The Record. AVIE OLITME VI. MOCKSVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY JULY 7, 1004. NO. 2. She DAVIE RECORD "BLLSUKD EVERY THURSDAY. ir-T)T)Ta 52. 11. WlUUkl, back and he owned it a great debt j the fulfillment of that prediction EDITOR, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One Year, - - 50 cent FOR l'KESIDKXT : THEODORE ROOSVELT, of New York. FOR VICE-PRESIDENT : CHAKLE3 W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. KErl BLICAN STATE TICKET; FOR GOVERNOR CHARLES J. HARRIS, of Jackson County, FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IS AAC 31. MEEK INS. of Pasquotank County. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: J.J.JENKINS, of Chatham County. FOR STATE TREASURER: C. G. BAILEY, of Davie County. FOR STATE AUDITOR: F. A. LINNEY of Wautauga County. FOB STATE SUPT. OF PUBLIC CYRUS P. FRAIZER. of G u i 1 ford Con n i y . FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: W. H. YARBROUGH. FOR COMMISSIONER OF LABOR AND PRINTING: J. Y. HAM RICK. RUI.KOAD COMMISSIONER: DR. D. II. ABBOTT, ELECTORS AT LARGE: J. J. BR ITT, R. Z. LINNEY. EOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES: JUDG K MOXTG OM ER Y, JUDGE DOUGLAS. INSTR- THKY DO. Republicans generally do what, they promised to do if they get the power The way to keep then: from earrayiugout their promise to reduce Southern represensation in Congress is to deprive them of the po".er, at the polls. Times-Dispatch, Democratic. 'Republicans generally do what they promise to do if they getr the power." Yes, and that is what the people of these Uuited States gen erally entrust them with the oflkes, they know they can depend iipoB them to do they promise. The above coming from the lead ing Democratic paper of Virginia, shows that even the Southern peo plereli.e that the Republican party can be depended upon . It 's a party, not of promises, but of perform- uuies, and that goes along way towards giving the country pros perity and continuing it, Tne busi ness element knows what to expect. Uncertainty does not (list rub and destroy confidence when the" Re publican party is in power. De mocracy made many promises un der the Cleveland adminstration, but failed to keep them, ami even the WiUson-Gorman tariff bill passed by a Democratic Congress, keame a law without the Presi dent's siguature, because he said it was steeped in perfidy and dis honor, and in flagrant isolation of Democratic promises. To-day the country stands aghast at the leaders of a great party on the eve of their convention perfectly at sea, for an issue or candidate. The only question and declaration of it's leaders is, who is the most availble man, on what issue can we fliu! They sta:.d ready to repudi ate past priciples and platforms, and walk rough-shod over the for placing him in the Presidential chair. The trouble is that Mr. Cleveland does not. agree vith the Southern wing of Demoracy on this question, for he had negroes at the "White House, and gave them office aud will do so again should he have the chance. Democracy to appeal to the law abiding ele ment, must either pledge themsel ves to the repeal of the 14th and 15 amendments to the Constitution, or be honest euough to acquiesce in the enforcement of the mandatory clause cutting down representation in Congress aud the electoral col lege. Your acceptance and ratifi cation in g jod faith of these amend ments colses your mouth in the face of the Republican position of maintaining and carrying out the Supreme law of our common coun try. WHO 13 HIS ? These who are finding fault, with a certain nominee on the State ticket should have made their fight before the convention met. ' It was just as easy to tell the truth then as now, and its telling then would have stood some show of being effective. The party plan and the party law has been foil wed, and from the vote it looks if the people wanted it just as it is. No amount of critiscism