''HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN; UNA WED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED 5Y GAIN." VOLUMN XXI. . MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 24, 1919. NUMBER 11 Am I My Brothers Keeper? 7 Manufacturers Record. Above all pIsh this country needs a nation wide revival of the old ioned prayer meeting leligion A religiou that makes men real ize that if there is a heaven, there must also of necessity he a Hell. A religion that makes a man realize that every act is recorded od his own conscience, and that thong that may slumber, it can never die - A religion that makes the em ployer understand that it he is un fair to his employes and pays them less than fair wages, measured by his ability and their efficiency and zeal he is a robber A leligion that makes an em ploye known that if he does not give full and efficient service, he too is a robber A religion that makes the farm, mer, who packs bad fiuit at the bottau and deceives the buyer by the good fruit'on the top, realize that he is a thief just as much as the one who robs a vhen roost at night A religion that makes a man' who robs a railroad ol its fare, or freight bill, know that he robs Liimelf of all right to feel that he isau honest man A religion that makes a man realize that by driving tod hard a bargain with his servant, his em ploye, or his merchant, he can be just a3 much a profiteer as the seller or producer who swindles by false weight, false packing or false charges A religion that will teach church members who fail to contribute to the extent of their ability 10 the support of religion, and that com pels theiu to recognize that if they are paying pastors less than a liv ing salary, theyare robbing God and man alike A religion that will make the laboring man, who by threats or by actual violence against the non union man, strives to keep out of employment, realize that he is at heart a murderer and is murder, ing the individuality, and the lib erty of his fellow man. and is dis playing hatred which, if it has the proper opportunity, will com mit physical murder. A religion that will make the politician who jields principle for the sake of party, who worships at the feet of any class and sells his eoul for political preferment know that he is not only a coward and a poltroon, and unworthy of the res pect of any decent man, but which will also make him see that he is helping to murder human liberty, as great a crime as murdering the individual man In short, we need a revival which will make every man aDd woman strive in every act of life to do that which, on the great Ju'igmet Day, they will wish they had done, as with soul uncovered, they stand before the Judgment; Seat of the Eternal. "Until the people of this nation accept and live this religion there will be strife where there should he peace, there will be lockouts aod murder where there, shou d be co-operation and harmony; there will he hatred where there should he friendship and love. Iu tlje Golden Rule, followed-in the tulUessof the spirit of this kiud of religion, there would be found a Solution fnr pvsrv hnninpnn double, there would be created I lnedship between employer and employee; capital and - labor work harmony and with efficiency, ef- ncieocy for the capital and efficien ?y for the labor, with profit to both. eiiKU,i, of this kind is not meas Jjlet by the hope of a Heaven hereafter, but by the full fruition ow of -Peace un earth" to men good will " ; " is not merely the chanting of I bhere or in the World to ltue. hnr it i ... . v 10 1U lue jecognuion and full application by rich and poor, by learned and unlearned, that each one is indeed his broth, er's keeper, and that we can bring this country and the world back to safety. A nation-wide acceptance of this, the only true religion in action vould bring business peace and world peace where there is uow turmoil, and men would theu cease to seek to gain their aims by law less acts of immorality, but would in spirit and in deed follow the Divine command, "All things whatsoever ye would that men do to you, do ye even so to them." Just What She Needed. "I used a bottle of Chamberlain's tab lets some time ago and they proved to be just what I needed," writes Mrs. Volta Bankson, Chillicothe, Mo. "They not only relieved me of indigestion but tolfed up my liver and rid me of backache and dizziness that I had been subject to for some time. They did me a world of good and I will always speak a good word for them." Then And Now. An uld citizen, speaking of the changes time nas brought about, said that in his younger days pure corn liquor sold for ten dollars a barrel and now this miserable pop skujl concoction known as liquor sells for away over ten dollars a quait. Aud then he said, "The difference between pure" corn juice and the liquor of today is as wide as is the difference between Green land's icy mountains and hell.''' Monroe Enquirer. Piles Cured in 6 to. 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. Instantly relieves Itcbing Piles, and you can get tfnl sleep after the first annUcatioxn. PJo . '. Minor Musings. Every one in a company of men may be his natural self, but let a woman come into the crowd aud every 6ne of them becomes an actor. Read What U. S. Department of Agri culture Says About What Two Rats Can Do. . According to government figures, two rats breeding coutinuaiiy for three years produce 339,709,482 individual rats. Act when Aou see the first rat, don't wait. RAT-SNAP is the surest, cleanest, most convenient exterminator. No mixing with other foods. Drys up after killing leaves no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Sold and guaranteed by Mooksviile Hardware Co. A Record of Three Months. Eeturned wounded from France, married, separated, arrested on a charge of non support and jailed, all in three months' time is the ex perience of Sergeant Freeman Hil bert, of Allentown, Pa., and a guardsman two years., ago. His marriage and separation took place in five days. "I Spend a $1.00 on Rat-Snap and Saved the Price of a Hog." James McGuire, famous Hog Raiser of New Jersey says, I advise every farmer troubled with rats to use RAT SNAP. Tried everything to get rid of rats. Spent $1 on RAT-SNAP. Figured rats it killed; saved the price of a hog." RAT-SNAP comes in cake fornv No mixing with other food. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Three sizes; 25c. 50c. $1-00 Sold and guaranteed by Mocksville Hardware Co. Practically no man wishes his son to follow the business in which the father is engaged and a good many sons are willing to let it go at that if the father can make enough money for both. HnbSttsal Constipation Cared hi 14 to 21 Days -IAX-FOS WITH PEFSIN" is a specially- S spared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual nstipation. It relieves promptly test should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates end Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take. 80s per bottle. The success this administration has had in keeping order in the immediately neighboring country of Mexico, encourages it to favor tne taking on ol a "-mandate" in Turkey. No Wornis in a Healthy Child All children troubled with worms have an un healthy, color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the Woo ,,P prove the digestion, and act as a rShZi ening Tonic to the whole m-: atZtn Z throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be la perfect health. Pleasant to take. 60c per bottle. The Czar of "Fhe Mails. By - this time the Democratic faithful have completely resigned themselves to Albert Sidney Bur leson aud their fate. Albert Sid ney has weathered all the storms waged against him by leaders in his own party, and is still holding the fort. All attempts to have the ollicial can attached to the postmasier general's tail have! proved unavailing. ' Albert has been sustained by the President through all the blasts that have RAILROAD MAN IS OUT WITH FACTS So Badly Rundown He Bad To Quit Work-Gains Twenty Pounds on Tanlac. "Tanlac has not only relieved me of a case of stomach that made me miserable for three or four years, but 1 have actually gained twenty pounds in weight besides," said Charles 0 Schwendel, of 3115 Viiet been concentrated against him. jMr Schwendel is night watchman in The Presidencies stood pat with the yards of the Chicago, Milwaukee Mr. Burleson figuring doubtless j& St Paul Railroad, and has lived that to remove hiui would be to jin Milwaukee all his life, concede the great weakness that I "Nothing 1 would eat agreed with had maintained Albert in office long. so j me," he continued, and the sight cr jsmojloffood would "nauseate me. !n:Lt n t i j i i And so the country must Iret aer eaung i wouta nave cer- along until the administration and Pains in my stomach. I would the cabinet change, before it will' b,at Up mf gaS SUff th . ... , pains around rry heart. At times be afforded relief from Albert Sid-, this gas would almost cut off my uey and his present alleged postal breath and would make rae so weak system. The experience will be jcould hardly stand and when I the more tryin, now that there would bend over to throw a switch is no wai to i lame things on, but I would pitch forward on my hands the time will pa98 quickly and so! and knees. I couldn't sleep more soon there will bo no more Bur-;tnantWO hours a day and just had ieson. than the reputed jack rab j1? force mvself to work- bjr , j 'l tried everything I heard of, t?.,io a;a .fi a ' but got no better. Then I laid off Burleson did .well during the , . , A . , . , . from work for some time trying to .even months that his chief was up Qne Qf my neighbors per. away, m demonstrating that he is suaded me to try Tanlac and it hag somewhatofa little ruler in his tmade me feel like a new man. Iam own kingdom. Numerous lead iug gating any and everything I want Democrats saw the handwriting 1 without the least trouble from it upon, the wsll aud sought the over- and I sleep like a log. I haven't had throw of tho mighty Burleson, but a pain or an ache of any kind and no such luck. While the executive wiu always have a good word to say was in Europe saving the world, fr Tanlac." Albert Hidnftv'' hmft- wn ph. i "Tanlac is sold by leading drug- " cists everywhere " trenched in his own mundane, mrnnmn.na & u v Cj rt i rarjiyj n.iN l spnere. . But; the man responsible for If you only do as much as you Burleson "-was moved not a whit ' are expected to do, some day you'll during all the attacks against the) do less than you expected To be postal chief. The President, be-;doiug. ing the little light of hop, never ! , . ' ' " " conc'ds a mistake, and henc he i namoenain s oiic ana uiarrnoea could never have been wron about j Remedy in Michigan. Albert. - J Mrs. A. H. Hall, Caseville. Mich., says. With ideas of a third term in a ; "I wish to thank you for your grand good section of bis mind, he has nothing : meQlcine-v'uamueriain 8 out: auu uiai' to say in response to those who ; .Q h anj , am guro u gaved ouf .1 -.t-i- . . xi. . wouiu see a capauia man at. me baby's life this summer. head of the postal system. Being infallible, the President cannot move Albert but will let him sthdc !and Diarrhoea Remedy for years and it has always given prompt relief. Mrs. Mary Carrinton, Caseville, Mich., says, "I have used Chamberlain's Colic it out, sinking with he old ship. For the sake "of those who be lieved that government ownership of the utilities