Re CORD HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNA WED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.' Vol. X. MOCK! SVILLE. N. C. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1909. No. 33 How It is in Monroe. j Monroe Journal. There have been inininsters in Monroe who preacued against the habit of getting mail ou Sunday, and there have been other preach ers who called at the office after their services to get their mail, hence there is a difference o" op inion among the laity .as to the custom. But there are enough sin- in the various flocks to make OO LI III New Counties Proposed. uizens oia number ot localities in the Stale are asking the Legisla ture to establish new counties. It Is stated that petitions have been sent the Legislature asking for the formation of a new county out of sections of Burke, Caldwell, Mit chell and Watauga, the territory to be embraced to include the Jjnas Ridge section of Burke, the Montezuma section of Mitchell and the adjoining section of Watanga and Caldwell. The movement will be strongly opposed. Womam, Lovely Woman. Her waist begins just below her neck. Her hips have been plained off even with the rest of her body. Sbe is usually buttoned up the back, and around her neck she wears a section of barbed wire covered with lack. She wears on ninrwia K.ircta.V nf hair tu iod oi mis a central uumc A. fit J 1 .-1 .-V Sk 9 about the size as those 17 Shi U swarthed in her and Ten Buisness Commandments. i Exchange. 1 .Thou shalt not wait for some- I thing to turn up, but shalt pull off thy cost and go to work that thou iiayest p rosper in thy affairs and make the word "failure'' spell suc- shalt not be content to business looking like houldst know that appearance is better eroj" recommendation. Thcu shalt not try to make fcxcuses aor shalt thou say to those kvho chide thee, "I didn't think." 4. Thou shalt not wait to be told what thou shalt do, nor in what manner ohou shalt do in, for thus may thy days be long in the job which fortune hath given thee. 5. Thou shalt not fail to main tain thine own integrity, nor shall thou be guility of anything that will lessen thy good respect for thyself. 6. Thou shalt not covet the other fellows' job, nor his salary nor the position which he hath gained by his own labor. 7. Thou shalt not fail to live withiu thy income, nor shalt thou contract any debts when thou canst not, see Ihv wav clear to oav them. 1 8. Thou shalt not fail to blow thine own horn, for he who is afraid to blow his own horn at the proper occasion findeth nobody standing; ready to blow it for him. 9. Thou shalt not hesitate to say "No" when thou meanest "No," nor shalt thou fail to remember that there are occasiens when it is unsafe 1 3 bind thyself to hasty jud gement. 10. Thou shalt give every man a Square Deal. This is the last and gieat commandment, and there is uo other like unto it. Upon this commandment depeudeth all the law and the profits of tne business world. Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden & Farm. Thirty years in business, with a ste tdity increasing trade every year until we have to-day one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country is the best of evidence as to the superior qual ity of Wood's Seeds. W sod's Descriptive Catalog and monthly "Crop Special'7 have done more to encourage diversified farming and profi table market-growing of vegeta ble crops than any other similar publications. If you want the best and most profitable crops, Plant Wood's Seeds. -.www a vsswijiiTc vaiaios j 1 1 i . w At l' n. a . free on request. ... wivM wlUCUIdl. k m mv at mm mm urn mm m m ki u n -r - Richmond, Va. i Hdren Operating a Moonshine Still. Revenue officers tell the Ashe- k ille Citizen that on a recent raid ! n the York settlement, in the 'Dark Corner" of South Carolina. Jthey fonnd three mere children, Saueiner from live to ten years of 4a, engaged in the production of 'randy, and that by means of a f till constructed by themselves. Borne time before the officers had ; Jade a raid at the same place and a 1 cut up a number of fermen-, ers" and emptied a lot of peach i doublings" on the ground, and j hvy returned to capture those who j operated the stills. It was l&Lnnthat they espied the three children busily engaged over a fire, j The officers approached and found, after the children had scorn pered away, that they had taken a wood en bucket for a "cap" used a pair ot kees for "doublers" and a bored -out poplar limb for a worm" and the resulting brandy was trickling into a beer bottle. No attempt Was made to arrest the children. Rum Mill. At an enteusiastic meeting held by the good people of Winston on last Sunday, it was unanimously agreed to ask the legislature toj give that city a prohibition rum ! mill, christaiu saloon or dispen-1 sary, if you please. If that arn'r j a d 1 of a prohibition religious j sentiment, to meet on Sunday and arrange for a rum mill. Pi Paper. If you would have safe ye Cough Remedy in the home, Snoop s at least once. It is oughly unlike any other Cough pre paration. Its taste will be entirely new to you unless it is already your favorite Cough Remedy. No opium, chloroform, or any other stupifyine ingredients are used. The tender f leaves of a harmless, lung-healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. ; Shoop's Cough Remedy its wonder 2:ul curative properties. It is trulj a most certain and trustworthy pres cription. Sold by G. C. Sanford Sons Co. If one-half the world doesn't know how the other half lives, it isn't because it doesn't spend a lot of time trying to find out. Croup positively stopped in 20 minutes, with Dr. Shoop's Croup Re- j m?dy. One test alone will surely ;orove this truth. No vomiting, no 1 distress. A safe and pleasing syrup i 50c. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons ! Co. ! NOTICE! North Carolina t Commissioners' Of Davie Gounty. s fice, Jan. 4, 1909. .Notice is hereby eriven that a pe al ion has been filed in this office foi :he establishment of a public road crom the old '"Bailey" postoffice a crDss the lands of D. O Helper et al , ard on with Jericho road to the sign ooard on B. F. Stonestreet's farm Ti e same will come up for our con ucLeratinn on 1st Monday in March. 1909. If any objection to same let k oe heard then. By order of the Board of Commiss ioners oi Davie Countv. J. F. MOORE, Clerk of the icard. NOTICE! North Carolina ) Commissioners' Of Davie County. 1 fice, Jan. 4, 1909. Notice is hereby given that a pe tition has been filed in this office ask ing the Commissiotiers to grant the privilege of establishing a public fer ry across the Yadkin River, at what is called Idol's Ferry, The same will ccme up tor our consideration on 1st Monday in Mi.r.:h, 1909, If any ob jection to same let it be heard then. By order of the Board ot Commiss ioners of Davie County. J. F. MOORE, Clerk of the Board, NOTICE! North Carolina ) Commissioners' Of Davie County. ) fice, Jan. 4, 1909. Notice is hereby given that a pe tition has been filed in this office foi the establishment of a public road ; (from the public road that leads from ! Advance to the old Soarks mill place through the lands of John H. Hart- .; man to Dayis & HartmanV Ferry. The same will come up for our con-: sideration on 1st Monday in March. : j 1909. If any objection to same let it ' I be heard then. J By order of the Board of Commiss- ' J. r . MOOKL, J Cleric ot the Board, i 1 c f At PTiV Ct FROST PROOF CABBAGS PLANTS GUARANTEED XABLV JBBSSV WAtU'iiilil CHAHLRJTON LA BOB Till tirtwt TYPK WAKEFIELD Mb) Uivwa. id KkHMaC 8lOt. - TO - .J i'i .ir ' r r film Ti irrn . TTfai PRICE: in lets f 1 le 4 . at $1.51 per SLX F. O. B. YOUNG'S ISLAND, S. C Our Special Exl' We grew the first Frost Proof Plants in 1868. satisfied customers ; and we have grown and sol persons in the Southern states combined WHYi we sen i your money back. Order now; it is t tion to get extra early cabbage, and they are th Spcia! lei nis to prrsoiu who nuke up club ' lUm f f'oTttif ' rdert. Write for illustrated catalogue, lllti. V Wvl UIJ Letter JOB Statements Note Bil WORK GUARANTEED. ftbe Davie IRecorb 3ot print. mT V w G PARLOR is the place to go to get your barber work done if you want 0 the best. Special attention given to all customers. O Yours to please, G. ARMITTE SHEEK. Cm 4 4 tf 4 The latest thing out in tiny gold plated safety pins. They are cute, wd the price is 5c. each. Some thing every one needs. Call at our flice and see them. Rheumatism I have found tried and tested cure for Rheu matism I Not a remedy that will straighten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony ffrowths back to flesh again. That is impossible. But I can now surely kill the pains and pangs ot this deplorable disease. In Germany with a Chemist In the City of DarmstadtI found the last ingredient with which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was made a perfected, dependable prescription. Without that last ingredient. I successfully treated many, many cases of Rheumatism : but now. at last, it uni formly cures all curable cases of thisf heretofore much dreaded disease. Those sand-like granulaf wastes, found in Rheumatic Blood, seem todissolve and pass away under the action of this remedy as (reely as does sugar when added to pure water. And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause of Rheumatism Is gone forever. There is now no real need no actual excuse to suffer long with out help. We sell, and in confidence recommend Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy C. C. SANFORD SONS CO. ftuclif en's Arnica Salve The Best Salve In The World. The Greatest Since .1 Ab thor-V 111 5 1 If f II S I to HA vv solute cure tor croup, rp.eumc-; I I Colds of all kinds. Bruises, Stings, and ali Iriilahirnnrfci.:. A box in your hcr.?-j a V:;; ;i One box will convinrt; yr:? . . 25c, 50c and Si. 00 at your dru stc-rccr : f ! i i.tTTi.llj :sC:i!cuiv v.u., vliv 5- SATISFY MUaCI2il3ERS Ili Al'UI : A TBIICMt TtM Kubva Mi's !Mttr H at tv' ti mi H an i PRICES REASONABLE. mmmmmmmmmmmMW WORK When a child wakes up In the middle of the . night with a severe attack of oroti p a f re qusutly happens, no time should be lMt in experimenting with remedies of a doubtful value. Prompt action In often ueccssry to save life. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has never boon known to fall In any case and It has been lu use for over one-t hit d of a cen tury. There Is none bettor. It can be de pended uixin. Why experiment? It is pleasant to take and contains no liariulul drug. iT'ce, 25 cents; large sizo, 50 cents. f KILL the COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS 0ro ding's WITH Nou Discovery FOR .Troughs PRICE mm. m mm. W" OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED. KILL the COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS w,th Br. King's Nov; Discovery FOR C8KsHS thSUM. AKD ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OR MONET REFUNDED. - A nice line of bracelets, locket and . lorgnette chains, tiny gold-plated ' safety pins, etc., at Record - Medical . Dlcr Vaccination Quick relief I;; . i ; 0 mm r, mmlx ie, , dt f mm

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