i DCS HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN. VOLUME XV. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1913. NUMBER 9 iug on. When Farmer Fixes Price. Frogie.ve Farmer. In the Progressive fiiriiiGr office the other day Prof. D. N. Barrow ie a statement about the control "! 'cotton prices that is worth pass fins is wuat ne saiti: n The farmer will be able to fix the price of his cotton when he owns it and not before. The farm- tl. is not an exception to the geaer al rule that a man cannot control the priee of a thing which does not belong to him." ll the argument in the world cannot get away from this simple proposition. The cotton crop of the South when made does not be oaa to the men who made it, but to the landlord, the storekeeper the banker, who furnished them the money to make it with. These iueu want their money, the cotton irrower has to raise it for them, and has just one way to get it that is to sell his cotton. Of course, under auch conditions, some one else fixes the price of cot ton; and not until the conditions are changed will the farmer have much "say" in the matter. It is good to know, that the con ditions are being changed, -that moie and more farmers are coming really to own the crops they make; but there is yet much progress to be made before any sort of organ izatiou or financing plan can enable the farmers, as a class, to hold lor for a fair price. The first thing in the fight, for better cotton prices is to do away with the old practice of letting cottOD growers live all sum mer long on the expectation of a rror vet to be made. The share XT i cropper, with everything furnished him and a mortgage laid on the cotton he is going to make, must be converted into a wage hand, or given a chance to do real farming aDd release himself from the econo mic slavery of his present condi tion. The land ownig farmer who buys fertilizers and workstock aud machinery and corn and hay and groceries and clothes, all to be paid for when cotton is sold, must be be changed into a self supporting farmer who grows more of what he needs and owns more of what he produces. ' Here is where the work of fixing cotton prices must begin; and any such work is necessarily slow. It is gratifying to know, however, that every farmer can do some thing at it this very year. He can at least make sure that he will have home grown hay and feed and home raised meat to eat next winter; and these two things will put him far along the road to econo-, inic freedom. It roust, be remem bered, too,that every man who puts his farming on a self-sustain-, ing basis, not only helps himself, but also adds to the strength of the farmers who already own their cot ton and hastens the day when there will be enough such farmers to take care of the crops produced by the dependent class. Remarkable Cure of Dysentery. "I was attacked with dysentery about July 15th, and used the doctor's medicine and other remedies with no relief, only getting worse all the time. I was unable to do anything and my weight dropped from 145 to 125 pounds. I suffered for about two months when I was advised to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I used two bottles of it and it gave me permanent relief," writes B. W. Hill of Snow Hill, N. C. For sale by all dealers. . ADVERTISEMENT. Good Suggestion to Others Counties. No son or doughter of any com mitteeman shall teach in any Meck lenburg school, neither shall any son or daughter of apatron of any school serve in this capacity here after, according to a ruling adopted by the County Board of Fid ucation. Charlotte Observer. y For Weaknpcc nrifl I ns nf AoOetltO - jwu ' "ST ST -""'uoianaara general, luenguicuius ivu.( GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria and buildauo the system. 'A true tonic ure Appetizer. F or adults Rod cuuaxeji. Credit Too Slack, Toe Brother. Siler City Grit. The laxity which many people exhibit in the matter of paying a debt is apalling. And we are not especially referring to those who are in arrears for their papers; we are speaking generally now. There are many people whose honesty you would never for a moment ques tion, who buy whatever they want on time and then disregard any re quest for settlement. And many of these people who stifle their con sciences are members in high stand ing in their churches, and if they were pointedly accused with de liberate ''beating'' a fellow out of his goods by contracting a debt which they are slow to pay, whv they would raise a howl and start a slander suit at once. This de linquency in paying a debt really appears to be growing worse, and unless the practice is checked, it will lorce the adoption of a pay as- you go system everywhere Many of those 'respectable" debt-con tractors get furiously angry if sent a bill or are "dunned" for the a mount. They consider it an insult; but just how they expect business to run without money or why others should support them, we are unable to understand. An Awful Arraignment ef David son's itizeaship. The Statesville Landmark says: Davidson county has long had the reputation of being a very corrupt county. The report has been com mon for years that a large per cent of the citizenship, including many well to-do, sold their votes at every election if they could find buyers; and it has been a matter of caramon report that the jury box as well as the ballot box, was corrupted in Davidson. The report seems to be verified by what took place in Davidson superior court this week. When a defendant was arraigned in a homicide case counsel for the prosecution moved that jurors be summoned from another county a recent act of the legislature permit ting this and in support of the motion read affidavits from promin ent citizens stating that io to 30 per eent of the citizens whose names are in the jury box could be bought