MOUNT "WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 20, ; I Publisher' Aiiuouueemont. Thk Mopntainkkk is published every "vVeJiies.hty in Morganton, tlio county seat of Burke county, on the Hue of the N C. 11. It , nd the larRest cirt ulation of airy rr " the county, besides circu it in ' extensively in the countic 'f Kuth-r.,-7l. McDowell, Mitt-hell and Yancey. Tfa !,r,.nd widespread circulation coin mend it to the advertising public Kate. low to contract advertisers. SUBSCRIPTIONS. In order to meet the popular dwnand for a ,.w.aner the puMisliers nave .i.r.V!i.,u. msr rates which include r'"stll?e o v imrt of the Uuited States: iwfj -- Six Months - pu Three - 25 Krnnhflr will remember that these : ;v,i- nh in Ml vHiKe. and if re iiiniJ"' , r.otpaid strictly in advance 1 50 will be charged. Judge Rnttin Kesigns. Judge Huron has resigned his posi tion as Associate Justice of the Su preme Court on account f ill health. We sincerely regret that our Su preme bench has lost ?uch a brilliant light. The interesting question now is, who will Gov. Jarvis appoint as his successor ? Caldwell ou AViustoii. Elsewhere we publish Jos. Cald well's cemmcnta on the departure of Mr. Patrick H. Winston Jr., late of the U. S. House of Representatives, (folding department), and we know cur readers will er.;oy it. leu you want the hide taken off of a fellow so quick will make his head swim turn him over to Joseph. The Calamnities qflSSS. On the fourth page of this paper we publish a list of the principal ac cidents for the pat twelve months We say the principal accidents, for there are thousands of disasters that are not mentioned in the lit. This list shows how 143,000 persons have come to their deaths during one year and the greater part of them without the lea6t warning. Truly 1883 has been a year of horrors Xorlfa Carolina at Denver. If North Carolina keep3 moving forward as she has for the last few J ears they will have to quit cal ling her the "Rip Van Winkle State" She made a fine display at Atlanta, her display at Boston is ahead of any other state, and now news comes from distant Denver that the Richmond and Danville exhibit of North Carolina gold, copper, iron and mica is attract ing ranch attention-in Denver, the "City of mines." The truth of it all ia that North Carolina now has one of the bst Govenor's she has ever had, and it is to him, assisted by the offi cers of the Richmond and Danville in general and Col A. B. Andrews in particular that the State is indebted for the liberal advertising it has had of late, and from which she is bound to reap the greatest benefit pins cash to pay year taxes and settle with the editor for jour county paper. At any rate, that is what many of you tell the editor, and somo of you ray you caut pay him at all uutil aftes you sow yuur wheat or the circus comes or something of that kind, and that makea the tender-hearted editor sad, very sad indeed. Well you ought to have a cash crop that will enable 3ron to take as many papers as you want, aud have money enough to make the farm home cheerful and at tractive, to educate your bright prom ising boys and to buy tho girls an organ or piano to make music for yon during the long winter nights, and you can have all these things and save enough money every year to make a very comfortable sum for a rainy day if yon will only mean business, and learn how to cultivate tobacco like the successful tobacco growers are doing all over North Carolina and as some of your neighbors are doing right here in Burke con sty. Your soil has been analyzed by experts from the tab.icco regiou, aud pronounced as fine as any in the world, for NoUh Carolina to bacco is now recognized as the most valuable on the face of the globe: Your soil is every whit as good as that around Winstou, aud yet a to bacco grower sold there this season 2824 pounds of tobacco for 2,166,41, an average of $76,44 per hundred pounds, some