W m m w I Davie RMCO 7 HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS. IAINTAIN; UNA WED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." Vol.-XI MOCKSVILLE. N. C. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 12.1909. No. 14. Some Biblical Questions. Did Lot fall from grace? The drama of exile has oft been repeated iu the world's history, but never so sadly as with the first pair wDtn they ?rWftu"vvandeiMig step aud slow, Through Eden took their solitary wav" The Lord of Parauise ha?, become a rebel in the kingdom of his Mak er, and is being thrust out nader sentence of that inexorable law, The soul thatsiiielh, shaii die. Adam is a physical and moral wreck, aim the flau,g sword guards the tree of life lest he eat thereof and live. The uurestrained communion between the Orator and his crowning handiwork being voluntarily broken, there can now be no access to the Xing by the ie bel except through a go-bet ween, a Mediator. In the unfolding of the plan by which rebels may not only but sit at the royal tables, we have as darkly, but we face to face. The Atonement. This Atonement on Calvary is fled man. Justification. JustiGcaii' n is an instantaneous therefore, the central truth of both j act performed but once upon the (he Old and New Testaments and ! S iUie individual. It is a legal term to it is hi.ehe l chains ot doctrines ! and has reference to a believer's leading in one direction or another i slanding before the court of Heaven according as we interpret the ex tent and scope of this Atonement. As stated, we will follow that chain called Calvinistic, endeavor ing to make a readable article as I we attempt to unfold its links with out defense or controversy. The word Atonement as used in the scriptures means that satisfac tion for sin made by the life and especialy the death of Christ, and is an fvpiaiion approved as com plete bv the court of Heaven in It includes not only his treatment as if he had never sinned since the perfect righteousness of Christ wrought for him is placed to his credit as a basis of his acceptanc before God. ADOPTION. ijeiug justified freely by his fei-ace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to de clare his righteousness for the re- that God raised him from the dead, i mission of sins, tue believer is now the "History of .Redemption' ' evealed in the ScViptues. The Covenants. In its opening chapters, the federal head of the race is intro ducedunder a conditional agree ment by which he is to purchase purity and happiness, that con dition being simple obedience to God on his part. Under this cove nant Adam was only a holy ser vant so long as he obeyed, living nns from day to dfjy with no vest- J rights for ie future fider the restomug covenant, n's Its Scope. As we view the sin-bearer upon the cross, three propositions are suggested as exhausting the pos sibilities of this unique sacrifice. Christ either made atonement (1) for all the sins of all people, or (2) for some of the sins of all people, or (3) for all the sins of some people. Were the first proposition true, then all would be saved, but this view is held by so few, it is not worth our while to consider it here, if the second be true, then uone are saved since the remaining sins ye j unatoned for would work de struction upon all. In the light of this reasoning it follows there fore, that Christ made atonement for all the sins of some people. Granting this, Ihe si us thus atoned i - 1 cement, made with the second i 101 u U(iver ue punisoeu a secomi Christ, the condition 0f i time in tbe persons tor wlioru this complete satisfaction hps been made. ''The some people" referr ed to are the piomiseu seed given to Christ for the travail of his soul being included iu the covenant -of grace they can never fall therefrom because of the all embracing effect of the Atonement made for them. While Christ is an infinite being his atonement is all sufficient in its power to redeem a world, yet il has pleased God to limit its effect to those who are the called accord ing to his purpose. To -summarize, Christ having made satisfaction for all the sins of some people, they having been chosen in him before they had doue any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand (Rom. 9, 11,) it is therefore contray to this purpose that anj who are iucluded in this Covenant of grace should ever fall therefrom for their sins having been atoned for once, the can never rest under condemnation for the same trans gressions. Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect? s siniDle faith on ni is to be elevated to a place ;j the family of a divine er, and vested with certain in- nable rights. A closer relation ship is thus established between man and the Godhead then would have been possible through the first Adam. In this connection it has been beautifully said by John Randolph, that though woman lost us Paradise by her influence over the first Adam, by her being tLe mother of the second Adam, she has gained us Heaven. To work this transformation taxed the wisdom of divinity. The Substitute. Under the broken law man or justice must die. Could however an innocent being, up: whom the law had no claim, be found willing to become man's substitute, take his nature, obey the law in his stead, and suffer (he death penalty resting upon him, then God could be just and yet justify the ungodly such as was found in the voluntary offering of the immaculate son. - Assurance of success is given him in the promised se- Ine com pact is made, in the dim distance tne erected cross hides the rath of the King beneath its shadow justice and mercy embrace each other and man beholds the face of a reconciled God. Tiut a linger ing dawn ensues before the son of rigbtousness arises iu full splendor. During this period of shadow his coming is prefigured by the piiest hood, the sacrifices, and all the "fHtroi rthgt constituted the God-appointed fXhip of the Old Testa ment. Aaroirand his successors were the transient representatives of the High Priest of our profession Christ Jesus, and the paschal lamb a passing type of Christ our pass over who is sacrificed for us. This much to show tha"lLot and all the Old Testament worthier, if saved at all, were saved by the one atonement made on Calvary. I..rtber conformation of this is found in ihi:3 ''Gallery of the Saints" as portrayed in eleventh chapter of Hebrews. The only dif feience in the relationship to Christ between them and the latter day saints being the point cf view they looking forward to Calvary while wp look backward to the same j enrolled in the family of God, with nil the privileges of the sons of God; an heir of God and joint heir with Christ. This constitutes the believer's legal status in the court of Heaven. These three acts en umerated above aie ordered by di vine decree and in them there are no degrees. The humblest, weak est child of God w hen regenerated, justified and adopted is as much so as the Apostle Paul himself. S ANTI FI NATION . Xot so, however with the last mentioned benefit procured by the Atouemcut-Sautiticatiou. This is a gradual process carried on by the spirit in the life of a believer and is as vaniug ir degrees as is the dispositions, foibles arid natural trend of believers themselves. Tt is in this gradual process cf elimi nating gin and substituting right eousness that the elements now within the regenerated soul are at 17 Cents Cotton. Charlotte Chronicle. That is the talk now and it comes from the operations of Patten, the celebrated speculator in wheat, who has gone to New York and opened an office in Wall Street for the purpose of taking a whirl at the cotton market. Patten is said to have formed a bull pool through which he expects to drive cotton up to 17 cents. He says he is con vi need that "the present cotton crop will sell above 17 cents that the record prices of the Sully year will be bettered. This conclusion is based solely on crop conditions and the increase consumption of the staple and he says he knows the outlook to be pojr in all pro ducing States, especially in Texas, which is the most important of all. J One new factor he counts on is the demand that will be made for cot ton in the manufacture of automo bile tires. He thinks that this demand will absorb 350,000 bales. Another thing he believes is that the tariff on wooleus will result iu a much larger consumption of cot ton clothes iu this country. Pat ten declares that he is in the cotton market to stay, and that his present plan is to buy. He is confident that he will be as successful in cot ton as he was in wheat. At any rate, his experience in cotton isgo iug to be watched with interest. HAPPENINGS AROUND TOWN. Attorney Nicholson, of StatesviHe, was among the court visitors last week. Z. V. Long, of StatesviHe, were