VOLUMN XII. When a Man is Single. Printed for benefit of our bachelors, Olarriage? Don't suggest such a thing to me," said a young bach elor to me the other ay. i7 want ed to argue with hira, but I could not. Instead I sought another bachelor, a gray-haired man. whose life is behind hira, and who looks at the world with wise eyas, i 'Why didn't yon marry!" I de raanded and told him of my con versation with the callous cynic. "He says that marriage hampers a man in these days, that the per centage of divorces makes it too much of a lottery, that he would rather be unhappy alone than to make some woman unhappy. What do you think about it!" My wise old friend shook his head. "I used to talk like that," he said, "but I know better now now that I am too old to offer to the woman I could love, anything that is worthy of her. How can bestow upon her worn out emo tions, and the remnants of a life that has been lived selfishly! I am a slave to habits that are not evil, but which would irritate a wife. I like my own way in ev erything; yet as I look back, T wish I might have been swayed by some strong influence which would have shown me something more beauti ful, something less selfish than my life as I live it. I know that there is nothing so precious as wife love. I envy the men who are traveling toward the sunset with their com panions by their sides. I envy them the clasp of the hand, the comforting assurance of devotion, the sweetness of tried sympathy." It was a long speech for my old friend to make, and it involved a confession which he would not have voiced a feweararSriierr It i3 not a good thing lor a man to live alone, and I say this, not merely from the feminine point of view which idealizes the home re lationship, but rather from the masculine business point of view which places incentive at the head of the reasons for a man's success. We read that the Spartans in their efforts to make their people hardy, destroyed family interde pendence. The State was respon sible rather than the father for the welfare of the children. The re sult was weakening rather , than a strengthening of the nation. The citizen who is a power in a com munity is usually the one who has felt the burden of responsibility. The care-free boy, as a ruledevel ops into an irresponsible man. The bachelor lacking the spur of a fam ily's need drifts and. does not reach the goal. Much of the joy of life is missed by the bachelor who has no one to whom he can talk of himself. Men are egotistical, they like to confide in some one who believes in them. The loving wrfe always believes in her husband. The bachelor may seek many wonten, but, unless he ties himself to one by law, he can never be sure that she is giving him a sympathy untainted by a like devotion to another. A man needs a woman in his life to help him over the hard places, to cheer him on when he falters. If he is single, some wo man may do this for a ' time, but she will yearu for a closer tie, and the day will come when another man will offer it to her, and the bachelor will be left alone. A famous preacher has voiced a man's need when he says: "Wherever Thy Providence pla ces me, or whatever be the road I take to get to Thee, give me some companion in my journey, be it on ly to remark to 'How the shadows hugthen as the sun goes down to whom I may say 'How fresh is the fice of nature, how sweet the fiow of the field, how delicious1 are these fruits.' " sp,?i0 Put U in mor Common phra S 5y a man . wants someone who will hang on his words, -who will 'HERE SHALL THE MOCKSVILLE'S HANDSOME NEW MASONIC TEMPLE. mmmmm.i.j .x.....viu. i n.wn We are presenting to our readers which was recently completed; Mr. D. K. Cecil, of Lexington, being the contractor and builder. On the fir3t floor front, on north side, is located the Bank of Davie, T. J. Byerly, Cashier, which is one of the best fitted up banking houses in this section of the state, as well as one of the safest. Adjoining the bank on the south is the United States Postoffice, which is fitted up with all modern improvements, and is a credit to the town. On the west side of the building and facing the square is the Merchants Wholesale Grocery Co., Z. N. Anderson, man- ager. The Wholesale company aiso occupies tne extreme west portion or tne Dunaing as a ware room. On the second floor is to be found the Masonic lodge room, which is a spacious hall fitted up to meet the needs of the lodge for many generations. On.this floor are a number of office rooms, two of which are occuoied bv Attorney T. B Bailey. The building is lighted throughout with gas, and is wired for electric lighting. The building is of red pressed brick, with metal and wood cornices, and has a solid plate glass fronton the first floor, also on north side which is occupied by the wholesale grocery. The building has a ten foot concrete sidewalk on east side and eight foot concrete walk on north side. Building and furnishings cost about $12,000. pet him when he is tired, and cheer him when he is discouraged.. When a man is single he lives ooiyhaif -lifeit ianarriage; that rounds out his existence, and makes i$ seem good to the end. Dolly Madison, in Philadelphia Press Mean Old Landmark. The Statesville Landmark glee fully dishes out this information: The Landmark had something to drink on