of this tobacco bring ing as high as l.per pound, and 07 1 pounds selling for $574! There is no earthly reason why like results may not be attained in Burke, except thot you are not experienced tobacco grow ers, but it.does look like such facts as the above aie enough to stimulate you to make the effort to learn the secret of tobacco culture, Pamphlets giving the necessary information can be ob tained from any tobacco warehouse free of cost , and you can get the prac tical proof of the success of tobacco culture from your neighbors. Culti vated intelligently, there 'can be no doubt as to success. Eveiy one who has given il a fair trial will tell you that. There are good warehouses in Asheville, Hickory, Statesviile and Salisbury and we will soon have them in Morgan ton. It is for you to say whether or hot you will give it a trial next year. What do you say about it. D. S. McM. Tate vs. D. C. Pearson judgment. J. II. Hallyburton, receiver vs, C Pearseu, order of sale. W. II. Bishop et al vs. Adam Bef tiset al. continued, leave to amend complaint and answer as. of this term. Nancy Deal vs. John Mace et al. Jury verdict for plaintiff assess dam ages at $7.68. In the matter of the administration of the estate of Jacob Karsbaw, ap peal from Probate court continued on affidavit cf P. S. Yount. STATE NEWS. A new county is wanted. to be nae-e of territory from liurke. Cataw ba Caldwell and Alexander. The issue of ihe States villv Am cricon p. nn ur.ecs that "for tho purpose of closing a long outstand ing business i twenty-six years, tne A iicrictn will'snspe ! publication after Oct loin, until further notice." Oxford Torchlight: The no fence law is now in existence in Keuse township, in Wake county. We learn that the next township to Granville is so much pleased with its workings in Nense t.hnt they tt w ill soon take a vote ami adopt tbiuo fence system. Raleigh Visitor : 'I he North Carolina exhib it at Boston js t e-jin-ningto boar fruit already. Several part ius from New Kngiaml have come in our State looking for places to buy ores, timbers, etc. 'ibey were induced to come by seeing our exhibit which was being then placed iu position . Mr. 1L.0S. Pailey, od 25 acres of of his farm juet outside of StatesviIJ on thp north side, ;na''e this vear STo bushels w heat. Ou '20 acres he will rn: ke y0 bushels of corn, which, con- si-leiiiiirthfcson of season v.e have had litre in tatesville, does very well indeed.- Landmark. The "Marion Lamp Pout says Isaac Green, the mail carrier from 'an-ii to the Gillespie Gap, on tne Baker ville mud was Iired at from am buh when about half way up the mountain, the ball passing through th sleeve of his coat above the elbow But for the rocking of the buggy the ball would have gone to its murk. The assissin is suspected, and jealousy is the moving cause . Asheville is the most thor oughly cosmopolitan place In the South. There's not another like it. There is the queerest blending of the old and the imaginable Theoid Ashe ville, ;the Asheville of stage coach days, minglesoddly with the modern town. l-loue? are going up like magic, the whole place is ou a boom. It is the Chicago of North Carolina. mm MM 3 Mi ARE- people are eonipeled to have. THE BIGGEST ON EARTH.! .MOJlGr ANTON, FRIDAY, OCT. 12. 35 EMiRiifPf Bill Ifili HWIt? NOW ALL UNITED IN ONE VAST aiici COLOSSAL EXPOSITION W have just received a larga lot of the famous 'HpOjOJ 0S&330 77"0.O!0-S- These wagons are evidently growing in public favor. We have sold them for twelve months or longer, and have the first one yet to 'see at the shop for repairs, bo you see, that speaks wtll for them, U3 dry M tne smmmer usa been. vL m t-r - iju si's kff 0 r J n We are also cretin" in a large lot of all kinds of iron which we will sell! very cheap. We al?o wish to say that we are now eellintr the fumout 1P&Z2C533L COOK. lo ver than ever befor. So come.iu and price them again, as the weather is too