among the court visitors in town last week. Mrs A. W. Jamison, is visiting relatives and friends iu StatesviHe for some time. A goodly number of Davie county people attended the fair at Win stoj last week. war, the flesh lusting against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh, for this tendency to sin is not spasmodic, but vr.ts with the unremitting force aud constancy of a law, Rom. 7S 21. This conflict against the tripple illiance the word, the flesh and the devil, is the crucible in which the genuineness of the tripple acts enumerated .above may be stested. (Continued next week.) Great Crowds at Circus. Many people here plan to see Barn u m and Bailey at Winston. Mocksville w . oe v.ell represented at Winston, on Oct. loth, when the Baruum and Bailey greatest show on earlh exhibits there on that date, for a great many of our citi zens have already expressed, them selves as having made up their minds to attend. A glance at the list of wonders to be seen with this ')ig show won hi lead. one to believe ihat the limit in tremendous size Some More Questions. J It has been made public by words I spoken by the greatest Apostle that history records, yet he said he was the least Apostle, because he was a persecutor of the christians when the Vergeans Darling was on his own earth makinsr the only provision that could be made for the good of the children of men. that Melchisedec, who lived upon this globe duriiyrthe -. . ..... "-v iaj . ot Abraham and that he was a" priest of the most high god. He was also king of righteousness, he said Melchisedec had neither father nor mother, having neither beginn ing of days nor end of life what was the cause of the Apostle Paul using the words that Melchisedec had neither father nor mother neith er beginning of davs nor end of life. Do you suppose that the Apostle Paul who excelled the other Apostles in greatings considered Melchisedec being greater than mortal humanity, and that he was connected with tne God-Head. J. R. Williams. John McCulloch, of Lexington, spent Monday and Tuesday in this city, attending court. Some of our people will go over to Winston tomorrow to take in Barnuni & Bailey's circus. James McGuire, Jr., spent a day or two last week in StatesviHe with relatives and friends, John Naylor, of Winston, came over Tuesday and spent a few days in this section with relatives and frieuds. Work on the new Gaither building is progressing nicely. When finished, it will help the appearance of the town much. Charlie Hill, colored, who lived near the overhead bridge iu South Mocksville, died Tuesday. He leaves a family. Maj or G. E. Home and T. J. Dotson attended the State meeting of the Junior Order at Greensboro last week. Miss Pearl Koontz, of Rou 1, returned last week from a delightful visit to relatives and lriends at Elkin and Wilkesboro. Miss Kate Shutt, of Advance, spent Wednes lay in this city, and while here, gave us a call aud renewed her subscription. Thanks. Luther Daywalt and Austin Jones, both of Route 1, are wearing large grins. Friend Daj wait is nursing a young lady, and Jones is handling a tine boy. Major Home bid off the entire plant of the Mocksville Courier last Monday at 1200. We gladly welcome Mr. Home to the journalistic field, for misery loves company. Our old friend C. A. Guffey, of Cleveland, Route 1, gave us a call last week, and left us a cart wheel, for which he has our profoundest thanks. Would that others had followed his example. Our old friend, O. C. Austin, of StatesviHe, was in town a day or two last week. He got five square meals before leaving, and said u would not return nntil he got hmgry. He rode this time. The Ladies Aid Society ot the Methodist church, serve! lunches and dinner in the Younore building Monday and Tuesday. They ruL jioiicu tiuuuc lui'iii, jiusnwi u ileal. ed more than fco We. secured finite a number of new stiTWbAra last, wnolr ami wia.u w tjhtt an tnosie wno eitner suDscnoeu or reused. But joany of ourenemies, whom-we have always depended on for herpy-ailed fo show up. But e hope they will yet bring or send iu the amount, due ns, for we need the money. Th is (Jn;i that insHHpth ftJnm s i s well n.i number of novelties t be - j j v Upon thi troubled sea of re- i f;eFU ngious uoginas, sailing is iuaae easier for the Colinist by this Slh chapter of Romans. oriTn rrs of the Atonkmisnt. finally been ie ! . Barn urn and