UlOUNTAlNEER:" WEDNESDAY, OCT. 17, 1S83. W. C EKTIN, Editor. JnbliIshers'Anaoataeemeul. Thk Mountaixkkr is? published Try "Wednesday in. 51 rganton, the county s&t of Burke ceuntv, on the line of the V . N. C. R. H , and lias the largest cicniiition of ary rP in the county, besides trc"" ne exJensirelr in ft.he counties of Kul.i erford, McDowell, Mitchell and . Yancey r It's large :ind widespread circulation com mend it to the advertising, public. Bat, low te cont ract advortkers. SUBSCRIPTIONS. In ordor to meet the popular demand fdr a cheap, home iicws-paper the publishers hare adopted at the long tables laden with gold- bearing rock6; at the specimens of mica, soapstone; kaolin and asbestos; at the marbles and building stones, some of the latter entirely new aud unique and they all declare that in these things alone the State has boandlees wealth that capital and labor must rapidly" develop. Mineral ogists study with enthusiasm .the numerous specimens of rare and c;i- a or some other distant country, there would he as wild a rush to'' it as took nlace when diamonds were -found in tho fol living rat.S wh,ch include postage of w.i fT AT inn lllr xlii I u roe a One Copy One Year, - $100 ' Six JIonlh - .50 TIire " .25 Subrcribers will remember (hat these are invariably cash in advances and if r.ot naid stri ctlv in advance fel 50 will be charged. Some of our Southern exchange are putting the name of B. F. Butler of Mass., in nomination, for the presi dency, Jokingly we hope for if you want a solid South just- nomtnate B. F. Bui ler and you will have it against him. We are willing to vote for anybody B..F. Butler, and the Devil excepted. - The election ef Judge IIadly, ' in Ohio, just on the toe of the presi dential, election certainly gives that State, to the Democrats next year, It roust be remembered that Judge II. ias sick during almost the entire, campaign, and the Republican?, put forth their finest eptf.kers, yet in the face of all this Uosdly, was elected by 1200. Tbc Ohio Election. The elction returns make very pleasant reading those October mor nings, and Democrats are not used to Buchgood tidings from that direction. The democratic majority comes swel ling ob, and one wondurs where all the Republicans are who a week ago weie so full of boasting. Somehow they do not seem to have yoted as the talk exhausted them, aud on election day they could not get te the polls. In the next campaign we excecpt to 6ee the tactics of the Republican par ty radically changed. It is demon strated te be unwise to concentrate all your forces in an attack on the candidate of the opposition. In Ohio Forarfr was so seldom mentioned tkat a large number of intelligent vo ters were of the impression there was one candidate; and remembering he was once a1 good l;epnblioan they voted forhim. A few explanatory notes concerning the character and political career of Judge Foraker might have helped him somewhat The Republcans try to believe they have put the Democrats just where l hey want them; they have embarrass ed themwith an overwhelming majority in the Legislature: they have iorced a Governor on them; they even con -sent to have the Democrats choose a United States Senator, with the hope that dissensions may follow, and that two years hence they may recover control of the State. Thij is very alarming; but thf Democrats will not lose their courage. , The legislature may prove to be a very troublesome and unmanageable body, still our party accepts the responsibility of power with all the wards imply, and they will be prepared to face the con sequences. After all, they can do no worse than their Republican prede cessors. In short, there seems to be no ground for discouragement to Democrats in the Ohio situation; they have fa$d greater misfortunes .: than this victory imposes, and, we doubt hoc, they will belie all . the confident predictions