hot for your wives and daughters. t cook over the fire the old way. Also Ptiiiseii the McSHery W2ieat five dollars cheaper than last season. &o come in and place your order oronef As to general merohondisa we cau't be beat and intend to keep ahead on all kinds of Produce, Fruit, Beiies, Wheat, Flour, Corn, Meal, Rye, .Oats, Come around aud give us a call before you do your buying or sailing. eie. B 151BUE SUPKIIIOR C'OETRT. Disposition ' or the Cases on tl Civil lioelseU Tne linaovBi'oped jjrops?? to engage in thr busins-es of fetiyisg aa hR,LLi in LANDS, Coilcctmg rents for absent renters, and ucr cthsr busibecs, of thisnauire as may be entrusted tt hU msLniigbmm He will also act aa agest-to pl&oe email LOANS OF MOHEY Hpon such security as raiy be approved f kj tbe leadar. II endeavor to ferwa enh basiHess connestiona ia tkia 8ttt? and in th" Korth as will ififcure proper advertisement f th pro ..f ,u:,.!, l . l. i . . . r , i t i j in uiui iic !iib -oo Kiataemcnr, ana taoreDy muttcs pin ftis- ers to examine the saae. r Ee will be thankful ootnmuuity;. Death or a Orcat Farmer. Faerish Fuemax is dead. He was not a warrior, nor a statesman, nor a politician. He was only a f aimer, who died peacefully among his own emifing fields. "Nor you. ye proud impute to him the fault If memory o'er his tomb no trophies raise "Wherethrough thrt long-drawn aisle and fetted vault. The pealing - nth em swells the note of praise." Nor you, ye politicians, bring fourth any "Dorsey'a Budgets" to heap in famy upon his tomb, and to blot the page of history on which his deeds are written. He was not what the world calls a hero, and yet he was a victor, whs conquered the "stubborn glebe" and brought back from his bloodless campaigns the golden grain and the snowy fleece of the cotton. He was not known as an author, yet Uis terse sentences one "intensive far ming" and the "rotation of crops" have dono more to advance the interests of his native Southland than the fiction of Cook or the poetry of Hayne. Far rish Furaian, the farmer! Let him be known to history as the plumed knight of Earths most ancient chival ry whose banner bears the legend by the sweat of thy brow shalt thou eat bread." P. M. Mull and others against Geo. Martin et al.. continued for deft on payment of costs i;f term Lawson Deal vs. Jesse Austin, continued. Thos. Hemphill et al. vs J. P. Burr, continued under former orders. Nancy Deal vs John Mace et al Motion to set aside execution over ruled. Continued. John Staimey vs W. R. Aiken, Jury verdict for plautiff. S McD. Tate vs. The First Na tional Bank of Charlotte, mistrial, order of reference to Jno. S. Hender son. "W. B. A very vs. John Gibbs and Joshua Gibbs,Plainthf called and fail ed, Judgment non suit. R. II. Frvin vs P.. A. Cobb, judg ment. Emity A. Happoldt vs. John T. Patleison continued under former orders. J. M. Bailey vs. A. D. Kutjes, jury verdict for plaintiff. Hennett vs. Kutjes, continued by consent. CatherinU Morrison vs. Wm. Mor rison, abated, judgment for cost. Thos Parks V6. K. C. Pearson judg ment. D. J.. Forney, trustee, vs. Robt Bost et al., continued. The authorities of the Nar row Gauge have bought tho right to lay n third rail on the Ws-stern N. ( li.K., from Newton to Hickory aud are to pay for the same $350 00 per month. The raal will bo laid at once and the uains will soon be running through from Lancaster to Hickory. The road from Hickory to Lenoir will be rapidly built aud it is thought will b completed by November 1st. Lin coln Press. Winston Leader: While Rev. O. C Dotlson vv'as preaching at Sm ith Grove wrap meeting last Saturday night, a highland moccasin crawled out into the aisle from among some ladies, and began to strike in every di reetion. One your.g lady barely esca ped. This threw consternation among those near hia snakeship. A youth wearing a pair of heavy boots demol ished the reptile, and the services pro ceeded. Dispatches to