2 - t VOLUMN XIX. ' . , iTi Ti f t . w i ; HERE SHALL THE PRESS, THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN? UNA WED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBrTbED BY GAIN." MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3. IS18. When The Heart Breaks. At her home near Sandy 7 Cross in Xash county Mrs. Bettie Barbee coD;niitted suicide by slashing her throat with a razor, dying almost instantly. The cause assigned for the rash act is that her only son lind heen drafted and was getting ready to answer the call. There are those who may criti cise this horrible act of self-des truction, who may point to the i thousands of other mothers who have given up their sons cheerful ly, and heap upon the head of this mother the opprobrium of cowar dice. But the world should not judge vith too threat a harshness the act of a frail mortal when committed under the stress of a load too great for her strength. Separation from an only son, from one who had been the main stay ot the family, one in whose ears the troubles ot everyday life were poured and iipon'whom an aging mother relied for life and happiness it is not hard to per ceive how that a lone mother, with nerves worn to tatters, might brood upon such separation, and in a moment of irresponsible horror, do that from which she would shirk in her right mind. To be left alone in tha world absolutely alone, when the snow of years is tinging the hair, and the cerve refuses to bear the shocks it once endured alone a helpless piece of driftwood thrown about by the relentless waves of fate it is not so strange after all that an uid mother's heart should break down under the load, and that the hand should accomplish that which the heart would revolt, against. It is bat one of those many trag edies which are borne in humble life all about us. This poor wo man nad not the sttength to live and surfer. Others. .". many thous ands of them, 'are making like sac r.nces and while they go about their duties and pass .in and out among friends, there is a gnawing at the heart strings which, is grie vous to bear. After all, it is the mothers who suffer the brunt of war's burdens. Over in France, and in Belgium, and in Serbia, and ioSyria there ate countless numbers of mothers, with brain numbed as this . poor NUMBER C3 womaL'sof the South was,; -with grief w hich is too deep for express ion, a haunting, devouring, never departing nightmare of sorrow over the exacting toil of war. And if one out of the large num ber should seek surcease in oblivr ion, surely it must be the part of charity to bow the head and pray to God to have pity upon' a storm -tossed soul. Charlotte Observer. If I Were a Farmer. :! h" I were a farmer I would keep at hand a few reliable medicines for minor ail ments that are not so serious as to re quire the attention uf a physician,' such as Chsmberlain's Colic and DiarrhoePem ly for bowel complaints. ' Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for e;"'ghs, colds and croup. t Chamberlain's Liniment for sprains! bruises and rheumatic pains. Chamberlain's Tablets for stomach trou pes, billiousness and constipation. ; Sy having these articles " at hand 11 would often save the trouble of a trip t0n in the busiest season or in the night, and would enable me to treat slight ail ments as soon as they appear, and there avoid the more serious diseases; that So often follow. r i Facing Two Ways. Standing by thePresidentSrould be sligj)tiy easier if it did Dot put 0,1e in the same class with s'enator 'wmshoe Bill Stone;--CIeJvelarid eves For Billions Troubles :' To Promote a healthy action' of ' the j!!,? a,ld crrect the disorders caused.5 - by Piousness, Chamberlain's Tablets ;are excellent. Try them and see how! q etick y they give you a relish for yourfoodl and -in that dull and stupid feeling. : . What Is Vagrancy. The nation today is faced with the facts that every class of people in this nation are needed not as idlers butas workers, as producers Greensboro, Salisbury and a number of towns have issued warn ings to the idler that he, or she, must go to woik or go to jail. The Sheriff of every county has the matter put squarely up to them by Food ' Administrator Henry A. Page; he states that the burden of enforcing JNorth Carolina's strin gent vagrancy law will be laid squarely oa their shoulders. It, however, is intimated that the co operation of the citizenship is re quired to make a clean sweep and put every man tp work. The stringent vagrancy laws o North Carolina are spoken of and neia as a lash above the heads of the would-be violators, but as a matter of fact what does our court record actually show as the result of those Lrought before the man dates of law, charged with vagran cyT How many have ever been convicted? The law is verv nlain. A. t a . .... "AiBin must have visible means of support for himself and those actually dependent upon him for support." Just to what extent the word "visible" is applicable sennas to be still in doubt, so far as the court is concerned. It is very much like one lawyer stated when speaking of getting drunk. He slated that no court had ever decided just what extent of, intoxication would land a man in the realm of drunk enness. The dividug line has never bee.n decided on. however, he stated that personally he con sidered a man drunk when he was down and began to j- rab the grass, thinking that he 'was about to' fall off. , It would seem that this