can now change the the result. It can only lead to discord and dis content. Aud jwhat'a the use Raleigh Post, Surely the greatest convention ever held did not make the mistake of nominating a man objectionable tsthe party Such an orderly body of men surely could not have made such a blunder ? Are any of the pure in heart dissatisfied with Mr. Francis D. Winston, of Geo White fame? We suspect there will be a little holding of the nose when they go to swallow Dear Fraueis. Such small things as that dr not ususally disturb the pure in heart. "We would suggest, that if any of these folks who helped to put Francis on the ticket begin to back, that they be kicked out of the meeting. For nearly half a century the record of the Republican party has been sc interwoven with the coun try's history that each is a part of the other, aud neither can be writ ten without including the other. Indeed, during that time the Re publican party has been the country. In diplomacy, in progress, in the arts and sciences, in prosperity and adversity, in peace and war, at home aud abroad, on land and sea, the Republican party has been true tn puptv trnaf dnnal trt Aver v oinot". gency, has continually elevated and , citizens. But in forms of their most trusted leaders of the past. It's only, and ever present thought, is what can we do lo Le saved I The question of what is the best for the people, aud ffb:it will promote the prosperity of this great country of ours, is lost sight ot in their great desire to Pwsess the loaves and fishes, The People cannot affonl to trust such a to to man the old ship of State. ratified the Constitution witli lb amendments, aud everyone took a solemn oath to observer every eet.o.i thereof. Yet to-day in aU ie Southern States they have repudiatfc,! nullified and trampled jN tuesi-preme law of the nation, , appeal to the conservative ""Hg element of the country ! yet others uauus with them in couiple- J0f freedom can f ,stni(-'ti,,u ol Rep"!Ii ,!,, r S eminent. While Mr. Cleveland for Presi . ; coutrolel both branches TWO BARRELS. We wonder if Col. Bob Glenn, the Democratic nominee for Gov enor, knows anything about the two barrels of bottled whiskey put in a basement at Greensboro, aud treated out by his friends in push ing his. candidacy ? We are reliably informed that it was done, and that it was as free as water. How does brother Josiah William Bailey, of Anti-Saloon League fame, wh.i was there, and took interest in the pro ceedings like such goings on by the endorsers of the Watt's bill ? He might ask Col. Bob a few mora questions beteen now and the elec tion, EX-ROV. URADLEV3 SPKECH 8ECOSD lNl KOOSEVJLTS NOMINATION. Chicago, June 23. Following is the speech of ex-Gov. 'William O. Bradley, of Kentucky, seconding the nomination of Roosevelt : The Republican party has made no mistakes ; therefore, it has uo apoligies to offer i It has broken uo promises ; therefore, it enters no plea of confession and ance. It offera no guaranty for the future &ave the recoid of its past. It points to an enormously in creased commerce, at home and abroad. To free homes given to free people. To a war waged to drive the tyrant from Cuba, and a promise faithfully kept to give to the army aud navy, whoso deeds of valor have added imperishable glory to America. To the elec tion of chun-iies and school houses aud the inauguration of civil gov ernment in the Philipines, To the universal prosperity now prevailing throughout the Republic. To a generous system of pensions, pro vided for those who fought, and the families of those who died, that the Union might be preserved To the gigantic rebellion of all time, courageously met and completely subdued. To the shackles of bond men melted in the red flames of i i and to stars preserved, ami fixed, in the firmament he accomplished more in a lew hours than his predecessors accomplished in more than a hundred years. He did not attempt to unloose, he cut, the Gordian knot. His enemies say .that he cannot be trusted ; but the people know that one who always does the right thing at the right, and in the right way, is entitled to their implicit confidence. His enemies say that he is unsafe. His record proves that he is unsafe only to the law less, the trickster, the grafter, and those who deny equal protectiou of the law to any class of American J the discharge of kellths cough AMD CURE THE LUNCS WITH QU if mil BARGINS IN STRAW HATS. k&y v."