of their opponents! Just now it seems that the Democrats are not as much given to blundering ? as their Republican brethren. Courier Journal. -..:: rtone elements, ami assert that were cies only, the genus being right. This the eem-bearino- section of Western indicates the car that ha been exer- Nortli Carolina in Africa, Patagonia cised in preparing for the exhibition of the State's natural repources. Across the aisle from the State ex Mbit is the office of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, in charge of the and geological display 'takes up a Hon. John T. Patrick, the State third ot the entire space. lu it, as in Agent ot immigration, ihis gentle the other departments, gret core has man has published an invitation to been expended to insure accuracy the tanners ana artisans ot JNew-ng- f statemwit Tn evprv ijistaiico a land, asking Iheni to come to the f air c.ml attached to the specimen gives! "d see the specimens of all kinds on its scientific name, also the county exhibition. Jle has visited a large aud the miue or quarry from which number of State and county fairs, it was taken. A large map hangs in and distributed them among the peo- the office, on which the inquirer can pi Seventy -thousand invitations of see the the exact locality in which this kind have been thus scattered ti,e nortip.nl.ir thin- that interests through New-England. I note this hiia is to be found, and Commissioner ' a proof of the earnest purpose that McGehee and several talented assist- actuates the people of North Carolina, ants are in daily attendance to ana wtr With a territory seven times as large all inquiries. as tuat f Massachusetts, a climate The agriculture of the State is il- unsurpassed for salubrity, a soil of lustrated, firat, by an octagonal great fertility, and natural resources pavilion covered within and without more varied than can be iouad else- with cereals collected in every county; where within the earn area, they the wheat, rye, oats, barley, millet leel tnat tne Vine ftas come tor that and rice being set off by tfee native splendid development of which sueh ornamental grasses, of which the a country is werthy. Tribune. State furnishes manv varieties. In the r entre ef the navilion is a tantrintr yu can 8et lhe best shos so1 1 I i T T T -..1 O stand on whieh in jars axe many spe- U1 towu at cmB1D ciraens ot the threshed aud winnowed Aennnessee an woei jeans at grains, and on the outside are bins K- B' Brittain & Co., at 50 cts per filled with other varieties of the Jaiu- sarae. On two long parallel counters The town talk is that R. B- are showcases containing the bright Brittain & Co., have the best cigai-a. fi-See our new advertisement in a few days, R. B. Brittain & Co., tQbacco of every tin t'frm Mahogany to that pale lemon color which com. mauds a higher price in the markets than any other that is grown. To bacco i3 not generally regarded aa a civilizing agency, but it has proved itself such in North Carolina. In Buncombe and Haywavd; two of the! TJQTgT'lllo mountain counties which have within the last five years become tobacco producers, it has revolutionized the agricultural "interests. Neat frame houses are replacing the rude log cabins; cooking stoves are substituted jj k;n(8 cf for the back-breaking fireplaces; cnurcnes ana school-nouses are no with neafness and diepatch. Tonrror iyipto shfilsi f.nm f Avt.lc-sa in I a.ny except midsummer weather; and Country Produce takeu in exchange in all respects the people are rapidly rising in" civilization. J. T. Boi I, J. A. Bolch. J. A. Seaboch HICKORY BELL, BOLCH, & O0S9 FrtOS', IIICKOKY, N. C. Marble Work done Arrirnlf.nrft ban roffiivpd l.h'tlS far AVftS I Hia gf.ftt.pment made lapt week bv ! f' Professor Charles A. Sarerent, of Cambridge, aud indorsed by Dr George Eogleman, of St. Louis, beth high authorities on" forest y. After making a