"HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." r r i I VOLUMN i XV. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA; WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 27, 1913. NUMBER 8 Peril of Powers. The Republican party was too l0g entrenched in power in our national government. Any party that the people continue in authori ty for a long series of years will become not ouly insolent and an miudfnl of the peoples' interests. but positively corrupt. The bet ter element in the party will be pushed aside and hence assume control. The lobby investigation now gil,g ou ia Wa8ningt0I is re vealiug some things that go to prove the truth of this statement. If the Democrats had been more aggressive Jiud successful Mulhall would not have had the story that he told before the committee which is probing into the affairs of the "invisible" government. It is in. accordance with human nature that when an office holder has no fear of displacement he becomes bold in the things that under other con ditions he would fear to undertake. The same thing is true of any poor weak mortals after all. The Democratic party in North Carolina needs a fright. It is drunk with power. Because our leaders were afraid of giving offence to a certain class of citizens nothing has been done to relieve the financial situa tion, ami the last legislature, in stead of remedying the evils in our very inefficient system of taxation, simply issued bonds to pay the debts the state owned, and made uo provisions whatever for the raising of revenue to meet the steadily increasing expenditure. It is all folly to say that nothing can be done. Something can be done, and something must be done; but it is a great deal easier to do the thing that is right and neces sary when the legislators are scared than when they are perfectly com placeut. Jf the two parties in this state were more evenly, balanced you would see a very different sit uation. For the very reason that the parties in the government of Great Britain are a constant check on each other, that government is much more responsive to the will of the people than ours. To have unlimited power without abusing it is a state of virtue to which American politicians have not yet attained. Charity and Children. Ministerial Jealousy. Greensboro Record. . Time was when professional men did not get along well together, but this day has passed . . Physicians, lawyers and all now dwell together iu perfect good will, but it seems ministers some at least do not work together. An incident which it is not well to mention in full is said to have occurred here recently here one refused to officiate at a funeral unless given full rein. In other words, he refused to officiate if a mauister of another denomina tion was so assist him. Judge not that ye be not judged, is mighty good doctrine, but we do not mind saying that if the facts as reported ar true, some one is mightly in need of religion. Of course there are certain barriers between some denominations of widely different beliefs, but this was not the case 1D this instance. An Officer's Duty. The Louisburg Times observes tflat "an officer cannot be expected to enforce the laws when he knows he wih receive the criticism of the Public for so doing." It is natural for an officer not to do what is un popular, but it is hi hnsinPSH to a his duty, regardless of what the TnVO: ruuc may say. An officer takes th execute me jaw uun nl when he fails to 7 enforce the A Xr nV.l ma"er what his opinion , fuuui; opinion oi tne law, e is false to his oath. States ville iiH Hit in,. 1 "Or Weakness and ibeOldQt A rr GROvk-c i", d fceeral strengthening tonic, Mlaria tZ u STEI-HSS chill TONIC, drives out sureA ldsupthe system. A true tonic appetizer. For adults and children. 50c, Does This You? When it comes down to a ques tion of dress, a writer in the Wesleyan Methodist, of Syracuse, New York, says: If girls had a faint idea of the disgusting sight they present or could hear some of the unmanly, disoluie remarks made about them as they pass along the streets clad in transparent waists, or one of those short, outlandish tight-gripping, hobble skirts, they would feel so ashamed that if they had a spark of virtue left in them they would go to their rooms and get out of sight somewhere till they had a sensible dress to put on. How can they expect people to dis tinguish them from the low and corrupt if they dress exactly like theml Never in history were the modes so abhorrently indecent as they are today. One may make the closest study of costumes through the prints and drawings and sculp tures of five thousand years, and find nothing to equal the shameless styles worn unabashed iu the erowded streets and summer resorts of apparently respectable girls. Running For Money. Not often do you find a caudidate iu politics frank and candid en ough to tell the reason why he is running for office. Usually he would have the people believe that he was dragged into the race by "many voters," when as a matter of fact the voters never go out and loot for a candidate, but candi dates on the" other haud go out and look for tne voters. A central Ken tucky man put the following card in hisrpaper: "l am a candidate for the "office of jailer, not for the sentiment of glory, but for the money there is in ft. Was not asked to run by Many Voters. Many Democrats, ' or anyone else, but am running on my own responsibility. Haven't a blood relative in the county; do not nor will hot belong to any clique. Am not goody good or tin saint; have my faults, as most people have, but if elected to the responsible positions of jailer will guarantee to care for the county's property in the very best posssble manner," Cleveland Star. Moore County's Experience. In Moore County land is selling now for fiive times what it could