S4fc - jpi i x i mUiyCbllU'Jll. w 0 T. G . COBB, Editor and Proprietor. B. A.OOBB, Manager audbolicitingAgt. MOEGANTON, N. C. Feiday, April 17, 18851 Wi-have t'He first number. -of the nvilh daily Citizen on our thV, and a newsy daily U is Wo , I i I. ... :, fili a vacancv mucn oeiu'vu i. " . i needed in VY. W. U. - y ha& the Star's beft wihea. ej 1 Trrr,MJonsni vjenerni ai v icnna; m. v. CHANGES IN THE KEVEN U E I Montgomery, (Miohigar-), Ooramie- BUREALT. Comraiadoiier Milkr says there will he very few if any changes in . at rflwnnue service until lUt inivi""' - nft.r the first of next month. By th.r. time what is known as the fWial taxes will have been col Itcted. Mr. Miller says neither the K.crttaiv nor he himself atoms it tr. inti rfiiro ' with the routine 1 wot cnrift nntil after these special tax are cured f THE HOMiN Y M UPPERCASE. ' The Asheville Citizen gives the has occarea m mi auj - ... . ... i that some unknown parties visited th Vmnsfi of one Mr. Joic, aged 75 ,w - .i f f!, in,'.3.. years, on inu ui ii, u. J 1 . . , . .. . , Wd murdered Joic?, nis wile ar.-G two children, then set fire to the liouse and burned all the bodies . in lo SnnP.inn seems to reat luu. " 1" nnnn nnmn f.haracters in the negh- ,.t horhoo. but as vet no evidence entiiciorit to their conviction hae been jirodnced, Joiee was known to have tome money on hand. WHO GOT THE OFFICES. The Manner in which they Have Been Ul tkibdted vjEoGeaph ically. Vnsliington Post: One hunared and seventy-tour ....... nominations to office Shave been rlA hv Pivsidn! (IflVP.land Rinr- . ' " - u j . nr n. , , , aad fifty-three of them the Senate particulars of the most outrageous tfee young, but to people uf all nid brutal case ot murder and age s. While this is generally un- burningthe bodies afterwards that derstood in the 350 000 or more 1,11 P . . homes :n the United S' atcs whuih confirmed, tw is rejected and tive to ihe beahhieet and m :st ac- thirteen it left unacted upon. The tive of boys. Authors knows that national appointments are distribut- Tif panion will have the best, and is willing to pay tl.e most lin ed as tpikws: erai prjt.es Advertisers know that- w.n. NWjNrLADr i ii'is a magnifice nt medium through William C, Endieott, Massachu- wliieh to reach the p.n)!e. Every- setts. Secretary of War: La ward J. b,dy knows that it is conspicuous Phelps, Vermont, Minister to En- suceSB' gland; Isaac Bell, Jr. Rhode Ldand, inVcreditable to Boston that it Jfl M w V e,norla.nfl6; Thomas M. Waller, Conuecucut, Consul General a: London,'! and Charles T. Russell, CunnLcticut. Lousal at Liverpool o new yoke. Daniel Maiming, Secretary oi the treasury; m. C. Wdutney Secretary ot the Navy; Samuel S Cox, Minister to Turkey; Charles fc. eairchud, Assistant becretai v ol the Treasury; Alexander McOue, Solicitor of the Treasury, and Wil liam" R. Robberts, Minister to Chili 6. MIDDLE STATES. Thomas F Bayard, DA ware. Secretary of State; Eaw&rd P. C. Lewis, Nexv Jersey, Minister to Portugal; Malcolm Hay, Pennsyl vania, First Assistant Postmaster General; A. G. Gross, Pennsyl vania. Consul at Athens, and J,hn S.McCalmont, Pennsylvania, Com misaiouer of Customs 5, the south. . Lucius Q. C. Lamar (Mississippi), Secretary ot Interior; Augustus H.' Garland (Arkansas), Attorney Geneal; Henry L. Muldrow (Mississ ippi), Assistant Secretary of the Iuterior; John D. C. Atkins (Ten