caref nl examination of this collection. Professor Sarjrent said that with three exceptions they had found everyjspecimen correctly named, and that the three errors were of spe ARE- receiving daily such goods as the people are eompeiedjlo have. si caa 1 Katm iza I 3 w 3MtMTV-llCHT YEARS For the m&fZKET CARDENER tfnr tha PRIVATE FA&V3I3.Y Crown by oursoives Pn our 0'vrt r EDS SEEDS tr-Eanfisome Illustrated CtXstlosu aod Rnral Register jTREE TO AJJL."" MERCHANTS, SEND US YOUR BUSINESS CAKD8 FOR TKADfi MSTW' OMIO LAHORETH MOMUEEO OHOWEP.S,PHILA0LPHA f .v 9g With life? I iton and Com Planter Attachment. mum ATOH, W have just received a large lot of the famous aXB OOO "7"koSlS. These wagons are evidently growing in public favor. We haveold them for twelve months or longer, and have the first ene yet to see at the shop for repairs, so you see, that speaks well for them, a dry as the smmmer has been. We are also setine in a large lot of all kids of iron which we will sell very cheap. V'e also wish to say that we are now selling tne tainons 3EPS&"lTO:0. Z?OOlk. StOVe lower than ever before. So come in and price them again, as the weather is too hot for your wives and daughters) cook over the fire the old way. Also still sell the HOJ3-02y JWJOL5&t XXXXX five dollars cheapsr than last season. Ho come in anct place your order orouet As to sreneral merchandise we can't be beat and intend to keep ahead on all kinds of Produce, Fruit, Belies, Wheat, Flour, Corn, Meal, Rye,Oat3, &o. Come around and give ns a call before yea do your buying or selling. 1 M k-h-r mm m'B Walking Cultivator. BETKBOM Corn Planter! Owr Attachment for iii frr'TiA iimQ Small Gr&tns can a! Vf Am V-smjv " v? k r3 on It M S! MM WM Wgmiti Everyfarmerlnth i fa 'JMiW&tJ4 mm either eea one of i ymm:vmmmmmmai. esna to us for fflv'WSM Cafcaloaruo of ' WH ziZSztmM:$P& er, Cotton and Tho Lee.dlnsr Machln Whil-vtr Introduced ! A Favorlt with - Cotton and a cjorn i.aisorei A Perfoct Combined RSdlnar and Cotton and ; Sowing th so bo used o South ahould ouresontaor our IHustratod Reapers, Mov. Com Plantar, ghc awa iu Se j c Huv a 3 OS t? VaJ 3a2s Manufacturero, m ft Ji-rirss fit-1 f p.t!.. ays:us r .u 1 13 sits m iuisivs to IGQ limo Power. Tne BBdtfrpigaed proposes t d.gaa in tbs busiResa of buying and SELLING LANDS. Coilceling rents fer absent renters, and sncl ther business, of thisnature a3 may be entrasted'to kis man?geant He will also act as egeat t pleee small LOANS OP MONEY upon such security as may be approved f by tbe laa&ar. ' Ho will endeavor to forra gaeh basiBess cemnectiens in this State and in the Jorth as will insure prener advertisetnent ot tho prop erty of w-hieh he has .he management, and thereby indue purchas ers to examine tne same. He will be community. thankful for the conetenanee aui eupport cf the E. W. WARD. for Work. XS-ORDERS SOLICITEDsr Several pyramidal stands of shelvel filled with bottles of native wines cal attention to the fact that extensive. vineyards have been created, and en courage the belief that the state in WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, which the Scupperuong, Isabella and ESTI V CO R R ESPOSDEXCK North Carolina At Boston. A Remarkable Isplj- or Xatn rul lrod if !.:. - , JJostdn Oct, 6.The railway and State exhibits in. the American Ex hibition in this city are so nearly com plete that whatever may be- added Catawba originated will become one of the grreat wine producers of the country. A mammoth pile of ginned cotton, on top ot which are two baskets of seed lint, is a reminder that this State, which before the war had no commercial standiug as a cul tivator of this staple, had in -1880 reached the second place among the cotton growers. .