convinced that you can get a bargain W. S. Martin, - - Winston, N. C. THE OLD STAND OF ASIICRA FT-nEG E. ;6wink & We have a full line of dry goods, Shoes, hats, aud all kinds . Dress goods and Notions. I We also carry a full line ot groceries of every description, Stove Buster and Icecream Flour at alow figure. 1 Come to see ns, we will treat yon right. ! STOink& Deadmon, jii ICooleemee, - - - - N. Vm Job Printing, Neatly Quickly Plana By The. P eco U3llJ Rn, OB FFIC With the Knrfeea Paint, which is always leliable, and Inlly guaran teed. I have paints for all pur poses, and the most complete line ever earned in Davie county. Gome and sea for v. yourself. I also carry a full line ofgeueial merchandise, and those who have tiaded with me know that my prices are always reason able, with fair dealings to all alike Let others c me and see. Many thauks for all past favors. Yonrs for business, J, Lee Kuriees. w.h. mum LEADING JEWELER i we nave completed, our prei parations lor the Holidays. We desire to especially em phasize the fact that we recog nize but oue quality, the best aud that our prices for the best are absolutely the lowest. Mail Orders Promptly Filled IW.HIMARD,! i 06 Libercy St. Winston, N. C MM. on O. C. WALL, Ephesus, N. C. I i xr : ... v a. Granulated sugar 5eper!b, Hot Saotch snuff 2 bales 5c. Heavy Schnapps tobacco for lOcjj a plug or 30c per lb. f Mv?fF vN I have just o-? a il w) pened up one of D brought to the county, 1.19 and up EPHESUS N 0 Eeserved For Winston, N, C. Deadmon. i Old papers for Eale at the lie ord office, 10c per 100. s s of Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tcbicts. Seven Million boxes sold ia pest 13 months. Thfa SfcaiStCTe. toaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooca The Great Bargain Store Have j nst Received a nice Hoe of hats. We are jjoing to sell them cheap m yoo conld wish, Shoes We have just got in a tig line of the beat shoes on the market for men and boys. V7e are going to sell dry goods . Spring stock which will pat iu soon. Come to see us when you come to town. TX7TT T T A TW1CI yQi A rTTXTn-n r rwTST ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooococccococoocood SCHOULER'S DEPARTMEMT STORE. Sprrigtime is the time of year to renew on r 'wardrobes and make our homes clean and attractive with new fnrnishings, We can offer yon almost any thing yon may call for, and what we have'nt got we are willing to goto some other store and get for you. To servo you well is to our interest and we have never Ihhmi bettor prep; i red to give you good service and lower prices than we are now. Wc quote le- low a ltv of our. SPECIALTIES. Several thousand yds. of lace, edge Wide emoroiderie 10c per yard and insertion to match 5c per yard, regolar price 20c, A good corset, style girdle 25c The prettiest aud cheapest line A beautiful line of fancy col- of plain aud fsiney ribbons to be lars, belts, boys gloves pins, hos- found anywhere. iery and everything in the way of novelties. As for our woolen aud eoltou dress A large and complete line of la goods, write for samples aud prices dies ready made twMin under It will pay you. wear, also skirtj, waist, suitn Every thing iu the way of Genta Towels, table linen, curtains, furnishings, boys aud mens suits, mattings, capet gs. umbrellas, travling bags and trunks. We carry a large aud hand some stock of millinery. Special attention paid to mail orders. Write for fashion sheet and Sarosis shoe catalogue. Schouler's Department Store WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Hardware Company Jobbers & Dealers Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Implements, Stoves, Tinware, Wooden ware, Belting, Guns. Cutlery, Ammunition, Sporting Goods, Sash, Doors, Blinds Glass, Painte, and Oils, Disc Harrows, Chattanooga Plows and Disc Cultivators. 420 Trade Spast, WINSTON-SALEM N. C. JUST OPENED At The Red Front A nice line of white goods, Lawns, Linens, Grenadines, Nainsook, Pique ami Laces. WHAT I HAVE In plain words, we have the nicest line and Largest stock, that we have ever brought to this place, and goods that will please. Come to see me No trouble to show you onr goods pi be snre to call on us when you come to town. If ours to Serve T, BAITY. J. OCXXXXjOOOOOOOOQOCOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOfjooooft 5 Ss5S5?r . 5? HAS Vonderfnl Simplicity. nip. unequanea :uanuoiaing, Alignment. It is without doubt writer dou't fail to examiue the t r q a -L . x . ur iX 25 OOOCXQOQCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCgO To Cure a Cold in QneJbey Shoes. cheap so as to make room for oar! THIS BLICKENDERFER Typewriter fcH Very beet meterials and Wfrkraan-o uirecr, printing no riDDon. I'enect; unequalled. If you want a Type-J BROOKS "BUCK," Prices $35, and $5 MrnDn ni x x-f u la Two S&1r i il 15 . I' i ') f GEORGIA-ALABAMA BUSINESS COUEGE,Ma:on,a

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