nessee), Commissioner ot lniian Aflairs; Charles W.Back (Ken 'fiickey), Minister to Pern; Richard gilbbard i; (Texas), Mi oistcr to j$apaa; Henry : R. Jackson and Alexander; K; - Lawion (-rorgia) Ministers to - Mexico aiid Rusciu; Thomas Jarvis (North OaroiiiiB) frleync (yjrgitiia),; Minister to Italy; AsLti "Knott (MurvlanaV. Second i..bsibiaui - x osimasrer (jrenei ai; 5rT: Mfet ' Oy, 't. - Virginia) i.O 'UiK'jr '-ti i'J. Intel n,il ltveu flv : iu.t utjce-: (JMaryland) SDrn 4?mU'H iir! "tk4bVt U :la X 1 r 1 "ii i . . . . i .-k e. Knr .... Mi ton .1. Durham 1VC11- . v i tuciq , UomptroUer o! me irc-u- rv 1 1 ry 10, THE WEST. Win. F. Vilas, (Wisconsin) Post- raasccr General; Geo. II. Pendle ton, (Ohio) Minister to Germany; Rasmus B. Anderson, (Wisconsin), Consul General at Copenhagen; John C. Black, (Illinois;) Com mis- sioner ot V'eniont: w m. A. J. Rnsrks. iT!inois ) Commissioner of T r . 'As . -vt. t rv.i. ijanu omce; normau o. uumuh, (Missouri) Commissioner ot Agn- culture; Mmand Jnasen, (isnnoi-) fioner of Patent?; Daniel McCon- ville. (Ohio) Sixth Auditor ot the Trvssury: Geo. W . Merrill. (i eva- da) Minister to Hawaiian Island?; Ruius McGee (Indian .) Minister to Norway and Sweden 11 New England - 5 New York -Middle Stat s The South -The West Total - - G 5 - - IS - 11 43 CONSPICUOUS SUCCESS. BOSTON Everv family which is visited bv The Youth's Companion knows that it is a source ot delight, instruc tion and amusement, not only to fl , , , Wfli,,rtmn Th TWA Compamon. it may not be so wide hv understood that it has now i larger circulation than any other i uterarv nauer iu uie worm. xoe 1 .1 rrv. . - . . cm let and modest vet vigorous wav j , , . h - fe d I would not perhaps giv-i this impres- ion, but the record proves the fact. It is a credit to B.a-on that a pa- tJ U., .4 -1 u-J f , here should i'k its titVy-eight viar stana at the head of all the literary papers of the world m circulation Brains, good judgement and en ergy are the secrets ot this succcse The growth has been steady and p rmacent, and the gigantic stride uf the p?ist few years have bnen in keeping with the enormous progress J ot the conr.tr v. Ihe Companion 1 never was makia? greater head wav and ought to reach half a million circulation within three years from i - date. Ot a paper so widely known it is hardly necessary toepeak in detail I the general reader knows that it is pure and elevating a tone, and ynt vigorous, entertaiaing and instruc- possesses the nu-sr suec,fnl paper of irs kind in tho worlf it j . & aoie to me intelligence of the youth ot the bnd that so many thousands ot them read such a pper vt-ith pleasure j.nd aridity, and all lover of what is good and truo ?nd ele vating can tcel that any incrfase in the circulation ot The Youth's Companion will be a good thing for the rising generation, and con sequently for the country. Boston Daily Globe, ATTENSION DISABLE CON FEDERATE SOLDIERS. All applications must bo filed before the first Monday in July next. All soldiers so disabled and all widows of soldiers are lu rebv notified to .co mo before the Bo-ird of Inquiry at the Court IIousu in Morganton on the first, second, third and fourth days of July next and make their app ications. They should bring with them any witnesses they can who know any tacts relative to th manner, time nd plao of receiving the;r wonndg Their regiment, company, .vc