"HERE SHA1 1 TUT? ftnP(.o " I BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN VOLUMN XL MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1910. NUMBER 38. " iUbfEO FLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWED and fanner of Raise Meat to Sell. Do you know that meat is now higher than it has been in nearly i a half cen ? no vou know that the number of b0dS marketed has been gradually de basing for the last few years? Do you know that the average weight of hogs has decreased to such an extent that, large hams now command a higher price than small ones, and heavy ribs more than light ribs? Do you know that the Southern farmer is largely responsible for the high price of mfiRt9 Let us look into the matter ..;;.Mk sn. The Southern sec i1 . , un-.P such a large consumer jias uccu.- Western corn that it is no longer neces sary for the Western corn grower to feed his corn to hogs in order to get a renu merative price for it. Therefore he has reduced the hog-raising industry and sold his corn direct. Thus it is that we, by consuming the Westerner's corn, have made high-priced hogs by decreasing the number marketed, and by raising the priee of the feed on which the hog is fattened. From the great demand for brood sows, I think the Southern farmer has already discovered the remedy and has gone to work to apply it. What about feed for those sows and pigs? You must go to work at once to raise it. Order five pounds of dwarf es sex rape, which will cost less than 50 cents. Prepare an acre of land just as you would for turnips, manure or fertilize it well and plant the rape in rows twenty inches to two feet apart. Drill the seed i n very shallow furrows and cover by dragging a light pole over the ground.. In eight weeks you will have fine grazing for your hogs. The rape will grow hog feed in less time than any other crop. If you cannot fence the lot you can pull the rape .and feed it to the hog yi hlaVShn. J Plant a patch -of good land hrearfy am ber sorghum to cut for the hogs after the rape. Speckled peas can be grown to fill in after the cane, and by that time your 6oy beans, the best of all grazing crops for hogs, will be ready to finish up the fattening process in the fall. You should plant them in May just as you would cot ton. Do not cover more than one and a half or two inches deep, especially in cold sandy land. Do not plant near a thicket where rabbits are plentiful. If you do they will eat the beans off just after they get up. Soy beans are cheap er than field peas this spring and should be sown for hay. There is no finer feed for horses or cattle than soy bean hay. My brood sows are grazing now on alfalfa which has grown four or five inches , dur ing the last ten days. I suggest that ev ery farmer, who is fanning his own land, fix up a small patch of ground at once and sow in alfalfa to experiment with. iou wont regret having done so if you finally succeed in getting a catch; and think you will. But don't neglect to ma mire well and also to apply lime. Alfalfa jaust nave lime Dr. H. O. Alexander, in Union Farmer. Wosder what has become of "The crown of thorns and cross of gold!" We haven't heard of him for some time. The fellow who fails to pay his poll tax by May 1st, will be dis franchised, let him; be democrat, republican, prohibitionist, social ist or mugwump. If yon want to vote this fall you had better bor- row the money and pay your tax. Wonder what has become of the mocking bird and its song that we once heard so much about. The sound of the pistol is . heard more often in this section than the song of the mocking bird. : Perhaps the birds have all migrated to Halifax county. ; Only a few months until the woods will be full of office hunters, who will spend their time shaking hands with the dear people and kissing ugly babies... Only a few menths and the pie- hunters will forget the dear people the morn ing after the election. Hon. W. A, Self, of Hickory, a prominent democratic lawyer and politician who ouce represented .his county in the senate, has been making anti-prohibition speeches. He and Bob Glenn should stump the State together this fall. There would be some fun for the boys. The person who has moved from Davie county to another State, who sends us the best letter desciibipg the country, climate, scenery, etc, where they now live,-will be giv en a year's subscription to The Be cord. We want these letters for publication. one will win. Why not you. speaking of home remedies, the switch" of our grandfathers was 1 pretty good remedy for amte a long list of juvenile disorders. Pneumonia follows a cold but never fol lows the use of Foley's Honey and . Tar which stops the cough, heals the lungs and expels the cold from the system. Sold by all Druggists. One swallow does not' make summer, but a dozen or so in iii-.i- 1..1H uoine are sumcient to pro- iace a great change in tempera ture. r . : '-apt. Bogardus again hits the Bull's Eye. This world famous rifle shot who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in :,,u cnsecutive shots is living in Lincoln Kecently interviewed, he says:' e Offered a long time with kidney and waaaer trouble and hav iisd sftvera known kidney medicines all of which 8ave me no relief until I started taking 8 money Pills. Before I used Fo y s Kidney Pills I was subjected to se e backache and pains in my kidneys "a suppression and oftentimes a cloudy inT ' WhUe uPn arising in the morn s' would get up with dull headaches J. . 