election day and it makes bold to tell about it. Mr. Jas O. Gudger, a good friend who lives down near the Mecklenburg line, in the vicinity of Mt. Mourne ship ped the office by express, prepaid, two quarts of pure locusfand per simmon beer, made since the kill ing frost ripened the 7simmons; and along with that locust and 'sinircon beer was a ginger cake baked by Mr. Guderer's mother, who will be 85 years old the 12th of next Feb ruary, and you may be assured the ginger cake was baked right and it and the beer made jl treat that was appreciated. Now, if the Landmark really didnt drink anything stronger than persimmon beer, it may be all right to tell abont it, but after all we don't see very much pro priety in bragging . about it and having the months of his brother editors a watering all in vain. Our Home. Mashburn Will Take His Seat. Morganton. Nov. 18. F. H. Mashburn of McDowell county will be one of the State Senators from this district, according to the. de cision of the canvassing committee which held its meeting here yester day. Mr. Mashburn, who received the highest vote at the recent elec- ion is a Republican, and , is also sheriff of his county, and it was said that on account of the latter fact he could not be elected Senat- or., ice commission ueiuuu uvw ever that as his term of office ex pired in December, while he would not take his seat in the Senate un- 1 the month following his holding of the former office would not in- er fere with his election as Senator. Will Promote Beauty. Women desiring beauty get wonderful help from Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Itban- isnes pimples, skin eruptions, sores and boils. It makes the skin soft and velvety. glorifies the face. Cures sore eyes, cold sore3, cracked lips, caapped, hands. ; Best for burns, scalds, fever sores, cuts, bruises and piles. 25c. at C. G. Sanford's. PRESS, THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30. 1910. this week a half-tone photograph of Anson Boy's Success as a Farmer. Wadesboro Ansonian. There is a boy in Anson county who fanned on his own account this year, renting a small farm from his father. He did his own work and did not spend hU nights in drinking aud carousing around the community but got some wholesome pleasure at watching the results of his labor. He studied and follow ed the best and mot up-to-date methods of farming and we have it on reliable information that he will clar not a cent less than $500 on jthe crop raised by himself, after rent and all other expenses are paid. He began during the first of the year and now has a few months to spend at another business, where he will clear a few dollars every week. The man who thinks and works is making money; the man who loafs and dissipates, ought to starve. A Scoundrel in the Toils. Charged with deception and be trayal under promise of marriage in Bristol, Va., and, at the same time, having a deserted wife and children in Surry county, this State I J. E. Hampton, insurance agent at Raleigh was last week carried to Bristol on a requisition from the Governor of Virginia to stand trial. He was passing asTa single man in Raleigh and boarding in the fami ly of a well-known citizen. He admits his Bristol misconduct. Couldn't Stand it. A lady visiting Denver suffered greatly from the elevation. One day, after an attack, she sighed, 'I can hardly breathe I believe I'm dying." Will yon go to heaven if you die?" inquired her little girT, anx iously. "I hope so, dear." "Oh, mamma dear," sobbed the little one, "don't go to heaven; you could never stand the altitude." Cheap men and cheap automo biles make the most noise. y Shall Women Vote. If they did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life Pills the true remedy for women. For banishing dull, fagged feel ings, backache or headache, constipation, dispelling colds, imparting appetite and toning lip the system, they're unequaled. Easysafe, 6re.' 25c. at C. C, Sanford's. - - - Mocksville's new Masonic Tpmnle. The Science of Kissing. Printed by Request of a Mocksville Sportl .Peple' will kiss. Yet not. one iu a hundred knows how to ex tract bliss from lovely lips, any more than they know how to make diamonds from charcoal. And yet it is easy, at least for some. First, know whom you are going to kiss. Don't make a mistake, although a mistake may be good. Don't jump like a trout for a fly, and smack a woman on the neck, on the ear, or the corner of the forehead or the end of her nose. The gentleman should baa little the taller. He should have a clean face, kind eye, and a mouth full of expression. Don't kiss everybody. Don't sit down to it. Stand up. Need not be anxious about getting in acrowd. Two persons are plenty to catch and corner a kiss; more persons would spoil the sport. Take the left hand of the lady in your right; let your hat go to any place out of the way; throw the left hand gently over the shoulder of the lady, and let it fall down the right side. Do not be in a hurry; draw her gently, lovingly to your heart. Her head will fall gently on your shoulder, and a handsome shoulder-strap it makes. Do not be in a hurry. Her left hand -in your right; let there be an impression to that, not like the grip of a Vise, but a gentle clasp full of - electric ity, thought and respect. Do not be in a