rnrrmiiiriKmfirH'irrr THE DAVIE RECORD. C. FRANK STROUD - - Editor. TELEPHONE Entered atthePostofSce in Mocks ville, N. C, as Second-class Mail matter. March 3. 1903. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ONE YEAR. IN ADVANCE - $ 1 00 six months; in advance - $ so THREE MONTHS, IN ADVANCE $ 25 WEDNESDAY. MAY 26. 1915. Swat the fly! Renew your subscription. The strawberry pie is with us. Blackberries are in full bloom. Have you been robbed yet? Did you list your taxes, or did you forget it. The sand-clay roads are a blessing to our. county. . A hundred thousand dollars added to what we have, will give us the best reads of any county in this sec tion. Must we stop work now and leave the roads unfinished or get enough money to finish them up? What do the people say. The man who helps a town is the man who invests his money in house?, mills, factories, etc , and takes his county paper. Many of our citizens will not be missed much when they are called hence, for they have never dune nothing to be remembered for. The world will be as well off without them as with them. The Record will doubtless be called on to chronicle some of their deaths and we may fay a good man is gone, but our readers will know we made a mistake. Shooting at Harmony. Statesville, May 23. A shooting affray, which more than likely will result in the death of James Harbin. a young Statesville boy, was engagea in at Harmony, this county last nicrht. and Clvde Heath and two w other young men, by the names of Moore and Munday were arrested to day by Sheriff Deaton and lodged in jail. From the information that could be gathered concerning the matter, it seems that all four of the boys had been after a supply of whiskey, and on their return trip. all of them being pretty well tanked up. Moore drew a gun and began shooting into the air. Harbin, to whom the team belonged, remon strated with Moore and threatened to put him out of the buggy if he did not fifive up the erun. This he refused to do, and in a scuffle, Har bin was shot, the ball entering1 his right shoulder and ranging down, lodged in his spine, causing paralysis, from his waist down. He is a pre carious condition, and Doctor Jurney, who is attending him, says recovery is impossible. Italy Declares War. Rome, May 23. via Paris Italy is at war with Austria-Hungary. With the issuance of the general mobilization order the Italian Gov ernment issued a proclamation de claring war on Austria, which of ficially will begin tomorrow. Prior to this, and after a lengthy consultation, the Ministers of War and Marine proclaimed all the pro inces bordering on Austria and the islands and coast towns of the Adri atic in a state of war which wss equivalent to the establishment of martial law, , the step usually preced ing the formal declaration. MANY BRAVE ROBBERS ABROAD Davie County in The Grip of a Set of Thieves Two Stores and Several Residences Broke into and Robbed. This section of the country seems to be in the grip of a set of thieves and robbers. The first robbery took place last Sunday night, and has been with from Postoffice And Store" Robbed. The store of F. A. Jones, at Glem mons, was entered last Wednesday night and about $75 worth of goods stolen. The postoffice is in the build -ing and about $7 in cash was taken. Sheriff Flynt, of Winston, was on the scene early Thursday morning, and to in searching for the thieves found going on since, with trom one three robberies every night. Early ' some of the the goods that were Wednesday morning the postoffice ! stolen from D. D. Bennett's store at and the store of D. D. Bennett, at ' rnrna. tw,1o n;f Cornatzer, 5 miles north of this city, I , , , . was broken into and more than 100 1 thieves made good their escape. pairs of shoes and a number of other ; n i. j nrn nu:u , , ... . : uuuhui nuu inn ivcuuiiu. crnnna rnrrorhpr with Rntnp stamnsi and money, was taken. On the same night the residence of G. A. Sheek in South Mocksville, was entered by two unknown men, but they were scared away before securing any thing. The thieves also visited the home of Dr. W. C. Martin, in North Mocksville and succeeded in getting a side of meat. Wednesday night or early Thursday morning the South ern Lunch Room near the depot was entered and a supply of cigars, tobaccos, etc., were taken. A mes sage from Clemmons Thursday morn ing says that the postoffice and store of F. A. Jones, at that place was robbed Wednesday night. There seems to be no clue as to who the thieves are, as they make their get away and leave no trace behind them. Tae citizens of the town aretrubbing up their guns and getting ready for business. It is thought by some that tie thieves are using automobiles and come into