1 nave taken three bottles of Folev , aney Pills and feel 100 tier cent hr UaH 1neV6r haQienA with my kidneys or self Aiand oncemore eei hke'fny own BC"- All this I J . ! ls and always recommend them to ' C"JW sunerers." Sold by all Druggists. SAVE I " The Scotland Neck Case. Chatham Record. - The shooting of Messrs. Travif, Kitchin and Dunn at Scotland Neckj on last Friday, was most nn provoked, and yet it is probable, certainly possible, that their assa ilant will escape any punishment, because of course he will 'plead "emotional insanity' ' or a "brain storm," or some other of the many flimsy excuses on which murderers are acquitted. While of course it is as much murder to shoot one man as anoth er, whether he be rich or poor, ob scure or prominent, yet the promi nenee of the three men shot in this tripple tragedy may be the means of the law being avenged and their assailant properly punished. It is certainly earnestly hoped so. There have been so many miscarriages of justice in the trial of ranrderers in thte State, that it seems almost im possible to convict one who has money enough to employ lawyers who can influence an ignorant jury. If it were not for the negroes, that electric chair at Raleigh would be a nuisance. No white man is ever sentenced to death in this state, unless it be a poor, friend-, less devil who has no money or character. The law should be en forced, let the guilty parties be rich or poor. Editor. -. ; THS u J D 1 That Canning Factory. Mr. Editor: I see that both you acd the Charlotte Observer say . that a canning factory in Mocksville would be of great bene fit to the farmers. "Well, if no one else will build this factory, why I 'a . a 1. - A !' .1 -" i J- I .1 Send them in. bme'pOLget ine lai iueraj.u uei p mum it mat is, laKe slock m it, u it is Till Friday Morning, April 1st, at 8 O'clock FOR . . , . QLIiSGt Qoick-Actioe Closipg Out Sale. Mocksville, North Carolina. This Entire Stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Pants, Hats, Overalls, Work Shirts, Dress Shirts and Everything in the Dry Goods Line ust be Turned into Money in 30 Days No matter what the price or how great the loss. M No. Pauline, the big ad which appears on this page today, will not appear again. Many ads will ; die" this week, and our next is sue will be a rip-snorter. If you want to keep posted on what is doing in your county, it would be a good idea for you to quit borrow ing your neighbor's paper as you are now doing, and send us a half- buck for a year's subscription. We mean you. A Good Man Gone. On Friday, March . 18th, about one o'clock, the death angel vif ited our community and took from our midst our friend and neighbor, Mr. Haynes Shelton. He had been confined to his bed six days with pneumonia. Mr, Shelton was a good christian man loved by all who knew him. He was a kind husband and loving father. He will not only bemis-ed in his home but in the community also, ue leaves a wile and eleven children besides a host of . relatives and friends to mourn his loss. His body was interred in the cemetery at Pino. May God, comfort tne oe- raved ones and prepare them to meet their loved one in the golden city where there is no parting nor sorrow, is the wish of - A Friend. going to be so much benefit to them. If a few farmers will take a huudred or two hundred dollars each of stock, the required amount will so n be raised. Make it clear to these farmers that they will not only get a. good rate of interest (10 to 20 per cent) ou their money, but will also have a markei for their surplus truck. The farmers should have some surplus money. They have had good prioes for their pro duce for the past few years and al so a cash market for all sorts of lumber, wood and logs. A can ning factory plant with a capacity of 5,000 cans of tomatoes or 8,000 cans of peaches per day can be bought for $250. Subscriber. his will positivelyrbe; the most '4ibseral, Money-saving Sale -ver known in this locality. GOODS WILL BE SOLD FOR LESS THAN COST OF PRODUCTION. In many instances, one dollar will do the work of three. In this limited space we can mention but a few of the hundreds of Surprising Bargains, but it will give you an idea of the VALUES THAT AWAIT YOU. Remember these goods are all bright and new. No shoddy stuff . The Record and Toledo Blade both one year for 75 cents.. As usual, Blum's almanac says court will convene in Mocksville March 28th, hen it should have said April 4th. People have been fooled by Brother Blum before. Saved a Soldier's Life. Facing death from shot and shell in the civil war was more agreeable to J. Atone, of Kemp, Tex., than facing if f rom what doctors said was consumption . I contracted a stub born cola" ' he writes, "that develop ed a cough, that stuck to me in spite of all remedies for years. My weight rah down to 130 pounds. Then I be gan to use Dr. King',s New Discov ery, which completely cured me. I mar weigh 178 pounds.' ' For Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, . Asthma. Hemor rhage, Hoarseness, Croup, Whoop ing Cough and lung trouble, it!s su preme.' 50c. 1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by C. C. Sanford. The Hope of The South. The only hope for the perma nent upbuilding of ' our Southern lands is through good rotative farming ajd the feeding of live stock. We cannot afford to keep on in the old wav scratching the soil and dribbling a little poor fer tilizer while the soil grows poorer i nT nnorer We must restore the hum us in an economical and bnsi ness like way, and we. cannot .'af ford, to continue to ignoie cattle that are the most effective means towards this humus restoration. Th flav is fast, annroachiufir in the Krmrh when a man who has farm ed his land for years, and still ad mits it is poor, will be looked up on as a pcor citizen, a man jwho foils in hi rliitv to God and bis country. We have gone fertilizer- crazy and heed to make our farms sanatoria for our recovery .Pro gressive Farmer. A How Charlotte Got It, A meanin' of no harm, we may be permitied to quote what a well known politician, not a resident of Greensboro, said recently as-to why the Democratic convention is going to Charlotte. Tha; place," said the gentleman, "was wide gen for a fact two years., ago, Charlotte says, 'come back boys, and we will doit again.? Greens boro Says, 4 we are short on i the stuff; we haven't enough 'for our own use; let's don't divide; let Charlotte have it.' And she got it." All of which is respectfully submitted. Greensboro Record. DON'T WAIT, HOP THE FIRST TRAIN, HORSE, MULE OR WAGON AND GET HERE! Blue Ridge Overalls 80c Men's Pants 65c Men's 1.50 Hats for 90c Men's Home - fiA Men's Craddock AO Lot Ladies' AO Chamois OO Made Shoes 1 WU Terry Shoes vO Shoes VO Work Shirts OO Everything in Notions Prices Smashed to Smithereens. The Goods are here to back the prices. A Mighty Move ment of all Goods, Nothing Reserved. Everything marked in Large Plain Figures, and at MUST-GO-PRICES You Can't Afford to Stay Away You Must and Will be Here REMEMBER The Big Sale Starts Friday Morning; April 1 , at 8 O'clock a. m. My MOCKSVILLE, N. .C

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