the Star report the hanging by lynchers, in liich taond county, on Friday morning, of a negro named Aciiie Johnson, for at tempting to outrage a white girl only six years of age, the daughter of a highly respected planter of that oun ty. Johnson was left banging on the teee with a placard pinned tn his breast bearing the words '"Our wives and daughters must be protected." far the ctfUBte&auee and pjsrfc tke E. W. WARD. JOHN T XJLL 0 RADII ATE IU PEMfwUSTg AND DEALER IN DRUGS, Chormcals, and Medicines of all kinds, Freth and rhabie Also a toll supply of Hair, Tooth, and Kail BRUSHES, Fine toiiee articles perfumery, and Fancy Notions. Personal JLttenZi&zz given Z& compounding Physicians Prescriptions all hours of the d&y orniffht. f l" -. SKs 1 B" R ,F I I fl - T I r tkV. no OTHER SHOW HAS DM OF THESE FEATURES I jj..,uw.ujajiJBm.jrjui iwi.lxij i:i4riu!us iJuitea Tcntetl ,fiiiows. Why Hot Mean Dullness? We want to Lave a little business chat with our farmers who have lands suitable to the production of fine to bacco. Fanners of Burke, we are talking to you and we want you t0 listen. You are now making corn and wheat and, maybe, bacon enough t do you but you? need a cash crop. Thoeofyou who have large farms aud can raise a thousand bushels ot nm and from five to eight hundred bushels of wheat' can do very well, but there aie many of ycu who find it very Hid after providing the necessities for your family to have enough str- Jos. Hayes vs. Robert Winkler, continued. Avery Brittain vs. S. E. Mull, con tinued. Wesley Wralker vs. John B. Gihbs, continued. J. W. Wilson vs. W. S. Cars well and Joseph Poole, continued. W. M. Walton vs. W. F. McKes son, continued for plantiff iupon pay ment of all costs. D. F laser vs. D. C. Pearson, trus tee, report hied, continued. E. S. Walton vs. Tall and Barbery, demurrer overruled. W. P. Aber.ethy vs. W. N. C. R. R. judgment against the plantiff for costs. Jos. P. Shields vs. W. N. C. R. R. continued. J. H. Hallyburton, Receiver of C. J. and S. E. Pearson, ex parte. Joshua Kidd vs. The Carolina Queen mining Company, order for removal to Catawba on affidavit of the plantiff. B. A. Berry, assiguee vs. J. B. Kincaid. continued. W. H Sage vs. W. N. C. R. R. for injuries received in an accident, continued. B. A. Berry vs. Tyrrell Hudson and Pink Johuson, continued. J. W. Wilson ct al. vs. J. G. Pynuru. administrator, facts agreed, judgment for defendant, appeal by plantiff, amended complaint filed. ill v a an hs w w gi m FOKJIEI8ILY "THE V.ALTOK HOUSE." a This Hotel is situated on the Public Square in the midst f all the business n O i 1 o naa arifv? cittt. -t- . , Ti.ii T l i ' ' h-o-v-i. nw.ii3 iu me noiei uiiaing1. ana olrar sptat. iT.( ; IXDUCEMKNTS tO COMMEKCIAI, MEN. Terms RKASOSTART.T!. A.TnmAln A a haiid.m.. U...a ,.f n(.i rr , . . " j . nuv wi i.i.maicu lei. auu liiniini' f.fTra .iannAA 1' I . ( , AW THE MOUNTAIN HOTEL, J. A. HUNT, Proprietor, Morgantoa, N. C. HE AD QUARTERS FOR-a O MME MC I A. It mil N. EST-A Good Table, Comfortable Rooms, Polite Atleention, Rea, nabl hates. Special Term by the Month. E. B CLAYvVELL Amongst tie rare animals which are exhibited in the zoological depart ment of the Sells Brothers, are a male and female hippopotami, full grown, and the largest ever brought to this country. They are difficult to keep . . 1 : .1 11, n ii I oiive, ana boaie imuai eus or gallons Fm?T CLASS. Conveyances meet passengers at every train. i,itx nart .J UfSXKl. X Aie are the most ferocious of amphobia, and are by some said to be the iden tical Behemoth of Holy writ. Besides these, and some hundred other at tractive features of the menagerie, there is a double-horned rhinocerous, a veritable monster, weighing five tons, and the only pair of wooly Malay elephants exhibited. The great show will be here on Friday Oct. 12. and the magnet ic influence of its name will draw thousands to visit it. The Sells Brothers have al ways had