- Raw silk and frames of cocoons show1 that rtaewed atten tion is being given to an industry that in early days has attained some oasiderable importance there. Iie Board of Agriculture has taken much pains to teach the psople of North Carolina how to prosecute this busi ness successfully, and many are en gaging in it. With a climate like that of Italy, and a soil of which the mulberry is an indigenous product, there is good reason to expect that silk-raisioffiwill soon become an addi- tional eouree of wealth. i The nine products are illustrated .by Jbottles of tar.lurpeutine and pilch. a id a case containing small cakes of tosin, all placed on the brickwork up holding a huge copper stil with its coiled worm attached as if for actual use. , Near by are sections of trees that .have been cupped, and all curious implements and look used in the business ' The most remarkable department ofNorth Carolina's display, all things considered; is its forestry, Here are sections of the 112 varieties of timber trees found, i.n its' forests, "each four IORGAXTOS, X. C. All Wokk in tbe line of cleaning and r eparinz wsitches, clocks, jowelry, sewing machines, etc, done with skill aftd dispatch. A good stcck of watchesclocks and jewelry always on band. A full assortment of spectacles nd eye gasses kept n stock. JOHN TULL GRADUATE IN PHA31&&G7, AND DEALER IN DRUGS, Chemicals, and Medicines of all kindg, Fresh and rlfable Also a full supply ot Hair, Tooth, and Kail BRUSHES, Fine toilae articles perfumery, and Fancy Notions. 2 ergot sal Attention given to compounding JPhysiciuns Prescriptions ail hours of the d&tf or night. H FOIiJIESLY "TI2SS WAITON HOUSE." MQRQAHTQH, U. C. A.W.MALOHS, PflOPRIETOR. 8 Koi"..S!.i 5i:rat!, tint !'cca.fiil. f jrniij a kotst SOaff y'nh kv&A iiii tfis Ir-;t uct- at;l with jwi FOR THI PERMANENT CUSE CF OONOTIPATaON." l-To ether Mmassa to so Ttrevalent. In dlacoec-SB try as Conad-sfttion, Mid tko rnaacL? nss eTO-e-aaUsd the oit-b,tei Eidaay-VTort es a cura. Whttow tlia oacuse, however ob6tiBas the cf, this jfecueaywiu oTcrcomoit. 9 ErawBa'Wii plalat la very apt to bo Cr-.inTnlv.4ted 7it!i?OiDi3tir-Jitiu-jn. Kidr.er -Vort teonrtw all kinds of Klea even-rUP3 paya;! BPSMGS eTTI Ga f erwBBists Sen 11 of Ah 80-pase Cloth-bound Eoo of u;holtsoi'4s s rf?" Kf en rscolci of cv.o ttuea-coat anri Chik'rn. Any paji-T). ViHiic cof . rV:.e. t:yjifi ;itMiip full iltrttTictlnn, h!mk$ v- tiuiitytaliie. i-i. VV. riTZC2?J ALD & Ct 3 . ?' 1 2 l liiiaMSpTiiii I hava e pnsitivo ro:unly fr the ftbuve disease; bv its EWShonaands of e.'ises cf rho vorrt Jrlui'. end of Ior. IUnatlit lia-o fe-:mn curfil. Jn.'eert, m Sirorrrii. T-.7 IWHi In l: r.lTteoey. tv.t I w'.U :'.! TWO K'V I f Ki. T'K. t. pitMrtiir .fA'ABLH TKA i-SEMl tb? iH,so,to Having attained a nntional tvpntattoa la FINS POCKET CUTLERY, Leads' SDlSocrs and Ink Erassr . Sato added the tnamtiietiaTt qf . . ai2 ies y TTit& a skilled ptvperiaJvndent in that depart, ment, sopi)ieraotea by extenQed expn-lsuce in the worisiiig of fin sterl, ire ate enabled te offer goocjg-eg ucriyalled quality. To iatrodueo oux PATENT AU-JCSTABXB3 Qui!! Action, Reservoir Pen, in Edvance of regular trade chanaeli, w.e ahoir eat ofit, ami will rtiaii a euiupU goss tc an addrefic on receipt of S3. Carries aa bh4 Tnls. a? as; Fouataln Pen. i . S -Jj 5P SHIS PEJT FITS AITST KOI-EIER. Orcr whole Ifaa of Pcna will be eoid by the fradv irrioo-iiBt6.fuaiuhajl J-ieslerS oa application. P RELIABLE to sell our popular BOOKS asd BIBLES In every Town and County. BjI BEBAIi TK2i3SS. B F. JOUNSON & CO.. luUMain St.. lUchiuoud. Va. This watsr-pmct materiAl reseni t !es ine loaihsr, is used for roof,outsidowIkj of buildincs, end ttt'i4 in plAca U am )is -twKA' ogpaija; " - i u M tiiLi at -1130 I)-Vl003a CCiUIl UU MIC -Bioaiip jojasindoj -ouqej Au Jjui 38 HUM poq 3 5 ;RITTAIN& CO. DEALERS IN A ANDISE, MORGANTON, N. O. EAlsoaeertsfor "OLD HICKOKY FRM GOX." an VlfeSewing Machine, 15, We also kep tlia nicest, handsomest and BEST line of T.urlia- Shoe3 in the market, all warranted