Bailey reachc1 sent f"u.d year under their city jf 14 ...es of tents more things new than have ! ?)cen offered by an other shows in Further, the very nature of the -v years. "Jupiter, the ballon horse," beneius wincn flow nom Atonement. to the individual be never is such that he is insured a gainst falling into final destruction. These benefits are Regeneration, Justification, Adoption, Santitica-. tion, and it is iu tne application of these benefits to the individual that the Holy Spirit finds his office work, Regexration. Iu the act of Regeneration, that faith aud repentance ar given to establish a living union between Christ and the soul. This act is performed but once, for the soul once born agaiu is never, thereafter reborn conversions may take place daily as we turn from temptation and sin, but Regeneration i3 an in stunt;1 neons act performed by tlK UolySpbit upon the heart, onc for all. One general acknowledge meut of this fact is that water baj - '.ill i.L ry icoai oi Hungarian -1! iC ;v cube of 1 stallions, the musical e!ephants,celebrated Konyot troupe of equestrians, seven troupes of foreign acrobats, four t:-ipes of aerial is ts and hundreds of oter areuic novelties all go to complete a circus performance that has never been equalled. The big menagerie 1 as been augdies'.ed by the addit ion of many new strange bests and is larger than all the zoological gardens in this country combined; The street parade so gorgeous and so tremendous in size, beggars de scription and iu a'l is a fair index to the wonderful performances that follow. A dispatch from McMinnville, Tenn., says that the report that the saloon on top of Cumberland Moun tain, known as the Tennessee Oasis, and the only spot in the state where liquor can be legally sold, had burn el proved to be untrue. ' - . tism, symbol of this inward cleans-; in bv the spirit, iR administered-; President Taft ppent Sunday zX HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh inat cannot be cured by Hall's Ca tarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have kr.o .-a F. J. Cheney for thel ast 15 c,s, and believe him perfectly .onorable in all business transac tions, aud financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm Waldtng, K inn ax & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists, 7oc. DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD OF GREENSBORO, N. C Expert Physician, Surgeon and Specialist, Will visit Mocksville, N. C, on Wednesday, October 20th, at Mocksville Hotel, and everv fourth Wednesday regularly thereafter. Ono flay Onhrffissf? Hours: Ml BritishCanadlan Madloal Expirta Surgeon and t but once to the same lay the corner stone of a Universalist ventj they beholding as in a glass The regenerated man is also a justi- church and preached a sermon 5 Wood's Descriptive Q Fail Seed Catalog now ready, gives the fullest information about all Seeds for the Farm and Garden, Grasses and Clovers, Vetches, Alfalfa, Seed Wheat, Oats. Rye, Barley, etc. Aleo tells all about Vegetable & Flower Seeds that can be planted in the fall to advantage and profit, and about Hyacinths, Tulips and other '.: Flowering Bulbs, Vegetable and Strawberry Plants, Poultry Supplies and Fertilizers. -: Every Farmer and Gardener rboold bave this catalog. It is Invaluable In Its helpfulness and suggestive Ideas for a profitable and satisfactory Farm or Garden. Catalogue mailed free on request. Write for it. T. 17. WOOD & SOUS. D eeUmen, Richmond, Va. CJ Diagnostician. Dr. Packari bit bees sducatei is ani rad natei from tbt best hospitals and colleges of Europe and America. Speeial EiatninerUnited States Prasiea Bureau. CeasuHatioaand Eiam inatioi Free. Invited 1 Strictly Confidential. He esses taken or treated without a per sonal examination con suits tioH er interview. N awn arier basiatss awn ar aairtiMaaiaci eaScM Rms tais csrthlty. II jm art ia teas aestta. ilvt it ts tick frisao was will tnaakrsa. Medical Expert in Trtatment oJ Chronic Disease of Consultation & Examination at all times FREE and Invited. Men, Womsn and Children. Dr. Packard has made more remarkable cures in the Southern States than any livinj physi cian. No incurable cases taken for treatment. All cases taken for treatment will be guar anteed a cure, I see all patients in person. No substitutes or assistants employed or trusted. Minors withant their ar nts sr wrivt wlthaat ttisir