rr Davie Ml r "HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." Vol. XI. MOCKSVILLE. N. C. TUESDAY. JULY 27. 1909. No. 3. What "We Missionaries" Concealed Watson's Jeffersonian Weekly. In the Christian church at Craw fordsville, Indiana, the Rev, Paul Wakefield, of SpriDgfield, Illinois, gave a talk Tuesday evening, two weeks ago. Among other things, Mr. Wake field said: ;There are more women mission aries degraded bvChinese men than 'pre -a'inp& converted. "The tragic termination of the Chi natown romance of Elsie Sigel and her two Mongolian suitors has uncov ered the evils of the system ot indi vidual religious instruction which is almost universal in the Chinese mis sions. " We missionaries have known this for a long time and were not surprised when we read of Elsie Sigel's tragic death," Header, do some thinking! Re member that Elsie Sigel, the grand daughter of General FraDZ Sigel, had devoted her young life to the sacred work of converting the Chi nese to the religion of Christ. The mother of the girl consented to her doing this. Both mother and daugh ter felt sure that such work was ap proved of God and would redound to His glory. To make a long story short, the young enthusiast was ruined by one or more of her converts, and after apparently living in immoral relations with one of them, she was fe?lEed to death in hjs bed-room and her body hidden in a trunk. A great sensation followed the find ing of the corpse and, as the Rev; Paul Wakefield said, this shock ing murder "uncovered the evils of the system." Mr. Wakefield declares that the dangerous methods of individual tjon which cost Elsie Sigel lit. ..... ae, her lne and perhaps her soul's salvation, "is almost uni versal in Chinese missions." That is a statement to fill one with dismay. But the worst of all is the Reverend Paul's admission that "we missionaries have known this a long time." Known what? That the system of mission work now in operation was causing the degradation of more women missionaries than there were Chinese converted. They knew this, they had long known it, and they kept it cover ed up! Upon my word, I think that is the most infamous statement that a minister of the Gospel ever made. What! "We missionaries" knew that these slant-eyed, lecherous Chinese wolves were pretending to become converts in order that they might win the confidence of pure, unsuspecting Christian girls and destroy them ! The missionaries knew that the Caucasian women were being ruin ed by the hypocritical "converts," and they kept the hideous secret to themselves. Did "we missionaries" warn the girls, who were about to go blind ly into that vile association? No. Did'we missionaries" warn the "J . 1 tgp"p"w " would be missionary girls? No. Did "we missionaries" tell the people about it, in the missionary sermon? No. Was any hint of it dropped in the reports to Conventions, Conferen ces and Synods? No. Did any cf the missionary papers or maga zines put yon and your sisters and daughters on your guard? No. "We missionaries had known it a long time," but we kept it to ourselves! Why? Because a knowl-; edge of the appalling truth would have bronght the deluded people to their senses and the missionary collections would have fallen off! Suppose that I had charged this horrible evil upon the missionary methods would the missionaries have confessed it? You know that they would not. They would have denied it bitterly. " But Elsie Sig el's dead body, discovered in the bed room of one of the bright and shining Chinese "converts," "un covered the evils of the system." "We missionaries" knew of those f.vils, and had known of them a long time! But we kept the lid on. We saw our Christian sisters walking blindly to perdition and we did not sav one word to save them! Merciful God! How could any thing be more infamous? If "we missionaries" could keep covered up such frightful condit ions in the mission work among the Chinese of New York, what is it that they cou'd not keep cover ed up in the mission work in China? You did not know that Chinese rakes were wearing Christian clo thes to get the chance to debase Caucasian girls. "We missionar ies" knew it, but kept the secret. What Other secrets are they keeping? The terrible confession of Rev. Paul Wakefield ought to damn this whole uu."criptural system of lor eigD missions. The missionaries who kept that awful secret are not much better" than the Chinamen who ruined the girls. The world's most successful medi cine for bowel complaints is Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It has relieved more pain and suffering, and saved more lives than any other medicine in use. In valuable for children and adults. Sold by C. C. Sanf ord Sons Co. The Lone Rowan Lyncher Caught. Salisbury Post, 10th. - George Hall, of Salisbury, who was convicted in 1906 of participat ing in the triple lynching that oc curred here that year and who es caped from the penitentiary last Oc tober, was arrested in Spartanburg, S. C, this week, and accompanied by an officea, passed through Salis bury yesterday afternoon on his way to Raleigh to serve out his unexpir ed term. Of his arrest the Spartan burg Journal says: "George Hall, alias George Wag ner, wanted in Rowan county, N. C, to finish serving out a sentence of 15 years, he having been convicted of the charge of having participated in a lynching in