Th Davie Record H VOLUME VI. MOCKSVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY JULY 14, 1904. NO. 3. r fHE DAVIE RECORD t'SLlSEED EVERY THTTRSDAY. H. MORRIS, EDITOR. TKRMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One coyy, One Year, 50 cent 25 One copy, Sis Months, VOK PRESIDENT : THEODORE. ROOSVELT, ' of New York, rou virE-PRisiDENT : CUAKLIS W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. BEPt JlUCAN STATE TICKET; FOR GOVERNOR CHARLES J. HARRIS, of Jackson County, FOR LIECTEXANT GOVERNOR ISAAC 31. MEEK INS. of Pasquotank County. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: J. J. JENKINS, of Chatham County. FOR STATE TREASURER: C. G. BAILEY, of Davie County. FOR STATE AUDITOR: Ff A. LINNET of Wautauga County. FOR STATE SUPT. OF PUBLIC INSTR UCTION: CYRUS P. FRAIZER. of Guilford County. FOR ATTORNEY GENERA!.: Y. H. Y ARBROUG II. FOR COMMISSIONER OF LABOR AND PRINTING: J. Y. HAMRICK. FOR ItAH.II OAD COMMISSIONER: DR. D. II. ABBOTT, KLElTORS AT LARGE: j. j. britt, K. Z. LINNEY. mil ASSOCIATE justici-s: ,H I)G K MONTGOMERY, JTDGE DOUGLAS. THE OLD SOLDIKK. When it conies to the question of treatment of the old soldier the l)tmier:itic nartv is anxious to M . compare records with the Repnbli Sometimes it happens that the Democrats give a man, a white wan, who was not a Confederate soldier, a nomination for an office over an old soldier. But the Re publicans when they had a chance to give an office to an old one-leg jreil soldier or a big buck ni.ger who wanted the same ofii?e gave the.oflice to the nigger. This was a true test of what these Republi can office holders thought of the old soldier. A negro aud a one legged soldier wanted an office aud they all with one accord voted for and pave the office to the colored ihuu. In the face of this record they sometimes talk alout the old soldier. Then too the Demcratic party claims the credit of pension ing the old soldier, while many Re publicans are dead on paying him a red cent. They are not sincere in what they say along this line. Their duplicity will overtake them. It pays in the long run to be both fair and sincere in all Lexiugton Dispatch. things. The above sounds mighty nice, coming from a party which has been guilty of the same thing and worse. If the "very learned" edi tor of the Dispatch will take the Senate Journal of 1872 and '73 aud look on page 7, he will gee where liis party, the Democrats, elected Guilford Christmas, a negio assist ant door-keeper over Ochiltree and Douglass, white men and ex con federate soldiers. Some people are either ignorant or presume upon the igiiorauce of the people in such matters, but the people are not Koing to le deceived by the nigger yell this year. Sound money, pro tection, ami good prices for the farmer's products are of more im portance than to put a few nigger howlers in office to spend the peo ple's money iu wineing ami dining -be pie-eaters at Mofehead, and issuing f ree-pases over the States Railroad to thirty-five Democratic lawyers. '-vv mi nation fob a. m. college. Younjr men desiring to enter the A, & M. College at may be txammed at the court House on Thursday, July 14tb, at 10 a. m., house on the County Superintent of Schools. All wha contemplate i at tending this College the coming ses "'on are urged to avail themselves t this opportunity. Fat those who fail to pass-may save the- ex l se of a trip to Raleigh. Papers w,ll be examined and applicant tified as soon as practicable after examination. J. D. Hoixras, Co. Sup't. The above is copied from the 14 times of Julv 8th. We uUl like to know why this notice a given to The Record. Are hiA Republicans- interested in- the cause of education, and should they not have an equal chance to know of these public examinations ! Is it the purpose of the Sup't to fix things so only Democrats can go to the A. & M. College! Is not the A. & M. College a State institution maintained out of the people's taxes! Do not Republicans pay taxes, ana have they not a right to the; benefits of these free scholarships as well as Democrats! "We have offered our colums to Prof. Hodges fre3 of charge for such notices, and we are surprised that he