! :a fJ 7 n -c .a. n m a m 'ONSUKPTIOft Ol'GHS and !0LDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all S THROAT and LFNG TSOUB- I LES, or SACS. s IKjS t em and sss mm. v the great trusts devolved upon him he has proven a harbor of safety. His enemies predicted that he would involve the nation in war ; but all his victories have been those of deplomancy and peace, and to day he enjoys the respect and friendship of every foreign power. He has not been the pliable in strument of any man or set of men. He is thft creator, not the cieature, of public sentiment. He is not con trolled by popular clamor, but hews to the line, let the chips fall where they may. He is not a lag gard, a time-server or an idle ob server. He loses uo opportunity on account of timid doubt or annoy ing hesitation. He is not a follower, but every inch a leader, lie is net an imitator, but throughly origi nal, guided alone by a clear con ception of right and the genius of common sense. He boldly and fearlessly advau ces : he never sounds the retreat. WHEN ARE YOU COMING! Or do you prefer to order bvj mail ? Either way will suit us. and we can suit you either waj' I if you will only GIVE US Ai IDEA of what you want. If yon can't come drop us a letter! you want AXYTIHXG in the! jewelry line, WE ARE HEAD-1 QUARTERS. Let us repair; !that broken watch just once,! jam! we'll always do your work iTJse the mails on us. i u w, it mmm i'niE LEADING 4O0 Liberty St Winston, N. C. Remarkable PROGRESS A -Company Only 120 days Old. war, We cannot stand at the base ot Bunker Hill monument, as prophe sied by Toombs, aud call the roll of o ir slaves, out vc ok. - j pass .JDess' v'hy they not j spot of the earth an call the, long oW VSUluti)il ot 'epeal of these I roll 'of Republican statesmen aud "Urkerl !linems?(iiv!innftP!jiibliM-a the most distinguished their ..i- . 1 , n...i.:.,5 Tio i t hf ntion has - r . . j It, it T- Operating two mills and concen tatiurr Plaiits-(irindinr- Out. fnld Imbued with never-failing courage, With 10 Minnin? Claims to Extract corubiud with sound and conserva tive judgment ; brilliant as a me te r, yet steady and certain as the sun in its course ; gifted with broad and intelligent statesmanship ; fixed in loftj7 purpose, he is the embodi ment of American ideas, American vigor and the most exalted type of American manhood. He was born to fulfill a mission. hat mission, in part aceomplish- the ore from, and now. ANEW DISCOVERY. A group of mines located in sight of our Sunset Mill. The Dirt Pans Free Gold Thous ands of tons in sight? A conglom erate Vein or deposit which if sav able v. ill boom our shares beyond erpc-ctations aud enrich us all. m e are assying and ed, will be completed in veais, and his name shall go coinin 1111 ing down the centuries with who were rtf the immortal few " not born to die." m ivcutucKv v.e nave " conteu ded egains.t xriEcpaliiies and pow ers and the rulers ol darkness.'' We have, in truth, fought with all manner of beasts, not at Ephesns but at Frankfort. We are nerving ourselves for the coming conflict, and in November next hope to hreak the chains which partisan legislation has thrown around us aud restore freedom to the State which gave birta to Abraham Lin coln and holds within iis bosom the ashes of Henry Clay. will run from 50 to 100 tons at once on our mill. F1R6T CAR LOAD OF ORE SliP. From our ''Governor" Routt" Mine ran 25 per ton, crude ore and concentrates 23.50 per