town from adjoining counties over tho government cost road. The Record learns that Dr. R. P. Anderson has purchased Dr. Martin's interest in the burned building and lot known as the Baitv building, and will rebuild the stores at an early date. We are glad that the burned block will be rebuilt, for more busi ness houses are needed here. Com petition is the life of business and means much to our people. We want to see a bigger and better Mocksville. The Record is in favor of beauti fying the old court house and mak ing a useful building of it, or of tearing it down. At present the public library occupies half of the lower floor. If the County Commis sioners will give the building to the ladies of the town for a "Communitv Building," then we believe it would be a good investment for the citizens of the entire county if the ladies would follow the suggestions of Mu-s Linda Clement, as set forth in an article in The Record last week . WY heartily favor any move that will help to beautify the town. Thousands of dollars worh of pro-r perty .is located around the public square without protection at night from thieves, robbers or fires. If the town had had a night policeman or watchman the, big fire of three weeks ago would probably have never hap pened. The city fathers cannot af ford to let the property and lives of the citizens of the town go unpro tected to save a few poltry dollars per month. The people should rise up and demand some protection, for, as taxpayers, they are entitled to protection. Let something be done before there are any more big fires or robberies. NOTHING DOING. At the recent meeting of Wachovia Historical Society, at the suggestion of Hon. J. C. Buxton, the executive committee was asked to take some steps to have the markers from the graves of the mother and father of Dajniel Boone placed in the historical building for preservation. It was stated that the stone markers are now locked in the vaults of the bank at Mocksville to keep them from be ing chipped to pieces by curio seek ers. The graves are now without marKers and some steps are to be taken to locate the graves in a per manent manner The committee has taken no step as yet, but may take action at a meeting to be held at some future date Winston Sentinel. -The Record is in favor of putting markers to the graves of the father and mother of Daniel Boone, but op posed to any historical society carry ing away the original gravestones l i - wnicn are now safely stored in the vaults of the Bank of Davie. An Appreciated Letter. Editor Davie Record, Mocksville, N. C. Dear Sir: Ae I have completed my course at King's Business Col lege, will not be iu Charlotte, foi feome time would be glad if you would send your paper to my home on Route 2. As your paper has been so much pleasure to me for past few months, I don't see how 1 can get along without the Davie Record. Don't see how the people of Davie county can get along with out knowing what is going on it, their own county. Yours truly, C. I. Pesky. Fork Church Commencement. Fork Church Commencement was held last Wednesday, but owing to the inclement weather the crowd was much small than usual. The exer cises were very good, and were en joyed by all present. The speech of Mr. Brogden, of Raleigh, on Educa tion, was very good and has been highly complimented. The editor did not get any blackberry pie, but he got a mighty fine dinner and is under many obligations to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Grimes, of Gooleemee. for said dinner. The rain in the afternoon drove many people home The students deserve much credit for the manner in which they carried out the program. The editor always enjoys a day at Fork Church, for we have many friends in that section of the county. How About Water Works. It is said that the city fathers will consider putting in a system of water works for Mocksville at their next meeting Tuesday night, June 1st. An engineer has looked over the ground and says that a good system of water works can be installed for about $40,000. This is something that our town has long needed, and we believe every citizen of the town who has any love for his town and its growth, will be heartily in favor of this forward step. The water would be brought from Bear creek to town. With a good water system the insurance rate, which is now al most prohibitive, would be cut more than half, and our town would be protected from fire and our streets could be sprinkled and hundreds of dollars saved to the merchants croods. Aliother fire like the one on May 4th, would pay for the water works, If you are interested in this question attend the meetins: next Tuesdav night. A Fast Barber. The editor was at Fork Church