p 57 77nI 7f. ELIHKn EVERY THURSDAY AT MORGANTON, 'THE BEST TOWN IN NORTH CAROLINA" SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE MORGANTON, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1917 No. 16 '. st Period Count Was r Jlade Last mursaay I J Maini,. t.arrison Won the Two f ,!ir tr Having the Most Votes u!M!P,lons 5Iiss Winnie I i!..- 0:-e Hollar for the Most Si ' " . ;rih..ni-' ,,i,i,,n o,es- i I , I S TILL NOV. 30TII I , 'ri- l,,r Merchants Coupons IVt liino lo liegin . it; .iv.ijv night at S o'clock, t-ri : Aa :,h!:iiiMt1. the last period i .....I Mi- It P Oiivi iml ill i!tri - " - If X. ll.i!il'irtin acted as judges V AiUJ. the fount. c t t'nV Camsoii was awarded i-tt.i .i,. .i n - u-r having the largest ;i,.r sm.iii the one dollar prize Ls.' - m,,sl merchants cou v.,t,. Mr. C. A. Khyne is mak lv t .-c-coiid in subscriptions r '$.? Mr J 1- -vtt is following close. l-i-l i-Liur candidates have madt i :.r aa.t aiv likely to come up 3:.r: .ir. ";th a big gain. 1 jmiidatrs Are Working. :i t!:r laiuiidatt-s are doing some . i ik lVr the past few days, and vtrrd ur' ii!i inations have been l-MMt- last week. The best time :.itrMrr is and before another ;sf it is expected that sev- 4 Lht-r viil be added to the list. Aj vvh." enter within the next few jj. .i ll m.ui.I a chance in our next .r K.ul-'ii- votes will be given on M!t.si-rirti'i!s turned in by the j. ,Liv ci this month, Nov 30th. 'r 1- th- t't-st time of the whole ii. .-ik. as me scaie 01 voies I i!r after the next period closes :j"th. it all for .Merchants Coupons. uie lo call for merchants cou- t vvht-p. vnu trade at the stores that :!t giving iLem away. Tell your ::t:.ii in fur them and turn them ti. you as that will help you to i ihc Lig prize. jVr are eoing to give a cash prize .he one turning in the largest num- of merchants' coupons by Fri 4 Nuv. oOth. cr folio lag is a list of the mer-.-f:its who arc giving vote coupons, i. nn them: J R. Taylor, groceries. I Davis v Son, dry goods and I'lurainon Motor Co., all kinds au ' t.i.blk- repairs and tires. ' r- lais it Sons, department !.b!er Ltru Co., medicines, toilet ties and school books. x'i. dry goods, shoes and cloth- J'V. H. liibbs, feed and groceries. jKirksy & Company, hardware and future. f The Candidates Stand to Date I Morsranton. N. C. 'I .Mamie Carrison 08,900 J L links 41,000 Jt Reach 6,150 fs K"se Davis 1,000 itett.,- .MeCalliard 1,000 s Ifr-ne t:.,man 1,000 Ava Uallman 1,000 Latietta Bridgers 1,000 Ti w . - i.. n Bristol J 000 A. C Swofford 1,000 "ItittMKT 1,000 Koute 1, Alorganton. IS. C. : Mary Williams 24,650 js AuiJh Bowman 1.000 ' Iter Epley 1,000 A. Buff 1,000 Route 2. Woreanton. N. C. f -3 -Mimie Holler 1,000 f fjule 3, Morganton, X. C. ? ss Winnie Smith 2.V100 t ' C C Hensley 1,000 I f Houte 4, Morganton, N. C. El" D r .. v tiitener 1,000 Iff Rrt"te 5, Morganton, N. C. i ; Nott 4300 Lackey 1,000 Urexel, N. C. -a. Khyne 45,300 'anK tserry 1,000 l'Ute J Ilirknrtr T.r 1. j i if II' . . - . I " .Johnson .' 1.000 den Alpine, JSf. C. ,uh Ktts 1,000 -ry River, N. C. j'f ( ,fit Hallman 1,000 Hutherford College, N. C. ll.l-V U IT-., Wilson 1.000 Connelly Springs. N. C. h. " " Alexander 1.000 A. L. Harbinson, R. 3 1,000 fc"dgewatr, N C U. Epley, 1,000 Hildebran, N. C. tzer 1 ,...1,000 h so WHAT IS HAPPENING IN RUSSIA IS DARK MYSTERY So Far as Official Washington Goes Not a Cable From Ambassador Francis For a Week Washington, Nov. 17. What is hap pening in Petrograd? If officials of the United States government knew, it would relieve them of much worry and help decide the questions of poli cy toward Russia. Not a cablegram has come . from Ambassador Francis for a whole week. Rarely has an American embassy been cut off from communication with the department of state for that length of time since the European war began. Although press dispatches say Ker-t-nsky is in control of Petrograd, this is doubted. If he were in the capital again the feeling prevails here that he would not hesitate to send a word of greeting to the outside world. Tel egraph .and telephone lines would again be in his possession. Bolsbeviki Still in Control. The department of state has had to content itself wjth fragmentary infor mation from countries contiguous to thissia. The American minister at Stock holm, the nearest point with which the American government now has com munication, cabled under date of No vember 14 that the Uolsheviki were still in control of Petrograd, that lighting was in progress in the streets and that communication with the out side was frequently interrupted. In the meantime, everybody in Washington sympathizes with the score or more of Russian officials at- ached to the embassy here who do not inow from one day to the other what .overnment they represent or Whether heir tenure is suddenlv to terminate. Notwithstanding the apparent mis- akes that Kerensky