The widows shonld bring any evi dence they may have oMheir mar riage and witnesses who know of the hrau. place and cause of 'their husband's death, or any letter papers they may have." or Notice given bvordr-r of th Bunrd. J. L. J. Ejtks, Cierk. Pof. Anderson, the new minisn-r to. Denmark, was once an anulp pedler on the strees of Ivlilvvankee and among his customers was fr' Alexander Mrcheil, who was one of the first men to telegraph his congratulations pn ' the pressor's new honors. :-'Thfongh"-jriVQvn -t.f-Ibrts young ' Andersen Obtained - an education and now h .Ha th' -K,.; hhorofors. literature In ;Ah ' Vilas ware fr.eads.and ' h'ce lii appoinm- nv - : Bu2z:ird Roo.it. w,v, fl. - " n,ations, j wU, be found a" little like the primaUve l ... Baptist preachers 1 write as me ideas suggest themselves to me, and like them I am going more for good horse s-nsj than lor polish or fine phrases. Well, there is not a cay pasess hv hut what 1 fe things going n ..-r,nA r,, t!v,? T JH. ve co -lid bii irtioroved on. "We want to vo:n nurc the voung men of to-day with the young: men ot tweni) ubw ,1trO. UIKO 1 He yuir" xi.-tw to to-day (as they call thomsuv. s; and before they are in lhor ttans they must have a store sun oi clothts of the most costly latest PaiUiian style, a plug hat, low qnanereu snoes, su .p'-o tifti..-. biandmg collar, elite nceiv-uo am. kid "-loves, and especially in town after S o'clock p. m., they will l'gia their cigatette, witii siivi-r heaut-o: walking cane, will n innrk to some oi toe family, ''Tell tlu old g-ntu-- man" his father "1 havesmo busi ness ('own street, and wilt be back probably by 12 o'clock." Ard t he- next morning if the street corm-is, billiard saloos, whiskey shops, etc. could talk, what a tale they con id tell ot the doirgs and sayings ol tlint youth. And talk with the old gentleman (young America new name for father) and no wm tell voa hi nps aiivi do.vns wilh ids boy and say that ho is V-t:ing so large that he can't do anything with him. As tho wise man sayR. Sparo the rod r.ucl ruin the chihi." Now. we discover a wide d;iii-ren"e in the raising of oys now :wi ewenty-five years ail -i'uen, hoys, until thiy w."e eiglien, J mm nothing about Parisian sia:s, p:ug hats, eiga'cttes, biil'id ssloous. dram-shop?-, cis., and even if ihi two latter were visited, tho-i tiu-y were pointed at as reckless, dt.ipat vd and vinwonhy of nonce by ole .nd yonag. I ft hey got a neat lu)iny- made mixed jeans suit i:ut and lifted by mamma, a neat pa.r of shoes by a good country sb.m maker, h. thought himself iu tin ieig!'t. of the fadiion. Tiitn Ids father's ordt-r was law. If in moe- rate circumstances, at tlio ag 61 rwijnty-one lie received a good trade or a good horf-e and portion .f the old itomestead, atid he tilied the Hil. If in better eircumstmc s he was sent to tchool and then al lowed to choose tho vacation hi? salient was best adapter! to. il-vv different nowadays. How feldoio y-u see a young man disposed to select some useful occupation, sm-li as iarmirg, manutaetui ing, eng:: ering or anything ot the kind Ail viant to be clerks, la vver. O h lots, in fact atything to avjid w.rk. Bui tho blame eh u d r.ot ail be laid on the ciiihiivn, as tin parents of to-day are insiUKnvr.i'Mo their little chirps from it:ia: cy irovt "if- iittie Siiuy i.