V D Record HI A V I H HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.' Vol. X. MOCKSVILLE. N. C TUESDAY. MARCH 16.1909. No. 36. A WAYFARER'S FANCIES. The Nut Shell. A trust is a horrible thing-, if you are not in it. Your enemy is glad to have you waste time hammering him. There fore, don't. The bass horn may be heard two miles, but the violin is king of the orchestra. The elephant is the most powerful of beasts, but the jackass has him beat a block on noise. Instead of abusing the world, try your hand at making your part of it less deserving of abuse. The fact that a man doesn't call you a liar, is not proof that he be lieves all that you are saying. The mouse may think himself a lion. Do not trouble yourself to un deceive him, for it is "harmless error." Your wisdom may be exceeding great. Be careful, therefore, lest you over-awe and discourage those less favored. Money panics should be abolished. They hurt all honest men, and fur nish excuse and protection to many L rogue. Do riot talk too frequently of the mighty deeds you have done, lest you meet with some son-of-a-gun who will investigate. This is the best world I know any tning about, and a sudden change of climate might injure my constitu tion. Will remain until forced to leave. The March winds and the equinoc tial gales we have in their season; but the fellow who blows about his big income, we have always with us save only at tax-listing time. Arkansas Goes Dry. Little Rock, March 1. After three days of hard fighting, the state wide prohibition bill passed the house this afternoon, 53 to 27. A bill to submit prohibition to a vote of the people was defeated, 44 to 35. A measure was intro duced to prohibit the sale of Coca Cola. Modern Political Speech. Tell how glad you are to greet such an intelligent audience. Laud your party to heaven. Preach the opposing party iuto hades. Men tion your opponent's name. If you are a better man than he is, or if you have the crowd on him, abuse and make fun of him. If the crowd cheers, repeat the above un til your time is out; and close by saying you are sorry you hadn't time to discuss all the issues. This is a modern campaign speech. The NutShell. A bill "to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors within four miles of a certain school in district No. 4, Bladen county," passed the Legislature a few days ago. Sever al similar bills were introduced during the session and one can but wonder, seeing that we have a State Prohibition law that prohibits the sale of liquor anywhere except in medical depositories and drug stores. Some ot the legislative re porters could make good copy by explaining some of these mysterious local measuaes. Surely the drug store liquor trade hasu't become so numerous" (as they used to say in south Iredell) that it is disturb ing schools Statesville Landmark. Should be There. We notice that some lawmakers have to go home and be gone from their post of duty for a week at a time. Most of them are lawyers and they have to go home and look after their clients get their foes, doubtless. Don't blame them for wanting their fees. If like the rest of us poor devils, they need them. But they are needed some 'where else and they should remain where-the people put them. Lame Shoulder. Whether resulting from a sprain or from rheumatic pains, there is nothing' so good for a lame shoulder as Chamberlain's Liniment. Apply It freely and rub the parts vigorously at each application and a quick cure is certain. For sale by C. G. Sanford Sons Co Mr. Shoaf Convicted of Mistreat ing Fields Child Noted Case Tried at Last. In Davidson Superior Court at Lexington, a few days ago, the case against II. B Shoaf and wife, in dicted for brutally mistreating a little girl named Fields, who had beeu let t in their care at Thomas ville, was tried. Shoaf was con victed and Mrs. Shoaf aquitted. Shoaf was sentenced to four months on the roads. This case attracted the attention of the State, if not. the country, at the time. Months aero probably early last summer, it was discov ered that the Fields child, who had beeu left in charge of the Sboafs at Thomasville, was beiDg inhu manly treated. It was alleged that she was beaten until her body was almost a mass ot sores; that in other ways the child's treatment was such as no humane person would administer to a brute. Pub lic indignation was aroused. Shoaf and his wife were arrested and jailed in Lexington. Rumors of a mob forming to lynch them caused the officials to carry the prisouers to Charlotte, where they remained awhi!e and were released on bonds of $500 each. The trial was put off from one court to another, final ly coming up a few days ago after the general public had about for gotten the incident. Ex. Roosevelt, Wilson and Pinchot Join the Farmers7 