"HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNA WED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." VOLUMN XVII. MOCKSVUXE. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24. 1915 NUMBER 19 1 Non-Advertising Merchants. Although merchants in t h e ; I Pjjjjjjler towns and cities throughout the country are the ones who com plain most bitterly of the competi t;0n of mail order houses, many of tbee very men refuse to adopt the ! j means which made competitois advertising. In a receut i pioyt i & , lSSUe . J Courier, the editor makes some very interesting and pertinent re marks regarding the non advertis jug merchant: "The country merchant deplores . r - t-tia mull Aii)iir hnnaao How did they do it? Did thev scud representatives into the iut r - rural communities to solicit trade? ,lUl i )id they simply open their places j ot business and wait for customer! They did not. They obtained aU -not a pail but ALL of their patronage by the use of printers ink. They advertised. The aver nije leoal merchants does not seem f IP KiCL uai iuo moil vi vji uuu3co;l, it .1 . . ... luc ,. jiiome. lie the only customer (you'll ne making inroads on his patron . . . iortai., c.fui..m iu s'"1 . outiuue to buy booze from object lesson betore him, that the;.lmi then die witQ SQakeg jn Bitauscujvu a,e also at his disposal. Through word they tell the public what they have ; to sell. 'Experience has shown that quality for quality the local uier- chauts' prices are no higher thau those of the mail order house and j they save the purcnaser irauspor j tation charges. The difference is j that the mail order house tells the; pablie what it has to sell and the ! non advertising merchant does not, 'The latter frequently advances the argument against advertising that everyone knows where his store is and what he has to sell. He is wrong. Everyone does not koow what he has to sell. If he j doubts this let him compare hisi prtscui stock with that of five) years, three years or even oue year : a.go and note the many uew things he has on his floors or shelves, new things that are the product of in ventive genius or of changing lashioos. He keeps abreast ot the market changes but all his custom trs do not, hence they do not know vhat he has to sell. "Aud there are object lessons Lfitrer home, i. e., the large and prosperous city depaitmeut stores. They realize the power of advertis iug and make liberal use ot it. "These city concerns are taking dvantage of the inactivity of the local merchant along advertising Hues and the space be declines to huy in local newspapers is beicg 1 fcitig bought by them, This has lesuited iu bringing to their stores hundreds of customers lioui the smaller places and it has also been h lactor iu creating in these stores luge depaitments where are re tei'.cd by mail, orders from persons vho do not come to the stores but vho find in the concern's adver laments mention of various ai ti 'its they want. "Home day the small town mtr bam will realize the importance ot K'ivei Using as a factor iu business M i many eases the awakening ll,lly me too late." Publisher's Auxihirv. Speaking of Billions. It we talk about wealth nowa ' aip, the wealth of North Carolina Vay. e must'talk in billions. And Lo much is a billion dollars? tsptrt clerks in the Titasury at Vvi'shi!lgOU count 4,000 silver (!o!ais au hour. At this rate, oikhm eight hours a day every v wkiRg day of the year, it would tike a!1 expert 102 years to count 'dli of oir wealth iu North Caro 'nu- a nd 204 years to countit all pa httle detail that the orphan's commit i e? would have p nT?Dher wnea we av onr prayers v0hanlsgiving Day. University 'Nes Letter. 'Ho0'3'"8 t0 the PaIe and Sickly ORovEiiPeBeral strengthening: tonic, alaritfJTELEls chill TONIC, drives out ue ton,c. For adults and enrjdren. 50C Start a Saloon in Your Own Home. Inland Printer. As most compensation laws specifically provide that no com pensation shall be paid to those who are injured while under the nfluence of intoxicants, the Ben Franklin Mutual Casualty Insur ance Compauy, of Chicago, is cir- onlatin.or hnilptin nnnfomino ho n w u V following clever suggestion, as first issued by the Illinois Steel Com pany, We can all profit by the blunt truths the bulletin sets forth: ' 'Start a saloon in vonr nwn i your wife and give her two dollars X , , to buy a gallow ot whiskey, and m i . . remember there are sixty nine ty drinks iu a trallon. lnv vonr ;driukB f,om no fW but wJ Lnd by the time thah the firsfc vnnn , ... . o ... a . VJ 1 II t dollars to put into the bank aud two do'lars to start business again. "Should you live ten years aud her, your boots, she will have enough money to bury ym decent, educate - j 7 wkjvj ccuva lot, marry a decent man, and quit thinking about you entirely. " Don't Practice It. Mr. J. A. Hartness. Clerk of the Superior Court of Iredeil county, has -aunouuced himself as a can- uidate for Secretary of Stale, Col. J. Bryan OHmes, we believe, was elected to this ofiiee iu 11)00 and has held it ever since. He seems to think that nothing but death should separate him from his job. He is now serving his fourth term of four years. It is understood that Mr. Hartness intends to make his campaign on the issue of rota tiou in office He and friends will claim that Col. Grimes has held the office long enough and the Times Leader is inclined to agree with them But this issue may