-r J.nny i?. jii-i toi good to do anything and i;. per fect in eveiythiig." And right then when out o! tlnir sight the Old Scratch himself cin't heui ih nn. Ail this s an evill nn..' y thes'.m, an I how long, oh how long will it con'ionp. Tiii'TiiY jforaoDD. 5ru o:n !soi?s Ford. 2fr. Juiifar: Will !y to v.-ii that the p4-op! in Lower Fork Township all soo.-n be up and duing, prepandoy it large crops e ri!, cotton and tohac, tuclat'er sev'miog to lo fbc 'xcitemen . Wh.-vt hat bfeti o k it!g sorry, but is iusj.r.u-ii r.r :--, i; now. There ia a bft . -"icknps- -this s -ction. D--. J V. Wsjch'.-sicr is very low and has had his c- l!i mnd,. and his grave eng. Kb H-y t'dher of.u- d- try Sjv-ritt' S ii. tnon Iiovle departed tit's if;- M iri h 24:f.h 1SS5, aged SO r.dd yr-ars H was one of.nr good old In no marks and a good old seh. ol tea' h er for ov r 40 year, ;e i in n second wife, three s ns a-id a Ur- circle oi grana ciit'dren. i Jig OI; must die and tiie yi-ung m-;y di:-. and we l'e!i v that the Lord iif.s called him up heigiier, and that om loss is his eternal gain, und tS:at in has ceased from his labors and works do follow hi:n." Some Sabbarh-chooIs rre bi-ing organized in this srction and inay the .Lorii presidn ovr then.. V. t want to hear f';o o the editor on ti-c same. Yours, N. L. C. I ; tr I TAT . 1 i, T,...1w.. CiiO3 (beadle Corner; for a iir.it-c-ln; shave, hair cut and gaeral clcaiiing oil. Davia Bros, are now iving tlioir gpriug GooiIh, emVra..-i!:g all the0 Jiu-K kept id this rr,arker. Go ami see tiitru while the pjooda are fitsii and uv. L. F. Warlick & Co., of Icard, de- Sa thaV' Fertile of different brUi which thy offer upon reasonable teixas. ent3 to sitire to i w-ii- Mr. Eli '-or: I hav do yet fcen anything from Quaker M'm1ow; in vnr?- 5n t e 'ing columns. I do not k-iow whether I can write auytning h t A-ill interest V"Ur tnAMy readers or n :r, however I will eay eomethirg. Cold weather still rmain. The P'-aeh trc-1? are not yt-t in luii bloom. T don't think ! cvnr 8iw t!;etn s ; I.v.m. The farmers wre be gin:?. g to. pant some corn. I think thv.y i:a' baltt-r ke:p i ntt ii:itii tli: around gots warmer F r inv 't'irr. l lmcnu to wa- uihii i r'ee some buds p'lttingout. m 1 ft Tiicte lts been a p.r of c,.tn- idaitit about wh't bt-in (V- z ut. Tiie man that m 'e so much on the r . i red hills .-- id In would not m:;k-" more than 30 busby's. 1 am afraid some of thir faith is io- weak. Mr. PJditor, I !lav.; fa'th to h.dn-v.-, ir, tltat t!il;re wiMhetlu4 bet whe-it raided h yCr that ha- boon in wan v. Wa know a n vcr of wi.ert is thin om tb.r ground, but it w;!l o;i!y give ttiy i'h- r it b'tei i-hr-.n-v. ();.ts th,..t W:.i S v7t) 1m: 'tall wi'i a!mosT ,in . fij. nr.-. i hd 31 r. C. M. Bntkld, Deputy Tax co , j,,r our iownsh'.p, h.is sonn-pr pertv al -r:iMi l:r t-alni-.cx- S;:urfav. As this is the fii I will stop Very lesprct'tilly, Quakku Mrad.uvs. The tollovving nnu-ed gntlt tnan are auth ri;:-d to take sub scriptions br Tit MoRGAvrox St:: tud rccipt for the? sati.-: . M. Winrrts. ()..k Hi;!; R. ' N. Kin- en;:, iii.ago w ater; a. Li. li'tght, Mgrnonluirg; (,pt. J. C. AlTils. :rm.jietown; Josi-ph Mull, C v.i.p Ci-jik; N. L. Chapfiiun, Sh.uio'b Ford: Cpt. P. hi. Mull, Moll virovc; A nos iluIluiHn, 1 :ir.TH: il-irace Couiioliv; Icard: L. A E.d.s, Uut:ierfod C- lege; John I I .... j IJ I . : i r v o'r'u. li-iousvii!'