1 AVIB SCORB VOLlTrK VI. MOCKSVTLLE, N. C, THURSDAY AUGUST 11, 1904. NO. 7. f D R THE DAVIE RECORD "Rushed kvkry Thursday. H. MORRIS, - - EDITOR. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION One copy, One Year, - - 50 cent One copy, &ix muuum, FOR PK EVIDENT : THEODORE ROOSVELT, of New York. TOR V ICE-rR I-23I dent : CIIAKLES W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. HEl'l'BI.ICA N STATE TICKET; FORtWVEKSOK CHARLES J. HARRIS, of Jackson County, FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ISAAC M. MEEK INS. of Pasquotank County. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: J. J. JENKINS, of Chatham County. FOR STATE TREASURER: C. G. BAILKY. of Davie County. FOR STATE AUDITOR: F. A. LINNLY of Wantanga County. FOR STATE SUPT. OF PUBLIC INSTR UCTION: CYRUS P. FRAfZER. of Guilford County. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: W. II. YARBROUGH. FOR commissioner of labor and printing: Y. HAM RICK. FOR J. RAILROAD COMMISSIONER: DR. D. H. ABBOTT, ELECTORS AT LARGE: J J. BRTTT, K. Z. LINNET. rOR ASSOCIATE JUSTICES: JT T I )G v MONTGOMERY, JUDGE DOUGLAS. FOB ROOSEVELT. A California Oemocratle KwBppr Holts Parker, Theodore Roosevelt foi daring to place the slighest barrier in their way. "It chooses Theodore Roosevelt because it considers the President should be a man who can be dealt with directly. "It opposes Alton Brooks Park er because it does not believe the people of this great nation should ' select as President a Man Friday to any Robinson Crusoe. "It chooses Theodore Roosevelt because one great issue this time is the MAN, and Roosevelt represents that in all its courage and all its Americanism. "It opposes Alton Brooks Parker because he is merely the automatic MACHINE. "It chooses Theodore Roosevelt because the one great and over shadowing issue in the coming cam paign will be whether the Trusts shall dominate this countrv. snan their fingers at the laws of the present, and strangle further need ed legislation at its birth, or wheth er the people shall hold these syn dicated infamies in check. "It was on that issue the Trusts would have defeated the nomina tion ot Theodore Roosevelt if they could. "It is on that baf-is they will put money in the fight for Alton Brooks Parker, whom they nominated and whom they control. "Finally, the Bee chooses Iheo- dore Roosevelt because he is a FREE MAX. 'It opposes Alton Brooks Park er Because he is a boa DM AN tied hand and foot to Wall Street and the Trusts." the poor white man of course for the negro could not even vote if he paid his poll-tax. 124 white men in this county are disfranchised this year by the party that prom ised never to cause any man to be denied the right to vote." Chat ham Citizen. Yes, the taking of the ballot from some of as good men as there are in the State and these poor people have not as yet fully realized that their rights have gone. "Wait until after 1908, when the young white man has to read and write any sec tion of the Constitution, and other thousands of white men will go down by reason of the Democratic machine method. JUDGE PARKER IN 1896 AND 1900, No one will ever hear from The Times a word of excuse or pallia tion of Judge Parker's two votes for W. J. Bryan. Any reasoning by which a defense of his going with his party in 1896 and 1900 might be attempted, would pretty certainly be false and dangerous. From the point of view of sound money Democrats Judge Parker was guilty either of a fault in po litical morals or of a serious error in jndgemeut in the Bryan cam paigns. Which ever it was he will in some measure stiftei the penalty this year, since it cannot be doubt ed that his support of Biyan will alleniate some Democratic support from him. N. Y. Times, July 24, 1904. THEV WILL STAY WHERE THEY ABF. These young men, who might Tlit Daily Bee, the leading Dem ocratic newspaper in Sacramento, California, announces that it will not support the Democratic candi date for President. It endorses the Republican candidate and platform in the following editorial : "The Bee can say of Theodore Eseelt that the Trusts do not want him," while they do want Parker. ''And it can say of the Republi can platform that whenever there was anything to be said on any public issue, it said it. It did not heirate, and stammer and stutter and finally put out a long farrago of words, saying much and mean ing nothing; nor did it smother the question altogether, on the ground that there were no votes to be got by injuring anybody's feelings on either side. "The Republican platform stands out in the open and says: 'Here I am. You can either take me or leave me.' "The Democratic platform darts out sneak ingly like a Chatham Street second-hand clothing-dealer, appealing t-i each voter: 3Iy op inions aie just the same as yours. Vot arc yours! Come in aud I'll fhow you a coat that vill perfectly fit you. I can fit auy man of any size.' 