THE DAVIE RECORD HAS A CIRCULATION LARGER THAN THAT OF ANY PAPER PUBLISHED IN DAVIE COUNTY, AND OUR BOOKS WILL PROVE IT II ' . I I II Vol. X. MOCKSVILLE. N. C. THURSDAY. JULY 9.-1908: No. 1 Day Record That Convention. The Landmark, in making "com ments on tie various happenings at the Democratic Convention, has the followiug to say: 'Each side tried to make a lit tle larger showing than the other side and whiie the folks who don't enjoy such things wanted it stop ped, for i.t was tiresome, they just had to sit still and take it out in expressing disgust. The thing, though, was infectious. Dignified gentlemen who do nothing unseem ly at home, cavorted like 10-year-old boys. Once after a Kitcbin demonstration Mr. r. B. Bailey, of Davie, a dignified gentleman but an enthusiastic Craig man, stood upon the platform and ge ticulated wildly for some oue to bring him a Craig banner,- and when he got his hands on one be waved it aloft in triumph and ap , parently enjoyed the. tumult the Craig folks made. '! never thought I would be such a fool, 1 said the dignified and affable Col Keill Arcii McLean, of Uobeson, also a Craig partisan. 4 but I march ed and exerted myself until the sweat poured from -me like a horse." These are but lustances.N Ihere were many similar one8.,, Yes, indeed, Bro. Clark, and a good many worse ones, . from what we saw and read. Many people made fools of themselves, while a few actually made asses of them selves. v The Call For Teddy. Those who were not present at the Chicago convention when tbe4 parent that the convention would be cyclone ofapplause broke loose, for Theodore Roosevelt can never. fully comprehend the magnitude and in tensity of the occasion. Nothing approaching it was eve.r witnessed in this or any other coilfctry. It was described by those who have attended many conventions and made a study of such things as be ing the longest, the loudest, the most impressive demonstration ev er known for any man at any con vention. Nobody could stop it. For fitty-two minutes "14,000 or ECHOES FROM THE FRONT. Even in the early stages it was ap- afflicted with a sort of midsummer madness. v Our hats are off to that Lincoln- ton lady who made a heroic attempt to favor the convention with a vio lin solo. She is clearly in line for a Carnegie hero medal. A report of the convention pro ceedings read: "At 12:30 the con vention was called to order." Must have been some mistake about that. There never was any order. The chief value of the convention to, the state lies in the fact that it will serve the present generation as a horrible example of how conven- more Roosevelt admirers sent up a wild and woolv shout the like of ti5ns should not be conducted. muiu ,na ... .,fU If one wants to know the kind eriug any vhere. Arouud ,tud a round went the noise aud back again. Then a young wo an ap peared with a big Teddy hear auu tossed it at the feet of Mayor Bus s'ie A dozen men grabbed thf bear and it as thrown from "place to place like a standard of victory. The bauds i" the gallery tried to Thanks to Charlotte. Between ballots for attorney-gen eral the following resolution was offered by Fred N. Tate, of High Point, and was unanimously car ried: . '! "I move that this convention extend a vote of thanks to the may or, the aldermen and other officials of the City of Charlotte, the citi zens, the clubs, the railways the newspapers, and the various com mittees appointed to look after the comfort and welfare of the dele gates to this convention for kind nesses done and courtesies shown, and to the ladies for their interest and presence." After the adoption of this reso lution some humorously .-inclined del igate solemnly moved that the clubs be added to the list of the various things for which the con vention had extended its thanks. "And I move to include the doc- torn and the drug stores, too,' put in a delegate just across the mid die aisle. Exchange. me boys would have been in bad shape indeed, had it not; been for the doctors, drug ; stores and clubs, aud they did exactly; right by including them in the resolution . The East's Ingratitude. To the Editor of The Observer. The nomination of W. W. Kitch in for Governor was in utter de fiance to every principle of right and justice, and should be resent ed at the polls by every" self re specting and fair-minded Demo crat in western North Carolina. In defeating Craig the so-called De mocrats of the east have manifest ed the basest ingratitute, and now that they have named the candi date should be comDeled to elect him without help from the west Craig is far more ? honored in de feat than Kitchin ia victory. No Democrat living west of Salisbury will