-; joiin la bio R.ek; Josqili iiuntcr, pwuti o i.ra. TAKE NOTICE. r 1 am constantly necivi::cf NEW GOODS and can always oiler SPEOLU, EAflGAINS. It VOit rsr.itl f.t.,:ivo ill.rioy Be Sure asfl Price m GodSs l...f..... 1 ; . . uiiyiug eicwnfre. i pay full x-alu i' t'.T TP1T& 1 TTT rn All goodb d.Ji v 1 tree within m-j city hmi'?. bj iri idt; r.ir liliESKCiXSSAlCHEDasirt IP THE UOUGll itdivced to any p.irt or tiie town. Tin: Vf 5 Vt ft ? fc, Z1i4'"i2. .. '. ': ne4.i;ii Jt.Mling Sewing chine- oi iho i;md. Cmeand ex u i .o ssn-i p:icj ihcin '-c: f:.- b:iyi.g C'!.-C- 'ctiol'y. P. tie V 5"t7?ti o r ox Kono frcanlne nnlcee stamped as follows. S3 Those ShoCfl for infTeTTMi aro Made of J-'inrst Tanneri Calf-Shin , stltchod with lari bilk lach.'no Twi6t. and ara unequalled ia Durability. Comfort, and A ppecr- rX varioDswiifth. t;ViVo. ottre. Tliov Am m.riA in 'V foot, and with el- ?"?V ther Li-o.tI nr n.tr. ivrf ' iocs, l nc mor- l: .-s. it 9 Of thn I euoes hare . ' -v: f:'v.... fr .S - caused euch an enor moua ir.crfase in the Oomar.tl for them that ire can now fumisa proof that our rrie t.mted. factory pro duces a larger nuan- uty or Fhocs of this graile than anr I other factorv in i Yvcrn: .... . larly request ttiose who hvo oeen ravlnir 83 rr ft fn i..i. ehocs to" At Icist try on a pair jwii. ii cost3 ziotlujfr to try them on. J. 2IEAST3 & CO., ilA3tTTACTTJUEKS, BOSTON. 2IAS3. JCOMERESS l.r. BliTilj&Cj. I oft ft . V J ; mm 1 The nndcfsiRned wbh to iufornx the jjooplete stock of m ..... . w-r. ; m i ! TT i A i R S D ' V I A i K i K 13. : : -v - JJLKS TO A $7 HAM AAuiUu Weare6oIeCgcutflfortboC.lnirr.tedPATno:i K'K S OYE, ubicLw will so!l cheaper thau ver U-U n . . t the Malta Dsible Plw, Feed Cotters, Corn Shellcrs SV AliU OIITEIi KiND.S Or A-JUIUULTDlJALnirLEJIEXTi.' Trv ns on Sti-l rioa nn.i iiimuo tiD-. acyiw, i.w qu.tu ackl Iron f every kiud. Wo will bavo you uiouey. mZ-t J We aro Headquarrs for Builders Hardware OF EVERY KIND. GIVE US A GALL AND SEE THE PRICE?. To tl rarrbatiliM wo would sy t!iat wo bnvo the most compTefe line of Tools tl;?.t urn o bo found m Western 'A if.h Carotmo, inclnding all kinLi of iVncU Filing, Iil. vk PUin-.s. Cir-uUr, rr:.J ul lU'V.tit Plmc, aa.1 V;irijn otbpr kind tiK mimcrovia to uioiit ion. Como nml enraiuo our stock at Sliping & Cox's old ataud. lUp"Ctiniiy, Headquaters fcr All Grades of Furniture, FROM THE CHEAPEST POPLAR BEDSTEAD. TO TIIE FIN-" EST CHAMBER SET.- We have been at enormous expense CltDg np our factory with tho mcst ittiprored Machinery, Steam Lnginea and employing none buttho most kiilcd rikiiuMi. I5vory PUcc of Wood 1m Ex. :niinrd nxitl 'Jl'liri-oixlil- Sen toncd bfttoro l lc,'i!. Our Slup3 iro loCrtUU at MorgHiitim, on the line of tho W. N, C. Railroad, hence our transportation locilitii-s are god. Pcr-r.-ns wirhing to buy Inmilnrc x'il! tave nu iu-y by calling on tis at our Fartvtv or corrcspondirg with us. Oidtrs lum a distance vill receive prompt attculion. A liberal. discount made to large dealers Very respectfully, "Wilson Avery. i'l-opr'd rtlorganton rurulttu'c AITj Co. M-rgmton. N. C, March G, 1SS5 I cli-Ire to fuy to tao farmers liurko aul tho tt-ljoiiaj counties that I will Pay Cash for Grain and other Products, Alto tlnit I havtj on hand f--r sroc a nuniber of the well know IPIcLxontb Wagons. A GOOD SUPf 0s' i'LOUvk IS LL -:i:DE. fN'CLUUlXU Ttia CKLiBIUT iU i. lioiv's 51 talk- (kOLLLU I'KOCESS). LQUAL TO THAT IN ANY Grain, Hay, Hal and Brrrn Alv7ays on Hand. iVei Dttivt;iy. MAKUFACTURING COMPANY. 