prove a little embarrsiug to Mr. Hartuess iu view ot the fact that he has not been practicing rotation over in Iredell where he has hld on to tiie Clerk's office fur about J5 year. It our memory is not at fault be was elected Clerk of the Court of Iredell couuiy at the same election at hich Col Grimes was fcleeterr-Secnitary uf State. He has held on to the office t. in fuce of the fact ibeie 1m be.u"-fcroog op position to him within the ranks of his own i-uty . The raising of the rotation issue may not help Mr. Hartuess as his record iu Ire dell has been against it, Times Leader. Auto Mail Service, Post Road Route, Probable. Postmaster Galloway stated to a Senti ncl representative that he is expecting the department at Washington to take some action early in the new year as to the request for the establishment of an auto mail delivery route on the govern ment post road between this city and Statesville. Some months ago Mr. P H. Hanes.made a request of Senator Simmons and Sena tor Overman, as well as of congressmen iu this section, that they take the matter up with the postmaster general and secure this extension of the service for Winston Salem, Mocksvilie and Statesville. and convenience for the progressive farmers residing along the route. Mr. Hanes also took the matter up with the department personally. Postmaster Galloway says that he has had several communications from the de partment asking for data on the route and it is his impression that some action will be taken close to the beginning of the new year The extension will be principally in the interest of the parcel post business, featuring this service for the farmers who desire to market their products by mail. It is a comparatively new departure ,d the service has only been established and on highways that have been .constructed under the supervision of the office of good roads qonnected,,withhe department of the postmaster general. Winston Senti nel. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days j Your druegist will refund money if PAZOl OINTMENT fails to cure any case of itching, Blind, Weeding or Protruding Files in6 to 14 days. The first application giyes Ease and Rest. joc. God Pity The South! God pity the south! Yet, the Deity has givenr it His best. It is a land of flowers and fruit, of sun shine and beauty possessed of a soil of wonderful fertility and a climate that rivals that of Italy. The trouble is that it is fetter d and bound by prejudices that are 75 years old, and these still control it, although they constantly bring upon it economic disaster. The Wilson tariff bill of the Cleveland administration staggered industry everywhere; but it absolutely pros trated the south, Huudreds of her most useful business men went into bankruptcy, and her sheep men, her cattle men and her cotton men were alike brought to poverty. Sixteen years have passed years of almost unparalleled prosperity to the south. Her products have been restored to good prices, and her people have leceived great re wards lor their industry and toil, ft is needless to say, that they should have been thankful; but they have not the old prejudices were in the way. A "Soulid South" has again helped to bring the Democratic party into national power and again must a "Solid South" pay the penalty. One can see conventions being held, resolutions being passed, elo quent telegrams being seut, all by men who voted the Democratic ticket last year. The cattle men have made war like demonstrations, but they frighten nobody, because every body knows that our cattle men pray for one thing and vote for another. The same thing is true of the wool men, the sugar producers and the cotton farmers. The Dcmo cratic leaders know that all of these men will walk up to the polls and vote the Democratic ticket, regard less of how they may suffer when the Democratic party is in power. The leaders natuially do not worry over the south. They worry over the north, because tbey must carry some cheap foodstuffs, cheap wool, cheap cotton. Tbey give the north what they want cheap fruits, cheap foodstuffs cheap wool, cheap cotton. They give t he south a kick!. They know the south will take it submissively and vote the ticket, straight. They know tt at prfjudh'e.- an- stronger than fpasou, and that the south does not uud will not ream. God pity the south! San An tonio Republic. A TWICE-TOLD TALE. - .One of Interest to Our Reader. Good news bears repeating, and where it is confirmed after a long lapse of time, even if we hesitated to believe it at firs.t hearing, we feel secure in accepting its truth now. The following experience of a Winston Salem man is confirmed after six years. E. O. Curtis, 918 Chestnut St.. Winston Salem, N. C, say: "I suffered a great deal from pains in the small of my back. My whole system seemed out of order. I lost flesh, couldn't sleep well and at times was nervous. My system was filled with uiic acid. Doan's Kidney Pills rid my system of uric acid and strengthened my kidneys. I now feel better in every way." (State ment given December 27th, 1907.) OVER SIX YEARS LATER, Mr. Curtis said: "Doan's Kidney Pill have done more for me than any other kidney medi cine I have ever taken. I still use them once in awhile." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kid ney Pills the same that Mr. Curtis had. Foster-Miiburn Co.. Props.. Buffalo. ;'N. Y- Another Case of Extreme?. Wonder what has become of our old iriend. Col. Hookworm, which thgrage last yearl Did FMi . . war 8cared.