could be practicable it is unfortunate that the system should have been tried out under Mr. Burleson, for there remains but little doubt tow, as to whether these utilities should revert to pri vate control. Hickory Mercury. THIN PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Says nothing like Argo-Phosphate to put on firm, solid, stay there flesh and muscle and increase strength, ' vim, vigor and uerve force. Physicians claim there is nothing that will increase weight, strength and endur ance like organic phosphate commonly known by druggists as argo-phosphate; it is inexpensive .and is sold by all leading druggists everywhere under a guarantee to give satisfaction or money refunded. Weakness and thinness are usually due to starved nervous conditions:' Our bodies need more phosphates than are contained in the foods we eat. If you wish a more rounded figure and iiump, well-developed arms, neck and bust in place of hollows you should simply take plain argo-phosphate as it builds up and restores run-down nervous conditions by phosphatizing the system. It trans forms the appearance and an increase in weight is often times quickly produced. The increase in weight also aids in im proving the general health. Sleeplessness, nervousness, lack of energy and ambition quickly disappear. Pale cheeks are changed to rosy ones and dull eyes become bright. Miss Lena Brown of Atlanta, Ga., who onlyweiflhed 90 pounds reports that she gained 10 pounds in rwo weeks time and says argo-phosphate has made a different person of her andshe has never felt bet ter' in herhfe. .-v- SPECIAL NOTICE: Owing to the fact that so many physicians and and drug gists are recommending argo-phosphate for relieving all nervous, worn-out debili tated conditions and the unusually large sale for argo phosphate there will be found in the market numerous substitutes for the genuine article. AH imitations are inferior preparations and owing to its un usual flesh eroducing qualities it should not be usdf , by any one unless they , de sire to pif onH flesh , and increase in weight Jorsale by Crawford's Drug store. Why be worried about small matters when. if you'll ouly wait, a little while a big one will come a long for you to worry overt The Quinine That Doss Not Affect the Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BSOMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and topic for the signature ci E. W. GK.OVE. 30c Modern men believe that both the women .and children have rights and some "modern" women admit that children have rights. Despondency. Sufferers from indigestion are apt to be come discouraged and feel that complete recovery is not to be hoped for. , Na one could make a greater mistake. Hundreds have been permanently cured by taking Chamberlain's Tablets and can now eat a ything that they crave. These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it " to perform its functions naturally. If you have not tried them do so a once. Mr. Tob acco Grower Bring us a load of your good tobacco 0 we want to show you that we are up on the job, and that you can get as good price here as on any market. We made good sales last week, and satisfied near ly everyone that soM with us. Come to see us and help boost this market, the world hates a knocker, besides it won't do yeu much good to knock your own com munity, as the best people know that a tobacco market here means much to the community in general, and the knocker hasn't a showing. It's our aim to give you a square deal in every way, and we want you to give us a share of your patronage. Sell. with the new Iredell Warehouse and help boost this market. McCormick & Childress, Prop., IREDELL WAREHOUSE. Statesville - - N. C wit-irZSrISJ ISiirLlr lriiitii-i -t- 'i "- '" WHY BEAT AROUND THE BUSH? You Do More Work, You are more ambitious and you get enjoyment out of everything when your blood is in good condition. Impurities in the blood have a very depressing effect on th system, causing weakness, laziness, nervousness and 'sickness. GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, 860 how it brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. GROVE'S TASTELESS ChUl TONlC is not a patent medicine, it is simpty j IRON and QUININE suspended in Syrup. So pleasant even children like it. Tta blood needs Quinine to Purify it and IRON i to Enrich it. Thesp reliable tonic prop erties never fail to drive out impurities in the blood. ,' The Strength-Creating Power of GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill TONIC has made it. Lbs favorite tonic in thousands of homes. More than thirty-five years ago, folks would ride a long distance to get GROVE'S TASTELESS Chill - TONIC ' when a member. of their family had Malaria or needed a body-building, strength-giving tonic. " The formula is just the same to day, and you can get it' fx on any drej store. ! 69c per bottle. . :. : This is not the only good men's store in the city--and we are not any more entitled to your business than the other felIow--if he's got the goods. We of course, think that our fall models are just a little more up tordateand that our values are. just a little more out of date than any other place in Wihston-Sa-lemjust like the proud Daddy of a 14-pound bouncer thinks his son is the brightest in , America. But when all has been said and done you've got to use your own judgment and compare style for style fabric for fabric and dollars worth ' for dol lar's worth-for it's your money and you are going to wear the clothes-and that's what we would do if we were in your place and that's what we wish you'd do HERE. NEW FALL SUITS $19.50 to $50.00 Boyles' Brothers Co., Trade Street Winston-Salem - N. C. X i R1 .1

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