Day Record - Vol. VIII MOCKSVILLE. N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1906. No:4. Winston-Salem's ! BIGGEST and BEST STORE. LIBERTY Sr ATM STS. S , WINSTON -5ALEM.N.C. I ? WINSTON -5ALEM.N.C. F La i rhfs i.mMnnn lif I riPiMiiuuft lptrsrg department To,er;giCT.J ft I Agents for BUTTERICK I PATTERNS n WJ in is mid 20c, People Living in the Country, or Small Towns and Villages Can have the advantage; of this big store brought to their doors through our perfectly organized MAIL ORDER DE PARTMENT. You ruu no risk in trading with us in this .way, for if you are not perfectly satisfied with any goods you may order, you may return same and your money will be promptly refuuded. Here are Four Special Bargains for Our Mail Order Customers. 12'c and 15c wash goods 645c About 3000 yards of dainty summer wash fabrics; tresh, crisp and charuiiug, includ ing ginghams, madrasses, piques and oxpords. in white and the most effect, ive colored designs; 2S to, 82 inches wide; worth from 12ic to 15c, while these last at GJc a yard. Wash Ritbons ioc Pretty all silk wash rib bons, shaded and t'nted f grounds, with fine white cord running through I and 5 inches wide, very special at 10c yard. 18c oorded Madras, 9c. Fancy corded madras; fine ly woven white grounds with cord running through over which is printed neat black stripes, dots, figures, etc. Very desirable for men's shirts and ladies' summer suits; 38 inches wide, worth 18c; orders filled as long as this lot lasts at 9c a yard. Muslin Curtains 48c. Fine white muslin curtains with fancy white striped borders and deep ruffle, 3 yards long, worth 69c, very special at 48c a peir. Samples Cheerfully Sent on Request. To Go At Cost C A SWELL LOW made in all leathers and styles. CUT THIS IS Si . gm f j f J (RICH A FEW PAIRS OF MEN'S TAN OXFORDS THAT OTHER PEOPLE SOLD AT $3.50; WE SOLD AT $3.25, TO GO NOW AT $2.50 & i iirn TiM Avrnnnn - A SWELL LOW CUT that individualises is wearer lusive. sty ':& ,V if PRICE 0U WILL HAVE A LONG TIME YET TO WEAR SLIPPERS, AND WE HAVE A FEW PAIRS OF LADIES' TAN OXFORDS THAT WE SOLD AT $1.50 AND $2.00, NOW $1.25, $1.50. -f "MONEY SAVED IS MONEY MADE." THERE IS A CHANCE FOR YOU TO SAVE SOMETHING ON A NICE PAIR OF LOW CUT SHOES. USE YOUR JUDGMENT WHEN YOU ARE BUYING. COMPARE 0UR PRICES WITH OTHERS AND YOU WILL FIND WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY ON LOTS OF OTHER THINGS Yours for More Business, J. t. pAixys The Leading Store in Hocsville. The Party that Does Things. Every Sign of Progress Was Raised by the Republican Party. That the American people are in for a period of marked changes is beyond question. Apparently it is not ye beyond question to which party the cause of progress shall be entrusted to the Republican or Democratic party, or to some new group called into being to execute a general demand. Political ob servers assume that that matter is still open, and their eyes are turn ed toward the campaign of 1908 for an answer. We think, however, that the political history of the last few years has already foreclosed the stewardship of these great policies. Every milestone in the path along which the people of the country are moving resolutely onward to the task of vindicating the nation's right to control industrial combi nations has been erected by Repub lican hands. Republicans passed the Inter-State Commerce act. which bears the name of Senator Cullom; the anti-trust law, which bears the name of Seautor Elkins; the law creating the department of commerce and labor, for which President McKiuley is primarily responsible, and the railroad rate bill, which bears the name of Con gressman Hepburn. Every agency the nation has to get at the facts iu connection with corporations, to control their inter state transactions to punish their misdeeds, to make them play fair, it owes to the Republicans. Near ly every effective local fight made in the several States against corpo ration aggression's has been made by Republicans. It may seem paradoxical in some quarters to speak of the Republi can party as the radical rather than the conservative party. Yet it will not be so to the veterans who re-1 member its appearance on the na tional theatre as the champion 'at once of human freedom and of stronger central government. .The Democratic party