Davie Record. HE VOLUME VI. MOCKSVILLE, N. C., THURSDAY AUGUST 25, 1904. NO. 9. r THE DAVIE RECORD ""Thrush kd kvkky Thursday. . If. MORRIS, - - EDITOR. TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION One copy, ne Year, - - 50 cent One copy, Six Months, 25 roit niKsiDEXT : THKODOKE ROOSVELT, of New York. FOli VICK -PKESIDKNT : I'll Alt LES W. FAIRBANKS, of Indiana. JtEPl'BUCAS STATE TICKET; FOR GOVERNOR CHARLES J. HARRIS, of Jackson County, FOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ISAAC M. MEEK INS. of Pasquotank County. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: J. J. JENKINS, of Chatham County. FOR STATE TREASURER: C. G. UAILFY. of Davie County. FOR STATE AUDITOR: 1 A. LINNEY of Wantauga Couutv. FOR 1TATE SUPT. OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: CYRUS P. FRAIZER. of Guilford County. FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL: W. H. YARBEOUGII. fou commissioner of labor and printing: J. Y. HAMRICK. TOM KAII.KOAR COMMISSION!:!!: DR. D. II. ADIiOIT, -.i.i:ctoi:s at i.akoe: j j. r.Rirr, R. Z. LINNEY. roi: ASSOCTATE Jl'STICKS: Jl' 1 C MONTGOMERY, Jl'DGE DOUGLAS. ward declaration, and it represents accurately the attitude of what is known as the Cleveland Democracy in the State of New York. How does it bear on Judge Parker's pos ition in the past ! Here is his de fiuitiou of that position as he him self has written it down. My Dear Dan forth: It was en tirely right for you to bring to ray I attention the question which the sincere friends of Mr. Bryan arc pressing upon you. I can say to you lrankly and sincerely that yon can assure them that I voted for the last national nominees of the Democratic party, as I have voted tor all the regular Democratic nom inees since I , had a vote. Yours very sincerely, Alton B. Parker. Sept. 22, 1S97. It is understood also that Parker voted for Bryan again in 1900. In fact he said nothing to indicate that he was not still faithful to Bryan and silver till he sent his telegram to the St. Louis conven tion, after he had been nominated. If Mr. Goodyear's position is man ly aud straightforward before he received a nomination, if he was right from a Democratic point of view in bolting Biyan iu 1896 and 1900, what is to be said of Parker's acts in those years and of his con duct this year ! Can Goodyear be praised without rebuking Parker ? Would Parker, after Goodyear's statement, favor his nomination as the Democratic candidate for Gov ernor? It u6t, why not!" friend, Col. W. K. Clement, who is built like a duck, but when it strikes him, Ave will take to the cellar. Our Davie Democratic friends believe strongly in the saying "That he who tights and runs away, Will live to fight another day." DO YOU WANT A CHANGE! Democratic campaign managers and orators are trying to convince the voters of the nation that tho time is ripe for a "change." Every petty grievance against the party in power is "magnified aud every possible bugaboo concerning future developments is raised and waived in an effort to make the people be lieve that their interests aud their welfare will be best subserved by Republican policies Democratic. The Democratic party completed a four years' term of power in 1S90 and it may interest the voter, Avho is thinking the country needs a "change," to contrast the bnsiuess of the nation in 1896 and that ot 1901. The figures quoted are for the fiscal year, ending June oOth, 1901. Merchandise exports in 189G weie $3S2,000,000 as against $1, 400,090,000 iu 1904. Do you Avant a change ? The favorable balauceof trade in Democratic 1896 Avas $102,000,000 READ THESE. REV. JOSIH WILLI ADX BAILF.Y, "When J. W. Bailey started out tool -pir.izo the Anti-Saloou League lie il it was not political; that all couM vote with their lespective puu. ic " j abandoning tl JJViUt- l 1AFUHHUIHIO LI A til til' v,.fp ti.P ltemocratic tick?r. Hpi'aml adopting doubtless has another promise from the Simmons machine. Bro. Bailey, of the Biblical Re corder, is scared out of his lioots liecause the liquor dealers :tssocia tion in their meeting in Greensboro declared against the Watts law. Bro. Ilailey ought to know that the inlluei eef this branch of theliquor organisation will be offset hy the money and influence of the whole s.ile in iuui'acturtis and dealers in ether States, He knows they will, it' they have not already done so, ue their means to stop every dis UWy hi the State, lie knows they want dispensaries here as in ftiuth (.'ar-'Iina. Bio. Bailev knows that the Democrats will carry the las against $170,000,000 in Rcpub- Mate. Thev will !o that if thev i lic-.m 1901. Do vou want a chanjre? will !o that if they ! have to endorse and vote for every druukard iulhe State. And there is u i:e;'d of magnifying the light worth more than it is." Times Meivury. It has been apparent to every nnbhsed person iu the State that kev. Mr. Railey has. and is work ing i the interest of Hie Demo cratic party. The Simmons-Ay-C'k machine, and the president "f the anti-saloon forces are regular 'Simese twins. The real genuine tempeiaiKo represented by the ag gregaticn would not displace the meat in aiuu.