DAY Record E EC "HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNA WED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." Vol. XI. MOCKSVILLE. N. C. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1909. No. 19. . , . . . , - f K - - c It A Good Showing For Dixie. Do you know that the South 's agri cultural productisns now exceed the to lal value of the agricultural out put of the United Stages, in 188 and are almost as great in value as the total of the United States in 1890? Do you know that the South is mining more than twice as much bituminous coal as the United States mined in 1880? Do you know that the Southerp railroads must spend $2,000,000,COO in ten years to provide facilities needed in Southern growth? - Do you know that the most com prehensive and remarkable ware housing system in the world is in operation in a Southern town? Do you know that the South is building two of the most remarkable railroads ever constructed in Ameri ca, and that one of them is the most unique ever built in the world? Do you know that the South is no iv spending $20,000,000 in building cot ton mills? Do you know that the Steel Cor poration having $50,000,000 invested in Alabama is carrying out vast im provements which will add immense ly to the prosperity of the whole South? Do you know that good roads, which mean more for agricultural prosperity than anything else before the public, are being built all over the South as never before at a cost of many millions of dollars? Do you know that all of the pres ent development of the railroad and industrial work in the South is only the revival of what was being done prior to 1860 on a relatively still large-' 'Jaale v;hich shows the inborn trait of Southern people to turn to industrial interests? Do you know that the South lost by emigration between 1865 and 1900 about 2,500,090 of its own white pe -p'e, and that this was a far greater loss than the ruin and destruction by war? Do you know that this drain has largely stopped, and that Southern men AfJd boys are now finding more avenues of employment at home than elsewhere? Do you know that the tide of in vestment of American and foreign capital and the movement of popula tion is turning southward as never before, and that wonderful things are in store for this section? Do vou know that the biggest im migration movement in the country's history is going on in Texas, where about 200,000 people a year are set tling, coming in from the North and West, and that this movement of population is tending to other South ern States as well as to Texas? Do you know that though the value of the South's cotton crop with s-d is between $700,000,000 and IfdOO.OOO.OOO a year, that value is less "than a third of the total value of the South's annual agricultural produc tion? Do you know that, with a popula tion less by 2,000,000 or 4,000.000 than what the total population of the United States was in 1860, the wealth of the South is $5,000,000,000 greater than the total wealth of the whole country in 1860? Manufac turers Record. The old Gaither store building is being remodeled, new floors and ceil ings being put in. When completed, it will be a first-class business house. The two new store buildings will be completed some time this year, which makes three more store buildings for this city. Lame back comes on suddenly and is extremely painful. It is "caused by rheumatism of the mus cles. Quick relief is afforded by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Up Against It. Beggar Say, mister, would youse give a pore feller a dime ter save his life? Stranger I should say not. I'm an undertaker. Chicago D. News. When a cold becomes settled in the system, it will take several days' treatmet.t to cure it, and the best remedy to use is Chamberlain's Coagn Remedy. It will cure quick er than any other, and also leaves the system in a na'ural and heal thy condition. Sold by C C. Situ Fashion's Foppish Fools. James Larkin Pearson. J would like awful well to be the fool-killer lor about a thousand years. My first duty in that ca pacity would be to grab up the ged of fashion by the nape of the necjj and the lKsom of the breech es and slam him against the shrink ing face of nature so hard it would raise blisters on the bottom of the Dead Sea. Then I would go over the earth with a fine-tooth comb and gather into a pile those inier copic mites of mortality who have spent their little lives fawuiug at the feet of fashion. I would rip their regulation rags otf of their foppish frames, dress them in de cent duds and put them to work. The willing workers are the peo ple who produce the wealth of the world; and they are seldom known to get above their business. But the pampered plutocrats those slimy social vampires who are too infernal lazy to do an honest day's