has made, effici- feeling seems to be on his side. The United States government proceeds still on the theory that he is at the head of the Russian government, and ' he hope is that he will be able to establish his power in Petrograd once more. But, strictly speaking, war plans are based on the assumption :hat no help can be expected .from Russia. Russia is a Burden. Instead of an aid Russia is a con siderable burden. But the United States government would be interest- Hi in stimulating democsacy in Russia .vhether the rest of the world was at ,var or at peace. Even though peace ,vere to come between Germany and the entente, the traditional policy of '.he United States would be to extend noral and physical support to the new opublic. Yet there is no denying that the re erses in Italy as was the chaos in '.ussia have compelled officials in Washington, to recognize that only by edoubled efforts can the decision of he whole war be brought about on the western front. For months the im pression has prevailed outside the na tional capital that peace was near at hand and that America's participation in the war would be short lived be cause of the exhaustion of the belli gerents. This is not the case among veil-informed officials. In fact, in the ast two weeks opinion reaching here 'rom all parts of the country tends to ;howr that people are beginning to un derstand that war may be prolonged it least another year and a half if not ihree years. Certainly official Wash ington gives every impression of a 'hree-years war. ' Reports from reliable sources as to Germany's food situation indicate that the central powers have had success .vith their potato and grain crops, and '.hat millions of Russian prisoners now i demented by thousends of Italians have been put to work on the farms. The American embargo has not yet had time to affect Germany. But the central powers, at last reports, are not tarving, though they lack raw mater als necessary to make munitions and torpedoes. The embarga on these com modities, however, will not make Ger many feel the pinch fir another six .months. Justification A former- Berlin correspondent was talking about Admiral Hollweg's book on justification of the submarine war. "The Germans, with their queer, blind souls, can justify anything anything, I mean, that they do them selves," he said "The Germans are like the lady who had a costly string of pearls" sent home. "You ought to be ashamed to buy those pearls," said her husband, bit terly, "considering how I'm situated. "Why George," said she, "that's just it. Do you want everybody to know what a hole you're in." Se lected. AMERICANS IN MONTREAL Montreal, Nov. 19. For the first time in the history, of the present generation, if not since the declara tion of independence, armed American treeps are in MontreaL They will participate in the victory loan parade today. BRITISH MAKE ANOTHER BREAK THROUGH LINE Fighting is Progressing on the Whole Front Between St. Quentin and the Scarpe River Attack Was Begun Tuesday Without Artillery Prepa ration, the Germans Being Taken Completely by Surprise. London, Nov. 21. The Hindenburg line has been broken to a depth of four to five miles, the waroffiee an nounces. British troops stormed the first sys tem of the Hindenburg line defenses on the whole front between St. Quen tin and the Scrape river. ' (From St. Quentin to the Scrape is 32 miles.) The British infantry and tanJft pressed on and captured the second system of defenses, over a mile be yond. The attack was begun yesterday by the third army. There was no artil lery preparations and the Germans were taken completely by surprise. Several thousand prisoners have been taken. The British also fought their way through Cullet wood. Lieutenant General Sir Julian Byng is in command of the attacking army. The whole German line west of the Canal Du Nord to the Bapaume-Cam-brai road has been captured. The announcement follows: "Yesterday morning, the third ar may, under command of General The Honorable Sir Julian Byng, delivered a number of attacks between St. Quentin and the river Scarpe. These attacks were carried out without pre vious artillery preparation, and in each case the enemy was completely surprised. "Our troops have broken into the enemy's positions to a depth of be tween four and five miles on a wide .'ront, and have captured several ihousand prisoners with a. number of runs. Our operations are continu ing. ' "At the hour of assault on the prin cipal front of attack, a large number of tanks moved forward in advance of the infantry and broke through suc cessive belts of German wire which were of gteat depth and strength." THANKSGIVING PROCLAMATION Governor Bickett Issues Call to Peo ple of North Carolina Raleigh, Nov. 17. Governor Bick ett has issued the following proclama tion: "Salvation comes through vcridne. "He who would truly