'.A i i 3 "HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UN A WED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." l VOI ijMN XI. MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1910 NUMBER 27 1 HE Dote there Uncle Zeke's Letter. .ZekeJnUome and Farm. ,-ntcrthe new year many things to think of. It 1 to us fu" of glorious oppor--1 We are just entering up-touitio- t Bev em oi prosy"." J i slIS to make the most oi it. farms and on a behooves rfl ffflnt to have our luine iu the best shape possible. Sometbinirconstantly proves a fail nrtamlhaHobe kicked out of the wav, but that should only strengthen us to renewed efforts and greater energy. There will 'v,vsbe some failures, and often thfv teaeb us our most important lessons and are by no means vain nn J useless. j don't know that we need put ffreat stress on making new reso fntions with the coming of the new year. It should be our purpose to do our best at all times. There should be no lapses into indeffer ent, caieless or evil ways at any time. It should always be onr daily delight to do the 'best we can in all things. It should be the habit of our lives. That is the true way to live. There is no ne cessity for any other. - So far as morals are concerned,1 a man doesn't have to wait till camp meeting time before lie quits his meanness. The time to quit- is jiow. Ia fact, he ought never to have begun. There is no good sense or excuse for immoral con duct. This world was so construc ted by its builder that it always pays to do right, and brings loss to do wrong. Short-sighted peo ple sometimes think otherwise, but they are mistaken. The wrong deed brings its own penalty even before the day of n ml reckoning. If the farmer. aduU lerares his butter with lard or Jeires too much water or salt in it, the customer' will find him out and quit trading with him. If yon mix iu spoile eggs .with good ones, you will be the greatest los er. If you are tricky in trade and make a point of always driving a 'sharp'' bargain, people will find you out and your character will soon become so well known that honest folks will avoid you and you will have to fight it out with the "crooks" and v'sharps" of your own kind, who will not hesi tate to take every advantage of you that is possible. They will consider you legitimate prey, be cause you laid the first: example. -Vothing is truer than the old ad age that hotesty is the best policy. Another thing we should do is to find our right place in the world j and stick tu it. It never pays to be constantly changing from oue thing to another, in that way we are always earning learner's wages ad make no progress toward ef liciency and its rewards. It takes years to learn to do the best woik in a given line. The lawyer has to stilrve almost for five or ten years in order to get a start. It is nt so bad as that with the farmer, bt the same principle holds. If 'ou start in the dairy business it woukl be very foolish to quit at the end of one year' because . you bad little more than, cleared - ex penses. You are then only ready to mafce a good profit the second ear, if you have done your duty ;ls a business dairyman Of course, there may be some ; extraordinary reasou 1(r quitting at once, but , it rare. ' N -v . --.il v-;'. e must not beeomft -disennr'ac- because things do not thru out 'f ouce as we expected. They -arely do. Our imagination exag Kerates anticipated results, so that he are always disappointing. It betimes seems that nearly all that 1 est and mightiest little I thing St0I,er as made is Chamberlain's work dand Liver Tablets. They do the L-Ihesp Y m you require their aid. strendtv i- , cnan8e weakness into ines int .llstlessness into fnergy, gloom gntlL SJOJou,sness- Their action is so 1 JrgatlV8- Sold by C. C. Sanford Son Co. we do is a feilure, and yet some how we keep getting up a little higher all the time if we do . our duty. It is wonderful to see what persistent energy will do in a life time, by working steadily along some given line of well-planned en deavor. Success comes in multitudinous forms. In our boy hcod days we counted generals and Ftatesmen as the only successful deople. It was thought that success came with making a great stir in the world. But how different it seems now! Some who make the greatest stir have been the greatest failures and get the least out of life The quiet farmer who has made a good mod est living and comes down to old age with all his necessary wants provided for, is