have been bought tor before the advent of the sand-clay road in that section. And the example of Moore county is being generally followed by the adjoining counties so that within a short time the whole sandhill section will be as attractive for its good roads as any part of the eastern states. Now. we do not believe that good roads are entirely responsible for the great increase in the value ot Moore county lands, because the com paratively new knowiedge of how to make the sandnill land proauce hiff croDS and the discovery mat ic is a .fine fruit sectien has largely affected the price. However, prices would never have reacnea anyining lifcp what thev are unless the roads had been improved. Charlotte Chronicle. Judge Cooke Lively as Usual; His Remarks in Wake County. Judge C. M. Cooke, who has presided over several terms oi tiuouh courL told the Wake county grand jury ii. wook thev nuUht to petition the legis lature to define just how much space a man might occupy in a railroad car, the iudge having been impressed by the a mount of room taken up by some passen- geThe iudge was sarcastic whnn a juror asked to be excused on the ground that he was a member of one of the state boaX his honor saying that he had board and that !f his ory was not aeiecuv mo tu"""' -- be safe if that PrtlcuIr .rS! met To another man asking to be ex Ssed from duty Judge Cook, nvaa Um ing thar a child was sick, answered that ing uiai a .;rf drppn aDDleS, it had prooaDiy ueeu couu6 -" and declined to accept this as an excuse. Exchange. CANTOR I A t. Tfen and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought - Bears the Signature of Excursionist Walked Into Well. Morganton Messenger. John Butter, the colored porter at Hotel Morgan, had an experi ence Friday night that he will not soon forget. John had returned on the excursion from Norfolk that day and had not fully recovered from the effects of same. He was on his way home in the Jonesboro section about dark. - There is an old well near the road and as John wa s somewhat unsteady on his legs, he found the well, which is about 20 feet deep, and remained in the same about four hours until some of his friends who were passing heard distress signals. He was rescued, somewhat disfigured, but not seriously hurt. UNFAIR TO THE DRUGGIST. The Old Joke about "Something Just as Good," Doesn't Apply to This Drug Store. You have probably heard dozens of times the old story that a drug store was a place to ' get something just as good." There is at least one druggist in the world that you can't say this about. It is certain that an inferior article will never be substituted for a guar anteed one by D. H. Hendricks & Son, Bixby, N. C. Take for instance a safe, reliable remedy for constipa tion and liver trouble like Dodson's Liver Tone. This harmless vegetable liquid has proved so satisfactory a liver stimulant and reliever of bilious ness, and to entirely take the place of calomel without any danger of re striction of habits or diet, that there are dozens of preparations springing up with imitations of its claims. j But Dodson's Liver 1 one is guar anteed to do all that is clamed for it, D. H. Hendricks & Son, Bixby, N. C. will hand your money back with a smile. Any person going to this store for a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will be sure of getting a large bottle of this genuine remedy in ex change for his half dollar. ADVERTISEMENT. The Freedom of Young Girls. Fayetteville Observer. Twenty -five years ago it was con sidered very bad taste, to say the least, for ladies to walk the streets at night unattended. But the times are changed 1 Now little girls and big girls promenade the streets, go into the stores and ice cream saloons and even attend shows with no chaperon or person of mature years. If there come no worse results, we believe that such liberties allowed girls will not only engender in them a distaste for home, but that in their days ol womanhood the word home may mean to them simply a boarding and lodging house. - But other and far worse results are apt to follow in the wake of unrestrained free dom of young people to go and come as they choose. Let parents consider these things. Zeb Vance, Jr. Farmer Zeb "Vance, the youngest son of the late Senator Z. B. Vance and retired olficer of the TJ. S. A., having established his apple farm at Black Mountain, is now tickling the soil at Alexander, in a pocket between the French Broad and a mountain top. He does not say that he has any aspirations in that direction, but his friends are look ing forward to the day when he will blossom out as a fell-fledged professor in farm demonstration work. He even now knows how to plow a bull on a mountain-side and still retain his church member ship. Charlotte Observer. Mothers! Have Your Children Worms? Are they feverish, restless, nervous, irritable, "dizzy or constipated? Do they continually pick their nose or gnrid their teeth? Have they cramping pains, irre gular and ravenous appetite? These are all signs of worms Worms not only cause your child suffering, but stunt its mind growth. Give "Kickapoo Worm Killer" at once. It kills and removes the worms, improves your child's appetite, regulates stomach, liver and bowels. The symptoms disappear and your child is made happy and healthy, as nature intended. All druggists or by mail, 25c. KICKAPOO INDIAN MEDICINE CO.. Philadelphia, Pa. - St. Louis, Mo ADVERTISEMENT. THE CRITIC. My father says the paper somehow aint i got up just right. He finds a lot of fault with it when he . reads it at night. He says there ain't a gol dum thing in it worth while to read. And that it doesn't print the kind of stuff ; the people need. And tosses it aside and says its strictly "on the bum But you ought to hear him holler, when the paper doesn t come. He reads