should convict the intoxicated of being in a state of drunkenuess and as a matter of fact he is drunk, but take that case to our own courts, with all of their red tape, and law yers objections to this and that, and you could not convict him in a hundred years. The same rules seem to rule in the vagrancy mat ter. The laws, or the defending lawyers,4 take no cognizance of the fact that half the. world is needing food, our boys are going over the top and shedding.life's blood for everyone of us,, even the negro, or th white man that absolutely re fu8es"and is known not to work Over a few hours a week. Moral ly; there are many guilty, of va grancy, but to couvict thein is an; other question. . That we have a law thac will reach the idler is a joke, or rather it would seem this is the case. Public opinion can to a certain ex tent reach a certain class, but the man that willfully lay around without helping his country in this hour of need has no such thing as moral, or patriotic pride. He is below the depth of manliness, so far that an appeal to his pride would be like whispering for the devil to desert the Kaiser. About the best that can be done is to close up some of the loitering places and theu let the officers keep a personal check on just what amount of work U actually being done by those under suspicion and from time to time let the. court, de cide if the defendants are securing enough ;visibie income" to render the immune from the clutches of the law. It might be possible that after a time public opinion will prevail upon the court to adjust its views to the day, and render a decision that will prove a help in making others take up mora of the burdens cast upon us.-r-Srateaville Sentinel. ' Go Beycfnd The Limit. As much as it despises mob law, The Landmark hopes it will never be called on to help save from mob the fellow who kills a woman because she refuses him. Candid ly it is afraid it would allow tb mob to have its way. The de praved fool who. maddened be cause he. can't have the woman h wants ana refuses her the privi lege and right of choice which hp claims for himself, takes her life deserves no mercy. There is nevei any reasonable doubt that the fiend who violates a woman for cibly will get his. Therefore ih mob in his case is inexcusable. But the wretch who kills the wo man who refuses him, can pla the maddened lover and get bj with it, as did the Caldwell count boy who shot the little girl in 'tb back simply because she refused his attentions. The fellow" dowo at Selma who. shot the young wo man because of unrequited love, did tbe,proper thing when he kill ed himself, but hie should have done that first. The man who de cides that life isn't worth living if the lady of his fancy refuses him. can blow his brains out if nothing else will do, but when be decides that the woman shan't live he is going beyond the pale. The idea that a man who may take a fancj to a woman can force hiniself on her at the point of a gun, no mut ter how unwelcome his attentions may be to her, is going back to savagery, to the cave man. If The Landmark had to deal with thi sort it might not be strong enough to help to restrain a mob. Statee- ville Landmark. fee - i rri in mini n w,iiiuamiwnwwrw f n r in imiinnninifw hiimii .. ' " '' ' I j, 1 LUCKY PURCHASE OF 300 LADIES' TRIMMED g HATS AT HALF PRICE. j These Hats were secured at a big sacrifice on account of an express embargo to original shipDlnir & ara 9ffi TTo fc n-f w.K -. 1 : 1 mi- . . . " igu " ..v uaW U4 nuHlU uu lwu are tume, iney range in price from 00 to S7.50 V f They go on sale at no j o no A Full Line of Ladies' Ready-to -Wear Hats, Trimmed with Floral and Braided Effects. These are offered at the extremely low price of q3 o $1.48, $1 98, $2 98 0 Children's Best Gh-ade Spring Hats in white and black straws at Ladies' Black Mourning Hats, Special at $4 98 r 192 NEW SILK DRESSES FOR SPRING WEAR. A Matchless Selection to Select From Foulards, Taffetas. Crepe de Chines, Georgette and Beau ; tiful Silk Gingham Combinationg. Oa sale all the week at $9 95, $12 95, $14.95 ;r Another lot of Highgrade Siik Dresses in very stylish materials and designs at $10.98 to ?22 50 v Copen, Rose, Grey and Navy AlLSiik Poplin Dresse3 big Values at $5 95 f BIG GEORGETTE CREPE WAIST SALE. DOUBLY PROVEN. Whooping Cough. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to keep the cough loose and expectoration easy... It is excellent., Mocksville Readers Can No Lon '. ger Doubt the Evidence.' This grateful citizen testified long age. Told of quick relief of undoubted ben efit. The facts are now confirmed. Such testimony is complete the evi dence conclusive. It forms convincing proof of merit. Mrs. Reavis. 212 Seventh St., States- ville, N. C, says: "I was in bad shape' from pain across the small of my back and over my kidneys. I couldn't sleep well and in the morning, I felt all tired out. My kidneys didn't act right and I was nervous and dizzy. Doan's Kidnev Pills made me well" Over Three Years Later, Mrs. Reavis added. "I back up every word of my for mer endorsement.' Whenever my kidneys caused nie any trouble, a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills give me relief." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kid ney Pills the same that Mrs. Reavis has twice publicly recommended. Fester Milburn Co., Mfgrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. 