the best circus and ring performers in the country, and the department this year has been still farther enlarged, with notable accessions from Europe There is no question but that it is the largest traveling exhibition now in the country. From the Richmond Va., Dispatch of Sept. 18th '83 has the following: It is a big show; it is a clean show; it is a respectable conducted show; it is a I good show. None of those rouy-h. CD f rowdyish, tiresome or annoying fea tures which usually accompany a large circus are present. The mena gerie part 13 a treat, from its clean liness, the size and convenienre of the cages and the condition of the ani mals. The visitor does not find a few wornout specimens of ill. fed and mangry animals, so constantly ex hibited as to become as cows. All the living things are well cared for, and are, either from their kind, their size, or their nature, rarely seen in traveling shows. FC8D3 OF ASIATIC . ELEPHANTS A A 0.10 VE OF GIRAFFES LS FLCCK OF OSTRICHES CMLV WCSLY p n n r r O y y S i A SCH83L OF SEA VS ELEPHAKT A FiVC TflM RMIWfir.PRns I LIONS $A FIVE BENGAL TIGERS I 34lflil flftAXpERFOAMING ZEBRAS I 1 f V I II I 1 1 I I i VAV i I ILS QkUihUiiU THE ONLY LIDM SLAYER .BRAZILIAN TAKrNOlRAy R VH U G E GORILLAS Two HORDED R0qSgS " HaFR1CAM ELANDS kh 6 a b o o S1I0!? MS TEEB lfep o LTtTb e a r s MJLLhm . jmK VLACK VARXE gf g mmM m OF Troupo of AeriaHstsSX WE exhibit THEH FBFF great LEAFEbT vun nnut i jr oTIRK BICYCLE TK0UPEV 6 FBEWCH E0.UESTH?Efi?i!SA & MOST G0RBE008 PAS5AIST Jfi 7Psrfcrm?ng STALLIONS Prof.WHITE'S DOG CIRCUS The CAR0N FRENCH FAMILY 3 MILES CF STREET DISPLAY THE CARNIVAL OF VENICE REVIVED GLISTENING WITH GOLD AND SILVEtiX A THOUSAND &EN AN0 HORSES 6LITTERINS ROYAL MARCH THQUSAWO COSTLY 3ANNFRS HIPI THE FEATURE OF AU. PEATUQS3! A PAIR OF UVSKC 9 ' giiiisiihzteridiiig the, Encrmaus Expense ciisxdkg so vast an Exhibition, its Admission is not m&pQ than ssaaP Shows chzrss B. EBITTAIH'&'CCX DEALERS IN GEHEBAL MERCHANDISE, MORGANTON, H. O. ,rrr eAlso agents for "OLD HICKORY FHM GON,an Vlobewme iVlaciiine, Bc-Wealso keep tha nicest, handsomest and BEST line of LaJ!M bnoes iu tne marset, ail warranicd goods, also a full line of Children and In lauti.' Low bboes, spring heels ie, t&o. tSS-Oxxx line of 33rCSS5 O-Orif is RimnlvhMntlf,! UfYou only have to see them to h -nnvinri -asi shadea, Mohair Lace WHITE GOODS Lac CI JJishop awu iiij iisiL-inseo mem to t couvj All wool Lace BunLng in all the seasonable t LJhecks, Illumiuated Twills, &c, Beautiful line of p's Lawn, iiiciiu Isluil, 3viss &c,, &c. au.-oe Tots ko. THE "NOBDIEST" LINE OF- Esady-Iacij "CLODINGS" and Eat ways kesp e of it iu 111 town. Tf v-ru ilnn'f o.w -.-i-,r,(- i mi i j'"" "am,, aisK lor n. as we al it. J IlflklllC vn-.l Aivni:r n, f rr. n ,. , : .. ll .7.... i i. ... . r -p j - ,j"ui j'.uv..i k ,ii me unsi aim soiicitinza shar , iuuu, ci j iiuiy, v. 15. lililXXAlfl tfc VO. i.. ti nihil iimiiiiiini linn 11,111m , rtwmni "VT. G. HOG AN CLAYWELL & HOG AN, DEALEKS IN !Ml MERCEAIW18E and COUNTRY PK0S5JC 3oar:rL-toxa.. tall aftention to thofnllowinff snccialtiffi' EXCELSIOR COOK & HEATING STOVES AMERICAN SEWING MACHINES OLIVER'S PATENT CHILLED FLOWS AVERY and MALTA DOUBLE SHOVES IRON BEAM PLOW ,nd WALKING IRON AGE CULTIVATORS, EMPIRE GRAl DRILLS, 8 and m ieamont Wagons, Agricultural Machinery Generally. DEALEKS IN "A V heir stock cou&ietiny; of Merenauilise, DRY GGODJ?, NOTIONS, HAT;?, CAPS, BOOTS, cilOES, GROCERIES, &c. HAD W ARK Especial attention given to keeping up a select stock of famiy Jsnppliejt uch as 1 MEAL, FLOUR BACON. DirTerent grades of COFFEE, SU6 A K GREEN AND BLACK TEA. iu short a full 4. , liaa of first-class pi ovisieus. lull lino of FURNITURE. auch as Bureaus, Bedsteads, Extension and other tvh of Tahiti Tin baios, Waehstands, &c, all Furniture sold at -anuactlUer8 prices, - : - ' " : :o: Call and examine stock and hoar TinVoA rtf u -r elsewhere , ' rZ k erore