does not avail himself ot them. The Republicans in their platform charges the Dem ocrats with using our public schools for the interest of their partizan machine, and we think justly so. The Superintent of our schools has no love for the editor of The Record, but he should not deprive Republican boys of these advant ages because it his personal dis likes. We publish these notices, not because of any admiration for him, but for the good of the gen eral public, and to advance the cause of education. Partizan poli tics should lie kept out of our pub lie school system i please tell us. Even some of the Republican papers are having some fun out of Senator Lodge's platform at the Republican Convention in Chicago. He wrote it himself and in one sec tion he says that all panics have followed a Democratic tariff. Just as a matter of history it may be stated that every panic since the war came under a Republican tariff That of 1892 wasduring Clevlaud's administration, it is true, but it was under the McKinley tariff aud the panic was six months old before the Wilson bill, a Democratic measure, was ever enacted. Greensboro Record. If the alnvve contention of our Democratic friends is true, will they please tell us why it took a j Republican administration to bring about good times! Mr. Cleveland was elected in 1802, and soon there after the Democratic tariff was euacted into law. Yet we find de pression and- hard times until 1897, when McKinley was President, and low prices were continued under Mr. Cleveland's entire administra tion, yet they would have the people believe that the Republicans were responsible for their administration, and the hard times which charac terized, it. You may be able to fool some of the people with such stnff but not all of them by a jug full. The greatest strides and de velopment have taken place under the Republicans, and the people know it, Mr. Democrat, and you can't sift sand in their eyes. NO WON DEB CRIME IS RAMPINT. At the last term of the Wilkes Superior Court when a bill should have been drawn by the Solicitor against D. N. Edwards aud J. T. Evans charged with perjtiry, Solici tor Graves rose iu open court aud made the following remarks: - 'May it please your Honor: This is a pre sentment against the defendants for perjury, for things they swore iu the nrosecution of H. F. Jones for perjury, and upon their testimony the said Joucs was convicted, and I therefore refuse to prosecute this case against them. Is it any wonder that crime is rampant when the Solicitor, whose sworn duty is to prosecute crimi nals, lefuses in open court to prose cute those charged with so grave a crime as perjury ! As to the gui t of II. F. Jones we do not pretend to say, but at any rate the verdict was set aside by Judge Starbu-.k. If. these parties are guilty why not prosecute them ! Since the charge, why not investigate ! Doe3 the So licitor refuse to prosecute these mew because they are Democrats! It looks like that might be the reason. If Edwards and Evans were some boor fellows charged with even less offerees would tne solicitor u gracefully refuse to prosecute them! We expect not. Then what has ! thwarted the band ot j nance in this case I,- What may we expect our Democratic officials to do next! DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL CONVENTION "' The .Couventiott assembled at St, Louis on the 6th inst. and complet t.v KiiniTsir mornimT: uom- inatihg Jmlge Alton B. Parker of New York, for President, and Henry G. Davis ot West Virginia, for Vice-President. They had a strenuous time, and the Demociatic papers character ized it, a mob. Men who are more intent on winning office and power often lose their heads and resolve themselves into a mob rather than a deliberative assembly. The platform is made up of de nunciations of Republicans, and promises nothing to the people. Their cowardice was shown by their ignoring one of the great ques tions which lie at the foundation of business prosperity Sound money. They were afraid to declare for 16 to 1, and equally afraid to endorse the gold standard. The people cannot be deceived by such a dodge, and the actiou ot the Demo crats will only