Union. A few days ago President Roose velt (he was President then), Sec retary of Agriculture Wilson and Gifford Pinchot, government fores ter, were made full-fledged "far mers," having been admitted ''on sight" to membership in the Xaii onal Farmers' Union. The honors were conferred by Pi esident Charles S. Barrett, of Union City, Ga , ot the National Farmers' Union, who, with other officials of the Union, was in Washington at the time. The action did not pass, however, without criticism, some of the members of the Uniou holding that Barrett exceeded his authority in the matter. Ex. Price of Foodstuffs Jump, Notwith standing Depression. Nenton Enterprise. The strange and the hard feature of the present depression in busi ness is the abnormally high price of flour, meats aud all kinds of foodstuffs for man and stock. While all kinds of manufacturing business is languishing and the managers facing the strong pro bability ot having to further reduce wages of laborers and curtail work, the cost of living is increasing. The lesson that this should teach Southern farmers, at the thresh hold of another planting season, is to iuciease their grain crops, specialize more on meats and the by-products of the farm and raise less cotton. Low price cotton sold to buy foodstuffs, will this year prove a losing business. Aud a 10,000,000 bale crop of cotton will bring more money than either a 12,000,000 or 14,000,000 bale crop. From Alexander and Had Never Seen a Train. A family consisting of a man and his wife aud several children arrived in Statesville Wednesday morning on the train from Taylors ville and left on No. 36 for a point in Virginia. While sitting in the waiting room of the Statesville sta tion the woman, who is apparently about 35 or 40 years old, remarked to another passenger that she lived some distance from Taylorsville and that the train on which she rode to Statesville from Taylors ville was the first she had ever seen. It is assumed that it was also the first the children had ever seen. Statesville Landmark. Program for Sub-Missionary Insti tute, M. . Church, South, Advance Mar. 31, to Apr. 2, '09. The following pastoral charges are included: Centenary, Kernersville, Burkhead, Forsyth, Mocksville, Coo leemee, Grace, Southside, Advance, Davidson, Lewisville, Farmington and Davie. Wednesday. 7:30 p. m Sermon, "The One Great Mission of the Church," by Rev. J. P. Rodgers. Thursday. 9 a. m. Devotional Exercises Rev. T. A. Boone. 9:20 a. m. "The Objections to Mis sions I Have Met in My Pastoral Work and My Answer to Them." Revs. J. E. Abernethy, W. M. Robbins, W. M. Biles, II. C. By rum, T. R. Wolfe, M. H. Vestal, J. S. Hiatt, J. T. Ratledge, L. L. Smith, A. G. Loftin, J. F, Kirk, P. E. Parker and W, Y. Scales. 11 a. m. Sermon, Dr. T. F. Marr. 2:15 p. m. Devotional Exercises. Rev. A. G. Loftin. 2:30 p. m. Address, "The Laymen's Movement," Rev. J. E. Aber nethy. 3 p. m. The Laymen's Movement and Ministerial Support," O. L. Williams and Prof. J. D. Hodges. 3:30 p. m? "A Practical Way to Se cure Salary in Full. B. D. Gra ham. 7:30 p. m. "The Work of the Con ference Lay Leader." M. D. Stockton. 7:50 p. m "The Work of the Dis trict Lay Leader." Prof. T. E. Whitaker. 8:10 p. m. "The Work of the Lay Leader of the Congregation, and His Committee, R. B. Crawford. Friday. 9 a. m. Devotional Exercises, Rev. J. T. Ratledge. 9:15 a. m. "Are Our People Puttincr Forth an Effort to Carry out the Terms of the Great Commission Commensurate with their Abil ity?" Rev. T. R. Wolfe and Prof. W. S. Snipes. 10 a. m "How to Enlist the Child ren and Young People." Rev. H. C. Byrum. 10:20 a. m "The Bible, the Miss ionary Text-Book." Rev. P. E. Parker. 10:35 a. m. "The Best General Mis sionary Literature and How to Get Our People to Read It." Rev. J. F. Kirk. 10:45 a. m. "Collections in Full and How to Get Them." Revs. M. H. Vestal and W. M. Robbins. 11:15 a. m. "An Institute for Each Pastoral Charge." Rev. J. S. Hiatt and Dr. T. F. Marr, fol lowed by Open Conference. 2:30 p. m. Woman's Work, by Lead ers of the work of the W. F. M. W. II. M. Societies. Attempted Express Robbery a Fake. Winston Journal. It is pretty generally reported that the great express robbery that was not pulled off at Mt. Airy Monday night, February 22, was simply a fake. It is said that the officers have been able to obtain no clue whatever and after investiga tion the conclusion seems to be that the whole thing was a cooked-up affair. It is ungenerously hinted that the express messenger was in search of a little notoriety. Prof. H. A. Howell, of Havana, Cuba, Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. 