butbinds will aat bs aiitttd t a csnMltatlea aslsss accsMpisisa' sr their lacal anysiciaa. I core to atay eared every case I take for mediately replaced in a very few minutes, treatment. Surgical Cases I treat without Op- Diseases peculiar to men, or any complicated eration or Buffering. Without Ether or ChJo- trouble beyond the aid of the general Prae roform, without detention from Business or titioner. And If you have tried everything Pleasure. else and failed, and if you want to get well This North Carolina Doctor, registered and again, Then Go and See this advanced and licensed by the State for the Cure of all Ner- progressive Specialist cf experience and rep- vous. Special and Chronic Diseases of Men, utation Who, If there is a cure for you, will Women and Children, Treats all his Patients bring it about and produce it with tha aid ot in person. Ko hired .Assistants to split the re- the greatest Scientific achievements of modern sponsibility. He treats the following Diseasea times, which he has mastered and has at his only: All Nervous Diseases such as Neuras commands. " thenia. Neuralgia, Melancholia, Nervous De- NO MATTER What your ailment may bility, Spinal Irritation, Hysteria, Paralysis, be; NO MATTER what others may have told Epilepsy, Fits' or " railing Sickness, Chorea, you. No Matter what your experience may Dnziness, Sleeplessness, Headache or Mi- have been with Other Physicians, Hospitals, graine. Heart Disease like palpitation, gen- Sanitariums, Institutions or Patent Medicine, eral Weakness or sinking spells. Diseases of it will be to your advantage to see this re- the Blood or Skin like Anemia, Scrofula, Ecze- markable Doctor of KXGLAND, everywhere ma. Ulcers, Tumors, Growths, Swellings, acknowledged to be the greatest center of pimples, etc. He wants to meet all sick per- Medical Learning in the world today. Go sons who suffer from Chronic Constipation, then, and have it forever settled in your mind Obstipation, Intestinal irritation. Indigestion, if your rase is one for which a Cure can Dyspepsia, Ulceration or Dilation of the be had. If your case is curable, he will put Stomh ar Intentines. Hernia.' Runtufe of vou on treatment at once, and elve Ton all the Bowels, Appendicitis, Piles, itching.bleed- such medicines or remedies and preparations needed to en ee l your cure, 11 incurs om, nn ing, protruding or internal in Character, Taniiwnrm. Diseases of the liver, such as en largement or displacement,-er congestion, sel and advice as may prolong your life, will tell you so. and give you such conn- aeestion. sel and advice as may prolong your ine. Cirrhosis, hardening or -engorgement. Diseas- eEEMEMEEE Thin ia not a scheme or catch es of the Kidneys like Brightrs Disease, Dia- or snare to get your money and run, as i Deles, isropsy, uravei, L-rig.Acia, ecaiaing 100 oiien lue iu is m leniuuime urup or burning Urine. Bed wetting" or too frequent osition and you deal with your Doctor Your Urination.Sexual Impotence, weakness or irri- self and direct. Every Statement here ujmcJ tability. Diseases of the bladder. Catarrh in is guaranteed as True. A visit for Consul all its forms. Purulent, discharging or Dry tation and examination will cost you noth- , Catarrh of the head. Throat, lungs or Bron- ing, and implies no obligation whatever. If chial tubes. Stomach, Bladder, Kidney or treatment be decided on and given you. it Systemic. This enemy of the human race. will restore you to perfect health, and may, He is now able to cure in a short time by mean the saving of your life. A Nominal f an original and new method of Osmosis or will be charged only if the Case can bo treat absorption. Asthma In all its forma. Con- ed with view to a cure, sumption oi tha many stages. A Cure guar- Do not put off this duty you owe to your anteed if In the early Stages, before destruc- aelf. Your Family, your Friends and your tion of tissues has set in. Deafnesf eansed relatives who are now or may lut-r by it. I, have cured frequently inrO min- be suffering because of your neelect to fiht utes. Sometimea accompanied by Head noises. Disease and procure Health .without whi.-ti Cured to stay Cured. Diseases of Women, Life instead of a Pleasure becomes a miseia Uterine or Ovarian are most successfully Lie and painful Burden. Wed. pjsptocemato ny. forSp- m imr fiememhet Ihe Datf and Place,

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