increase Roosevelt's majority. The business element prefer cer tainty to uncertainty, and can turn to the Republican party to carry out its party platform and pledges in the interest of the people, STATE FARMKRS CONVENTION. The Second Annual Farmers' Convention for North Carolina will be held at the A. & M. College, Raleigh, N. C, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 1-3, 1904. An unusually fine Drosrram has been prepared on subjects of a prac tical nature, all dealing with North Carolina Agnriculture4. Tickets will be -sold on August 1st only, one fare plus twenty-five cents for the round-trip ; tickets good returning until August Gth. Ask for Sum mer School tickets. Board and room will be furnished at the col lege for fifty cents per day. Remember the place and the date. Bring your wives with you and all enjoy a pleasant aud profit able outiug. Further information can be ob tained by addressing the Secretary, C. W. Bnrkett, West Raleigh, N. C. The Democrats nominated Mr. Davis, of West Virginia, Sunday morning, for Vice-President. We wonder if they thought they could capture the christians aud all the preachers by violating the sacred injunction, to keep the Sabbath day holy. Mr, Bryan was not able to carry the cargo, but he was able to so dis able the ship that she is beyond all doubt unsea worthy. The ship is turned toward the shore and the life-boats have been ordered low ered. Kepublicans will win in walk. a Democratic papers abused Re publican officers holders for going to their State Convention. Yet when the Democratic Convention came, but one State officer remained at his post in Raleigh, and he had fever, or he would have been there. Ti mes- Mercn ry . Sunday is the best day of all, but iu a christian country is not re garded as the proper day for hold ing political conventions. LOVE IS BLIND. By Dr. B. Af. Griffin. Love sees not with the eyes. But with the mind, 'Tis not intellectual exercise, For some Cupids are blind. It sees not the rugged features, Nor can I tell why. It knows it loes the creature, Though death be nigh. The mofet unprepossessing, Have eclipsed the fair. -And no re:ison confessing, Not even beautiful hairw Womau's love requires imagination To engender the highest degree Mystery must be a condition To attain its perfection in thee. It knocks without invitation, An intruder udou our will. The object unworthy solicitation. The sentiments of love to instill. Farmiugtou, N. C. June 21, '04. A Very Cloae CaU. " I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with paiu," writes C. W. Bellamy, a locomotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa. "I was weak, pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to irive uix I cot a bottle of Electric Bitters, and after, takiug it, I felt s well as I did in my, life." Weak, sickly, run down people always "ain new- life, streugth and vigor frnm their use. Try them. factiu guaranteed by C. C. San: ford. Price 50cts, READ THESE. Democratic issues never live to be four-year-olds. The country is not yet ready to forget the four years of Cleveland disaster between 1893 and 1807, Voters are invited by the Repub lican party to study its record ; the Democrats earnestly hope that their 's may be forgotten. Democratic managers are now t do nndpp wise leadersbin. It, would certainly be a novel experi-1 Southern paper. That is certainly ence to the rank and tile to find i g of development and growth, themselves under wise leadership. iThe Democrats have had the Popu Farmers in the Mississippi valley j Jiss attend to these duties lor the want 500,000 men to help them Iast elSnt yars- harvest their crops. There is never any shortage oi available ueip when the Uemocrats are in iiower. The Republican party seeks the vote of the farmer because it has furnised him better markets and better prices for his products than ever before. The Democratic party never expects the farmer's vote ex cept when he has been ravaged by drought aud the chinch bug. Reports from the commercial agencies show tnat mere nas ueen marked levival of business all along the line in the last two weeks. Every report of this kind is an ad ditional