Wednesday, and while there hap pened into the barber shop of John H. Mason, colored. John is one of the best colored men in the county, and if he is a truthful fellow, which we doubt not, he is the fastest bar ber in the country. John told us that he could shave four hundred and twenty people per day. When you go to Fork, stop and ask John to give you a sample shave. Pino News. The health of this communitv is very good at present. Miss Annie Thopson has return- ed home from school at Spencer. jut. ana Jlrs, A. P. Younsr snent the week end with Mrs. Ji. a. Kesler at Spencer. Miss Jbrancis Mowerv snent last. week in this community. Miss 1'auliue Mock has bppn visiting iu Salisbury. DAD S YOUNGEST GIRL. Life. Man comes into this world with out his consent and leaves it against his will. During his stay on earth his time is spent in one continuous round of contraries and misunder standings. In his infancy he is an angel. In his boyhood he is a devil. In his manhood he is every thing Irom a lizard up. In his uuues ue is a iooi. n ne rais a family he is a chump. If herais?s a check, he is a thief, and the Law raises the devil with him. If he is a poor man, he is a poor manager and ha3 no sense. If he is rich he is disbonpst and considered smart. It he is iu politics, he is a grafter and a crook. If he is out of poli A- 2 1 I iics vou cau'c piace mm, as tie is hu Undesirable Citizen." If he goes to church he is a hypocrit. Tf he stays away from church he is a sinner. If he donates to foreign missions he Ucs it for show; if he doesn't he is 'stingy" and a "Tight Wad." When he first comes into the world everybody wauts to kiss him before he goes out they all want to kick him. If he dies young there was a great futnr hp ' fore him. If he lives to a iipe old I age, ne is in the way only living to sa ve funeral expenses. What's the use! Life is a funny proposi tion alter all. Selected. A good road without bridges to cross the streams is worth but little. On to Richmond, Va., Special Train Via Southern Railway. From Morganton, Statesville. Mocksville, Winston-Salem and all intermediate points Monday. May 31st. 1915. Confederate Veterans Reunion, June 1st. 2nd and 3rd. Schedule and Round Trip Fares: Cooleemee 8:33 a. m.. $5.25; Mocksville 8:48 a. m., $5.15; Clemmons 9:22 a. m., $4.85; Winston-Salem 10 a. m., $4 30. Fares from all intermediate points same bdsis. ' MAKE TRIP IN DAY TIME. Reunion tickets will be sold May 29th to June 2nd inclusive. Final limit June 10th. with privilege of extension of limit until June 30th. Side trip tickets will be sold during the Reunion at greatly reduced fares. Return Dortion of Reunion tickets will be honored returning from either Nor folk. Lynchburg or Charlottlcsville within limit. Special train will consist of hafacfennr. day coaches and Pullman cars. Lunches and coffee served on train enroute. Use regular trains to junction points connect ing with special train. Don't miss this opportunity to visit His toric Richmond, the Capital of the Confederacy. unesepeaice L.ine oners excellent ser vice for side trips to Baltimore and Wash ington, For information call on any agent, or write, R. H. DeBUTTS, D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator nf James McGuire, Jr., dee'd., notice is here by given to all persons having claims a gainst said estate to present them duJ verified to the undei signed for payment on or befor the 10th day May 191G this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. This Mav 10th 1915. HA.TTIE McGUlKE. Admr of JAMES McGUIRE. JR.. Dec'd E. L. GAITHER. Atty. DR. A. Z. TAYLOR DENTIST Office at Residence. Good work low prices. We Carry Groceries w j)R. ROBT. ANDERSON, DENTIST, 'Phones Office No. 71. Residence No. 47 Office over Drug Store. And our prices will ap. to you. A full line of fresh goods always on hand. Give us a call when in town. We buy all kinds of county pro. duce and pay the highest market price. Make our store your store. J. T. Gartner. Near The Depot. 1 1 K. 1 1.. tmmtfm HI Ml lim II P 1 Special Fire Prices. A small lot of plow points, cast ings, trace chains, axes, etc, which went through the fire, will be sold at greatly reduced prices. We also have a small lot of furniture. doors and windows, and one refriger-1 ator to close out cheap for lack of room. New Goods Daily. We have just received a big supply of galvanized roofing, and other goods. Dry goods, notions, and grocery lines will be complete in a short time. We jtmui uuoiucso ana win treat you right as we have done for the past four years. We are located in the Red Front, and are waiting for you. WALKER'S BARGAIN HOUSE "Red Front Store." 