a successful man. He is often more successful than other men who handle millions of dollars. If he has lived right and cared for his family and passed his days iu harmonious intercourse with his own and those arouud him has tried to deal justly with all and make everybody hapjy that man is a success. He inay not be rich enough to move to town. He may not be worth more tnau a few thousand, or even u few hundred dollars, and yet he may have lived a complete and satisfactory aud successful life. I have seen such men, and you have seen them. Ye., the new year, as we have said, comes to us full of glorious opportunities. All depends upon how we shall improve them. We should at once complete our plan of work for" the yeer make cer tain about ail the crops that are to be grown and arrange to grow them better. Onegreat point ijouie'-tir make tiieTland better- make' it more productive by put ting more humus into it. The great need of American farmers is to get into the fertility habit to think constantly about improving the fertility of their fields instead of wearing them out. This is easy when we once acquire the habit. Then, instead of making less and less each succeeding year from our farms, we shall look forward to greater and greater crops to the acre, and greater aggregate yields, which will add to our holdings and incroase our wealth, instead of our .... - v - .. becoming poorer and poorer ieact succeeding year, as is now the oasd with sn manv farmers. It is time to make a change, and there-is no better time for this change than in ! this blessed year of 1910. V High Prices Come to Stay. Washington Dispatch. TJie present high prices "for farm products havejeome to stay; the rural population is playing out; the present census, if it class es the unincorporated villages as towns, will show between CO and C5 per cent., "of population living in towns,' declared Minority Lea der Champ Clark, of the ,. House, today. At the present rate, in 20 years the United States wilf cease to be any exporting nation for agricultural products, except as to cotton. , " "One of the principal causes "of the high prices of farm products is the world movement of people to wards the towns and cities. While a few people in towns and cities have gardens and raise 'chickens and occasionally pigs, practically the entire town and city popula tion are no n producers of anything to eat, but are consumers only. For the first time last year, Ar- ,ronfi.10 ; i,ot "i ti'uimj utmi no iu ca uu i nut; uuiu and Argentine and Brazil are now fixing to take the frozen meat trade from us. Until we adopt the intensive system of agricul ture, we have, nearly reached our limit of agricultural output." To Go After Night Riders. Washington; Jan. 3. The govern ment is preparing to go after the night riders in the tobacco district of Kentucky and Tennessee by be ginning proceedings against the Bur ley Tobacco Society. Convinced that the society is a combination and a conspiracy under the terms of the Sherman anti-trust law, the Depart ment of Justice is investigating its operations on that ground. Mocksviile, N. C, Dec. 20. '09. Vick's Family Remedies Co., s firePTishnrn. N. C. 1. r.onta- T ii!?ftd one box of ; your Vick's Croup and Pneumonia Salve on two child ren recently. It's the best thing I ever saw for colds, croup, etc. : It s great ana should be in.every home. (Signed) - C. r rank Stroud, r,aiior. WAY DOWN IN CAROLINA. Lila R. Barnwell, in Charlotte Observer. The Christmas time is always bright Way down in Carolina, Because the people's hearts are light Way down in Carolina, And everybody is your friend; . , . There generous kindness knows no end Way down in Carolina. - The flowers seem so very fair Way down iu Carolina, , ' And son of birds is sweeter there " -. Way down in Carolina: . The mountains almost touch the sky, ? And grea and rich the broad fields lie, Way down in Carolina. - The men are loyal, brave and true Way dwn in Carolina, f They love, their State and country too Way diwn in Carolina; : Most beauteous women there you find, Whose hearts are faithful, pure and kind. Way down in Carolina. From mountain heights unto the sea Way down in Carolina, The peojye always will be free . Way down in Carolina, " , While Pece on earth, Good-will to men, Rhey say to all once more again Way down in Carolina. Where'er I am my heart will roam Way drwn in Carolina, And glak I am to have a home Way down in Carolina. When my last sleep shall come to me, I pray, d'ar God," please let it be Way down in Carolina. A Pretty Good Law. Statesville Landmark. A law passed by Congress, rela tive to shipping whiskey, beer, etc., into prohibition territory be came effective on the 1st.