took then the position, to which it had been com mitted by its history, that the na tion did not have the power to put down slavery in the States. Its own logic is driving it into a simi lar position now. If t he American people are to be bound by "strict construction" and agloriticatiou of "State rights," at the expense of the national government, they will be baffled in their attempt to curb the great Inter-State corporations which individual States have char tered. Only by turning its back on its own history could the Democratic party, the party demanding a weak WHO WOULD NOT BE A FARMER. Who wonld not be a farmer, wheu The grata shall wave in seas of gold; When stately corn with knightly plume Shall hear the harvest story told? Who would not be a farmer, when Tk...!j l.ii.i- Aue Yviuussudii wnisper to tne trees Ana stopping, Jitt a cup of dew, vvitn wnicn to cooi tne morning- oreezer Who would not be a farmer, when The vintajredt'dors flood the sphere mm wuen ine ratnent narvest moon Shall crown the glory of the year? Who would not be a farmer, when The fields are girt with golden red And far away from city's din 1 here falls the peace of nature's God? :83ank of Cooleemee. Cooleemee, N. C. r . And she Got there first. By Ordering Carried the Day Salmon. "I say Gaddersby." said Mr. Smith, as he came Into the fishmonger's with a lot of tackle In his hand. "I want you to give me some fesh to take home with me. Put them up to look as if they've been caught to day, will you?" "Certainly, sir," said the fish mon- j ger.-"How many?" "Oh, you'd better give me three or four barbel. Make It look decent In quantity without appearing to exag gerate, you know." "Yes, sir. But you'd better take salmon, hadn't you?" "Why? What makes you think so?" "Oh, nothing except that your wife was down here early this after noon and said if you dropped in with your fishing tackle and a generally woe-begone look, to get you to take Balmon if posslble.-as she liked that kind better than any other." Mr. Smith took salmon. Punch. Reciprocity. . J.B.MASON, President. J. Iff. LEDFORD, V, President. L. D. KIBKLAND. Cashier. DIRECTORS: J B. MASON Cashier National Bank, Durham, N. C. J. F. WILY Cashier The Fidelity Bank, Durham, N. C. B. N. DUKE Director American Tobacco Co. and Capitalist. F. L, FULLER Attorney at Law. W. R. HARTNESS Agent Southern Railway Company. H. J. FORSYTH Supt. Cooleemee Cotton Mills. T. V. TERRELL Treas. Cooleemee Cotton Mills. J. W. ZACHARY Book-keeper Cooleemee Cotton Mills. J. H. L. RICE with Cooleemee Cotton Mills. W. A. ERWIN President Cooleemee Cotton Mills and Capitalist J. N. LEDFORD Treas. and Mgr., The J. N. Ledford Co. With the strongest financial backing of any Bank in this section of the State, we invite Merchants, Farmers, Individuals, Firms and Corporations that have not already done so, to open an account with us. .1 We extend to our patrons every accommodation consistent with good banking. Interest paid on all money left in our Savings Department for four months or longer. Give us your banking business. L. D. KIRKLAND, Cashier. Soutikern Railroad. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS Norlh--South--East--West. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Fond Mother Would you kindly allow baby to pull you whiskers to keep him quiet. Irate Photographer Certainly, madam, if you will allow me to slap the brat when I am finished. The Modern Reader's Bible. Shortly after little Margaret, aged four, had been taken to see "Peter Pan," in which Maude Adams plays the title role, her six-year-old broth er Undertook to tell her the itory of the creation. . "And then, Margaret," said he, "after the Lord had made all the rest of the things, He made a man and Aollai. V. 4 A - i central government "nualifv itself ! u.u. ana Dy ana Dy central government quality itseit Adam t tlred f . . people i 6n(i the Lord took one of Adam's rihi to do the work which the are requiring now. It is an old re proach that the Republican party is "paternal," and so it is. The abolition of slavery was paternal, the protective tariff is paternal, the intervention of Roosevelt iu the anthracite strike of 1802 was pa ternal, the supreme court interpre tations that enlarge the nation's power to handle interstate trans actions are