'In this world, men caunot get all they want, nor half they desire. They must make a choice lietween hat is stt before them. "And the Bee chooses Theodore Itootevelt in preference to Ahon Brooks Parker. "It chooses Roosevelt because, with all his faults, he stauds self reliant in his American manhood, independent, courageous, plucky, conscientious, untramnieled and unpurchaseable: shackled to no synicate or corporations; the thrall uo crimiual coterie waxing fat have been Democrats if things had leen radically different, and for whose con version The Times is uow so solicitous, have just seen the Democratic party, "dissevered, discordant, belligerent" for twelve years, fitly represented by a nation al convention which was afraid to make an honest platform, which confessed no errors, offered no atonemeut and would, if possible, have withdrawn the candidate whose silence gave conseut to the trick by which he was nominated. There is no inducement for voters to whom "afe aud sane" Demo cracy is nothing more than a feeble tradition to join a party which would never permit a President of its choosing to serve the country efficiently. The motives which have led them to support the Re publican party since they came of ace will control their actions this year. Parker clubs will appeal to them in vain. They are where tbeybclong, aud they are going to stay there. N. Y. Tribune. of ROOSEVELT'S ACCEPTANCE. TES. " As we understand from an amended statement of its position, the Winston Sentinel does not com mit itself unreservsdly in favor of Raleigh as a convention city, thongh it seems to have an appre ciation ot some of the advantages of our town." Raleigh Post. Since Greensboro has gone dry no aouot tne sentinel, and others of the Glenn crowd are considering the advisability of changing base. They can't ship it to Greensboro by the car load unless the wets win at tne next - election two years hence. Raleigh has the ups ou Greensboro at this time, and if present conditions remain un changed; she will no doubt win out in a walk. We shall wait aud see. READ THESE. pon illegal profits; the automatic mouthpiece of no predatory mone tary combination evading just laws Bow on the Statute books and mur dering honest measures in the wnb of legislation. ;Ic opposes Alton Brooks rarker lwuise he is not a free agent; be se he is but clay in the hands "f the potter, and that potter Au gust lielmout; because he is merely Ul graphophoue of Wall Street, what little The People have , "eard through the machine lias un mistakably reveajed the Voice of Master; because he is to-day Jnt the instrument which the Tr''ists Lope to use in disciplining Innplrtoff. It is an insinuating, coherent, cogent, pardonably proud speech. lie strikes the keynote of the cam paign early, aud sounds it with in spiring effect. For seven years he has been part of an administra tion of national affairs, aud he is "content to be judged by our rec ord of achievement." The grand, alluring and convincing exhibit of the Republican party is that it has mn il the "deed sonare with the wrd." He can be forgiven aban donment of auy hazy principles of propriety that might befog a can didate, who is at the same time the President of all the people, by refeiring to the uncertainty, the insincerity, but the final capitula tion "confidentially" of the oppos tion. It is impossible to disassoci ate the two facts of Mr. Roosevelt's position. That he would lay stress upon the unification of Jiis party, as contrasted with the Democratic attitude of doubt and dismay, must be conceded as within the strictest rules of etiquette. Current events might well have justified him in demanding, -Under which King, Bezouianl" Pittsburg Dispatch. DRUGGIST, No. 13 West Fourth Street, Winston, N. C. Is the Place to Buy mm And, also, have your Trusses Fitted, He has the Stock .and Experience and can supply your wants in anything in the DRUG LINE. jf-SQURE DEALING OUR MOTTO. Do you want to Bny a Present for your Mother, Wife, or any one else, if so, remember the place to get it is at BROWN'S JEWELRY STORE, 448 Liberty Street, Winston, N. C. We can sell Goods 20 per cent, lower than any competitor, for this reason, Little Expense, as our Reuts are not over one-fourth as High as our competitors; so that