ever be Governor of North Carolina. If the Republicans nom mate a western i man of character and ability jo Governor, he will go,in with a whoop. v , SYLVANUS JOEES ; Polk county, June 28th. of convention it really was, he can get a very trood idea by a perusal of this laconic message, received Thurs day afternoon from the seat of war: "Craig loses four votes. Home gains. Calls for the police" - If one is led to" the making of com parisons it may be said that, com paring the Charlotte convention with the one recently held in this city by the Republican party, the conven tion held here appears positively ladylike Industrial .News. Farmers Read. To kill bugs on watermelons. east abused and most popular man kqashes, etc., take two and . one- in the United States todav." That half tablesDOonfnls of coal oil to was the spark for the "volcano. one qaart of wood a8Qes dust After that the scene witnessed was the stalks in the morning before beyond the power of description. tte dew ia all off K Berwick. But after all there was nothing pa in all that mighty demonstration The sauash buff never lavs its hat should make a republican feel earar8 on the stem, unless bv acci- no - 7 break the noise, but they oiiuded about like a whisper iu a locomo tive factory. The show started when Senator Lodge referred to Theodore Roosevelt 'being the ashamed. It was a popular ex pression of approval for Republi canism and the feelings towards a reDublican Dresident. It shows . ' thnt the people have faith in re bublican principles It shows that i hey are pleased with the G. O. P. And it is a wonderful concrast with dent, but the under side of the leaves. The eggs are of a v dark chestnut color, globular iu form, and exist in clusters. They may be found by turning dp the leaves, .when the eggs may be crushed. Another insect deposits its eggs on on stem: this is the borer. The heway the democratic party looks larvae, as soon as hatched, eat into upon their chiefs as they round the stem ani are tjjen difficult to out their terms. Theodore Roose; dielodtre. One of the ?most effec- retire from the White tual remedies against enemies of the House the most popular and hear 8qUah is a-solution of saltpeter, ily esteemed man that has ever which is prepared bv dissolving a occupied the Executive Chair. teaspoonful in a quart of water aud And thru the influence of Roose- sprinkling it over the plant, though velt one of the next greatest men Silwdnst, saturated with turpen- before the people today has been tjne j8 aiso nse( qq the ground chosen to fill the Presidential chair ar0und each plant with success. and on the third of next Novem- Qne poultice of raw Irish tota- ber William Howard Taft will step toes put on pain3 jji Q three intu the White House for the next hours, cure inHammation. rheuma- SPRING IS HERE And it is time that you pur chase that piece of jewelry for the spring suit. We men tion below a few articles thai will enhance your- looks: Elgin and Waltham Watches. Gents and Ladies siies, in Nickel, Silver and Gold-filled cases, rang ing in price from $5.50 to $18.50. Ladies and gents watch chains, guards, fobs, charms, etc., from 50c to $-4.00. Ladies and gents rings, plain gold band, set and filled rings from 75c to $5 00. Bracelets for the baby, the young lady and the old maid, ranging in pricef rom $1.75 to $8. Brooches, real pretty ones, from $1 to $5.00. Lockets of all kinds; they are beauties, from $1.25 to $3.00. Stick pins, ladies' shirt-waist sets, collar and cuff buttons, charms, etc., ranging in price from 10c to $3.00. Ourlinex)f Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens are up-to-date. $1.50 to $3.50. - Our French harps make music all the day. 20c to 50c. "Call and get one. We are here to serve jou. Our goods are guaranteed. When in town give us a call. C. FRANK STROUD, : Next door to Postoffice MOCKSVILLE N. C. SoMtlieirini Railroad, x - Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS North--SouthEast--West. Torough Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS AO ."OMMODATION Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars on all. Through Trains. Dining, Club And Observation (Jars. For SpeedComfort and Courteous Employe, travel via the South era Railway. Bates, Schedules and other it formation furnished by addressing the undersigned: R."L. Veenon, Trav. Pass. Agt., J. H.Wood, Dist.Pasa. Agent Chaplotte,-N C, Asheville, N, C. S. H. Haedwick lass. Traffic Mgr. W. II. TAYLOE,Geu,l Pass Agt WASHINGTON, D C. 2 3 v (Prickly Ash. Poke Boot and Potassium.) HAKES POSITIVE CURES OF ALL F0RU3 AND 8X10X3 OT Physicians endorse P. P. P. m a splen- Cll combination, and prescribe it With