ton. OUR "RUSY HINES. Jatii Wa3 at 3Ir. Clevel.iDl's produsei, who reaieve I impossible advanced the standard of Ameri can honor and glory, and now pro claims to the world that in the lexi con of patriotic endeavor and achi evement there is no such word as "fail." And during all these eventful years, the Democratic party has re sisted every step of advancement and progress. It has been a stupid objector, a miserable mal-content and a common scold. For two presidential terms it administered public affairs, and during each crip pled commerce, unsettled aud de creased values, paralized industries, closed manufactories, and made it necessary for public, charity to pro vide food for the starving unem ployed, It has exchanged its time houorel principles for dangerous heresies and betrayed its leaders, until it is without a leader and in anxious search of a platform. It has abandoned its Mose3 and is un able to discover a Joshua. It does not certainty know what it wants ; and, if it did, would not know where to find it, It does not know what it is for; and, if it did, would not know how to express it. It does not know what to do ; and, if it did would not know how to do it. Men of the Xorth, we come from the battlefield, consecrated to free dom with the blood of your brave sous. We are the custodians of your patriot ctcaa, and eacii year commemorate their deeds and dec orate their graves with flowers. In their names, and bytheii memories, the disfranchised South appeals to you for j ustice. Shall it be &aid that 5 our sous marched and fought and died in vain ? Shall it be said that a nation can exist part slave and part free ? Are people free who ar? forced to bear the burden and yet deuied the highest privilege of citizenship? If it be true that war rant may not be found in the Con stitution to prevent disfranchise ment, then we beg that you no longer permit the disfranchised and oppressed to be estimated for the purpose of increasing the electoial strength of their oppressors. Though the grape is crushed, and the giain is ground, they produce neither wiue nor bread for the per secuted men of the South. Sur rounded by difficulties, striving in vain to be free,they instinctively turn co the brave, true man, who has said that he would not close the door of .hope on a struggling race. The Southern Republicans are devoted to him and will follow him with all the affection and en j thusiasm with which the " Old j Guard" followed Xapoleoa. They j have unshaken faith in his superb I courage, even-handed justice and unsull ied honor. We have not for gotten how, when the war clouds hung dark in the nation's horizon, he sacrificed office, and lelta happy home, and wife and children, to bare his bosom in the storm of bat tle. The same patriotism and cour age that inspired him then has ani mated him throughout his adminis tration. When others stood ap palled in the presence of the great strike he cheerfully and with alac rity assumed a responsibility not officially incumbent upoa him and bravely sprang in the breach suc ceeded in procuring a settlement that brought tranquility to the rep resentatives of capital and smiles aad sunshine into the faces- and hemes of the humble laborers. He unhesitatingly measured swords with the .giant 'corporation which threatened the people with wrong and oppression and brought it into subjection.. He' knows how and when to plan, aud, better still, how - k i t. ."