THE MORGANTON STAR. FBI DAY, NOVEMI3E 11 13, 1885. T. G. Cobb, Editor and 1Vmt. 11. A. Cobb, Business Manager. THE ELECTIONS. In Xew York the full Democratic- ticket of David B. Hill for Govern or, Edward F.Jones for Lieutenant Governor, Frederick Cook for Sec retary of State, Alfred C. Chapin for Comptroller, Lawrence J. Fitz gerald for State Treasurer, Denis O'Brien for Attorney-General and Elnathan Sweet for State Engineer and Surveyor was elected by a plu rality of 12,000 and over. In Brook lyn andXew York the majority was 50,000. Tammany Ilall elected its whole city and county ticket, beginning with Hugh J. Grant for Sheriff and beating the connty Democracy's candidate, Judge An drew J. White, and the Republican candidate, John V. Jacobus, all for the same office. In Virginia Fitzhugh Lee and the whole Democratic ticket were elected. The Legislature is Dem ocratic on joint ballot bv a two thirds majority. The majority for Fitzhugh Lee will not be less than lo,000 and may reach as high as 25,000. The probable successor of Ma hone in the Senate is Col. John S Barbour, Democratic State Chair man. In Massachusetts the Kemibli cans elected Eobinson Governor over Prince, Democrat, by about 5U,U00, a reduced majority, and the democrats make a gain of 22 mem bers of the Legislature. A Democratic tidal wave swept over Maryland. In Baltimore " t he- majority was from ten to nineteen thousand and the maioritv in the State is 30,000. The Legislature will stand Ser ate, Republicans, 0, ana Democrats 20. House of dele gates-Republicans. 10 : Democrats 101. Gorman will doubtless be his own successor as Senator. In New Jersey the Democrats made gains, reducing the Kemibli can majority in the Legislature iroin 13 to 5. In PennsylvaniaHhe majority (re duced) ol Quay, Republican, for state Treasurer, is 35,000. In Iowa, which before last year was a safe Republican State with from 75,000 to 100,000 majority, the Republican ticket was elected bv tne skm of its teeth with a major ity or o,uoo. In Connecticut the election was lor members of the Legislature and the Democrats gained 22 new mem bers, bringing the majority of the republicans on joint ballot to T In Mississippi there was but one uctet m the field, that hrwwip,i iv Robert Lowrey, the present incum- Dent, lor Governor and th mst f the Sta'e officers all of whom are Democratic. The voting was light. Nebraska went Republican by an uiu-uuie majority of 15,000. The first National Brink of Ashe- ville v.ill be open for-business the 1st ol jJecemuer. General D. H. Seiirle. one of the- oldest citizens of that section r.f the State, died in Lincoln count v. The Murphy division of the Western X. C. 11. R. has been completed 102 milcd west of AsLe- vine. Charley Vance, son of Senator Vance, has received an annoint- J - -- A X. mem m tne internal Revenue ser- vic, salary 84 per day and expens es. Lincolnton Press; The narrow frauire passenger train ran oft' the track about six miles above Lin colnton on Satin day night. Q he en gine, tender ana a cattle car wen badly torn up. Tlie fireman was seriously hurt. No one else was injured except the Democratic mail agent was scared out of several years growth. Mr. TV. J. Best, at one time own er ol the Western North O-jruVim: Railroad, has turned out to be a most consummate rascal and sw in dler up north. As administrator f i .... oi tne estate ol a deceased New Yorker he absorbed SIOO.ODO sml left the estate worthless. He lm just been arrested in New Yoik ana sent to Boston on the diai" of embezzling 675,000 left to him Vn Rencul oclion one thousmu! TItc C'odp, ami to require the as trustee by the late F. "W. C;ir- ruth. Tlie money is smmoxpfl tr be invested in the Midland Con- struction Company of North Caro lina. ICev. Dr. W. II. Millmrn. thf blind orator who charmed so many North Carolinians, and who is most delightful companion, will be a candidate lor Chaplain of the House ol Representatives. When a young man he was Chaplain, ana now that he is nearly or quite sixty, with allot' his sulcndld Kir. ulties in full preservation, it would oe a graceiul act ll he should be again elected. He has lived in both sections and has many friends in each. The Xeicz-Observer seems to think he will be elected. We hope this prophecy will be fulfilled. ) ti. &tar. Asheville Advance: Ono of th most important cases neinlmo- fnr trial at this term of the Federal Court, is an indictment uty Marshal, William Clapp, of -uueueu county, wlio is charged w un snooting a necrro. A nou- question arose before Judire Diek yesteraay. A colored defendant Irom liansvlvania fonnfv dieted for selling blackberry M ine and the point was made t - " wnetner such an act was in viola tion ol tlie