save his life must be ever ready to lose it. "The man or the nation that prizes breath above honor, and riches above righteousness is dust already, and can never hope to put on immortality.' "In the Providence of God the world is today engaged in blood-red debate to determine whether governments shall henceforth be guided by the love of justice or by lust for self and pow er. "Not in rashness nor in anger, but thoughtfully, in the fear of God, and out of respect for its own conscience this nation has consecrated its unlim ited resources and its unconquerable spirit to the maintenance' of govern ments that will guarantee fair treat ment to every man and eveTy nation. Ut is cause for universal Thanks giving that in the most awful and most august hour of human history the conscience of our people triumph ed over the counsel of selfishness and fear. "This is the blessing "of the year. "Now, therefore, I, Thomas, Walter Bickett, Governor of the State of North Carolina, in obedience to the sacred custom of our fathers, and in accord with the proclamation of the President of the United States, do hereby set apart Thursday, the 29th day of November, one thousand, nine hundred and seventeen, as a day for universal Thanksgiving. "And I do call upon the people of North Carolina to assemble on that day in their places of worship, and with humble and contrite hearts give thanks to the Lord of Hosts ajid the Harvest for His omniscient care. "And let us remember in helpful ways the widow and th,.orphan and all who, walk in the shadow. of advers ity. . "And let us pray unceasingly that He who rides the whirlwind and di rects the storm, may crown our forces on sea and land with everlasting vic tory, and that war may come no more upon the earth. "Done in our city of Raleigh, on this the eighteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, and in the one hundred and forty-secdnd year of our American Independence. . (Great Seal.) "T. W. . BICKETT, "Governor. "By the Governor: "SANTFORD MARTIN, "Private Secretary." Stockyard figures gathered by the Food Administration show that 73.3 per cent of "the calves slaughtered at nine large packing points in thos country during the first nine months of this year were males. - M. E. CONFERENCE MEET AT MONROE NEXT YEAR Appointments Read By Bishop Atkins Asheville, Nov. 19. With the selec tion of Monroe as a meeting place for next year, and the reading of appoint ments for the coming year by Bishop Atkins, the Western North Carolina Methodist conference came to a close today, after on of the best sessions in the history of the conference, ac cording to ministers attending. While Monroe was selected for the meeting place next year, Greensboro served notice that it would make a bid for the 1919 conference. Bishop Atkins preceded the reading of appointments with a short talk, in which he stressed the importance of the work of a Methodist preacher, and told of his own work in the church. Plans were put in motion looking toward the self-entertainment of the conference, a committee being ap pointed to look into this question and report to the conference next year. The final session of the conference was attended by a crowd that filled the big Central Methodist church to its utmost capacity. The principal inter est, of course, was in the appoint ments, which were read just before adjournment. The appointments next year for Morganton and Shelby Districts ai'e as follows: Morganton District. Parker Holmes, presiding elder; Bakersville, M. G. Erwin; Bald Creek, John S. Mitchell, supply; Broad River, D. S. Richardson; Burnsville, A. C. Swafford; Mill Spring, J. M. Barber; S. P. Mauldin, junior preacher; Cliff side, N. JVI. Modlin; Connelly Springs, B. Wilson; Enola, M. W. Heckard, supply; Forest City, W. T. Albright; Henrietta and Caroleen, M. B. Clegg; Marion Station, J. R. Scroggs; Marion circuit, M. W. Mann; Marion Mills, E. L. Kirk; McDowell, J. A. Fry; Micaville, E. O. Smithdeal; Morganton station, E. E. Williamson; Morganton circuit, A. J. Burrus; Old Fort, R. F. Mock; Rutherfordton, T. C. Jordan; Spring-dale, J. B. Carpenter; Spruce Pine, J. P.. Morris; Table Rock, J. B. Tabor; Thermal City, C. C. Totherow, supply; professor in Rutherford col lege, J. R. Walker; student at Trinity college, T. F. Higgins; professor in Rutherford college, W. T. Usry. Shelby District. John F. Kirk, presiding elder. Belmont, A. P. Ratledge; Belwood, D W. Brown, L. E. Stacy and H. G. Stamey; supernumeraries; Bessemer Concord, J. D. Rankin; Cherryville, J. F. Moser; Crouse, D. P. Waters; Dallas-High Shoals, R. A. Taylor; Gas tonii', East End, A. Burgess; Frank lin Avenue and West End, E. P. Sta bler; Main Street, H. H. Jordan; Fred II. Price, junior preacher; Kings Mountain-El Bethel, R. A. Swaringen; Lincolnton station, W. F. Womble; Lincolnton circuit, J. P. Davis; Lowell