2 ; 312 Georgette Grepe Waists in Flesh. White and Ro3e Colors, in lace trimmed, beaded - broidered effects. Over 200 of these are regular $5 00 waists. Special this week' $4,00 heavy Crepe de Chine Waists I Rose, Flesh, White and Yellow Crepe de Chine Waists, lace trimmed twacfc Silk waists at $ White Jap Silk Waists 98c. New shipment beautiful White Voile Waists at Blue and Rose Voile Waists with white organdie vest effect3 at and em- $2 98 $2 98 $1.98 $1 9S and $2 93 93c. and $1.9S $1 98 BIG SHOWING OF LONG COATS FOR SPRING. 83 all wool Velour artfl Poplin Long Coats in attractive models and th- latest models $14 95 Big lot to seiect from in mixtures and solid color Cheviot Long Cot n. $5.95 and $9 95 HiXtra values in biivertone spring (Joats jjt BIT! K-STEVENS COMPANY WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. Seventeen Department Stores Underbuy and Undfiiseil $29 50 5 & O & o The Dog Was a Witness. When Evan Morgan a LaGrange negro, purloined three hams atd three "middlings" from the barn of a colored neighbor on a reeetit night, he 'was accompanied by his shepherd dog. Morgan did not know the dog was present. ' When he left the barn he closed the door, as he had found it. Next morning the owner of the barn discovered the theft and jthedog. The dog ran straight home. Morgan came here Tuesday to -begin a six-months sentence imposed by Judge John Joyner. A shepherd dog does not usnally follow any one save its master. Kinston Frpft Press. . Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Yotir drngrgrist -will refund money if PAZO Kjii x iVi Jix i iaus xoenre eoycese oi Itchmgr, The first application gives lUse and Rest. SGc! Clean Sheets Or Nose. ( "We start with clean sheets or' we don't start at all. I conceive the Republican party's first duty to the nation is to place itself in? technical aud typical condition to make a harmonized, aggressive and , successful campaign in 1920. Thei Eepublican party must and shall! continue to be the one agency in I this country to applv to new con ditions the wisdom of experience and the efficacy ot honest, zealous service." Will H. Hays, Chair man Republican National Committee. It Depends. If a negro assaults a white man'n wife during the absence of her husband the said negio will be lynched within twenty four honn after the assault in some iustaim-.- but if a white niau assault u woman iu the absence of her bus ban:! he fiued tea dollars and the costs. Still we think it strange tha peoplHdo nor. have respect for our courts. Cttawba Count News. A woman in Chattanooga d,op- ped a full quart of real whiskey on the'pvemenrra few days since and the entire :lot was wasted. The occasion was so rare that the Chattanooga pipers made a top-liner news story of the occur- ance. (Jrowds are said to be yet congregating arqund the spot where the liquid was spilled just to get a faint "whiff" of. what is now only a memory to most ChattanoogaLS. Tha Guinina That Does Uot Affect tha Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the sienature of E. W. GROVE. 30c. The time is corains when fine costly plumage will be a badge of dishonor to the American, woman. Keep smiling, but quit this luxu rious living. Buy War Savings Stamps. $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this mper will be pleased to learn that there is at leastone dreaded disease that sci ence has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. HalFs Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity.. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a con efif n tin rial f raq fm on r. TTall'a fo tarrh Cure is taken internallv. act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation if the disease, and giving the ra- tient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprier tors have so much faith in its cura tive powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fa ils to cure. . Send for list of : testimonials. Address: F. J. CEENEY ca CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggist, 75c, Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System The Old Standard general 6trenptneninz tcnic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives OMt llalar ia.enrichcs the blood.and bui Ids up the sys tem. A true tonic. For edulta aud children. 60c The time has come when Iho ma- who is not wholcbe.utedljr io t'ie gotern ruent in every ncfiv isy to promote the cause ot the .il i; jn j.Vance is H,;aint it Let our oofiln nee lhat they tire not r-.nc.nl in the wrong caj by their obNcrvanc neighhotrt. Col. Uryau was very ,uuch eJ. barraased and displea?efj over th treatment accorded him by a Mon treal audience. Had te Col. ro nernbered the hi'h prire of egg- he would have remained all night iu the auditorium or mule that pt-erh Copper City Advance. SPRUCE UP A LITTLE. - ' ""' ' ' '"1LH T"' "' " After house cleaning don't put all of ths o!J furniture hick In the same old places. That makes life too monotonous. If you . can't afford a lot of new furniture, get a little. It Will be a great comfort and relief. But we are selling it so cheaply now a days that we think you can afford to get a whole lot. . It will be to your advantage to conae here and see what we have to offer in the way of new furnishings. Everything that the heart can crave or wish for in this iine is here for your In spection and approval. '. - HUNTLEY-HILL-STOCKTQN CO. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C r

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