3E i -ir KNOW THY COUNTRY Yadkin County Road Bonds Safe. The $60,000 irood roads bonds of idkin county have been sold to' a lo, Ohio, firm. A premium of $100 was received. The bonds draw 5-1-4 intert.. . The Yadkin county Commissioners employ Mr. J. B. Roach as one;ttf lay out and supervise theconstruiiol, of roads. Mr. Roach ebmes from"; Iredell countv and is highly reconamended for the work. How Mr. Taft Would Prevent War. Former President William How ard Taft, speaking at the World Court Congress at Cleveland, O., outline his plan for the establish ment of a league of peace and ar bitral court with the object of set tling by arbitration differences be tween the nations of the world and preventing furtner wars. Such a league should include all the great uations, Mr. Taft explained, with an "agreement that should any signatory power begin war against another member without first sub mitting its grievance to the court all the other signatories would be bound to join in a forcible defence of the member thus prematurely attacked." That this idea of an internation al tribunal is practical and feasible, mr. late saia, is shown by the successful operation of the const; juuuuai wup mi arDiiramon in fhis country 'which have settled Controversies between the States jml the so called general arbitia ion treaties negotiated hv Thn ftnder C. Knox, while Secretary of oitur, wun stance and iflaglaud to BunmiB j ustiqjame disputes to arbi VP VWM. . ...... ivuw America" is a s ntron snouia ring out from everv srw room, office, farm and shoo in this r,a tion. No man can aspire to a higher "uuur man to become a capable citi- en, ana no one can merit so dis unguished a title until , i , -fcj lien iu- formed of the resources. nnifniMa. J . ' """o mu enlevements of our country. xnis is a commercial ao-Q in . -ev iu vi V- iuhuioii is bearing its most golden rruit in America. We our industrial achievements as Egypt o uLBU ior ner pyramids; Jerusa lem for her relieinn- art; Phoenicia for her fleets; Chaldea for her astronomy and Rome for her ewise we have men who will go down in the world's e , p,,cts 0 thelr a - p-- me source of every gigantic movement that swava rivii tLfA . f freman' . The greates minds travel r ieai airection and the com mercial een uRPR nf i.f. . . have been 01. 1; ? osophers, architects. earlier civilizations. w As Michael Anmif. fv with a chisel hewed It into the image of an angel that ever beckons man kind upward and onward, Hill took the desert of the Northwest and with bands of steel mado it mb iV j . , .voum 111112 fct rose, dotted thn vniiQ,r .Siv . mm uaDDV fnJ b"iU cities in waBt Places As Guttenberg took blocks of wood and whittled them int an Zll ana made a nnntino. . , ii coo mat nasned education nrta tinent like a ray of U&h a new born world, McCormick took I Introductory udr or iron and bent it into a reaper and with one sweep of nis magic mind broke the shnotioa that enslaved labor of generations yet unDorn, and gave mankind freedom from drudgery, and lifted the human race into a higher zone of life. As Nelson organized the English navy ana maae England mistress of the aea. enabling the British Isles to plant her nag upon every continent washed by me oceans waves, and to make foot stools of the Islands of every water, Morgan organized a banking system mac nas made America master of th world's finances, brought Kings to our casniers windows, the nations of the eartn tO Our discount rJpslra and nlastorl under the industries of this nation a "ua,lu'11 sysiem as soiia as the Rock or Gibraltar. There is no studv miito en ininncf. mg as progress: no sound an mncr ... . a - - is me roar of industry and nn aiirht so inspiring as civilization in action. a mil realization of America's part in the great events of the world past. present ana future will thrill vrv human heart with nride. ana faith in Remiblican institution.. Through the courtesv of th Acrri. cultural and Commercial Prena sr. vice, th readers of this nftner will ho permitted to Studv America- noi- or. ricultural, manufacturing and min. eral development, mercantile, bank ing and transportation systems which are the wonder of the wnrid The fir8t article Of the eerlea will a TT.A ucai with transportation and will at an early date. You Want Groceries i And I carry just what you want at the price that you want to pay. buy country oroduce at highest mar " A O ket price. A full line of cigars, smok ing and chewing tobacco. When you come to town call and let me show you my line of goods. Cold drinks of all kinds all the time. J. On The Square. Phone No. 76. C XI III I f III -una hv. ... -yi .-iff H, HORN-JOHNSTONE Cfr. MANUFACTURERS "IMA I liUULI MnD OF FLOUR." b WE GUARANTEE IT V '7"iMi.' f- Ht - r

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