- It pro vides that all packages shipped in to prohibition territory shall be plainly marked as to the contents, i one acrfil in If it is whiskey, beer, wine, malt or any other spirituous liquid, the same shall be marked accordingly. Not only will all packages be plaia- ly marked, but every- person .get ting c nch a package will have to be identified. In plain words, the man who wants something to cheer his drooping spirits must order it ih his own name and own the pack age when it comes. This will not stop the shipping of whiskey by any means, but the fellow who has been getting it on the sly and his name is legion- in unmarked pack ages addressed to fictitious names, will be put to it to get his booze unless he comes across and owns the corn. But where there's a will tnere's a . way and one will probably bo found to cireumve t, More Good Farming. Mr. JVM. Lippard, of Fallston township, who made such a sue yess in corn growing in 1908, has made another record, following the plans of the demonstration work. His two best acres last year yield ed 87 bushels per acre. On four acres he made 340 bushels. On 1908, Mr. Lipparfl made 00 bushels He sold 55 bushels for seed at 82 per bushel, having: 35 bushels left. The acre was mil a in wheat and last year was then sowed in peas and yield ed four big loads of pea hav. The same acre has 'been sowed in crin son clover and has a good stand -Statesville Landmark. a 1 0D1 With your land when for the sake of saving a few dollars you use a fertilizer whose only recommendation is its analysis. It requires no spe cial knowledge to mix mate- ... rials to analyses. The value of a fertilizer lies in the ma terials used, so as not to over feed the plant at one time and starve at another. This is why Royster brands are so popular. Every in gredient has its particular work to do. Twenty-five years experience in making goods for Southern crops has enabled us to know what is required. See that trade mark Is on every bag TRADEMARK , " FrS. u ri REGISTERED oyster Qiaario Co. NORFOLK, VA. ' in a measure the new regulation . AWild Blizzard Raging hr5nd dantJAi snfffirindnftfin death-lto thousands, who take colds, coughs and lar - gnppetnat terror oi winter ana opnng. Its danger signals are "stuffed up" nos trils, lower part of nose sore, chills and fever, pain in back of head, and a throat gripping cough. When Grip attacks, as you value yr ur life, don't delay getting" Dr. King's New Discovery. "One bottle cured me," writes A. L. Dunn, of Pine Valley, Miss., "after being 'laid up' three weeks with firin " Fnr sore Innds. Hemorrhages. Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchi tis, Asthma, its supreme. tuc. guar anteed by C. C. Sanford. Sometimes Cool. Houston Post. AS weinderstand it, New Eng land has, in the language ol olo Zeb Vance, nine months, winter and three months of damnation cold weather." , Notice. Having qualified as Executor of Casper Sain, Sr., dee'd, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against said es tate to present them duly verified to the undersigned for payment on or before the 3rd day of January, 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are here by requested to make immediate payment. This Jan. 3rd, 1909. E. L. Gaither, Ext. Casper Sain, Sr., Dec'd. ") In the Superior State of North Carolina f c s DAVI C0UNTY- Term! 1910. Amanda Gall ) vs NOTICE. Wesley Call. ) - The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has-been commenced in the Superior Court of Davie County for the purpose of getting a divorce by the plaintiff from said defendant upon the grounds of abandon ment and adultery; and the said defend ant will further take notice that he is re vuired to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of said County to be held on the fourth Monday after the first Mon day in March, 1910, at the Court House in said County in Mocksviile, N.C-' and an swer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 29th day of November, 1909. - - A. T.GRANT, Clerk Superior Court. Secretary' Bank in , of the State Board of Health, says smallpox is more or less prevalent in about half the counties of the State. VVil Ron'eountv has v about . 