note in the Democratic elegy of grief. In replv to the Democratic ex pressions of fear of imperialism the Republican administration points to Cu'ki and Panama as two new Republics that have been added to the world's map and two noble ; contributions to the cause of human advancement that have been under the sponsorship of Piesident Roose velt and a loyal Congress; Democratic leaders are denounc ing Mr. Bryan for standing on the platform of his party. There is no other polical organization iu the world that places a premium on desertion. j Vetrans of the civil war are abont convinced that theouly way they am escape the criticisms of the Demcj crats on the pension question is to j die. About the only thing the real, American,thinking Democrats have to be thankful for is that their party did not win in 1890 or 1900. Voters will doubtless observe that no foreign power is thinking or talking about overthrowing the Monroe Doctrine just uow. Democratic leaders assert that the Republican Convention at Chi cago was apathetic. It may have seemed that way to politicians who have drawn upon Populists and Socialists for enthusiasm at con ventions. Democrats declare they want to clean out the Augean stables. The appearance of the men selecred for the task causes a natural suspicion that it would be the part of wis dom to lock up the fork. There is mere prospect of the Republicans carrying Missouri than there is of their losing New York. ' Uncle Joe " Cannon declares that "We Move On" is the Re publican motto. " We Want On " about the only proposition upon which the wrangling factions of Democracy can unite. What a fix the Democratic party would be in if its leaders followed the Japanese plan of committing suicide when they make mistakes. " How far away are the stars! " asks a magazine writer. We do not know exactly, but they are not so far away as a Democratic victory iu the nation. Democrats promise to slough off the 8cals of Populism aud Social ism, but it will take a good deal of timefor thesoresto heal sufficiently to warrant them in appearing in public. An idea of Democratic harmony may be gained from the fact that every leader dodges and shudders when another leader endorses him . Every now and then some Demo crat reaches a smouldering campfire and tries to fan some ember into the blaze of a new issue, only to find that he has struck the spot ohere the Republican hostscamped wur years ago. ' Why noflive a hundred years!" asks a scientist. It might be worth while if there was any assurance Hardware Jobbers & Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Implements, Stoves, Tinware, Wooden ware, Belting, Gnns. Cutlery, Ammunition,. Sporting Goods, Sash, Doors, Blint's, " Glass, Paints, and Oils, Disc Harrows, Chattanooga Plows and Disc Cultivators. sX!420 Trade Street that the Democrats would learn wisdom by that time. Democrats profess to be terribly J worried over President Roosevelt's "aggressive foreign policy." Rai souli, the Turk, and all that class who refuse to respect the rights of American citizens and American interests share the Democratic fear in this respect. 'The Demociatic party is big enough to write its own platform, select its own candidates and man- iage its own campaign." 6honts a Domestic Troubles. It is exceptional to find a family j ?'here there are, no domestic rnp tures occasionally, but these can be lessened by having Dr. King's New Life Pills around. .Much trouble they save by their great work in Stomach and Liver trou bles. They not only relieve yon, but cure. 25c, at C. C. Sanford's ! Drug Store. 