Bethesda, J. W. Kennedy; Lowesville, J. A. Sharpe; McAdenville. A. R. Bell; Mount Holly, J. S. Hia i; Polk ville, C. R. Canipe; Rock Springs,. W. B. Shinn; Shelby, Central, C. AWood-;. Shelby circuit, N, C. Williams; South Fork, T. A. Plyler; Stanley-Iron sta tion, L. L. Smith; secretary of educa tion, II. H. Jordan. HEAVY TRANSFER FROM THE RUSSIAN FRONT Geramny Taking Advantage of Rus sia's Condition to Transfer Troops Copenhagen, Nov. 20. Reports from several sources in Germany bear out the assumption that taking advantage of the situation in Russia, the Ger man government is making heavy transfers of troops from the Russian front. Only part of them appear to be going to Italy, where the front is too narrow to permit of the use of great masses, and a blow by von Hin denburg at some other point, in the way of a diversion, " may perhaps be expected. Some troops are reported to have been moved to the western front, but this is not necessarily signilcant, as Field Marshal Haig's pounding tactics necessitate frequent reliefs for ex hausted German divisions. German newspapers discuss with suspicious frankness and activity the prospect of an ocensive on the Salon iki front, but have never a word to say about the obvious chance of a smashing blow at Rumania in an ef fort to end the resistance of that na tion. . As for Italy, if the Austrians and Germans find the reinforced Italian army too hard a nut to attempt to crack, the central powers can easily and quickly change to the defensive on a strong line for the purpose of seeking to force a decision on some other selected front with the bulk of their strategic reserve. Reports Great Movement London, Nov. 20. A telegram from Maestricht, Holland, to Amsterdam, as forwarded by the Central News re ports a great movement of troops with artillery on all roads leading to the Flanders front. These troops evi dently are from the Russian front, the dispatch, says. . " Enthusiasm is to a man what steam is to a locomotive. ITALY'S LINE HOLDING ENEMY Austro-German Attacks Are Flung Back by Army Along the Piave Rome, Nov. 18. Italy's line is hold ing. Her doughty troops have flung back enemy attacks and at one point where the Austro-Germans succeeded in crossing the Piave river have fore ed them back, broken and bleeding. The official statement yesterday brought quiet rejoicing in the capital last night. Italy knows great forces of men and guns from her allies are on the Way to supplement her own efforts. Some British artillerymen have already gotten into action. On the Adriatic coast, British mon itors are likewise co-operating with Italian naval vessels in bombarding enemy positions around Vecchia. With the present Piave river line holding, these reinforcemnts in men and guns soon to be in action will turn the tide completely against the Teutons, ac cording to the public's belief. But the exploit of the Italian forces which aroused the greatest joy here was the war office official announce ment that between Salettuol and San te Andrea di Barbarano- the enemy yesterday at dawn had forced a cross ing of the Piave, only to be driven back later. The enmy suffered terri bly from the furious Italian attacks. (Sante Andrea is about three miles north of the Zenson loop, about mid way in the Piave river line. It is on the main highway to Treviso.) The war office also asserted the en emy's zone of occupation in the Zenson loop of the Piave "was being more and more restricted." Violent fight ing is in progress here the Austro German forces battling desperately to keep their precarious foothold on the far side of the river. Great speculation was aroused here tonight by the possibility of a sea battle in the Adriatic. The war office, in paying tribute to the work of the Italian navy on the right wing of the army ashore, mentioned that naval seaplanes and shore batteries had re pulsed "five nemy destroyers before Cortellazzo." (Cortellazzo is located almost at the mouth of the Piave river in the Adriatic.) Italian naval forces are ftnown to be in this section. During the rer treat to the Piave river line the war office announced tonight vessels had landed sailors who greatly assisted the retirement of the army to prepar ed positions. The unquenchable spirit of the Ital ian populace under the adversity of the German invasion was aptly illus trated tonight in a letter circulated here. It was written by Crown Pros ecutor Pezzatti ofUdine, now in ene my hands. - "If it is necessary," Pezzatti declar ed, "we will destroy the river banks nd inundate the Venetian plains. "Though we see the land, of our fathers and our own hearths and home disappear, still we cry 'Vivi Italia.' " SEVENTEEN ADDED TO TOLL Admiral Sims Reports 17 Additional " -Peaths on Steamr Rochester Washington, Nov. 17. Seventeen additional deaths on the torpedoed American stealer Rochester were re ported by Admiral Sims