revenue laws. Tl le inn returned a special verdict. sVin'-r forth the facts, and tne Jud'e is noMiii"; the question under :wH Mo ment, mere is a diversity ofonin iyjn cimou" ine lawyers as to how his nouor will hold. A SMALL BEGINNING We have chosen the newspaper uusmess as a permanent occupa tion. We commenced, of course, in 4-1- 1 me numnie capacity. of devil,- then jwxuvjumu inmter. Uur first at tempt as publisher was in the wav an amateur paper, called The Tack. We then started the Star witn a patent outside, making the home-prmt on an old press which required two impressions for one side. Uur success was beyond our expectations. Step . bv steT, bave advanced and to-day we have c unue nest W ashington hand presses in the country, a well- quippea omce, a good list of sub senbers and nrlvATti t neve the eoiifirlATtr.A , , . l mill Ot the best nam-klA in 1 UUt Our ambition ia ami n,;n stop short ot one of the best power- rm .me marKet and the ferAii visiting weekly every family m the county and hundr eds of peo ple m the State and United States. And appreciating the fact that we are dependent upon the people for our patronage and support, we are filling and stand ready to put nnr 7?F ?-ffoi?' to make the Star ??a liveliest newspapers in the State, and with a hearty co operation between people and edi tor the result can be realized. A FEW DOSES OF 8HRINETl'S Jnchan Vermifuge, given in time may save y.,u many dollars in money 4.nd the hie of yc ur child lie Vsiie;to 23Ji The best test of a man's willin uess to aid in a good cause is to ask him to contribute money toward its support. If he stands this severe test, and contributes according to his means, the sincerity of his m-oteaLa- . - lions may he accepted. - E -But one is often reminds! nf n fo, m - IUI l-' ' I T .14- agent ot a proposed lailroad, exclaim ed vociferously. . "Yes, I'm in f.ivnv r,f v;i, msr, last, and all the time. Railroads a e a civilizinsr. inrluenr-.n tl AV fill tne waste places to blossom ti, XKju uaa put me c'.own as m man who will help build a railroad." xne asent was i inhfo-i a., i rarmer was rich, the mat trie rarmer would t m!ca h limit f ft thousand dollars worth of stock, Jo lie iuuk out ins books, and asked, 'For how miK-.1i st.ofl- vV,,n t' ..i an u A ,ui- "VV aal," said tlie fs.rmr r. "T -7 J f" ru pur- me uoavh for seven tVrtivA .ipnlo if - J - - - nil , x i I. I MI S T f y . . r farm.'' Ex. J Good, and api)liCable in manvunsra IT! rflll Ainn i 1 5'i'oia Aaron. .Aaron, Mitchell Cc 1 A 1 oo Editor Moroantan Stn . ' ' ' ' ' , - 'V. . Mr W. B. Truslon, depot agent at C ranberry, was going from Elk Park lO jl-ailhfTVir rn n vol! i . . - - T W i . ill I f I I'l I I 1 .... I , .v vciUfi eUO flrif mtt -Iyi t JV fnn mining tram, both in lull speed, nn t ho . t i ur rA near xlik Park. Mr. Truslon made his escape x ut vIUj trestle, aj feet high . serious y injuring himself, but it is thought he will recover. I ' understand tl.o n ' rtj . vct, mule is some dithculty concerning the buildin- of lain T 7 A -fnG (;reeL' Io tain. 1 art of the hands have rebell- road I he people think that the road will not be built. The favor for a new countv is pro gressing very fast. . . 1 A successful debating society b as organized bx T.oti.. t? our school teacher, at this place. ' ; A heavy rain fell this week, end m in a snow storm all day t ,-day. 1 he people are very much interest, cd m the railraad here. L G J The General Assembly of JTorlh ( illVCtliim (In finnft . - ' ' - ' ..K,'J . Section-1. That section ohp thnn sand to hundred and forty-five of iue voue ue stneken out, and the following inserted in lien thrrof Xo conveyance of land, cor contract to convey, or lease of land, fvr more man truce years shall be valid to ins - uu property, as against creditors or purciiasers. tor a vahiablo fO?is;,iPr lion from the donor, bavrainnr nr lessor but from the registration there- or within the county her.f tin l.irid tieth: rrovulrd however, that the . . - rovi:ons ot this act shall not npplv to contracts, leases or deeds alre.-idv executed, until the first da v of Janua ry, one thousand tight hundred and eighty six . J'roei'.fcd further, tint no purchaso from any such donor. oargainor or lessor sha ! avail or pass title as against anv Dnie-it rfM deed executed prior to the first dav "of TA t jecemoer, oie thousand Mlit hnn. dred and eighty-nve, when the pers.m or persons noi;iing or claiming nnder eaeii unregistered deed shall be in the actual possession and eniovrnnT 1. 11 oi mich janu, eituer m ptrsou or bv a, lic-r or their tenuiu. at u.f li-i i. f the execution of stich second deed. r wiien the iorsin or persons o'ann. ug under or takinir such second deed. Ii U! at Iho time of tuklncr or nnrr-li.