aad sold at elections. Counsel for the defense did not re sist the motion and it was granted. But isn't that an awful arraign ment of the citizenship of a county? Good Reason for His Enthusiasm. When a man has suffered for several days with colic, diarrhoea or other form of bowel complaint and is then cured sound and well by one or two doses ot Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, as is often the case, it is but natural that he should be enthusiastic in his praise of the remedy, and especially is this, the case of a severe attack when life is threatened. Try it when in need of such a remedy. It never fails. Sold by all dealers. ADVERTISEMENT. What Will Be Done With That 15 Gallons? The lawyers are a knowing set of folks, says the Mt. Aity News. Editor Johnson explains: Of course they never give out all the facts in the case, but it is no uncommon oc currence after a term of court to hear it whispered around that they were afraid to risk certain cases before the judge. Not often ' are they bold enough to allow this im pression to get out before the term of court. But here it is and court two weeks off, and already we hear the report on the streets that Judge Lane is not to be trusted in hand ing down his opinion on eertaiu matters. To be more explicit they cannot afford to trust Judge Lane to pass upon what shall be done with that fifteen-year-old brandy. It is known that Judge Lan stands for all that is best and that he knows the law. He is not afraid to do his duty, and the idea of having that fifteen-year-old brandy poured out in the streets of Dob- son or even into the gutters of this wicked city is something fearful to contemplate. Bo some kind of an excuse has been hatched up to allow the rqatter to go over until another term of court. In the meantime Capt. Sam Pace has been down to the West-Hill Co's. store and bought himself a twenty-five pound can of sourwood honey and is the happiest man in town. He is so impudent that he dares to stand on the streets and boast that he has in his possession an abund ant supply of both sourwood honey and fifteen-year-old brandy. Just how a long suffering people can stand for such conduct is more than we can jtell. ; The Happy Man. The happiest man in the world is the common, every day chap who makes his own living, pays his own bills, and has the respect ot his neighbors. He saves a little money as he goes along, but does not try to get a corner on the local output and he is not a' Blave to ambition or society. He never ex pects to wear out his . trousers in the senate and when he glide out of bed in the morning he never wastes any time trying to pick out tie right tint of socks, suspenders and necktie that will blend with the general effect. He only wears a high collar when he feels like it, and when his pet coin begins to jump, he jerks out his knife and cuts a tour inch gash in the side of his shoe and nothing is said about it in the local paper. He never has to set up at night to poultice his con science. He believes in the doc triue of live and let live. When he encounters one of the needy he doesn't stutter with his pocket book. The plain plug of a man is happy because he is satisfied and he doesu't spend half of his time yearning for something whieh his salary will not permit him to buy. Give us more plain men and the world will be better. Ex. 3 ' HI: I I I m fcofr" le'Sfc A1.COHOI. 3 PEH HCKT AXgelabtePrcparationforAs similating trteFoodandRcgula ting die Stomachs andBowclsof tin 1 Yadkin Valley Bank Shortage A- bout $21,000. Lost to The Trust. A letter from Mr. George L English sets forth the correct stat us of monazite and protection. It appears that the ad valorum duty of 25 per cent is no protection at all and the monazite industry of Cleveland county is in even worse Dliirht than before, if such could be the case. In the light of the valuation of Brazilian monazite, the duty on the home production has been really reduced from four cents to two and one half cents. Mr. English points out quite clear ly that the home industry has been handed over to the mercies ot tne Welsbach trust. He thinks "such legislation is absolutely iudefen Bible" It is further an illuitrl tion of the iniquities perpetrated in the name of the taritt. tnar i lotte Observer. wiM'i r z: Ml For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Promotes Digesiioikeifl ! nps? nnrl Resr.Cnntains neither Opiuni-MarplUrie nor Mitral. NOT JN ARC OTIC. MMMMSMaSSB SSlBMM-a Plimpkia Seed" jUx&aua- JtchtUt Salts yiniseSeed ftppvmint- , lUCatioaatiStda' him Seed Qartfied Smr hatnjrsea ilanT. A wsrTffrt Rpmprtv for Coitsfipa tion Sour Storaach.Diarrhoca Worms onvulsions.revmsn- nessartdLossoramK Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK if . i i i ii m f i I II nlll 1 ' I I I fcJH v 11 II II cv-darf, 1 1 t"l f ! 1 1 If III! uyhmy ii w M TI . If aJ320; Guaranteed under the Exact Copy of Wrapper, In Use For Over Thirty Years il Tm cintuk coariKf. errr: Raleigh, Aug. 11. Returning from East Bend this evening, State Bank Examiner S. A. Hubbard reported the shortage of the Yadkin Valley Bank at East Bend at $21,014, of which the sum of $8,354 is said to be personal shortage of Cashier J. Lee Norman, and $12,749, doubtful notes and checks. The deposits at this time aggre gate the sum of $37,500 and it is said that loss to the depositors will be heavy. It is intimated here that efforts to re-open the bank will pro bably fail. Cashier Norman is said to have neuralgia of the heart and is report ed to be in a critical condition. He Went to The Right Place. A Philadelphia man claims that he got a good wife in answer to prayer. Probably he got a good one because he went to the house of prayer and met his ideal there in stead of meeting up with her at a i tango tea party. Wilmington Star. How's This for Financiering? We note that the state treasurer, is slowly disposing of the issue of state bonds, authorized by the last efnslature, about half of, the a- mount authorized having been sold. We also note that the dispatches say that the state debt has not been decreased by the sums received for the bonds. It was our impression that the bonds were issued to pay off the state's floating lnaeoieaness, but here we find half of the money alrpadv used for other purposes. This may be good financiering, but we do not think so. Lenoir JNews. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ABOUT IT There is a New Remedy that Takes the Place of Calomel. Recommended and Guaranteed by the Druggists. Costly Treatment. ..t ..,a m.hlAf1 with constipation and indigestion and spent hundreds of dollars a-. onH treatment, writes C. ri. lor uieui-i Hines, of Whitlow, Ark. "I went to a St. Louis hospital, also to a hosprtalmjew Orleans, but no cure was effected. On re turning home I began taking Chamberlain s Tablets, and worked WJ them for some time and am now all right. For sale by all dealers. ADVERTISEMENT. V D H. Hendricks & Sons, Bixby, N C., never sold a remedy that gave more complete satisfaction than Dodson'sLive Tone a mild vege table remedy for constipation, sour stomach and lazy liver. Folks who have suffered for years 4- fkon r-osnrr. to dansrerous cal-: omel have found after one trial that this pleasant-tasting vegetable liquid gives them a long sought relief with out bad atter-enects. Dodson's Live Tone is guaranteed by D. H. Hendricks & Sons. Bixby, N C to be a safe live stimulant and to' be absolutely harmless without bad after-effects. You will find many persons in this locality who have tried it ana every usci speak a good word for Dodson s Liver Tone. It livens up a torpid liver and makes you feel fresh, healthy and clean. . . The price of a large bottle is 50 cents money back if not pleased. Dodson's Liver lotie A11 . " , . . v,a has brougnt many raeuicmcaunu field that imitate its claims, and some have name very same color, but remember Dodson s Liver Tone is guaranteed by D. H. Hendricks & Son, Bixby, N. C., who will give you back your money it you want it. How the Trouble Starts. Constipation is the cause of many ail ments and disorders that make lile mis erable. Take Chamberlain's Tablets, ke ep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealers. ADVERTISEMENT. These Hungry Democrats. There were only 65 applicants for the l'ob Major Grant turned loose. We are surprised at the small num ber. For an important place like the clerkship ot the Federal Court, there ought to have been ma ny more than that. Wilmington star. , Do Your Fear Consumption? No matter how chronic cough or how severe your throat or lung ailment is. Dr. King's New Discovery will sureiy help you; it may save your life. Stillmn I Green, of Malichite, Col. writes: "Two doctors said I had consumption and could ! not live two years. I used Dr. King's New Discovery and am alive and well. Your money refunded if it fails to benefit you. The best home remedy for, coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles. Price 50c. and $1.00. Guaranteed by all dealers. The Legislature And Dogs. No account dogs keep on going mad and biting people, btill, .North Carolina Legislature" can't get up enough nerve to tax tneni so tnat there would be less danger from them. Wilmington Star. PATRONIZE The Charlotte Steam Laundry The oldest and best for all kinds of laundry, Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing. E. E. HUNT, SOLE AGENT. r "vrar r-.v- r 9 -r- t v-"! ' The Davie Record, zz Letter Heads I Note Heads 51 Invitations Bill Heads WE DO GOOD JOB PRINTING Shipping Tags n 8 ; Statements ; i H ! il s; t Programs r- " , 8 Circulars it The Davie Record. The Allen Monument. "Sacred to the memory of Claude S. Allen and his father, who weie judicially murdered by order of the Governor of Virginia over the protest of one hundred thousand citizens of the State." rlhis tomb stone inscription over a grave in Carroll county, Virginia, is decid edly rank. But if the survivors find any consolation therein let it staud the more so as, unhappily, the phrase, about the "protest" is trUe. Charlotte Observer. CASTOR I A . Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Coughs, Colds, Watery Eyes Cured In a Day by taking Cheeneys Expectorant also cures consumption, whooping cough, droop- pings from the nose, and throat. Bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Cheeneys Expectorent a liquid preparation, tested for 50 years. Thousands of cures made where all else failed. Try it. Safe, sure and satisfactory. Druggists 25c and 50c. ADVERTISEMENT S7 GIIIGHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND SvPm 8RANt Atk yof DraesUt for CHI-CHES-TKR 3 A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS ia Red ndA Gold metallic boxes, sealed wito BlueVyy Ribbon. Takb no othm. Bay jmr V DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twentr-fiiO years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS x gg EVERYWHERE SS. Wood's High-Grade Seeds. Crimson Clover The King of Soli Improver, also makes splendid fall, winter and spring grazing, the earliest green feed, or a good hay crop. CRIMSON CLOVER willinere.se the productiveness of the land more than twenty time a much a3 the same amount cpentin commercial fertilizers. Can be sown by .itself or at the Ust working of earn, cotton or other cultiva ted crops. We are heic'quarteri for Crimson CKovcr, Alfalfa,- Winter Vetch, and all farm Seeds, Write fof prices. nd Descriptive Fall Cntalofl, giving inforanauors about all seeds far tall sowing. T.W.WOOD Cs SONS, Seedsmen, Richmond, va. i t i Jt 4 t j 0' m i i .n 4 7 V ! 4 f. f 4 i J A : 'A 1 1 i It ! - II 4 1

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