oday. Tlw killing of the crew'" riembers by the explosion was previously reported. Ernest II. Gragg, of the mival guard, perished in an open lifeboat wifch throe membrs of the ship's crew before they c lid make shore. - One crew iMtT.ber was lost at senV Twelve persons in the second offi cers' boat are missing and undoubted ly lost, including five gunners. The Rochester was sunk Novem ber 2. Today's announcement follows "Dispatches received from Admiral Sims today state that Ernest H. Gragg, seaman of the naval armed guard and three of thex ship's crew who left the Rochester in an open boat when that vessel was sunk by a Ger man submarine, died before the boat reached shor.e "One member of the crew was lost at sea. The chief officer and third of ficer of the ship and Stephen J. Sta vish and Joseph P. Hoff, seamen of the armed guard, were landed safely. Gragg was buried in Ierland. He en listed at Houston, Texas, February 20, 1917 and gave as his text of kin, moth er, Mrs. Cora Gragg, 515 Gregg St., Corpus Christi, Texas. "The second officers' boat in which were 12 persons has not been found and it is believed to have been lost." The Spirit That Needed G. Bernard Shaw, the Irish play wright, said recently in London that nobody but an idiot could imagine that the socialists would be allowed to have any say in the peace negoti ations which will end the' world war. "If Shaw is right," said a labor leader, "it's a bad thing for the world, and so I hope he's wrong. "I hope the peace negotiations will create among the nations the spirit embodied in a saying which an old grandmother used to quote in my childhood, namely "If you want a neighbor, be one." Selected, ' PEOPLE STILL AROUSED OVER PRISONERS' FARE Asked to Sign Pledge Hot Springs . Women Refer to Those Costly German Menus at Camp Asheville, Nov. 18. Vashington may send out statements to the effect that the Germans at Hot Springs are given only "plain, substantial food," but "plain, substantial food" served at Hot Springs is entirely different from the American definition of those words, according to E. F, Portwood, engi neer on the Knoxville division of the Southern, whose engine handles con siderable of the food that reaches the Germans. Mr. Portwood says that he handles choice cuts of beef, pork, lamb chops, all kinds of fresh vegetables, every variety of the finest . canned goods, including meats, fish, etc., and every thing fine that the market affords. Much of this food is handled in thou sand pound lots or larger, he says, and if that is "plain, substantial food," the general classes of the American neo- ple today have never eaten that varie ty of food. Mr. Portwood says further that the sight of all this superfine food, sent in to the German camp, has aroused the mountaineers, who are unable to afford anything even approximating the German menu, to a state of sul len revolt. They are against every thing that tends to give the Germans better than anything that Americans riave, and their wives openly sneer when asked to sign food pledge cards Many Good Beef Animals Coming to North Carolina. West Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 19. That Tar Heel farmers are realizing the value of good pure-bred animals to head their herds can be seen in the fact that over 200 registered pure breds have been brought into the State during the past year. The field work of the Agricultural Extension Service with beef cattle has been rather a dis couraging feature of the work until the present year, but with the contin ued efforts of the past years are now beginning to bear fruit, and many farmers who would not buy an animal costing over $75 are now heading their herds with animals costing from $150 to $300. In fact, the latter price is now beginning to be not an unusual thing in Western NorthrCarolina. To satisfy the demand for good beef stock, five sales have been held in the State during the past year. Two of these were held at the Live-stock meeting in Winston-Salem, one being a Hereford sale of 20 animals, and the other a Shorthorn sale of 30 animals. Another sale of 20 pure-bred Aberdeen-Angus was held later at Salis bury, while 21 pure-bred Shorthorns were sold still later' at West Jefferson at public auction. The latest sale was held at Clyde, on October 23, when 22 pure-bred Shorthorns were disposed of. A sixth sale of 25 pure-bred Hereford cattle will be held at Salis bury on November 30. , In addition to these sales, one of the beef cattle field men attended a sale at" Bristol, Tenn., and another at Knoxville, Tenn., where he purchased 2G head of pure-bred Hereford and Shorthorn cattle for farmers in North Carolina. He also attended a sale in Atlanta where four other Ilerefords were bought. All of which goes to show that beef cattle men in the State are awakening to the fact that good pure breds are' most economical in the