1 KILL the COUGH Iand CURE the LUNC0 r WITH ir. ft iiig s i iiseovsry forC 0NSUMPTI0N Price 0UGHS and 0L0S 60c & St. 00 Free Trial. d Surest and Quickest Cure for all I THROAT and LUNG TROUB B L.ES. or MONEY BACK. WHEN ARE YOU COMING! Or do you prefer to order by jinail ! Either way will suit us, ard we can suit you either wav if you will only GIVE US AN) ;IDEA of what you want. If; yon can't come drop us a letter' 'you want ANYTHING in thel jewelry line, WE ARE liEAD-i QUARTERS. Let us repair! jthat broken watch just once,! and we'll always do your work !Use the mails on us. II THE LEADING JEWELER, 400 Liberty St Winston, X. C Remarkable PROGRESS A Company Only 120 days Old. Operating two mills and concen tatiug Plants Grinding Out Gold. With 10 Minning Claims to Extract the ore from, and now. A NEW DISCOVERY. A group of mines located in sight of our Sunset Mill. The Dirt Pans Free Gold Thous ands of tons in sight! A conglom erate Veiu or deposit which if sav able will boom our shares beyond expectations aud enrich us all. We are assyiug aud testiug aud will run from 50 to 100 tons at once on our mill. FIRST CAR LOAD OF ORE SHP. Fiora our "Governor" Routt" Mine ran $25 per ton, crude ore and concentrates 23.50 per ton. OUR "RUBY filNES." Tunnel iu 400 feet, on ore all the way pnnlucing gold daily, BUY YOUR SHARES at 4 CENTS, June the 1st will positively ad vance to 5 cents then u pward to ward par. Orders mailed late as June 1, accept ed at 1 cents. Spe cial offer for cash. Instalments if preferred. Strongest Guarantee Our sworn monthly Statements. For full particulars write W. P. FIFE, - Thomasville, N. C. Company Dealers If! jf mm BROOKS WINSTON-SALEM NC BARGAINS IN 0Mg We are going to sell our entire line of SUMMER HATS. Ladies' Slippers lor Less Than Cost ! Finest genuine Porti Rica Molasses ever brought to Mocksville. When iu town come to see us and you won't regret it. Welcome to all. Very truly, WILLIAMS f ANDERSON To Our Out of Town Trade! ARE YOU GOING AWAY THIS SUMMER? We have just the trunk and travelling bag you will need. Our stock is so large and prices so reasonable, there is no fear of your not being suited. Do You Need New Carpets, Mattings, or Curtains? We have an unusually large aud cheap line. Ihj sure to see our White Swiss Curtains (:i'ds long), at 50cts per pair. Boys Suits are to tedious to make. By them ready made. We have as che?p as $1.00 (good value). 5,000 yds. Aberdeen Gingham, 27iu., at 5cts per yard. Table Linen at 25cts per yard. . Ladies Black Silk Gloves ac 15cts per pair. Ladies Lace Hose at lOcts per pair. 500 Men's and Boy's Sample Straw Hats at 20 and 25cts, worth double. Never buy until you see what we have. Comparison with other merchants' goods sells ours. Schouler's Department Store WINSTON-SALEM, II. C, WORLD'S FAIR,; MAT-NOVEMBER, 1904. .SOUTH EFtN JR AI LWA Y,. ... Account the above occasion, Railway will place on sale daily, Louis, Mo., and return. Following points in State of North Carolina. Aaheboro AabevlU Charlotte Durham Gastania . GoldslKuo Greensboro Henderson Hendersonville Hickory Marion Morganton Mt. Airy Newton Rufteigh Rutbcrfordton Salisbury Sanford Selma Statesville (via Knoxville) Wilkesboro Winstou-Salem Southern Railway will, effective Pullman Sleeping Car between Greensboro, N. C, and St. Louis, Mo., via Salisbury. Asbeville, Knoxville, Lexington and Louisville; leav ing Greensboro daily at 7-20 P. M. For full luformatiou as to rates servation, schedules, illustrated literature, etc , address any Agent or K. I VE&XOX, Tmvellac I'MMapr AfMC Charlotte, N.U. 8. H. HARD WICK, P. T. Manager, W. II. TAYLOK, Uen'l I'mmocm A(at. WASHINGTON. D. O 4 JUST OPENED At The Red Front A nice line of white goods, Lawns, Linens, j Grenadines, Nainsooks, Pique and Laces. j WHAT I HAVE i In plain words, we have the nicest line and Largest stock, that we have ever brought to j this place, and goods that will please. i Come to see me i No trouble to show "you our goods so 1 (jure to call on us when you come to town. Yours to Serve . J. T. BAITY. STRAW HATS. MB M& St. Louis. Ho. effective April 25, 11)01, Southern tickets at extremely low rates, St, are rates applying from principal Smmob 3j as st.ts :w;.io :;.io ,'14,10 33.33 34.10 34.10 34,10 37.00 34 10 35.60 3t..)i) 34.10 :;:.;o 37.10 CO Day SO.eo 8 WO 30.10 28.40 30.10 31.40 2S.40 2.S.40 27.S5 28 40 28.40 28.40 30.85 28.40 2D.t)0 20.00 28.40 31 J0 31.40 28.40 33.40 , 2J.85 IS Dy 4I SO St.tS 21.05 28.40 21 05 20.25 23.30 23.30 22.85 23.20 23.30 23.30 25.10 23.30 '24.80 24.20 23.30 20.25 20.25 23.30 25.10 24.40 34.10 40.00 35.85 April 20, 1004, inaugurate Trough irom au points, creeping iJiir le 4. it. nuuu, iiinct raagr mgrnnt. 44$t

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