5 -r- V 5 I HERE SHAU. THE PRESS, THE 'PEOPLE'S RIGHTS MAINTAIN, UNAWED BYINFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN." VJLUMN XXI MOCKSVUXE. NORTH CAR0I4NA. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. JANUARY 21, 1920. nr PI ' ft - . A g. re panot car of a Warning labor that all that it has . . prTOy Sa,nedn the past is in danger owW htde creature but so , shy iaS her to the actions of wJS every manner that a man blushed Red-minded, Black-hearted Ye 1 at his own audacity , he found him- low-streaked aeitators therm self gazing at her. She looked like Tm.rnf r j0"' the liim . J frnm another .,,!. ! 0UfnaI.Of Labor deP' the fol- f .. . . "6C "owing torceful language the sitn aen your granamotner ; was a ation that confronts the wage earn- j t, o--. :- -" wvcu ers or tne country: to ce ierainmc. xxer ciothes were 'Industrv will i t rtM.fal,?on w a A nduftry Wl11 no longer operate "l rt uc" n tne tace of Red Radicalism mreness that modern girlsdo not While it recognizes that fair wages iicnaiiv rarrv with thpm CV.v , ... T . Ti v -T, r muDepaid, it will no longer stand a book most of the time . When for unreasonable demands It will she worn t reading her qmet eyes no longer stand for violation of con- were panning tne scenery. Al- tracts entered into in good faith be- ,UUUfiU "? ? Pgers tween employer and employee It on the tram looked at the sweet- will not stand for unreasonable' agi faced girl often, there was; not tation. All of these the radicals man on the train so far as the girl have pressed too far. Industry was concerned. She simplydid not knows a way out. It is determined see them She did not foyer-look It is ready to shut down It is them with a haughty, stare. , They through dealing with the radicals or were just not there so fat as she any body which shows Red influence conld see. Her artlessness was some- Industry is not only ready and thing at which to marvel. - willing to shut down but is prepared She sat quietly m her chair, her to remain shut dm W ti, . . . . . I skihs ncauy lucicea ; about her months, six months, or longer ankles. And she read her book; or Many plants over the country have u. - already shut down. The selfish Paesengers wondered if this fra- radical, always a big talker but bad gile bit of innocence was traveling manager, who cares not for you, or far. The men passengers felt that your family is to blame. If you she should have some-man to shield follow him further you w'll help to her from the dangers off the world, bring on the hour when you will be The women decided that she was a without work or money. When novice on her way to some convent your savings are gone you can cret with all worldliness gone from' her in the free soup line or starve, for heart. There was none on that car, all the'radical cares. He can't feed either man or woman, who dared and clothe you, and industry does viuiaW luc Dcniy oi xne Darners not feel called upon to do so except that the girls maidenly reserve had when it is 'going' and you can give erected about he L it an an honest days rlciir return The train stopped on. some out- for honest wages, of-the-way sidetrack for a tiresome "This is a rule AN HONEST wait. For nearly an hour the train DAYS WORK FOR HONEST Mooatnere. 1 ne shy young trav- WAGES, eler did not lnsp Vi -"uu uone are ine aays ot iqi and ulttJ U1 icbuessness. one all of 1919. Gone are the days 4.1 sat in ner chair and read when a man could waste his em L ":: ' ployer's time agitating or listening Then a porter passed through the to agitators. Those days the Red uurne gin, languidly laying radical, by his insane demands, and aside her book looked up at the man constant agitation, has killed. They -uu apuKe, 1 nere was no anger, belong to the past now. Any one -v, uence m ner . voice, only who tries to make vou believe dif slight weariness. She said, ahd in ferently is as dishonest with you as - 4uiness ner sweet , voice- was has been the radical. He is not your pmiy auaible through: the! car, friend, nor is he the friend of labor. u . m Cne nen are we standing "But AI.L is not lost. It is not here for?' ' ' " yet too late to save that which is -yuung woman immediately JUST and FAIR. A full day's jumea ner shy silence and : main- work, with close attention to busi amed it to the end of the journey, ness, you must give in exchange me women passengers went, for your wages. The good wage home telling about the. "vampire" eood hours, and fair general con they saw 011 the train. StatesvilleLlifJc nriitMi ,r Ao I A A liftVliw 11 J W U A1U V N- 1 1 4 L4.1A A .. A 4 ' ! javvu ii jrvu. ctv,i. uj.wwijr .iivliu. Tl. 1 i I i u To th D T cmpiuyer is not going tu uc c iyspepuC , I unreasonable. He is not jroinff to NUMBER 28 Bryan Eliminates all Except Bryan. ; Even Josephus Daniels, his long time inend and supporter, has been blackballed by William Tennincs ryan in gliding over the list of ew Census is Expected to SKow 0?er 107,000,000. Enumerators lo the number of 85,000 began Friday to take the census of the United States. The presidential nossihilinc 0vi; 01 ine to a storv ouhli t,. xt.. takln& of this census, the fourteenth York Tribune, Republican. The l" he histofy of the nation, is ex Tribnnp rrrrfc f'K.