about the weddin's and he snorts like all git out. He reads the social doin's with a most derisive shout. He says they make the papers for the wimmen folks alone, He'll read about parties and he'll fume , and tret and groan. He says of information it does not con- "jtain a crumb. But you ought to hear him holler when 1 the paper doesn t come. He's always first to grab it and he reads it plum clear through. He doesn't miss an item or a want ad that is true. . He says "they don't know what we want. them darn newspaper guys: I'm going to take a day some time and ; put them wise It sometimes seems as though they must '. be deaf, blind and dumb. But you ought to hear him holler when ' the paper doesn t come. ; Exchange. Power of Suggestion. The man was hale and hearty at 10 a.m. At. 10:05 some one handed him a patent medicine almanac. The man glanced at it and be came interested. He read it through from cover to cover. At 10:35 he was suffering from diabetes, bright's disease, malaria, dyspepsia,' insomnia, lumbhgo, bloodpoisoning, cancer ol the stom ach, sciatica, scrofula and rheuma tism. Cincinnati Enquirer. How the Trouble Starts. Constipation is the cause of many ail ments and disorders that make life., mis erable. Take Chamberlain's Tablets, keep your bowel3 regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealers. ADVERTISEMENT. Had Better Stay on His Job. Secretary Bryau says the situa tion is grave. There can be no question concerning the gravity of the situation when Colonel Bryan might otherwise be out iu the pro vinces making two thousand dollars a day. It is more than serious; it is a crisis. Greensboro News. Remarkable Cure of Dysentery. "I was attacked with dysentery about July 15th, and used the doctor's medicine and other remedies with no relief, only getting worse all the time. I was unable to do anything and my weight dropped from 145 to 125 pounds. I suffered for about two months when I was advised to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I used tWo bottles of it and it gave me permanent relief," writes B. W. Hill of Snow Hill, N. C. For sale by all dealers. ADVERTISEMENT. Far, Far Away. "Weggy's saving cigarette coup ons and when he gets 5,000 he's going to get a fur overcoat." "Humph! when he gets 5,000 he'll not need a fur overcoat: He'll need an asbestus one." Good Reason for His Enthusiasm. When a man has suffered for several days with colic, diarrhoea or other" form of bowel complaint and is then cured sound and well by one or two doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, as is often the case, it is but natural that he should be enthusiastic in his praise of the remedy, and especially is this the case of a severe attack when life is threatened. Try it when in need of such a remedy. It never fails. Sold by all dealers. ADVERTISEMENT. i r Walter Shelton, a white man who killed his wife at Reidsville, was convicted of first degree mur der in Bockincham Superior Court and sentenced to die November 28. Costly Treatment. I was troubled with constipation and indigestion and spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and treatment," writes C. H Hines. of Whitlow, Ark. "I went to a St Louis hospital, also to a hospital in New Orleans, but no cure was effected. On re turning home I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets, and worked right along. I used them for some time and am now all right." For sale by all dealers. V ADVERTISEMENT. . Children Cry 41 r The Kind You Haye Always in use for over 30 years, - and -?7-S 'J.' sonal f-CUcU4C: Allow All Counterfeits. Imitations Experiments that tctflo with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Kxperieiico against Experiment. What iVCASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It ! contains neither Opium, Morphine iior other Narcotic' substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms ' and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething1 Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomach and Howe Is, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TMf CENTAUR COMPANY. TT MURRAY TRCIT. NCW YORK CITY. PATRONIZE' The Charlotte Steam Laundry The oldest and best for all kinds of laundry, Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing. E. E. HUNT, SOLE AGENT. JS itwwt o The Davie Record. Letter Heads $ WE DO GOOD JOB PRINTING Note Heads !i Invitations Bill Heads z22z The Davie Record. ? PURVEY MILLS S C During the last few Q Q weeks while my mill- Q ing has been dull O we have made every O repair necessary to Q put the mill in good condition for milling & wheat and corn, saw o o 5 ing and planing. We 0 Q. will be found John- J O nie on the Spot from July 1st, to Dec 24. fr Come right along. . o Albert W. Ellis, o Farmington, N. C. 4,9,'8"Q'QQ4iQhQQ,Q,Q for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been has homo the, fiiirnntnrn nf has been mado under hi nr- supervision since its Infancy. no nnn to 1nU v..ln4M. mul "Just -nl.rrwwl ' Alk tint Signature of ii J Shipping Tags t. it Wiwil'i Hirfh.Grade Seed. CrimsonClover The Kins of Soli flmprovr, also maks pl ndld fall winter and sprint: grazing, tha aarllast graaiv ft or a good hay crop. CRIMSON CLOVERwill inere the prodoctivenen of the Jn wore than twetety times as much theam amount epent in commeicial rtiluera. Can be sown by iuelf r at t working of corn, cotton or other cVv ted coops. , We are headquarters lor Crimson Clover Alfalfa; Winter Vetch, and all Firm Seeds, Write for prices and Descriptive ' Fall CatalOQf giving information about all aecxla for fall sowing. T. W. VOOD O SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va Statements j! Programs jj Circulars j? . rv L4 I if r i. I m y 4 t 1 i It 4 ! !l 4jg r 'r! i i- t r 4i

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