paternal. Nothing but paternalism can meet the pieseut problem. Paternalism,'' as Re publicans translate it, is ''mastery" an effective assertion that the nation is bigger thau any of its constituents or any of its creatures. It was the logic of party history that the anti-trust law, as the Democratic World said in a frank editorial in 1904, was framed and first executed by Republicans, and that wheu the supreme court de clared it constitutional "the dip, seating minority of the court iu- from him when he was asleep and made a wife for him as a surprise, and her name was " "Oh, I know! I know!" exclaimed little Margaret, quickly, "hr name was Maude Adams." Harper's Weekly. The Reason. A teacher in a public school of Boston once had great difficulty in Imparting to a boy pupil of ten cer tain elementary principles of gram mar. In class one day the instructor experienced more than- the usual amount of trouble with the lad. In desperation, the teacher finally blurted out the question: "At least, you can tell me why we study gram mar?" "Yes, ma'am," returned the pupil, "we study grammar so that we can laugh at the mistakes of others." Harper's Weekly. Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains. Dining, Club And Observation Cars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the South ern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R, L. Vernon, Trav. Pass. Agt., J. H. Wood, Diet. Pass. Agent Charlotte, N C, Asheville, N. O. S. H. Hardwick lass. Traffic Mgr. W. II. TAYLOE,Gen'l Pass Agt ; WASHINGTON, D.,C. BANK OF DAVIE. COUNTY AND STATE DEPOSITARY Paid in Capital, $10,000 - - Surplus and Profits, $8,CC0. W. A. BAJLET, Praiidtit. T. B. BAILEY, Vke-Prtfcai. JAS. McGUIRE, Jr., Vice Pretidwt; T. J. BTERLT, Cashier; E. L CA1THER, Att'y. We offer every accommodation possible in harmony with safe banking. Interest paid on time deposits. Special attention given to collections. Money to loan on approved security. Give us your account. We sell Ameri can Banker's Money Orders. These orders are guaranteed bv the Ameri can Surety Co., of New York. Just Received .... at Bailey &-Martin's store the nicest line of DRESS GOODS of different shades and styles that has ever been offered in the town. A nice line of Men's and Boy's Hats and Caps. Call and examine our stock before you make your purchase elsewhere, for we will certainly nice, line of save you money, Tip on Politics. The j'oung man who had just been .1..11 ......... T...-....;.. fi ui ms .iuucu crcij I'ciiiuuiiuu i j prowess as a politician, that tribunal." It was the logic; "After the swelling in v of party history that the Saratoga platform ol li04, on which the New York Democrats presented Judge Parker to the nation, declared for 'the maintenance of State Rights and home rule; no centralization.' ' By this same irrcsis table logic Bryan himself is driven to the gro tesque necessity of advocating the breaking up of the railroads ot the country into as many systems as there are States, and their taking over by the States, instead of their control by the nation! The next step in national prog ress is not going to be confined to the paity whose motto is, "You can't do it.r N. Y. Mail, rour head goes down," observed the home grown philosopher, "you may be able to see that your election didn't hap pen because the people were anxious to get you in, but because of their anxiety to get the other fellow out." The Opinion That Counted. They had a dispute, and agreed to leave it to the military expert. "What bullet," they asked, "do you consider the deadliest?" For several minutes he remained In a brown study. Then he looked up with the air of one who had set tled the matter finally and definitely . "The one that hits," he said. The RECORD 6 months for 25c one year 50c; kept in Broad Cloth Rain-Proof Goods. and in fact everything that is in a first-class store. Always coming to town enquire for Bailey & Martin, for we certainly will appre ciate your trade, and do all we can to make it to your advantage to trade with us. Yours to serve, BAILEY & MARTIN, Dr Eobt. Anderson, DENTIST Qttise over Bank of Davie. Tombstones. If you need anything like Tombstones Tab lets or Honuments call On CLAUDE MJULKlt. North Wilkesboio, O. I. rf -

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