- ht x, t.. tieF require only about two culled the Democratic list until . ' .Ut figUreS showmS the total there ?. -nmnfUit,, I population probably will not be pyrt f,- -d.. 1..- ,r , VttAlttUlc uatli ie ena ot April. jijraii miuseu ana ine 1 t1 . , New York newspaper regards Brv.n T uut " "Pea snow a O J rtrvnil am a1 1 as souarelv in the on o.. Ftiuu ui irora 107,000,000 to ... aa.i 121 , .rt ... that "panic has e,V .. as comparea with 93, r ww vuii v ci 3 u. liu us nn 1 . 1 Mr. Brvan rerentl fnnfc fi,Uii....... . Moo, 571. 294. cards will be col- --..x, lut amtic says in Dnei mat tftAt , , . , , the "peerless leader" 1 - 'ected by 372 supervisors and for I "THE STORES OF SATISFACTION." I Do You Know That Clothes Are Advancing? The estimated .on on -July i. iqio. was r s 1 ----- nearly all Democratic aspirants, one by one. Reaching Mr. Daniels, ' - . wno incidentally, recently said he was not a candidate, the Tribune story observes: T- r J A. 1 J . a . "iiucu tu ncauquarters, wnere 4,- 000 clerks will be engaged in the tabulation work. The fourteenth decennial census is the first to be taken during the winter months. While severe wea- tm, . I W1U gave was his opposition to the no- " ' 1 mmK .S0!e -f T - . . octuuus, me cnauge was maue in mination of Josephus Daniels, sec-1 j . . . rptar,rf, ' tC order that the enumeration might retary of the navy, and one of thek 1of .- most consistent and enthusiastic nrimare n( ciCcnon Rrv,mo a primaries of the summer season. liryan men in the country since t? t, ,' .o TOllatl- , , . For the first time, also, women have 1896, when Bryan made his first i a . t T . , . Deeii employed as supervisors. The presidential race. No issue being m-:'m ' u i , . , & maximum pay allowed by law is 4. apparent on which to veto Daniels. , . , . At . r cents a person, with a higher rate since the secretary follows Bryan cnr. e , A u. 1f : . y or farm land. Congress appropri- himself on all issues, including j r K F . . ' xutiuuiug ated 22.ooo.ooo for the work-. grape juice, the Commoner barred : ' , jr -r- ...... I tv-uaua ia&cil ill J7UU Mr. Daniels with the brief comment I i, j 4. that there is no necessUy fornomi- Washington, showed population of CLOTRtJ Every garment in our house at present prices repre sents a real value. This is not just alarming talk, but a statement based on real facts. Suits bought for Spring are running above 25 per cent in price over prices for Fall. You certainly make no mistake when you buy clothes at today's prices. Would you not like to feel that take advantage of your iieed for OUr Stomach trnnKW or- A.mr - . . that von ra M ZtL; i VJTJ work and Wages, but. you, ana you only, can save these for yourself. ' ' The Journal of labor then pro- you Can eat anir V-inA fA jnat you crave? Consider then the act that Chamberlain's Tablets we cured others why not .you. iflere are manv who have heen re- stored to health by taking these tawets and can now eat) any Jdnd Vl icod that they crave. H Boy, Page Anacias! aeven years ago a farmer Hying Jvest of this city hung his vest on a fence irf the barnyard. A calf chewed up a pocket in the garment 111 whlch was a standardvgold watch, ast week the animal,-a staid ;,old JiiUCtl cov, was butchered forbeef . and thf timepiece waslpiind insuch a position between the'lunes. of the cow that the respirationf-the clos- J"g m and the filling of .the lungs ept the stem-winder ound . up, and the watch had lost but - four, Minutes' in the seven years.- -Mason Clf. Igya, Globe. - Don't You ForseV It 4-: i Bear in mind that Chamberlain's) ""wis not only: move, jthe ltjowels Ico?611 the digestioi; ey ferment but strengthen ;;thd it e and enable it to perform inunctions naturally. : - ceeds to emphasize once more the absolute necessity for the eradication of the Reds from labor unions, ur ging every member of a union . to throw out the radicals and save themselves. Ho Great Act of Heroism Required If some great act of heroism was necessary to protect a child irom croup, no mother would hesitate to nrntert hef offstrmer. " but when it 1 1 r is only necessary to keep at hand a i 4.1.1 r ru t,i.,:.. rmirrU UUU1C Ui VllcllIlUCIlttlH O vuugu Remedy and give it as soon as the first indication of croup appears; there manv who neclect it. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is within the reach of all and is prompt ana effectual. . We doubt very much whether even Santa Claus could win on the Democratic ticket next year. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza . LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove the . ... i cause. There IS only one raomo wuuubc E. W. GROVE'S signature on box. 30c. ItS about time now for the wrap- . - i. 4- 1 pers on tne ennstmas cigars 10 uc gin crumbling. ''.",-V. natiug a man from the south TT t . -ri- xaeroert noover was not men tioned at these conferences, and ap parently the colonel did not take the boom for Vice President Mar snail seriously, since he was' no mentioned , either. The story says that Brvan elimi nated McAdoo because the latter is the President's son-in-law and is former cabinet member who would be vulnerable to most of the attacks which could be made on the ad ministration. Attorney - Genera Palmer is said to have been mildly objectea to "because he has not been working very hard" at bring ing down the cost of livincr and was out-generaled in the "big five" packers case. Bryan is said to have disaualified Senator Underwood because he was allied with the,' 'interests, ' ' partic ularly the liquor interests, and Sen ator Pomerene was blocklisted be cause he had been "wet." Greens boro News. P e pto - IVla n ga n Brings Bloom of Health Helps Restore Worn-Out, Thin- Blooded Men and Women to ' Health and Happiness. Physicians Recommend It Sold in Liquid and Tablet Form Both Possess Same Medicinal Value Insist on "Gude's" Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Restores vitality and energy by purifying and en riching the blood. You can soon feel its Strength lavtorating Effect." Prt- Most every case of a sallow com plexion and a languid feeling: is raceable to watery, impoverished blood deficient in oxygen-carrying red blood cells. depends on the blood for its nourish- ment ana strengtn it is reaaily un derstood why thin-blooded people always feelworn-oUt and run-down. And iris equally plain that to restore the vigor of rugged health, the blood should be supplied with the needed qualities to enable it to build up the system. Gude's Pepto-Mangan accomp lishes this very result. In a short time the beneficial results are clear ly manifesti The cheeks fill out and regain the bloom of health, the eyes sparKie, ine step regains its elasticity, the whole system is filled .with greater vitality. Gude's Pepto-Mangan is a safe, beneficial and oleasant tonic. Aerees x with the most delicate stomach, and is obtainable in either liquid or tablet forma t V ' Be sure the. name "Gude's" is on the package w-hen you buy Ppto Mangan. - Ask the druggist: for 'Gude's." If "Gude's" is not on the package it. is not Pepto-Mangan. the new republic to be 3,000,000. Our Declaration of Independence Was declared because of the tyr anny of the King of Great Britain. In it we find that . our fore-fatlier! charged him with the following: ne erectea a multitude ot new offices, and sent swarms of officers to harass our people and eat out their substance. "He kept among us, in time of peace, standing armies without the consent of our legislature. He has combined ' with others to subject us to a jurisdiction for eign to our constitution." it the above was wrong then, it is now. Do we see anything like this now, or tending in that way? If so, who is responsible, the King of Great Britain, or some .other king? Times-Mercury. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT falls tflniralfphlni) K nil KIm ntfnrPmtailtiiPl .a Instantly relieves Itching Piles, and you can get nWn Ptt th first annllraitlrtn. lKtn n Europe Willing. According to Senator Brandegee of Connecticut none need lose a moment's sleep over the question of the European nations not accepting the League of Nations with the reservations proposed by the Repu blicans. Senator Brandetree be- leves that Europe will accept the Americanized pact if given the chance. ' The Best Cough Medicine. . When a drugoist finds that his cus tomers all speak well of a certain preparation, ne lonns a good opin ion of it and when in need of such a medicine is almost certain to use it him elf and in his familyT This is why so many druggists urge and recommend Chamberlain's Cough K,eniedy. J: B. Jones, a well known druggist of Cubrun, Ky., sa3s, "I have used. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy in my family for the past seven years, and I have fouud it to be the best cough medicine I have ever known." TWO BIG STORES : STATESV1LLE CLOTHING CO., AND CROWELL CLOTHING CO. 9 At The Side Show, A Common Conclusion. The 9th.North Carolina Congres sional District, where, on a full vote the usual Democratic majorily of 4,000 or more is cut to 1,100, : fur hishes further evidence of the just ness of White Hchise appraisals of public opinion. Kentucky, Okla homa and now. North Carolina all point to a common conclusion. N. Y. Tribune. You don't mind paying 25c. for a photograph of the wild man of Bor neo even though he was born and raised in Boston. It's all right to be '-taken in" when you are expecting it but not pleasant to be "taken over" by surprise. The men and young men who be lieve they can buy a $50 suit or o vercoat for $32.50 in a January Clothing Sale are going to experi ence how it feels to be caught with their guard ciown. They are, if they buy, going to pay all the clothes are worth and the sale is going to make enough profit to pay for its sign and its barker. OUR NO SALE POLICY protects you against disappointment and dissatisfaction. Here you pay one fair price no matter when you buy and get the full worth of your money no matter what you pay. The Quinine That Does Not Affect the toad Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor rinzingr in head. Remember the full name and look lor the signature of &. W. G&OV& 30c "IT PAYS TO PAY CASH." Bo yles Brothers Comp' y "SAVE THE DIFFERENCE." Trade St, Winston-Salem, N. C. t ! ; ?! -1 r

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