'As long-a jro as I can remember my mother wa& a faithful user and friend of Chamberlain's Cou-h lie medy, but never in my life have I re alized it3 true value until now," writes Prof H. A. Howell, of Howell's American School, Havana, Cuba. "On the night of February 3rd our baby was taken sick with a very se vere cold; the next day was worse and the following- night his condition was desperate. He could not die down and it was necessary to have him in thearmsevery moment. Even then his breathing was difficult. I did not think he would live until morning. At last I thought of my mother's re medy, Chamberlain's Cougli Remecty, which we gave, and it affordey prompt relief, and now three days later, he has fully recovered. Under the circumstances I would not hesi tate a moment in saying that Cham berlain's Cough Remedy, and that only, saved the life of our dear little boy." For sale by C. C. Sanford Sons Co, Notice to Magistrates. "It shall be the duty of each Jus tice of the Peace on or before Mon- ,i 4? j- c iu c : ! uay ot every term 01 tue oupeiiui, Criminal or Inferior Court of his I County to furnish the Clerk of said court with a list of the names and offenses of all parties tried and fin ally disyosed of by said justice of the peace, together witk the papers in each case in all criminal actions since the last term of the Superior, Crim inal or Inferior court. The clerk of the Court shall hand a copy of such j list to the solicitor and to the grand jury at each term of the court, and no indictment shall be found against any party whose case has been so finally disposed of by any Justice of the Peace: Provided, That this section shall I not be deemed to extend or enlarge! ! or otherwise affect the jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, except as provided by law." Code Sec. 906. "For failure to make the above report as to pay over fines to the Countv Treasurer. See Code Sees. 764, 765, 8678." It is believed that many Magis trates, through inadvertance of course, fail to report all fines, etc. In this way the school fund suffers materially. To make it easy for Magistrates, the State Supt. has caused to be printed a blank form of Magistrate's report. A copy of this form has been sent to every Magistrate in Davie county, whose address is known. Others can get a copy on application to the County Supt. or to the Clerk of tke Court. The Magistrates of Davie county are requested to send to the Clerk of the Court a full report of all cases disposed of, for the pst three years, save those previously sent in by them. Those failing to send in their report before Monday of Court will be reported to the Solicitor and to the grand jury. J. D. Hodges. Unequaled as a Cure for Croup. " iesides being- an excellent remedy lor colds and throat troubles, Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is unequaled as a cure for croup," says Harry Wil son, of Way ne town Ind. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears, i his remedy will prevent the attack. It is used successfully in many thous ands of homes. For sale by C C. Sanford Sons Co. To avoid the uncomfortable lull feeling after dinner, try dealing at a grocery where you have no cred it. As Advertised. I ourchased a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Lie medy, and found it to be all claim- j ed lor it in the advertisements. Three i of the family have used it with good J results in summer complaint. 1J. E. i Howe, publisher or the Press, High- j land, Wis. For sale by C. C. Sanford J ;ions Co. NOTICE! NOTICE! I will sell for cash at public auc tion on Tuesday, the 30th day of March, 1909, at 1 o'clock, p. m., at E. E. Hunt's store in Mocks ville, all my farm machinery, consisting of Deering Binder, Drill. Mowing Machine, Riding Cultivator, (new), Feed Cutter. Drag Harrow, Wheat Cleaner, Sickle Grinder, Hay Rake, Plows Etc. all in first class condition. Parties wanting to buy privately will call on E. L, Gaither, who will make sale. This Mar. 8, '09. P. S. EARLY. DON'T BUY A GUN until you have seen our New P V- Barrel Models fitted v . ens Compressed Forged Steel Barrels DEMI -BLOC SYSTEM The mode of ecus true tic? tiiese superb Trap and ivicl-i Guns is fui'rr sst forth in cr I?tt Sfcct- AA yufif Dtlr, for Ste eu Demi-Bloc Cum.' Insist on our make. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL CO. P. 0. Bos 4099 CfctcopM Fall. Mis. THE CURSE OF THE SOUTH. What is the matter with the South? According to Government renot t of 1908. "The Secret is out at Last:" The Southerner, contrary to cur rent opinion is not Lazy, Shiftless, Indifferent, or Careless. "He is Sick." The South is afflicted with and harbors that most dreaded treacherous and destructive of all diseases, Anemia, Pernicious Anemia. The average Southerner is a sufferer of this Health destroying Parasite which destroys the red blood cells producing an impoverished condition of the Blood; which is characterized by extreme Pallor, General Debilitv, Weakness, Loss of Vigor Lack of Ambition, and general undermining of Vitality. The Climate and Atmospheric conditions destroy the Vitality. Let him get over it, get rid of it, get well, and he is as good physically as the best America can boast. If there is health of the slightest degree in your tys tem, Wake it up, call it forth. Pull yourself together, man, wot an or child; all can and should be well. To neglect yourself is to reflect upon the wisdom of your Maker. Nature intends all Humanity to enjoy a full measure of Health and Vigor. If you do not, the fault is your own, for you are yourself to blame for it. Wonders have been accomplished for the People oZ Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi. Iet us now do as much for the People of the Carolinas. A postal will bring you the necessary information. Send no money. Write today. Don't neglect this chance here ottered you. Address, CU! J ,lCVCitaMU IU51IIUIC Ui Jlf j'Cor. Kinsman Road and FROST PROOF CABBAGE PLAMTS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY PURCHASERS 3 2 JIUKV WAkKKllXK ell Attl.tXTON I.AKUK Tin- Htl liat TV m W A K KFI KLU CU. .gr iruva. jtl KtrlmL -4- X. Hi:o:mSON Tke fkriimt Flat Head Variety. race: 2a lots of 1 to 4 m. at $1.51 per S to i u. at $1.25 per a, II n. mi tver. at S1.U per m. F. . B YOUNG'S ISLAND, S. C Our Special Express Rales oo Plants Is Very Low. Wc n;rtw the first Frost Proof Plants in 1868. Now have over twenty thousand satisfied customers; and we have grown and sold more cabbage plants than all other persons in the Southern states combined. WHY? because our plants must please or v.c sesul your money back. Order now; it is time to set these plants in your sec rion to get extra early cabbage, and they are the ones that sell for the most money. 1S3 Tr,S:2S X-dub ' Wm. C Geraly Co Bx 227 Young's Island, s. c Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden & Farm. Thirty years in business, with a steadily increasing trade every year until we have to-day one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country is the best of evidence as to the superior qual ity of Wood's Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog and- monthly "Crop Special" have done more to encourage diversified farming and profi table market-growing of vegeta ble crops than any other similar publications. 1 f you want the best and most profitable crops, Plant Wood's Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog aid monthly "Crop Special," mailed free on request. T. W. WOCD & SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Stomach trouble is but a symptom of. and not i i itself a true disease. We tliink of Dyspepsia, Ill lk-iA V "'v V .. v ' ' u - - i Heartburn, and Indigestion as r-al disvuses. yi t thy are symptoms only of a certain sptscittc I Nerve sickness nothing else. ! It was this fact that lirst correctly led Dr. Shoop j In the creation of that now very popular Stomach ! Rpnif-dv Dr. Shooo's Restorative. Gointr direct 1 to the stomach nerves, alone brought that success T i t i.l.. L nn.ll.t. L 1 .... Witl. out that original and hiphly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. For stomach distress, bloating . biliouMicss. bad breath and sallow complexion, try Ir. Shoop's Restorative Tablets or Liquid and see for your self what it can and will do. We Sell and cheer fully recommend I Dr, SllGOp C. C. SANFORD SONS CO. he Greatest Since 1 Ci 'J .. Jt!.i. til fiHlQIi mi WA mi iC s3?? O Si L'- L'r uisc.t tirt, and cj inliammatin. A box in your house- i-? fjoo-! "s r. V ' ! t . :J at JMJ.'J A J C 1UCU1UUC MIU CWrgGrY, 62d St. ieveiana, wnio. Al'OI HTA TCirrkMI DHOKT Tr.MMKD A UtUe ialar FLAT IWf II Uiaa 8 iiia, lrjm aad ltt CeM(a, When a child wakes up In the mluille of the night with a severe attack of croup as fn queutly happeus, no time should be lost In experimenting with retutxllt's of a doulitful value. Prompt action Is often uucess-ry to save life. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has never been known to fall In any case and it has been in use for over one-l hird of a cen tury. There in none better. It can bo d pendedupon. Why experiment? Ills pie. xniit to take and contains no harmful drug. 1 ce, 25 cents; largo size, SO cents. KILLthe COUCH and CURE the, LUNCS w Dr. Cling's Heiv Disoovory w" ISOLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUKG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY? OR MONEY REFUNDED. KILLthe COUGH AND CURE the LUNC8 w Or. ding's New Discovery FOR CSilS!18 AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY! OR MONET REFUNDED. A nice line of bracelets, locket and lorgnette chains, tinv gold-plated safety pins, etc., at Kc? rd office. Mcdi r V relic! .y i.ii'.. it. . vci' r