! and when to execute. Aien .n T ox pp, ,nind, he has quickly seiz3d every ; 1 1 dUfcJ OLI fc)fcJl opportunity. In the procurement , W I N .5 l UiX-A L & M of consessions tor the i'miaiiia cauui - " v ' - JEWELER. test in' . and I Tunnel iu 400 feet, on ore all the way producing gold daily, BUY YOUR SHARES at 4 CENTS, June the 1st will positively ad vance to 5 cents then upward to ward par. Cnk-rs mailed late as June 1, accepted at 4 cents. Spe eial offer for cash. Instalments if preferred. St rongest G ua ra ntee Our sworn monthly Statements. For full particulars v ri e W.P.FIFE, - Thomasviile, X. C. t B" m a t tvf ir t FOR THE BENEFIT OF .FORK CHURCH. PROGRAMME. Solo : The Sinner and The Song. Play: My Aunt's Heiress. Pantomime Tlav (Characters: Females 11.) My Faith Looks Up to Thee. A Regular Fix. (Characters : Males G, Females 4.) Quartette : Olivet. This fascinating Programme will be rendered in the Hall at Coolee nice at 8 o'clock p. m., on Saturday, July 9th, 1004. All are invited to be present. ' Admission : Adults 15cts, Children lOcts. FORK CHURCH EXTEUIAIXMENT CLUB. -BROOKS ardware Company ; - Jobbers & Dealers Shelf and Heavy - Hardware, Implements, Stoves, Tinware, Wooden ware, Belting, Guns. Cutlery, Ammunition, Sporting Goods, Saslr, Doors, Blim'Sj Glass, Paints, and Oils, Disc Harrows, Chattanooga Plows and Disc Cultivators. N. C. We arc going to sell our entire line of SUMMER HATS. Ladies' Slippers for Less Than Cost ! Finest genuine Porti Rica Molasses ever brought toMocksTille. When iu town come to see us and you won't regret it. Welcome to all. Very truly, WILLIAMS ANDERSON To Our Out of Town Trade! ARE YOU GOING AWAY THIS SUMMER? Wc have just the trunk and travelling bag you will need. Our stock is so large aud prices so reasonable, there is no fear of your not being suited. Do You Need New Carpets, Mattingsi or Curtains? We have an unusually large and cheap line, be sure to see our White Swiss Curtains (.'yds long), at 50cts per pair. Roys Suits are to tedious to maka. By them ready made. Wc have as chei'p as 1.00 (good value). 5,000 yds. Aberdeen Gingham, 27iu., at 5cts per yard. Table Linen at 25cts per yard. Ladies lilack Silk Gloves at 15cls per pair. Ladies Lace Hose at lOcts per pair. 500 Men's and Roy's Sample Straw Hats at 20 and 25cts, worth double. Never bny until you see what wc have. Comparison with other merchants' goods sells ours. Sdiouler's Department Store WIXSTON-SALEM, N. C. I WORLD'S PAIR,- 1 ' St. Louis. Mo. MAY-NOVEMBER, 1901. CT TrPIJ T71 T rvT . T3 A T T T KT & Account the above occasion, effective April 25, 1001, Southern Railway will place on sale daily, tickets at extremely low rates, St, I Louis, Mo., aud return. Following are rates applying from principal points in State of North Carolina. Sennoa CO Day IS Day Atlialro 933 53 S'J'..00 014 tO Ahevl!l0 SiMX 80 U 33.SS Charlotte 'M.10 .0.10 21.(.ri Durham JU.IO 28.10 2S.-I0 Gastania 'MAO ."0.10 21.03 Goldsboio .'J7.10 .'51.10 2(1.23 Greensboro :U.1U 28.10 23.30 Henderson 01,10 28.10 23.30 Heudersouville 33.35 27.83 22.85 Hickory . 31.10 28 40 23.20 Marion 31.10 28.40 23.30 Morganton 31,10 2S.I0 23.30 Mt. Airy . 37.00 30.85 25.10 Newton 34 10 28.40 23.30 Raleigh 35.00 20.JH) 21 .SO Rutheiiordton 35.55 20.00 24.20 Salisbury 31.10 28.40 2330 Sanford 37.00 31. DO 20.23 Selma 37.10 31.40 20.25 Statesville (via Knoxrille) 31.10 28.40 23.30 Wilkesboro 40.00 33.40 25.10 Wiustou-Salem 35.85 20.85 21.40 Southern Railway M ill, effective April 20, 1001. inaugurate Trough Fill I man bleeping Car between Greensboro, IS. U., and St. Louis, Mo., f1 1 A W - 1 I T A k a via ftausDury. isneviue, jvuoxviue, ic.iugiou ana Jomsville; leav- Sinsriiieensboro lailv at 7-1:0 1. M. For full information as to rates from all points, Sleeping Car re i t i rii - j . . iseraiiou. scncuuie, imisu.iiuii luuraiure. eiu . auurcss aiiv Aireui or It. I.. ViSBXO V. CtAvaling lMeuftir Ajoot. J. II. WOO!, Dutrlnt Ps4tngr AcntJ Cha-lotte,N.C. S. 11. IIARItVlCK, l. 1'. Miaafer. Aihrvlllr, N. C. WASHINGTON. D. C- v"- f t f i . . . T- A. 2 JUST OPENED At The Red Front A nice line of white goods, Lawus, Lineui, Grenadines, Nainsooks, Pique and Laces. WHAT I HAVE In plain words, we have the nicest line anil Largest stock, that we have ever brought to this place, and goods that will please. Come to see me No trouble to show "yon our gotnls so be cure to call. on us when you come to town. rr I.J. 1 7 ours to Serve T, BAITY. n