-tard seed. The peo pie of North Carolina are not going ho n-r deceived by such a compilation. which was right r ' liarles W. Goodyear, of Buf-f;llf- a man of whom (Jrover Clere laml -jioke recently in the highest terms as a-n i,(yA Democratic candi date for Governor, said ou August ulhiOf a charge that he was not a J'enioerat in good, and regular standing, because he had twice k'ltal Bryan: I liae never sought to conceal JJe V-t that I voted against Mr. KrJaii,and if I had it all to do o. er d " I should vote against him. 1 vote I f,,r Mr. McKinley lor Hveral r-asons. I believed that re ff the planks ot the (Chicago Platform, if they ever should be m efTwtive, would be ruinous to uecoiuitry, and that the best way '? defeat Mr. Bryan and the prin v1 hc s,wd for was to vote for d)jr,'MtK'idey ami I did it, and I t want any misunderstanding it.e.ther. I should decide to become a KuUte I'M rake the hardest thai I " noniiiiitiiwu We imported $33,000,000 in gold in 1S9G as compared with $99,000, 000 in 1901, and we exported $11.2, 000,000 in 1896 as against $81,000, 000 iu 1.904. Do you Avant a change ? Our total foreign commerce in Democratic 190G was $1,661,000, 000 as against 82,451,000,000 in Republican 1904. Do you Avant a change ! The bank deposits in December, 1896, amounted to $1,915,000,000 as compared with 9,530,000,000 December, 1903. Do you Avant a change. IiJI 125,000 IN WAGES. Ilumestead Work roks the Three Week KecortL Pittsburg, Pa., Aug, 13. Over $125,000 was paid out in wages today to the employees of the Homestead Steel Works aud Howard Axle Works of the Car negie Steel Co., at Homestead, Pa., for three weeks' work. This is the largest amount of money paid out for wages for a similar period iu years. All the. mills at Homestead ex cepting two, are running full, day and night. It strikes us that the above lit tle clipping indicates prosperity among these laborers; yet our Democratic friends are laboring hard to get up a calamity wail. Our people are generally in fine shape and prosperous, and the calamity wallers will find it hard to convince them to the contrary. Let well enough alone. JiOAV THIS IS TOO BAD- Cousin Tom Bailey looked to .....,i ho Wpsfc. and hc saw in the , ' iiviy ij in tivr, uuk - inn" - 7 m ' Mm ,0-t as to whom 1 have voted i .tc,one anl pleasure and business il!iJr.! ,Hi",,5I)!cs VaV of i'lnuortoncccallecl him elsewhere, SS d AmenCaI land lha, thrown his manlleupon The Democrats are clamoring for 'a change." They ask theA'oters to change a certainty tor for an uncertainty. Mr. Bryan does not believe that the country is ready for a change, but he is already planning to offer one m 190S. It is going to require something more than specious pleading to in tiuce tne American voter to taice a leap in the dark in November. ' It must be remembered that Judge Parker approved the Neje York Democratic platform which did not mention the gold standard. The Democratic party was only eight years behind on the money question " It may be Avise ou the tariff in another eight or twelve years. If you believe the Democrats are in favor of the gold standard, call a roll of the Democratic State C ju- A entions that have so declared this year. The President has shown that he is for the right. It makes no dif ference to him on whose side is the right. And the American people hate a coward. Col. Bryan says he Avill support Judge Parker after September 30. He figures, probably, that it will take him that long to get a proper edge on his hatchet. Democratic managers express the greatest confidence of the result of the coming elections. Democratic hopes always blossom until the first light frost in November. Chairman Taggart is filling places on his executive committee with the old line Democrats. He is apparently guided more by Judge Parker's telegram than by the dec larations of his party's platform. A man who is not well-known himself must be judged by his ad A'isers, If Judge Parker is elected Piesident, Ave innst infer that his associates aud advisers will be David B. Hill and August Belmont. It is a little strange that Mr. Lit tleton, who placed Judge Parker in nomination at St. Louis iu a speech which was submitted in adArance. to Judge Parker, had nothing to say about his candidate's financial views. It would haA e been a cour ageous thing to have announced them at that time, but it would have undoubtedly resulted ' in the nomination of another candidate. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . 0. THOMPSON DRUGGIST, No. 13 West Fourth Street, Winston, N. C. Is the Place to Buy OS And, also, have your Trusses Fitted, He has the Stock tnd Experience and can supply your wants in anything in the DRUG LINE. SQURE DEALING OUR MOTTO.- DOTS FROM IREDELL. Mr. Thos. Richardson lost a colt last week about five months old. 0ing to the. condition of the roads the Masonic picnic was not Aery largely attended by this com munity. Wheat threshing is about o-er in this section, aud Avbeat has turn ed out a very fine crop. The bad weather somewhat delayed thresh ing. Polities seems to be very quiet with us so far. The coolness is due. I suppose, to the fact that all the political sentiment is practical ly united in this community. Mr. John Harp, near here, killed a blue crane last week which meas ured six feet and two inches, from tip to tip, and five feet eight inches high . Wasn't it a large bird ? Last Sunday Avas the annual pro tracted meeting at Bear Creek,and a few from this neighborhood attend ed and were blest with a shower from above before reaching home. The annual protracted meeting at Rock Springs embraces the 4th Sunday. The members and com munity have made arrangements to have the church painted by that time. We haA-e had plenty of rain this summer, which was good for up land corn, which is the best in this section it has been in many years. There have been some very heavy rains in some localities, but the re ports of hail have been very light. The all-absorbing topic which seems to interest all in this section at present, is the -"good" roads between here and Mockaville. The public road from Dr. Cains via the Burnt TaA'ern, down to Holman's Cross Roads, in many places, is im passible. Iu some places there are stakes stuck up in the mud to warn the waffons of the danger, and flag ,e - buiU es r robust them out into suit 1ut.1v Do yon want to Buy a Present for your Mother, Wife, or any one else, if so, remember the place to get it is at BROWN'S JEWELRY STORE. -cbzbb- 448 Liberty Street, Winston, N. C. We can sell Goods 20 per cent, lower than any competitor, for this reason, Little Expense, as our Reuts are not over one-fourth as High as our competitors; so that makes good Goods come at Little Profits. High Rents make High Prices. The Dollar spent with 11s AVill bring good returns All kinds of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, SPECTACLES, ETC., at Prices below the LoAvest. And last but not Jeast, but the best, is our Repair Work; that is not surpassed by any one in the State. A trial is all we ask. Very truly yours, - Hardware Company Jobbers & Dealers Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Implements, Stoves, Tinware, Wooden ware, Belting, Guns. Cutlery, Ammunition, Sporting Goods, Sash, Doors, Blinc'Sj -Glass, Paints, and Oils, Disc Harrows, Chattanooga Plows aud Disc CultiA-ators. 420 Trade Street WINSTON-SALEM N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Operating Over 7,00 Miles of Railway. . .QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS. . . North-South-East -West Through Trains Betweeu Principal Cities and Resorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Elegant Pullman Sleepiug Cais on all Through Trains. Dining, Club And Observation Cars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel, via the South ern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information' furnished by addressing the undersigned: R, L. Veuxox, Trav. Pass, Agt., J. H. Wood, Dist. Pass. Agent -Charlotte, N. C, Asheville, X. C. W.- A. Turk, Pass. TrafficcMgr. S. H. Haudavick, GenT Pass Agt WASHINGTON, D. C. pecially for that purpose. How is this for good roads? Why is this the case? Well, it is because the roads rere neglected too long and were not Avorked when they should have been, and were Avorked in the midst of all the recent rains while the holes in the roads, which should have been filled up in the spring, or early summer, were full of water. This road is travelled a lot and should be better attended to than the present conditions prove. With best wishes to the Record, its many readers and hosts ol friends, I close. Pomp. Settle, C, Aug. 11V'04. DEATH OF L. A. PEEBLES. Mr. L. A. Peebles, formerly a citizen of this county, and a son of Mr. John Peebles, of near Fulton, died at his home in Salisbury, last Aveek. Ve regret to hear of his death and extend our sympathy to the family. Job work done by The Record cheap aud up-to-date. Escaped an Awful Fat. Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla., writes, "My doctor told me 1 had Consumption and nothing could be done for me, I was given np to die. The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, induced me to try it. Results were startling. I am n6w ou the road to recovery, and owe it all to Dr. King's New Discovery. It surely saved my life." This great cure is guaran ted for all throat and lung diseases bvC. C. Sanford, Druggist. Price SOcts, and f 1.00. Trial Bottles free. ..." ;" ' ' KILLthe COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS WITH Or. King's New Dissevory forG CONSUMPTION 0UGHS and J0LDS Price 50c & $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNQ TROUBLES,- or MONEY BACK. FOR SALli My lot of five acres, inside cor porate limits on the the Statesville road, the finest building locality in Davie County with 100 fruit trees, and thoroughly improved, and up-to-day, ex'eept building. Address, J. K. McCLAMPvOCH, Greensboro, N. c Rememeber that Thu Record is only 50 cents a year.. WHEN ARE YOU COMING! Or do you prefer to order by mail ? Either way will suit us, and we can suit you either way iif vou will only GIVE US AN TDEA of what vou want. If lyou can't come drop us a letter! vou want ANYTHING in the ijewelry line, WE ARE HEAD QUARTERS. Let us repair that broken waicn jusi once, and we'll always do your Avork. Use the mails on us. iW.ll.miti)i THE LEADING JEWELER. 406 Liberty St Winston, N. C. BARGAINS IN STRAW HATS.- 0MS MB ggg THEM. We are going to sell our entire line of SUMMER HATS. Ladies' Slippers tor Less Than Cost ! Finest genuine Porti Itica Molasses eA-er brought to Mocksvillc. When in town come to see 113 and you wou't regret it. Welcome to all. Very truly, WILLIAMS tf ANDERSON 1904 Schouler's Proclamation. 425 Tq the People of Winston-Salem and Surrounding Comities: I need no introduction, after doing a legitimate business with you for twenty years, and have always aimed to give you the best Aralue in Dry Goods, Notions. Clothing. Hats, Shoes, Millinerv Carpets. Rugs. Mattings. Ete.f . On account of Remodelling my Liberty Street Store, which will have to be done before the opening of the Fall Season, thu necesitating a quick sale. I have decided to put my whole Stock on the Market during the next 15 Days, beginning July 25th. at and below cost. This means 20, 30 and in eome cases 50 percent, dis count. I want to open up this Fall with an entire New Stock. This is a bonafide sale and the prices will speak for themselye-j. 1 you will call you will be fully satisfied with the many bargains of fered. During this sale all Mail Orders roust be accompanied with the cash, as no goods will be charged. ScMler's Department Store, WINSTON--SALEM, N. C. WORLD'S FAIR, St. Louis. Ho. MAY-NOVEMBER, 1904. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Accouut the above occasion, effective April 25, 1004, Southern Railway will place on sale daily, tickets at extremely low rates, St, Louis, Mo., and return. Following are rates applying from principal points in State of North Carolina. Smioi 60Dr 15 Day Asheboro 933 55 '3M9 ftltO Aflhevtlle 33.35 S6 OO XS.tS Charlotte 30.10 30.10 21.(55 Durham 34.10 28.40 28.40 Gastania 3C.10 30.10 21.05 Goldsboio - 37.10 31.40 20.25 Greensboro 34.10 28.40 23.30 Henderson 34,10 28.40 23.30 Hendersouville 33.35 27.85 22.85 Hickory 34.10 28 40 23.20 Marion 34.10 28.40 23.30 Morganton 34,10 28.40 23.30 Mt. Airy 37.00 30.85 25.10 Newton 34.10 28.40 23.30 Raleigh 35 .GO 29.00 24.80 Kutherfordton 35.55 20.00 24.20 Salisbury 34.10 28.40 23.30 Sanford 37.C0 31 10 20.25 Selma 37.10 31.40 20.25 Statesville (via Knoxville) 34.10 28.10 23.30 Wilkesboro 40.00 33.40 25.10 Winston-Salem 35.85 29.85 24.40 Southern Railway will, effective April 26,1904.inaugurate Throngh Pullman Sleenina: Cars between Grecnsuoro, N.U., anil St. Louis, Mo., via Salisbury. Asheville, Knoxville, Lexington and Louisville; leav ing Greensboro daily at 720 v. M. For full information as to rates from all points, iecping i;ar ie serA'ation, schedules, illustrated literature, etc , address any Agent or! It. L. VKKNOV, Trvello( Passenger A cent, .J. tx. wwu, iJimriot I'aswvagwr JK S. II. OABDWICK, P. T. Manager, W. H. TAVLOE, Oen'l rMm(wAHi WASHINGTON. D. C- JUST OPENED At The Red Front A nice line of white goods, Lawns, Linens, Grenadines, Nainsook, Pique ami Laces. WHAT I HAVE In plain words, welmve the nicest lino and Largest stock, that we have eA'er brought to this place, and goods that will please. Come to see me No trouble to show "yon our goods so he sure to call on us when you come to town. Ifoiirs to Serve J. T, BAITY. at 1, the strong shoulders of on a niaii!v and straight for

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