makes good Goods come at Little Profits. High Rents make High Prices. The Dollar spent with us will bring good returns. All kinds of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, ETC., at Prices lelow the Lowest. And last but not least, but the best, is our Repair Work; that is not surpassed by any one in the State. A trial is all we ask. Very truly yours, BBQWW THIS JjgWM&Ma. BROOKS DISFRANCHISED. "In 1900 the Democrats dis franchised the negro. They also passed a law requiring all voters, of poll-tax age, to pay their oll tax before the first day of May or thev would be denied the right to vote. Now remember the negro was ont and could not vote. Who were they after when they enacted the poll-tax requirement? W ii Col. Bryan is still the skipper in the Parker Cheese. The dinner pail is never- rusty except during a Democratic ad ministration. The Democratic donkey will feel a little awkward weariug a blanket embroidered with a $ mark. The Republican candidates are running on a gold platform j the Democratic on a gold telegram. - The Democrats have one motto which alwavs fits. It is: "We are bound nowhere under full sale." Every vote for Parker and Davis is an attempt to change the hands on the dial and block the wheels that move forward. Tom Taggart insists that he sees a Democratic victory ahead in In diana. Taggart should be treated for political strabismus. The Democratic party professes to b ardently in favor of educa tion, but it wants an expurgated edition of its party history. The Democrats are looking lor a new party emblem, the only re quirement being that it be made large enough to conceal a knife. "Tammany extends her hands to the Democratic condidate," says liourke Cochran. Tammany al- way extends her hands palms up, The Igorrotes at St. Louis were ordered to wear pants, but are not wearing them. Judge Parker or dered a gold plank inserted in the Democratic platform but it is not there. Mr. Bryan says that Parker's nomination "nullified the party's tinii.trnst declarations." If there - M. W - is any doubt about that, make an inouirv as to the name of the treas- nf the Democratic national v committee. The banks of Kansas now have $110,000,000 on deposit and there is not a detwsea uemocraiiiu uouar in th Amount. The Democratic platform adopted at St. Louis stands for a Bryan dollar and it can not be changed for a telegram. The man who confesses that he has iiist recovered from an attack r inanitv would hardly be placed in charge of the affairs of a big business concern. Yet, that is the the Democrats make while applying for the management of the largest tmsiraetss wuwiu the world, Hardware Company Jobbers & Dealers Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Implements, Stoves, Tinware, Wooden ware, Belting, Guns. Cutlery, Ammunition, Sporting Goods, Sash, Doors, Blin?si Glass, Paints, and Oils, Disc Harrows, Chattanooga Plows and Disc Cultivators. 420 Trade Street WINSTON-SALEM N. C SOUTHERN RAILWAY Operating Over 7,00 Miles of Railway. . . QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS. . . North-South-East -W est Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Elegant Pullman Sleepiug Cais on all Through Trains. Dining, Club Aud Observation Cars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the South ern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L. Vernon, Trav. Pass, Agt., . J. H. Wood, Dist. Pass. Agent Charlotte, N. C, . Asheville, N. C. W. A. Turk, Pass. Traffice Mgr. S. H. Haiidwick, Gen'l Pass Agt WASHINGTON, D. C. The Winston Journal in speak ing of the Democratic primaries in Forsyth county last week says : They were conducted in an orderly manner and there were no evidence of fraud. Why what does it mean about fraud where Democrats held the election 1 Does the Journal mean to insinuate that Democrats will steal from Democrats t They have defrauded Republicans so much and so long, they can't help doing one another. A Scotch ver dict, "Guilty, but not proven." Our Democratic friends point with pride, and view with alarm the fact that laborers are in some localities striking for higher wages, they fail to tell their readers that during Grover Cleveland's admin istration these laborers struck, but they struck for the nearest soup house in reach. Labor strikes in dicate that the laborers are bo well paid that they can afford to ask higher wages, or quit. No Coxey armies or soup houses now. The Record and one year 75 cents. Toledo Blade Kacaped ma Awful Fate. Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla., writes, "My doctor told me I had Consumption and nothing could be done for me, 1 was given up to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, induced me to try it. Results were startling. I am now on the road to recovery, and owe it all to Dr. King's New Discovery. It surely saved my life." This great cure is gnaran ted for all throat and lung diseases bvC. C. Sanford, Druggist. Price noets. and $1.00. Trial Bottles free. KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS WITH r. King's Hew Discovery rONSUMPTION 0UGHS and )LDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cur a for all THROAT and LUIfQ TROUB LES, or MONEY B ACX FOR SAL. 13. My lot of five acres, inside cor porate limits on the tbo Statesville road, the finest building1 locality in Davie County with 100 fruit trees, and thoroughly improved, and up-to-day, exeept building. Address, J. K. McCLAMROCH, Greensboro, N. c Kememeber that The Kecobd is only 50 cents a year. WHEN ARE YOU COMING! Or do you prefer to order by mail f Either way will suit us, and we cau suit you either way if von will oulv GIVE US AN j - - - , IDEA of what you want. If you can't come drop us a letter! ivou want ajn v 1111 v in inei liewelry line, WE AKE HEAD QUARTKKS. lt ns repair that broken watch just once. and we'll always do your work. Use the mails on us. THE LEADING JEWELER 406 Liberty St Winston. X. C.i BARGAINS IN STRAW HATS.fr mm MB M We are going to sell our entire line of SUMMER HATS. Ladies' Slippers for Less Than Cost ! Finest genuine Porti Rica Molasses ever brought toMocksvillc. When in town come to see us and you won't regret it. Welcome to all. Very truly, WILLIAMS ANDERSON Schouler's Proclamation. 1904 1904 To the People of Winston-Salem and Sarronnding Counties : I need no introduction, after doing a legitimate business with you for twenty years, and htve always aimed to give you the lest value in Dry Goods, Notions, Clothingt Hats, Shoes, Millinervi Carpets. Rugs. Mattings. Etc.. On account of Remodelling my Liberty Street Store, which will have to be done before the opening ot the Fall Season, thus necesitating a quick sale. I have decided to put my whole Stock on the Market during the next 15 Days, beginning July 25th, at and below cost. This means 20, 30 and in eome cases 50 per cent, dis count. I want to open up this Fall with au entire New Stock. This is a bouafide sale and the prices will 6peak for themselves. If you will call you will be fully satisfied with the many bargains of fered. During this sale all Mail Orders must be accompanied with the cash, as no goods will be charged. Schooler's Department Store,- WINSTON -SALEM, N. O. WORLD'S PAIR, St. Louis. Mo. MAY-NOVEMBER, 1904. SOUTH E RN.RAILWAY111Ii. 1 Account the above occasion, effective April 25, 11)01, Southern Railway will place on sale daily, tickets at extremely low rates, St, Louis, Mo., and return. Following are rates applying from principal points in State of North Carolina. Seanon OO Dmj 1 Day Asheboro 033 S3 J9.0 34 SO AlievUW 38.2B 6 WO . Charlotte SG.10 30.10 21.03 Durham .U.10 28.40 28.40 Gastania 3U0 .0.10 21.05 Goldsboio 37.10 31.40 20.25 Greensboro 34.10 28.40 23.30 Henderson 34,10 2S.40 23.30 Hendersouville 33.35 27.85 22.85 Hickory 34.10 28 40 23.20 Marion 34.10 28.40 23.30 Morganton 31,10 28.40 23.30 Mt. Airy 37.00 30.85 25.10 Xewton 34 10 28.40 23.30 Raleigh 35.00 20.00 21.80 Rutherfordton 35.55 ' 20.00 24.20 Salisbury 34.10 28.40 23.30 Sanford 37.60 31 M 20.25 Selma 37.10 31.40 20.25 Statesville (via Knoxville) 34.10 28.40 23.30 Wilkesboro -40.00 33.40 25.10 Winston-Salem 35.85 20.85 24.40 Rnnfhom T?51 v will . pflWtfve Anril 2().1004.iiiauffnrate Through PJfllbVl u - " ----- - - A, 7 Pullman Sleeping Cars between ureensuoro, ima;., anu ou auh, mu., via Salisbury. Asneviiie, lvnoxvnie, ixmgiou anu .uouiowim:, mtu- ing Greensboro daily at 7-20 P. M. 1iVt full in formation sis tn rates from all points. Slccping-Car xe- IJL. VSA. Alll -r - m ' w UM1rt;nn art.ofiiiioi illustrated literature, etc . address any A cent or (1 I UtlVU l'l,iJV"v-J ' f - ' ft. L. VEBUI, TraveilUff i .af aKvh, w.mm.w. wv,, . 8. U. HABDWICK, V. T. Mnger, W. II. TAYLOK, Ua1 l .ntr AfMl WASHINGTON. D. O A nice line of white goods, Lawns, Linens, Grenadines, Nainsooks, Pique and Laces. 4 , JU5T OPENED At The Red Front WHAT I HAVE In plain words, we have the nicest line and Largest stock, that we have ever brought to this place, and goods that will please. Come to see me No trouble to show "you our goods so he Bare to call on us when you come to town. If ours to Serve J. T, BAITY. 7

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