work, and who steal the life-blood from the veins of labor they have formed a compact to make labor dishonorable, and to outltw the very foundation of human exist auce. The young man who works for an honest living, and whose wardrobe cannot boast a score of "evening suits" and a dozen high silk hats, is not allowed to bow and scrape among the "best peo pie" of the town. The modest type writer girl who works in the of fice of the millionaire, although her soul is as pure and spotless as the beautiful snow, cannot associ ate as an equal with her employ er's dancing, dope eating, disrepu table daughter, in whose eyes lie the sinister shadows of tLe prim rose path. I freely admit that working peo ple are not the equals of the kid glove push, but they are ten thous- Land times the superior of those graceless, good-for-nothing, gold worshiping slaves of sensuality and sin. Just why these poor, miserable mud-lizzards of "saw siety" should call themselves the "best people" is a puzzle, unless they have refer ence to their superior skill and ac complishments in all the low-down devil begotten dissipations of mod ern life. The silk-hatted scion of society will turn up his nose at the solid old farmer who drives into town with a load of produce, and I'll bet a dollar you could scrape e nough material from under the old farmer's toe-nails to make a dozen better men than the society sprout. Much as can be said in condem natiou of the pantaloon racks of "society," I believe the petticoat racks are still worse. There is a limit to the amount of gew-gaws that a man caa get fastened onto hjs festive frame, but if any such limit applies to the other horn of the human dilemma it has not yet been discovered. I have seen wo men with a whole dry goods store flopping around them as they walk ed the streets, while a buggy wheel trimmed with feather beds set bal anced on their pondeious pompa dours. Again I have seen these same "women' at a society blow out, and, before God, I had to look twice to see if they had on anything at all. With the exception of fops and dudes, men have adopted a very sensible form of dress, and they stick to it fairly well. But with the woaien it is different. They never know one minute what the fashion will be the next. When they go to bed at night they lie awake racked with mortal fear lest all their glad rags may be out of date before morning. If a man buys the queeu of his realm a new head-piece, he hap. to run like a scared turkey to get home with it before the fashion changes. ; And so, brethren, I pronounce this whole fad. following business fino iriflut irv-Atn crliii'innM nnnit! 1 , i V l Bailey Are now getting in their Holiday goods. Such as Toys, Dolls, Vaces and lots of other things which makes nice presents. And we have some nice bargins in Dry Good, Notions, Hats Caps, Shoes, Underwear for Men Ladies and Children. A nice quality of Tan and Blue Broad Cloth 54 in. wide for 80c, per yard. Other good as cheap as the cheapest. Be sure to come to see us, before you buy, for we will certainly save you money. YOURS TO PLEASE, Bailey & INCORPORATED CAPITAL STOCK, $30,000.00 RALEIGH, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. PuIIen Building. THESE SCHOOLS GIVE the world's best in modern Business Education. Oldest Business College in North Carolina. Positions guaranteed, backed by a written contract. No vacation. Individ ual insstruction. We also teach Book-keeping, Shorthand, Pern manship, by mail. Send for Home Study rates. Write today for our Catalogue, Offers and High Endorsements They are free. Address KING'S BUSINESS COLLEGE,!? RALEIGH, N. C, or IMONUMENTS AND! 3 TOMBSTONES ANY SIZE-ANY SHAPE-ANY COLOR. Call on us, Phone us, or .Write us for Designs and Prices. MILLER-REINS COMPANY, NORTH WILKESEORO, N. C. 4'l444444f THE PEOPLE'S UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Winston-Salem, - - - CAPITAL, $300,000.00. ASSETS A MILLION AND A HALF. Takes care of its customers when money is firm or easy, keeps every transaction confidential, allows inter est at 4 per cent, from date on Certificates of Deposit, has a Savings De partment, loans money to you. or for you, and does everything a well con ducted up-to-date bank should do. Let us have your business. No better place. You can send your deposits by mail. JOHN W. FRIES, President. WM. A. BLAIR, Vice-Pre. and Cashier. Southern Railroad. Operates over 7,000 Miles of Railroad. QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS North-South-East-West. Turough Trains Between Principal Cities and Eesorts AFFORDING FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATION Elegant Pullman Sleepiug Cars on all Through Trains. Dining, Club And Observation Cars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Imployes, travel via the South ern liaihray. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the jijereigned: R, L. Vernon, Trav. Pass. Agt., J. H.Wood, Dist.Pass. Agent Charlotte, N C, !k Asheville. N. C. S. H. Hardwick I ass. Traffic Mgr. H. Ta YLOE,Geu'l Pass Agt & Martiiri 0 Martin. :r mm flam Piedmont Ins. Bldf . CHARLOTTE, N. C. 4 4 444444444444$? NATIONAL BANK N. C STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) Commissioners Office COUNTY OF DAVIE. ) Oct 4th, 1909. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in this office for a change in the public road in G arksville township, that leads from J. F. Frost's to Courtney. The distance to be changed is about 200 yards, from a point at the crook of the road near the upper side of a field through to the meadow near the creek, and to be on the line in the division of land and running on Frost land only. The same will come up for our consider ation on 1st Monday in Dec, 1909. If any objection, let it be heard then. By ?rder of the Board of Commissioners of Davie Conntv, N Carolina. This Oct. 25, 1909. J. f. MOORE, Clerk of Board. NORTH CAROLINA) DAVIE COUNTY. W. K. Clemeut and Kerr M. Ciement Executors of W. B. Clement, Dec'd, against M. M. Clement, W. G. Clement, et al. In pursuance o in order of the Superior Court of Davie county, made by A. T. Grant, C. J. C, in the above entitled cause, we will re-sell at the court house door in Mocksville, Davie county, N. C, on Saturday, the 20th day of November, 1909, at 12 o'clock, m to the highest bidder at public auction, to make assets to pay debts, the following land3 sitnate in Mocksville townshin Davip nmintv M C. onrl ii"t ri lrs Ana mil sf 4-Us f ' .... , wwm ; court house, adjoining the lands of j tne nortn, jonn li. uiement on the west, M. D. Brown and W. R. Clem '.. ent on the east, by the new Statesville public road'on the south, and known ' as the "Knight place," containing 80 acres more or less. Terms of Sale: Seventy-five dollars of purchase money to be paid in cash, balance on a credit of 6 months, secured by bond with approved se icurity. Title reserved until the purchase money is paid in full. This i Oct. 18th. 1909. W. K. Clement and Kerr M. Clement. By Jacob btewart, Attorney. McELWEE'S PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE We feel that our record for high I prices made last year will induce the farmers to sell their tobacco with us igain. We are better prepared than aver before to make your tobacco Sring as much here as anywhere, and Are are always on the floor for that purpose. Our manufacturers and ! buyers have to have it. Here it- A'here they want it. This being your ' learest market and prices being as good here, accomodations, dry stalls, etc., we know you can't do better. So bring us your tobacco. Albert Matlock is our auctioneer and holds to a pile as long as there is a chance for another bid. You can leave home me day and get back next without being hard on your stock. You can iepend on us doing our best for you it all time?. Very truly, PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE, Statesville, N. C. &&Mxms xcflb mccmTttrM i DR. A. L TAYLOR, S DENTIST, 8 Office over Baity's Store, If lax-. DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD OF GREENSBORO, N. C. Expert Physician, Surgeon and Specialist, Will visit Mocksville, N. C, on Wednesday, November 24th,at Mocks ville Hotel, and everv month regularly thereafter. Ono Day OnlyRaS,rir Hours: t&? BriflshCanadlan Midleal Expirt. Surg ton and Diagnostician. Dr. Packard has keen stucated ia and (rad iated froft tbc best hospitals and colleges of Europe and America. Speeial Eiaminertlnited States Pension Bureau. Consultation and Exam ination Free. Invited & Strictly Confidential. No cases taken or treated without a per- l tonal examination coa i sultation or interview. Ms ma trier butiMtt 4ms r corrcsMaa'eacs solicited Read this carefully. II you art it iota besltk, five it It t tick trie' fc (till tllabk ytu. Consultation & Examination at all times FREE and Invited. I cure to Btay cured every case I take for treatment. Surgical Cases I treat without Op- eratiou or Buffering. Without Ether or Chlo- lofornj without detention from Business or Pleasure This North Carolina Doctor, registered and licensed by the State for the Cure of all Ner- vous. Special and Chronic Diseases of Men, Women and Children, Treats all his Patients in person. No hired Assistants to split the re- sponsibility. He treats the following Diseases only: All Nervous Diseases such as Neuras- only thenia. Neuralgia, Melancholia, Nervous De- bilitv. Spinal Irritation, Hysteria, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Fits or Falling Sickness, Chorea. Dizziness. Sleeplessness, Headache or Jul graine. ileart uisease iik paipiiauon, geu- eral Weakness or sinking spells. Diseases of the Blood or Skin like Anemia, Scrofula, Ecze- ma. Ulcers, Tumors, Growths, Swellings, pimples, etc. He wants to meet all sick per- sons who suffer from Chronic Constipation, Obstipation. Intestinal irritation. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Ulceration or Dilation of the Stomach or Intestines, Hernia, Rupture of the Bowels. Appendicitis, Piles itching.bleed- . - - J I M,,...,.ln. Z-w- . ' - 1 internal in Character, Cirrhosis, hardening or engorgement. Diseas- REMEMBER This is not a scheme or catch es of the Kidneys like Bright'a Disease, Dia- or snare to get your money and run, as ia betes. Dropsy, Gravel, Uric Acid, Scalding too often the case. This is a legitimate prop er burning Urine. Bed wetting or too frequent osition and. you deal with your Doctor Y our Urination.Sexual Impotence, weakness or irri- self and direct. Every Statement here mode tability. Diseases of the bladder. Catarrh in is guaranteed as True. A visit for Consul all its forma. Purulent, discharging or Dry tation and examination will cost you noU Catarrh of the head. Throat, lungs or Bron- ing, and implies no obligation whatever, ir chial tubes. Stomach, Bladder, Kidney or treatment be decided on and riven yoo, it Systemic. Thia enemy of the human race. will restore you to perfect health, and may He ia now able to cure in a short time ly mean the saving of your life. A Nominal fee an original and new method of Osmosis or will be charged only if the Case can be treat absorption. Asthma in all it forms. Con- ed with a view to a cure, sumption of the many stages. A Cure guar- Do not put off thia duty yon owe ta your anteed if in the early Stages, before deatruc- self. Your Family, your Friends and your tion of tissues hat aet in. Deafness caused relatives who are now or may later by it. I have cured frequently in 30 min- be suffering because of your neglect to fight utea. Sometimes accompanied by Head noises, Disease and procure Health without which Cured to stay Cured. Diseases of Women, Life instead of a Pleasure becomes a miserai fnllv Ma and nainful Bnrden. Notice of Re-Sale. v t iviiiii vuv 111 1 1 v7 Ul bill? W. R. Clement and W. A. Griffin on Ex'rs of W. B. Clement, Dec'd. FALL GOODS. Our Fall line of Clothing. Hats and Shoes will embrace all the newest and ast styles. What we can't sup ply no other store in this sec tion can. Our line of heavy and fancy groceries are com plete. We also carry hard ware, furniture and farm ing emplements. People like to trade with us. C. C. Sanford Sons Co. ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW. The Ideal Remedy. For subduing all inflamations and Congestions, and Croup, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Burns, Scalds, Itching Piles, Etc., is Vick's Croup and Pneu monia Salve. Its simply the greatest and best. 25, 50 and $1.00 Madleal Expirt In Trtatmant of Chronic Disiasisof Man, Woman and Childrsn. Dr. Packard ha ;.:arfe more remarksbl.- cures in the Southern States than any living physi cian. No incurable cases taken for treatment All cases taken for treatment will be guar anteed a cure. I see all patients ia person. No substitutes or assistants employed r trusted. Miner wiiheot their r--tate er wives withest their huiBMe wiN set be as mitttf 1 1 ceautitatlM slat tcceeapeaiea' by their total sbysicist. mediately replaced in a Tery few minute, Diseases peculiar to men, or sny complicated irouble beyond the mid or the general Prsc- titioner. And if you have tried everything else end failed, and if you want to Ret well again. Then Go and See this advanced and progressive Specialist of experience and rep- utation Who, If there is a eure for you, will bring it about and produce it with the aid of tho greatest Scientific achievements of modern times, which ho has mastered and hat at nit commands. ... NO MATTER What your ailment msy be; NO MATTER what othert may have told you, o Matter wnat your experience may have been with Other Physicians, Hospitals, n -a . 1 .'....I, , , U.J . ..a itaunanuuiB, jutuiuiiuui r iri jnu1(.mi, it will be to your advantage to see this re- markable Doctor ff ENGLAND, everywhere acknowledged to be the greatest center of Medical Learning in tho world todsy. Qo then, and have it forever settled in your mind if your esse is one for which Cure can bo had. If your case ia curable, he will put you on treatment at once, and give you all such medicines or remedies and preparstieaa r.aAaA r nffnot vnn. fllPB If Inruriblt. Ha m-eded to effect your Cure. If incurable. will tell you tot ana sive you iucu row aI nnA mAvifA ft mar Tirol nil iT TOUT life. ioxd Sons Co, l gaieu irauuj WASHINGTO v. j ptjed. XHeeoBUBtf to fuj form are im UIVUUQ V W " " -v.t . r- " - - Tt--- Ua- nemeiuoer sue vmm ana 'A

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