300 cases. The trouble down there was that most of the people and some of the doctors refused lor a season . to re cognize the disease as smallpox un-' til they were forced to ;Ex., I ; " z:. ; :: A Traveling Salesman. - : H. F Beers, 617-7th Ave ," Peoria, 111.,' writes: "I have been troubled for some time with kidney trouble, : so severely ; at times I could scarcely carry rnygnps. After using one bottle of Foley s Kidney Pills I have been entirely relieved, and cheerfully recommend them to all. Fo ley's Kidney Pills are healing and : anti sepjic and will restore health and strength. Sold by all druggists. " , Have you a weak throat? If so, you cannot be too careful. You cannot begin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another and .the lait is always the harder to cure. If you will take Chamberlain's Cough Reihedy ."at thev outset you will be saved much trouble. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. - : Mauy a man's nonesty his kept him from, biting on get rich quick scheme. FarmJourhal. - Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is -not -a Common, every-day cough mixture.; It is a meritorious remedy for all the trouble some and dangerous complications ..result ing from cold in the head, throat, chest or lungs. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Co. Sonio girl wouhl e MicrH ssful in obtaining a husband If thej would remove the hatpin before setting their caps Farm Journal Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a very valuable medicine for i throat - and lung troubles,uickly relieves and cures pain ful, breathing -and a, dangerously sounding cough which indicates congested lungs. Sold by C. C. Sanford Sons Co - DR. FRANCIS S. PACKARD OF GREENSBORO, N. C. Expert Physician, Surgeon and Specialist, Will visit Mocksviile, N. C, on Wednesday, January 12th, at Mocks viile Hotel, and everv month regularly thereafter. v Notice. J - Rif virtiiR nf an order of the SuDerior Court of Davie County, the undersigned as Commissioner, will sell at public auction at the Court House in Mocksviile, N. C, on Monday, the 7th day of February, 1910, the following real estate, viz: 1st tract on Dutchman creek, bounded on the north by the lands of Mrs. Casper Sain, Jr., on the east by the lands of J. M. Summers and others, on the south by the lands of Cas per Sain, Jr., and on the west by the lands of W. G. Allen, containing 230 acres more' or less, and known as the "Lanier place." onA tract Rrninded on the north by the lands of J. M. Summers and others, on thiL east by the lands of John A. Davis ahd others, on thesotith by the lands of J. A. Davis and J.-M. Summers, and on the west by the lands of J. M. Summers, con taining 150 acres more or less, and known as the "Home place'1 of W. J. Atkinson. Also 3rd tract, adjoining the 1st tract a "bove and the lands of J. M. Summers, Mrs. Malinda Saunders and others, containing 8 acres, more or less and known as the "Meadow place,"- on Cedar creek. - Said lands will be soli for partition and sub ject to the dowery of Margaret F. Atkin son, widow of W. J. Atkinson, dec'd, which has been allotted therein.; . - ' - Terms: . One-third cash, one-third in six months, and one-third in twelve months, or all cash at the option of the purchaser, notes for deferred payments bearing in terest from day of sale and title reserved until the whole purchase money is: paid. This Jan. 3, 1910. , - E. L. Gaithesq Commissioner, Consultation & Examination at all times FREE and Invited.U Ono Day '.Only-ssar BritishCanadian Medical Expert, Surgeon and Diagnostician! Dr. Packard has been educated in and grad uated from tbe best hospitals and colleges ; of Europe and America. Special Examinerllnited ' States Pension Bureau. Consultation and Exam ination Free, Invited & Strictly Confidential. No cases taken or treated without a per sonal examination con sultation or interview. Ho mail arder basinets iow . or correspondence solicited Read this carefully. It yon are ia aood health, give it to a 'sick friend who will ,thank you. I cure to atay cured every case .1 take for treatment. Surgical Cases I treat without Op eration or suffering. Without Ether or Chlo roform, without detention, from Busines8 or Pleasure. , . , . . This North Carolina Doctor, registered and licensed by the State for the Cure of all Ner vous, Special and Chronic Diseases of Men, Women and Children, Treats all his Patients in person. 