that county, was ar rested at his home near Saxon Mills Wednesday evening. "After being arrested and lodged in jail Hall admitted that he was the man wanted in Salisbury. He said that he was convicted in 1806 of the charge of being implicated in the lynching of three men. Fifteen men were indicted and tried on the same charge, but he was the only man con victed. After serving two years and four months he made his escape and came to Spartanburg and went to work as a carpenter. When he came to Spartanburg he changed his name to George Wagner. Since coming here he has found steady employ ment in the city, having worked on a large number of houses in various sections of the city. He is married and has seven children." When the stomach fails to perform its functions, the bowels become de ranged, the liver and the kidneys con gested causing numerous' diseases. The stomach and liver must be re stored to a healthy condition and Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets can be depended upon to do it. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by C. C. sanford Sons Co. Terrific Indictment of Cigarettes. Hudson Maxim, the great powder expert, in a recent interview on the subject of cigarettes, closed with this terrific indictment of the little wThite pipes: "If all the boys could be made to know that with every breath of ciga rette smoke they inhale imbecility and exhale manhood; that they are tapping their arteries as surely and letting their life's blood out as truly as though their veins and arteries were severed; and that the cigarette is a maker of invalids, criminals and fools not men it ougnt to deter them some. The yellow finger stain is an emblem of deeper degradation and enslavement than the ball and chain. A Night Rider's Raid. The worst night riders are calo mel, croton oil or aloes pills. They raid your bed to rob yon of rest. Not so with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They never distess or incou venience, but always cleanse the system, curing Colds, Heabache, constipation, Ma'aria, 25c at C. C Sanford Sons Co. Early Not a Leper. John R. Early, the North Carolin. ian who became ill in Washington nearly a year ago and whose case .vas diagnosed as leprosy, is declared not to be a leper by Dr. Bulkeley, of the New York Skin and Cancer hospital, where Early was taken for treatment a week ago. Dr. Bulke ley says that after a careful examin ation not the slightest trace of the baccilus of leprosy was found. But as a precaution, he said, Early will probably be kept at the hospital for a week or more, so that the diagnosis maybe confirmed by other dermatol ogists. The doctor says Early's trouble was a simple inflammation of the skin caused by alkali used in the pulp mill where he formally worked in North Carolina. Early was kept in isolation at Washington for nearly a year under the supposition that he had leprosy and eminent physicians, including an expert from Copenhagen, confirm ed the diagnosis of the Washington physicians A Good Idea. Guilford connty commissioners last week ordered 100 guide posts at the crossings and forks of all the princi pal public roads in that county. In addition to directing the traveler these posts will give the distance to the principal points in the county. The posts are of iron and of neat de sign. Good idea. Along with the improvement of the public highways this idea will be generally adopted End public watering places will also be provided at convenient points. All these improvements and conven iences are evidences of civilization and progress. They go along with improved farming operations and the improvement of farm homes. Statesville Landmark. Davie county could use a few sign posts to good advantage, anS'The attention of the County Commission er is called to the above article. Southern's New Equipment. Ghattanooga,' Tenn., July 13 The Southern Railway Company has con tracted for the use of $1,400,000 worth of new equipment, as is shown by a lease which was filed in the of fice of the Secretary of State in Nash ville today. The equipment com prises engines, coaches and baggage cars and is leased from Edward T. Stoesburry, of Philadelphia. The lot consists of 25 consolidated freight engines, 10 passenger engines, 15 six wheel switch engines, 88 first-class passenger cars, 3 chair cars, 6 pas senger and baggage cars, 6 baggage and express cars, 6 mail and baggage cars, 6 postal cars, and 4 dining cars. Changing The Emblem. Bacon "Business pretty dull in your department store, isn't it? Egbert "No, indeed; we're very, veiy busy." Bacon "Doing what?" Egbert "Taking the heads off Teddy bears and putting possum heads on the bodies." Yonkers Statesman. And Enjoyed It. Ethel Didn't it seem an age from the time you were engaged till you got married? Maud Yes, but Jack and I managed to squeeze through it. London Tatler. Pays to Keep Posted. Willie I saw you kiss Sis, and if you don't give me ten cents I'll tell. Young Man Here's your dime. Willie Thanks. That makes $3 I've made this season .Kansas City Journal. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn' that there is at least one dreaded disease that sci ence has been able to cure in all its i stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation if the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprie tors have so much faith in its cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: J, J. CHENEY oc CO., Toledo, O AT THE PHONE. Maud Muller, on a summer day, Called, Number, please,'' to earn her pay. Before her, numbers, printed small, Fell dowu when any one would call. The Judge took down his office phone, And made to Maud his wishes - known. Said he, "I'll ask you just once more, For four eleven-forty-fonr." Said Maud, as mild as summer seas, "What number did you ask for, pleasel" Said he, '-I told you twice before, It's four-eleven-forty-four." Said Maud, and you could hear her smile, "Just hold the phone a little while." A weary interval ensued; The wires hummed an interlude. And broken bits of talk came o'er The phone, and made the waiter sore. The wishbone-shaped receiever hook, He seized upon and wildly shook, Till Maud's voice he heard once more: "What number are you waiting fori" The Judge responded with a roar, "It's four-eleven-forty-four." Serenely Maud made answer then, "That line is busy: call again." The Judge had business late that day, And so he merely walked away." But as he walked he shook his head, And this i what he sadly said: "Of all sad words of tongue-oi' pen, The saddest are, 'Busy; call a- gain.'7 Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets g-ently stimulate the liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter cleanse the srstem, cure constipation and sick headache. Sold by C C. Sanford Sons Co. Farmers In Politics. Of course the politicians want farmers tol et politics alone. The clan of robber barons who control the prices of bread and coal, want to be let alone. Of course they do. Every man who has a dishonest purpose in his life wants his busi ness let alone. Oh, yes, farmers will keep out of politics when pro fessional politicians become honest men. They only want their em ployees in the legislature and pub li 3 offices to do their work honestly and faithfully, and then they will let them alone. But so long as these servants are cowards, time servers, dissimulators, toadies and other pleasant things too numerous to mention, just so long will farm ers keep in politics, and contrive to go in deeper untill they have driven out enough of" the rascals" to get justice for themselves. Farmers should go into politics, and go in to stay. Centre Har monizer. Tortured On A Horse. "For ten years I couldu't ride a horse without being in torture from piles," writes L. S. Napier, of Rugless, Ky , "when all' doctois and other remedies failed, Buck len's Arnica Salve cured me." In fallible for Piles. Burns, Bc.il d 3, Cuts, Boils, Fever-sores, Eeseraa, Salt Rheum, Corns. 25c. Guaran. teed by C. C Sanford Sons Co. Crop conditions throughout the State are good, despite the heavy rains, droughts and the calamity howler. A good crop of wheat has been harvested, and the corn aud cotton fields are coming out won derfully. Soreness of the muscles, whether induced by violent exercises or injury is quickly relieved by the free appli cation of Chamberlain's Liniment. This liniment is equally valuable for raafcular rheumatism, "and always af fords quick relief. Sold by C. C. San ford Sons Co. INCORPORATED CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00 RALEIGH, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Pullen Building. THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world's best in modern Business Education. Oldest Business College in North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by a written contract. No vacation. Individ ual insstruction. We also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pen manship, by mail. Send for Home Study rates. Write today for our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsements They are free.; Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, RALEIGH. N. C, or CHARLOTTE, N. C. MONUMENTS AND? TOMBSTONES ANY SIZE-ANY SHAPE-ANY COLOR. Call on us, Phone us, or Write us for Designs and Prices. MILLER-REINS COMPANY, NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. 7 i i J I IT S Vb I Letter Heads, f Note Heads, Bill Heads, Statements WORK GUARANTEED. PRICES REASONABLE. Zhc 2)avie IRecorb 3ot print. Have Just Received Five large cases of pound goods. Size of pieces, 1 to 14 yards to piece. Ginghams, shamby and lawnsdale, bleech falony I buy produce of all kinds. Pay top market prices for them. I buy roots and barks. D. D. BENNETT, Cornatzer, N. C. R. M. IJAMES, The Liveryman. Depot St. Mocksville, N. C. New turnouts, gentle horses, good drivers. Prices to suit the times. The patronage of the public is re spectfully solicited. When in need of a good team, 'phone No. 2. Satis faction guaranteed. Jones & Williams, DEALERS IN Chickens, Eggs, Hides, Tallow and Beeswax. We pay more than anyone else and pay cash. Don't sell before you see us and get our prices. GAITHER BUILDING, Known as old Farmers' Alliance store . North of Court House. Piedmont Ins. Bid?. and Envelopes, FINE PIGS. Summer Prices. Order at once and get the pick of these fine Mammoth Black AND Poland China Pigs, at the reduced summer price. Yours truly, JOHN A. YOUNG, Greensboro, N. C. P ARIS GREEN For Potato Bugs to Eat. See our Gun Works. See Uie Guns Work. They use -'Black Flag" Pow der. It means all the flics dead, Window and Picture Glass all sizes. Mocksville Drug Co, WORK

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