hurry. Her head lies care lessly on your shoulder. You are heart to heart.' Look down into her half closed eyes. Gently but manfully press her to your bosom. Stand firm. Be brave, but don't be in a hurry. Her lips are al most open. Lean slightly forward with your head, not the body. Take good aim; the lips meetj the eyes close; the heart opens; the soul rides the storms, troubles and sorrows of life (don't be in a hur ry); heaven opens before you; the world shoots undei your feet as a meteor flashes across the evening sky (don't be afraid) the heart for gets its bitterness, and the -art of kissing is learned. No fuss, no noise, no fluttering and squirming like hook-impaled worms. Kiss ing don't hurt, nor does it require an act of Congress to make it legal. Author unknown. ' " . YVill the young man who hand- UNBRIBED BY GAIN." FINE PONY FREE Boyles Bros. Co., of Winston-Salem will give away on Jan. 2nd, a fine Pony, Bridle and Saddle. Every $ 1 purchase in Clothing, Hats and Fur nishings will give you one chance. FOR THE BEST VALUES IN J Men's and Boy's Clothing and Furnishings VISIT Mock - Bagby - "Same Price to AIL" WINSTON-SALEM, ed us the 1 foregoing article, please call around and tell us how the plan worked. He was then on his way to North Mocksville to test the directions as above set forth, and a number of yoiin people are very anxious to know what kind ol a success he made, before trying it for themselves. The Largest in the World. Our readers have doubtless noti ced the advertising of the Cor t right Metal Roofing Co., 50 N. 23rd St., Philadelphia, Pa., which has been appearing in "The Davie Kecord" for some months past and we hope those who have had reason to be interested in roofing material have profited thereby. The Cortright Company is by far the largest mak er of Metal Shingles in the world, and their product is well and fav orably known over the entire Unit ed States. They are always glad to give prompt attention to inquir ies and to either send samples and quote prices to those likely to be in need of roofing, or to refer them to a nereby local agent. Missouri voted down prohibiti on last week by a majority appro ximating 140.000. St. Louis even surprised itself by the big majority it gave again 5t prohibition. The state outside of St. Louis geve a majority approximately 45,000 a gainst the drys. "I am pleased to recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy as the best thing I know of and safest remedy for coughs. colds and bronchial trouble." writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold, of Denrer, Colo. "We have used it repeatedly and it has never failed to give relief." For sele by all dealers. At least the Republicans made a clean sweep in Montana. Saves an Iowa Man's Life. The very grave seemed to yawn before Robert Madsen, of West Burlington, Iowa, when, after seven weeks in the hospital, four of the best physicians gave him up. Then was shown the marvelous curative power of Electric Bitters. For, after eight months of frightful suffering from liver trouble and yellow jaundice, getting no help from other remedies or doctors, five bottles of this matchless medicine com pletely cured him. Its positively guaran teed for Stomach, liver or Kidney troubles and never disappoints! . Only 50c at C C. Sanford's. NUMBER 21 sec Stockton Co., 418 Trade Street 0 N. C. O CHRISTMAS CARDS FREE. Not Cheap Trash, But 10 Beautiful Ones. I want to send free to every rea der of The Davie Kecord 10 beau tiful, imported, embossed, colored Christmas post cards, all different without any advertising on them whatever. I do this because I want people to know what high grad cards I carry at manufacturers' prices. If you prefer beautiful New Years cards say so when you write. All I ask is that you send me 4 cents in stamps to cover pos tage. Address , C. T. Johnstone. Pres., Dept. 731 Rochester N. Y. H. Crippen, aged 83 years, fath er of Dr. llawley H. Crippen, un der sentence of death in London for the murder of bis wife, died friendle83 and penniless in Califor nia. "I do not believe there Is any other medi cine so good for whooping cough as Cham berlain's Congh Remedy," writes Mr?, Frances Turpin, Juuction City, Ore: This remedy is also unsurpassed for colds and croup. For sale by all dealers. In a boys' corn growing content recently held in Willamsburg coun ty, South Carolina, a 3 ield of 112 bushels took no higher than fifth prize. For pains in the side or chest dampen a piece of flannel with Chamberlain's Lini ment and bind it on over the seat of pain. There is nothing better. For sale by all dealers. Public office is a public Irnaf, handed over by'the voters, and as such it should always be recogniz ed. Ex. Not Sorry For Blunder. "If my friends hadn't blundered iu tick ing I was a doomed victim of consump tion, I might not be alive now," wii'es D. T. Sanders, of Harrodsburg, Ky., but fcr years they saw every attempt to cure a lung-racking cough fail. At last I tried Dr. King's New Discovery. The effect was wonderful. It soon stopped the ccugh aud I am now in better health than I have had for years. This wonderful life-saver is an unrivaled remedy for coughs, colds, la drippe, astbma, croup, hemorrhages, whoop- 1 ing coagh or weak lungs. 50c, $1.00. Trial I bottle free. Cuararteed by C. C. Sanford.