2Jo hired Assistants to split the re-, sponsibility. He treats the following Diseases only: All Nervoua Diseaaea auch as Neuras thenia, Neuralgia, Melancholia, Nervous De bility, Spinal Irritation. Hysteria, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Tits or Falling Sickness, Chora, Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Headache or Mi graine. . Heart Disease like palpitation, gen eral Weakness or sinking Bpeils. Di&casesof the Blood or Skin like, Anemia, Scrofula Ecze iaa,. Ulcars, Tumors, Growths, Swellings, pimples, etc. He wants to meet all skk per sons who suffer frcm Chronic - Constipation, Obstipation, Intestinal irritation, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, - Ulceration or Dilation of - tha Stomach or Intestines, Hernia, Enpture of the Bowels,-Appendicitis, Piles, itching.bleed ing, protruding or Internal in Character. Tapeworm, Diseases of the liver, such as en-; largement or displacement, or congestion.' -Cirrhosis, hardening or engorgement. Diseas es f the Kidneys like Bright's Disease, Dia betes, Dropsy, Gravel, Uric Acid, Scalding .r burning Urine. Bed wetting or too frequent Urination.Sexual Impotence, weakness or irri tability. Diseases of the bladder. Catarrh in all ita forms. Purulent, discharging or Dry Catarrh of the head, Throat, lungs or Bron chial tubes. Stomaeh, - Bladder, Kidney or Systemic This enemy of the human race. He is now able to cure in a short time by an original"nd-new method of Osmosia or absorption. Asthma in all its forms, Con sumption of the many stages. A Cure guar anteed if in the early Stages, before destruc tion of tissues has set in. Deafness caused by. it. I have cured , frequently in 80 min utes. Sometimes accompanied by Head noises. Cured - to atay Cured, Diseases of Women, Uterine or Ovarian are - most successfully treated. Displacement iu any form grg im- Hours .-8:00 A. 11. t3 ! 6:00 P. M, Medical Expert In Treatment of Chrcnlo Diseases of N fr!en, !7&:nen an.! IMfuifn. Dr. k',i?r.M".s i .aJc more r; !c tC?tf$ in the :;'.: -i2tC than';; ' . j tl-si-cian. Ha incnrrble cases taken for treatment. All cases taken frr treatment will be gajr anteed a curs, I see all patients in person. No substitutes or assistants employed or trusted. Minors without their tir ents or wives without their husbands will sot he ad-, Bi.tted t o consultation unloss sccoinpanied if their local physician. mediately replaced In a very few nunutf. Diseases peculiar to men, or any complicated trouble beyond the aid of the general Prac titioner. And if you have tried everything else and failed, and if you want to get well again, Then Oo and See this advanced ana progressive Specialist of ezpr-rience ar.d ref utation Who, If there is a ruro for you, will bring it abont and produce it with the aid of the greatest Scientific achievements of moderi. times, which he has mastered aud has at hi. commands. NO MATTES - What your ailment may be; KO MATTER what others may have told you. No Matter what yur experience may have been with Other Physicians, Hospitals, -Sanitariums, Institutions or Patent Medicines, it will be to your advantage to see this re markable Doctor cf ENGUAKD, everywhere . acknowledged tt fc tbe ilf.nitsi. entcr ol Medical Learuiuj iu the -Vjiad todaJ.;, Oo then, and have ;t rorcver settled ia your-tSsnd if your case-is one for which a Cum-can be had. If your cfiT) i curable, ho will put you on treatment at onre, and give yon. all each Tnedicir."8 ot rnapdies and preparations needed to effect your Cure. If incurable, He will tell you so, and give you such coun sel and advice -as may prolong your life. KLMEMEEB This is not a scheme or catch or snare to get your money and ran, as i too often the cane. This is a legitimate prop osition and you deal with your Doctor Your self and direct. Every Statement here mad is guaranteed as True. A visit for Consul tation and examination will cost you noth ing, and implies no obligation-whatever. If treatment be decided ' on and riven you, it will restore yon to perfect health, and may mean the saving of your life. A Nominal fee will be charged only if the Case can be treat ed with a view to a cure. . Do not put off this duty you owe to your-. self, Your Family, your Friends and your relatives who are now or may lat-r be suffering because of your neglect to fight. Disease and procure Health without which Life instead of a Pleasure becomes a wiser v ble and painful Burden.--' Remember the Date and Place, - . f 1 It if'. r. 4. ; 1 . . 'f. 1 -i 4 . 't 'if- u I'!. c r" 1 1 i ,