long run. In fact,, the State has never experienced as much interest in beef rjattle as at the present time. m SETTLE THE SCANDALS IN A FEARLESS MANNER This Must Be the First Task of the New French Ministry If It Succeeds Paris, Nov. 17. The London Times corresdondent after . emphasizing the fact that Premier Painleve's resigna tion was due to internal scandals and not .alterer by the conference matter, proceeds: "This is the first occasion since the war chamber has assumed the responsibility of inflicting open de feat of the govrnment, but in spite of this fact it is more than usually dif ficult to foresee to whom President Poincare will entrust the task of form ing a new government. Today Presi dent Poincare received Bourgeois, Harthou, Doumer, and Peret. This afternoon he will receive Clemenceau, Viviani, Briand and Ribot. More than-one writer comments up on the irony of the event which came the day afte"r, Lloyd George's procla mation setting forth the necessity of ( losing the ranks of the alliance and which has brought a ministerial crisis of unusual gravity to . France. Since ' the beginning' of the war France has had five ministries,- three of which have come to grief in the course of 1917. How, it is asked, can continui ty of effort and firmness in the lead ing of any inter-allied council be pos sible if the French representatives are charged every three months. Much ' instability in French politics in recent months has been directly due to the ramification and effects of Boloism. There is wide divergence Of opinion in the great serious mass of the public which only concerns itself with, poli tics when forced to do so. The first task of the new govern ment must be to settle the various scandals in fearless manner and with out delay. It is for that reason that so much has been heard recently of ' the possibility of a Clemenceau minis try. Capus admits, in the. Figaro this -norning, that there will be many risks in such a solution, arising mainly out of the systematic hostility of, the so ' ials, syndicalists and a large portion of the radical socialists. Whether it be Borthou Clemenceau Viviani or Briand, he will, the Temps points out tonight, have to realize that the country has put up so long at much sacrifice, and supported as a conse quence so many mistakes, and has ben so used by politicians, that now it intends to be served by them. It :s saturated with promises and rhe ' oric and calls for fact and action. WOOD SUPPLY TO AID COAL SHORTAGE Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 19 Thousands of dollars spent for coal in North Car olina could be saved and farm wood- . lots could be improved at the same time if the farmers of North Caro lina would supplement with wood the . coal used for various purposes, ac cording to information furnished by the Agricultural Extension Service of the College and Department of Agri- culture. In many of the woodlots there is considerable waste fire wood, dead, trees, and different kinds of other un derbrush that we might call "weed" trees which could be used for fire wood; and when two ponds of sea soned wood is approximately "equal to one pound of coal in heating value, this would mean a considerable sav ing in coal Quite a few citizens in the Statehave already taken notice of this act by establishing municipal woodwards and otherwise encouraging selling and buying of this com- lity. The Ohio experiment Station has and that a cord of hickory, oak, ech, birch, cherry, hard maple, ash, m, or locust is equal in' fuel value a ton of coal. The same beat val exists in a cord and a half of syc- nore, sole mapie, nemiocK; or in o cords of poplar,- catalpa, bass )od or whjte pine, as in a ton of al. . Owners of wood Jots can easily cut ough fuel for themeslves and even pply the same to local markets rough the winter and will thus use eir spare time to good advantage, well as the time of their .hired , n who probably have a lot of extra e time on their hands. In this way ey might make a prifit for them- ves, as well as use a lot of wood at is now wasting away and which ght displace much high price coal. Much of the many thousands of res of woodlots in North Carolina uld be cleared of waste wood at a bfit this year, and be improved in dition. Some trees are old and de- epit, and others are spreading and, shy in growth. Useless themselves lumber, they crowd out thrifty ung trees or prevent seedlings from irting. When such weed trees are noved young seedlings spring up turally and soon grow 'into timber value. ' net profit of almost $2.00 per cord s secured by one woodlot owner last hter. The wood was sold $6.00 per d in one of the largest cities, Where market is near, and good roads ex the cost of marketing is very little, ving a good margin for profit on L interprise. F. H. Jeter. ' X TV

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