goods, also a full line of Children and In fants' LiOwSboss, spring heels tie. fco. JBOur line of "e"T5it rGrgZ n in sininlv bGnt.ifnT titTYou only have to see them to be convinced. -3 "7 All weoi Lace Eiintii? in all the "seasonable shades. &Ilm!r T.u Lace Checks, Illuminated Twills, &e:- Beaatii'ul line of VVHITI5 nrn4 Bishep's Lawn, India Mull, Bwiss &c, &c. hereafter will increase . tlieir attrac- tiTeness but not their - iminrfni,..n g1"."", both leWth wise and crosswise Ab a whole they present a birdseve .ere are .a many small blocks view of the natural resoiirpoa. f . v, pom. the poard of Ajrriculture. One .iu L. L, DJETZ'S. IS THE PLACE TO GET A GOOD feet long, and also cut as lo'shew their heavy Silver key or Stem Wind Watch cheap office on trade street opposite Davis Bros., new store. This Hotel is situated on the Public Souake in the naidat of all the busirs&Ks ijvupus, uas guuti sample rooms in trie Hotel Jt5uilincr. and otters spkiat. i iNDrcE3iaNTs to Commehciai. Men. Terms keasonarle, Accomiiiodancyis first class. Conveyances meet passengers at every train. au.-oe Pots Also a fiandseme line of Decorated Tea and Dinner Setts, Japanese Te THE MOUNTAIN HOTEL, J. A. HUNT, Proprietor, Morganton, N. C. THE "NOBBIEST" LINE OF J6-HEADQUARTERS FOR-a C O MME MC I JL Xi MM N. A Good Table, Comfortable liooms, Polite Attention, JRean all Rates. Special Terma by the Month. E. CLAYVFELI. 71. G. BCA United gtatejs for excelling in diFer- pity any collections heretofore made. 'irst in prominence and excellence is the Norjh Caroluia display, hlehf js skilfully and tastefully arranged: -Jt txjcupits a space of fifty by one hun--lreU and sipcty-fiye feet, and js the Jirst to attract tbi notke.of vipitore. Scientists, manufacturers-and far pier unite in calliBg it Veuderifnl,' Practical mipers as well as capitalists look t the ores of irojj .and pepper side pf each of these is finished and yapiishe(ir A plank eight feet long of curled' poplar, finished in this way, Le 1 ' 1 111 qi cxunoruinary oeaiuy ana is uni yertally adniired. Profeador Gray, the eminent botanist of Harvard. who has made a number of profes sional explorations -urine Old North State, asserts rthat'it ,! has a greater variety f trees ot commercial imporr tanpe in its foFe3ts than can be found in the whole of Europe, . Perhaps th e Jiighp pt rcompliroept thg - Board Of WORTH SENDING FOR! Dr. t. H. 8GHENCK has toe, published book oa DISEASES OF TilE LUN6S m 1 HOW TO CUKE THEM Um oar hrmcn. Mention this papee. AddrrS OLAYWELL & HOGAN, DBALEliS IJf GENERAL MERCHANDISE and COUNTRY PRODUCE Gall attention to the following specialties: XC ELSIOR COOK & HEATING STOVES, - AMERICAN SEWING MACHINES, OLIVER'S PATENT CHILLED PLOWS, AVERT and MALTA DOUBLE SHOVES 1KUN JtsEAM PLOW and WALKING, . Iron age cultivators, empire Gf?AiHVDRiLLs, R b l and Agricultural Machinery Generally, Ready-lad,s!CWffiNQS" and Hats JA ua -If you don't see what you want,;sk forlt. an we alwyi keen It. 1 haking you for your patronago in th past and soliciting a share of lfc in the futuie, hsar, Yours, Very .Truly, B. B. BRITTAIN CO. .' I. i. . .y ,, ;,;(,. Illlll . T.. ... ,. .. , . m. ! 5fi Iff BBfUBB aasKi fes 3 -a bb 'DEALERS in GeBerai Merchandise. ueif stocK consisting oit'i ? t g 1 DRT G GODS', V NOTIONS"" ' ' : ' HATS; OArs, . yT y. . ; BOOTS. -!: "f; - shoes, groceries; &c. "adware Jieuai s-vcu iu Ktepir.g up a eeicct stock of hwiy anppliIt uch as : ' . .' 'U- ' MEAL, FLOTJIl, BACON. Different erades of C.nrcwv qtt a m GREENLAND BLACK TEA io eLr, a ' 8A hoe of firat-cluBS pivision8. full line of v-r: F TJ!;i:vI, TUre " " such as BureauedetfiaaExteneiwS' and other styles of Tables Tia " Sales, WaBhetands, &c, & Furniture sold at ' " , , , iu no tiictn r era pncea. :o:- Call and examine stock and hear prices of all e9 elsewhere. . , 'Hcpecifullffe; efere ;-MoKN2lE TUWHt a ""1 . "i i tf l i'