'i.-'i lo ("I. IIALIj. LUme., ".".v.v.. v. a. A. 5iiiUiOi:w, II. T Mi'-scrt MNCFACTCKixa Co:ipast, boii'2 InrateJ at the junction of the i-f?ir i -dr Ntrrcv Gu-jcv 11. K. ith ho era .V. C. 11- U. &t Hi. tor ...i ;:i . fc.uv.try a'.oiitiiia in I 'i?, anJ nli kiuus of l ara wood oa the Unust uualiij, iik jrcrflfu- w mi &t sli"tt i..t.cc oru'.-rs for ever j !c-ricriptiua of Co"isth of Sah. D'.imtf. Muii-:;;f, l.irai:J Vindrw Fraroon, cither square vriinuf ir cncn!:r lop, v.v.hlirg. i r-clle, lta!usciR, tit htr turned or paw. U. Porosi s a;d I.:y WinJows ccmph-lf, fioriitvs :"ruj iLe p JUuvst Porch Cornice to the hf,f ti.;.ck. l-l Co-imcj. t ) p it, t...n t o"vu ;f iru ii iiio :. ra d jAw.t -v ik is tvn, -tort- fiviiii ztud CT.dix.cuf.ni truipi-tr- ttacv to put up. ail t..r!- of -i -s. -oik. b.iii .j ai:d Counttm. na mU)oj a lr:i'..-A?i.' i'o'ir.tti i.r .-ut. ti...r. mu hac it uide Jehr. Sketches .:r.tl . i-toi.Htcs o- t .rui :-s !' r .hii-; ;n -, v it:. r w .ti.ci.t liihi let, preciption Coun ;.! . it;. A.--. ; iu fj.r., ovt ; t!:iuf; tb.it i :tuirs to LU1LDIAU ia the line of Mill dj jf lea p . i :r o ; Uoxo'vg in Hard Wixxh: Viv.o el?, tJ" lr '.Vv r i:i'ite!s Vjiirtcor . . . j him-w ana eiou.-i. OlMr rxi.e cr c.i I 1 pf u:. kii-... iij'. j.llurt i i ilo.;.i ijs l!i i i ici.t.t v-. jour pir ii u.. ic n..il.ii, i juu j..fct v.S..t ou vu:.i unl.ii.' J.. U vol C1 tiu- v.i rl;s i re H:-pi:ni wiiluNL ai;; I'ry Ki'r., or.r iho Lsnr-t ;iuj:ruvr.l 'p.uurn. . i M- ;-nrj..yjM i ly m (lit Mi.t.i iof toti.N or c-t .11 u ii.t'iL;.;::'; . t.n AlihiUc j ..;....: ,o ...nv!,, m.,v. m pttc.t ui.iaty iuM ply Ljs tt u all ctae" vin, 1u.;ij tu- i...wwn to U:e i:;t (UMiiiutctal biylo cf architecture. -. t . . . . - . il ll'n i?-iy. i In ,7eut -w. a:, l o .i u . . . .A:i;.ki,.f, G o - i.i i: .ui ... K.. lK;t:,i " .i..r.-i.t u 1. . O f 4 ii IL 111 I no; j. M 48 p I.. J 1 Jl ii i.i fct iltsvii.e, j 12 v a i.: Lv- tvi'ut.. t . rr. I..CAC l ttlinT AND aCCl'i 3 Ji a ii. L'vv 3.ti'.s..t.i . . 11 11 .. " . 1 . .-s . .1 b H p in An, Aal.-.-vii;. , LV. fin rii.ia Hutuiis: i:m on u.. o tT -i: Warm cpii- a-.'. Ur . J. r, K;i".h tun! n, j.-i-lj, .... 1 -'1 . 1 1. 11 .1 1L..1.. v. 1 , . As Jle. tLAUcili i E1L, ii r A. li.VUU OU'I, V. public that we have just opened a very Jilrlury CvOIctaiive AssvcuittoA. ) O. C. BOXNIWELL. i acniTECT. A. Y. SIGMON. LVTi'A. u;.. u. u iuu;U it Lueal loct. K?crv docrii. rcitr ie lir ail purU where act&ll M ik, it.tii i ah.iUiH r.r.d llarcl Tail, fir.e Front ana Vestibule .r;r. .f tirv r.v-r T(i:i, be.su laitla nt.1 r.e,.r... Jii i.i',.n.'t, b?i..i i.tx.i, pim and in fancr tiuriw for . k,i..:. . Kvik. ELi- Church cik of dtsenntion. ti.dt, Ac.. dc hard wouA .tA..l.i;n. wo.kw.i toordir, u.i a of the abore work cr ;;ji..c.ca.frto buPd, mrit us for in'orinatioa a i.fljer i. if., i,. . i ..a:l Fa. :ANT tiCLLAks aud eire k i. UCI.C. Al:iS lLLtUiUlloU wul cvst jou chinrry is tl and of t-i.y oiLcr eatublishnient ct, O. C. LLXX1WELL, IIICKuUV, A.c. J POTTTZ' S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS V .-" '- B prat Hoo CKiUU. i. " ' "" wtDi Gtru is Fowl. mdm .' ,rv "" 't, qoMtity of ri-i; "d lwr,,, vr f, LL nXe Uie uuer ftm r..''.V .i'T .T,n rTeiit ?mt mr , AVIDr.FOTJTr.Trprt. XI.TIM0B.r. JCD.

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