-hiin to death? Ex. Chamberlain's Tablets This is a medicine intended especially 44 r.. - .mo.H t rn) i li!fc Hi i i nnenpec anI pnn. ,.Jind with n.,,ih Kr. 'H cess and rapidly gaming m favor and l-opult.rity: Obtainable cvery,whcre. Oat Against Wilson. Worcester, Mass., Dispatch. A convention described as le presenting 6 organizations of German-Americans, with a member ship ol 20,000 in this State, today adopted a resolution "firmly op posing" the re election of President Wilson. The meeting was called by John Albrecht Wa!z, professor of Ger man literature at Harvard Univer sity and State chairman of the German National Alliance. The purpose was said to be largely to induce Americans of German de scent to take a more active iuterest in political affairs, and no perman ent organization was attempted. Announcement had been made previously that the gathering pro bably would indorse one of the candidates' for Governor at the state election next month, but it was decided not to take such a step. ' The resolution, w h ic h was adopted after considerable debate, follows: ' "Itesolved, That we American citizens, assembled at Worcester, do not desire as an organization to indorse any candidate for Gorver nor, but we believe in the clesiia bility of unitedly discussing the question of the gubernatorial can didales. We are, however, firmly opposed to the re election of Wood row Wilson as Presideut of the United States." 8EWARE of OINTMENTS for CATARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion o the country thau all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurables- For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local dis ease and prescribed local remecliee, aud by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional dis ease and therefore requires consti tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by P. J. Che uey& Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the ouly constitutional cure ou the mar ket. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a tea&poonful. I t acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send or cir culars and testimonials. Sold by Druggists, 75c. GHIGHE 750 SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND A TYTWC t . . n fnr rm.cnRR.TBRS DIAMOND BRAND PILLS In Red an6J Gold metallic boxes, sealed with BlueW Ribbon. Takb no other. BwT"; S torvgsM mni Mfe Tor CHI-CHES-TfiK 8 V DIAMOND BRAND PILI,B. for twenty-five " .a. a rise Safest Alronv Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME TRIJSD EVERYWHERE gggg. A o ml j Vr eHii -T!Ba11111 "i . It f,' t , -i ;n- Winston-Salem Pepsi-Cola, Bottling Company A VAN B. MELCHQRIanager. " i V : The Most Sanitary BottlingPlaht in NorthJCarolinai , JaLIML WHEN B L DOS? MAKES YOU SICK AND S Oodson's Urn Tone" U formless Ta Clean Year Sluggish Liver and Bowels. TTgh! Calomel makes you pick. It's horrible! Tako a Use of tlie clangorous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lo- a clay's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes nocro&is of the bone?. Calomel, when it conies into contact with pour bile crashes into it, breaking it U This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you arc fclug fdsh and "all knocked out," if your livtr is torni ami bowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or ttomach eour, ju?t tiy a Rj-onjiful of harmless Dodeon'e Liver Tone tonight ou my guarantee. Made in the old-fashioned dipping one at a A3 the Galvanizing is done after the shingles are completely stamped to shape, there are no exposed or cracked edges. The heavy coating means long life without attention. 8 For Sale by C C. SANF0RD SON'S ,1II.HIWMII m I, ,) ,11.111 1 .1 , , J,,.l. ... U I, L Fairbanks-Morse Oil Engines. Cotton Gins, Electric Lighting, or any power pur pose, delivering power cheaper than any other method. An engine with a reputation. Other types 1 to 200 horse power. The Anglo-American Mill Go's celebrated "midget" marvel roller mill, a self-contained flour mill, makes a better barrel of flour, cheaper. Sold on thirty days free trial. Made in sizes 12-25-50 and 75 barrels daily capacity. Complete mill equipment. For catalogs, prices, terms, etc., write, P.L. KIGER, East Bend, N. C. All Machinery Properly Installed. I At Founts or Car bonated In Bottleo 0 STOP ALIVATES Here's my guniante1 Go to any drug stnrp and git a 50 emit bottle of Dod son' Liver Tone. Tako a ppoonfid and if it d"esn't straighten you right uj and mate you foel thv and vigorous I "ant you to go bark to the store ami got your money. Dodson's Liver Tono is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medic i no; entirely vege table, thcrefoie it can not ealivate op make you bick. I guarantee that one spoonful of Dod pon'e Liver Tone will put your tluggifih liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your fiyetem and mak ing j-ou feel miserable, f guarantee that a bottle of Dodon's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. Tt i harmless; doesn't gripo find they like its pleasant taete. way, by hand time. f CO., Mocksvilie, N. C. Made in sizes 5 to 80 horse pow r, operates o n low grade oils. Easy t o start, runs smoothly, especial, ly suited for Flour Mills Corn Mills, 14- Ge Yows, ri Cola

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