great satisfaction for the cores of all forms and stages of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Syphilis. Sypbilitio Xfteu- xnatism. Scrofulous Ulcers and Sores, Glandular Swellings, Bhenmatism, Kid-1 noy Complaints, old Chronio Ulcers that I fi' CATARRH k&ve resisted all treatment. Catarrh, SUn Diseases. Eczema. Chronio Female I Complaints, Mercurial Poison. Tetter, Bcaldhead, etc, etc. P. P. P. is a powerful tonlo and an I excellent appitizer, building up the system rapidly. If yon are 'weak and I feeble, and feel badly try P. P. P. and yo "will regain flesh and strength. VTasteof enersy and all illisasss resnltfns from erertaxing the system are cured by the use of P. P. P. Ladleswhose systemssrepolsonedand wmoeebloodislnanlmpnreeoodltfondns to menstroal irregularities are peculiarly benefited by the wonderful tonlo and SCROFULA blood cleansing properties of P. P. P Prickly Ash. Poke fioot and Potass!. Sold by all Druggists. F. V. LI PPM AN Proprietor Savannah, Ca. Old-papers for sale at the Record office. " A four years. Mr. Taft is a reform er of constructive mind and high judicial temperament. He is 'pro j i gressive, nonest ana sane auueveu t.hA ilAmnnrsits will be delighted to follow him to victory. Yellow Jacket. Mr. BlackweiTs Yeast Factory. Fow neonle are aware of the X proportions already attained by an industry that was but recenty started in this city. The Aunt Bettie's Yeast Com already-outirrown. its ior- . " " tism, snowblindness, inflaned eye.s' bruises, burns, scalds, necrosis, blood poison; old sores will take two or more poultices. Potatoes sprouted soft, are not much good. Try one on sore jcorn. L.'t Greely Center, Neb. Policeman Interfered With the Lord's Command. A negro woman, preacher, who for-merly visited Statesville quite frequently and was at one timear rested Jjecause she became too zeal- 2L Virginia is likely to go dry next year. That is to say those thirsty Tar Heels are liable to drink it dry. Ex. What is love! Love ia war, for further particulars see Sherman. Harvard Lampoon, , mer place of business and ; now ous in her efforts to "convert the moved to 130 Ceuter Street near peat nen," was in town oaiuruay fk iinnnt whprp tin ontirfi hmld- ana made a taiK 01 a lew minutes tu vivrv, I ino- has been leased and will util- on the square, when she was inter ized in the manufacture ol thisfrupted. She was quotkg Scrip- Statesville product, which on its ture readily when Policenian Mor- raerits alone, .has sprung into great gan stepped up and told her that nnnniaTtftr xvith hnuspwifpa and she had talked long enough at one pUpUUUtVJ " v w w I , ' .Vo place. The woman informed Mr. Aunt Bettie's yeast has lots of Morgan that the Lord had told redeeming qualities; is stronger her to come- to Statejville and tk.n onr nfhop hmnd nf veast. Dreach at a certain place on the will never spoil if kept dry, and square and that she couldnH. un it will keep as long as there' is a deratand. why he was interfering piece of yeast left. Statesvill Mas- when she was obeying the Lord's command, una iormer occasion ' ,. when the womat was forced to ; Over Thirty-Five Years. . . in TR72 there was a ereat deal of leave the square by Chief Conner diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera in- Bjje informed that officer that the fntiim. It was at this time that T , . A Qfnfpavillp tea? SfiSo to prea, h 6n the street, Th, of- use it provea more succcsaxui luan uuci uci nUJ -any other remedy or treatment, a rtd to Salisbury and preach, land her has for thirty-five years maintained . wa8 Something like this: "I KCaCuse ha, eedTo .a8sUudiDg-at the depot in Salis- 4. u- TTnito fitatpa atiri to lmrv nid th Ijord' aDDeared in a tXT I TJX XXV. uuxvvu I .7 . many foreiffn countries. Nine drug- vision and told me to go to State" gists out of ten will recommend itu t 6nc T boueht a ticked i a a qoan aiTnnmrii i . v -y,a-n Viovo nfhpr TTipdicines that Dav ihrm a o-reater orofit. It can always Statesvilie." be depended upon, even in the most fpjjg WOmao is mentally unsoiind. severe and dangerous cases, ror ur xhe Statesville Landmark by v. v. oanioruuus vvi 4 j i .TEADB MA32K. - 0P1R9E W QARY Hffl v More elastic, non-rusting metal parts Absolutely unbreakable leather ends Guaranteed Best S0C Suspender Made . Can be had in light or heavy weight for man or youth, extra length same price SUITABLE FOR ALL 0LASSH3 If your dealer won't supply you we will, postpaid, for 50 cents .SEND FOR VALUABLE FREE DOOICLET "CORRECT DRESS & SUSPENDER STYLES r HEWES & POTTER LARGEST SUSPENDER MAKERS IX THE' WORLD : 87 Lincoln St., Boston, ITJaos.

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