-w. ing under such deed actual' or ron- structive notice of such unrpfistered teed, or th claim of the person or persons holding or c'aiminir there under. sKe. 2. That any pcisoii or Tiprson Molding anv unieritered dpi-d nr claiming title th-:reunder, evecuted prior to the first day of Jauuary, one ii!ous:t!:u fcigni hundred and iiftv-live, may have the same recorded without proof of the execution thereof r viilvd. that fuch ierson or i.avkh.k shall make an affidavit before the of ficer having jurisdiction to take pro- unto oi eucn aeed, that tho grarilor. ;argamor or maker of such deed, and the witnesses cheieto are m cannot be found, and that he, she or they cannot make proof oi their hand writing, fca-id alndavit shall he writ ten upon or attached to such deed, and the same, together with Knrh deed, be entitled to registration in the same manner and with tha same ef- tecl. as if i.roven in the manner in... scribed by law for other deeds. oi:c. d. lhat all deeds. c.nnir.nrt or leases, before registration, except niwu ineiiiionea in section two here of, shall be acknowledged by the grantor, lessor or the person execut ing t he same, or their signatures prov en on oath by one or morn wiin.-c in the manner prescribed by law, and all deeds so executed and"redsfpro,l shall he valid, and pass tiTle and suites without livery of seizin, .ik Lorn merit or other ceremony what ever. Skc. 4. That for tho irolalo nfnlt deeds, including the privy examina tion of any feme covert executing the same, executed prior to Januarv firsr . - . . . j uiousaua eight hundred and eighty-hve, the clerk shall r.i fifteen cents for cach name, and the register, lor recording the sumo, flfiv cents for the first three conv shorts ami five cents for each additional copy sheet. &i-:c. o. J hat this act sli?dl hr i force from and after the first day of December, one thousand ciHit hi-n died and eigty-five, and the Secretary ciiau ujum; me same to ue published in at least three neu si,.-.... r v.ui ju:uiai tMstrict in the ot.ite ror six weeks before s.iirl fl n.,A shall furnish to each clerk and reds- .tj u me state a copy thereof, to be posted in their offi COS. TtlA l-rr? r - v n. or deeds ot each countv shall cause to be" ported in four public places in each township of his countv vi oiii uavs nrior in Ioa tmn t-llt... the act shall sr0 jnlo effect, mint,., notices explaining the previsions llJcaui au notuymg all persons in crested to comply with the pro ion.-ua oi ala aci,. In the General AnmKtt- three times, and ratified this tho 27th uay ot February, A. 1). 1885. STATE OF NORTHCAROLINW, office of Secretary of State, Raleigh, October 5th, 188.. o I,.W. Saunders, Secretary of "ticuy coruiy that tho forego ing is a true copy of the act on file in luis omce. W. L.SAUNDERS, Secretary of State CcIIlmiss;oners, Order. It is ordered lv the Board of Co-nty ComniiS-ioner?. tV. K. l'oo. (-alviii llouk, .lohu,i Gihhi, John Nuntz anJ VV. . Tbomp?or, Con:mi-si.nor, lcinj pre sent jnJ concrinj?, tbat tho ordtr herrto fore made (to-vrit, Ofi tLe Mt .Monday in October l?b-3,) and rtidin f.r thv holding of in election to dattrraine, wheth er a niiO"iiH- of thj qunliCe.l rot:-n of Burl e arc in f:ivr of an or.ier for making a suu.scrij tion ot rlflv thou-und dollurs t' the Sou. hen. urd Wtc-n Air Line Kail vide, thai. Hid election shall beheld onth.! I 'T 1 - - I Mfcouii i Hjay tn January, A. jj , IS ri. submit to tho term and conditions fp-ci-ed in m'ul border made bv tne Bo trd t.n said r?t Monday of Uct"ber. l-.-. and that the t-aid ord r remains in full l"rc ex fept tho election thail Le lieM- i therein nr.ivnlo.l f i t., .i.. January A. D., I.vy;. jntral oi' on the It ia further ordered bv the Bi-ar I, that thi order tnjjethf r with iheai.lordr made on the said lir?t Monday in Octber be pub lished in Tn k -Mor.GAXToN Star, u tmblishpd - . . ,-...... ,.4 WI.IIH"1, t.i JSMifUecoi.u Tuesday in January nt. la luiuiT oroe:cu dv tne l-nri tiutta nOW Tl L':-: 1 !lti. .ri n? ... -" ....... lUtCIS VI LllO I'MJIll) oxiiurke be DiiJ l.cfirA ... m.i r... d w.i.. . uv: av in .Ju'iu.irv A l iwvi. ....!. . u . -. . ... , HV', 41.11.4 111 '.rid, ti.e rf-trators un-l jud?f3 id eitetion lioretororo appointed to h-dd tin- M ' v- iue-aay in U?ce:nter l " l iSS-'. e.xti pt o f:tr iisnppo'ntii.t-i.t. t.tve brca charc.-d this n...t,.. th ; r.n.- hereby reap;-)i:ue to l...ld aid e.eeiu.ii on the second J ue.-uav ufJht.uary next, and thatthc Jshcritf inady them ac Curd im; !y. It ii lurthor nrai.raA tK . .. ..... v I 1" 1 I cn the n ujitration boos in their i.-iee- wn-u'j(s irom Miriri-o ,j simim-I rt ih day lor thirty d.-.ys before said touu J I tSii'iv nf .luniio t . . ... ll. Mil ol tin; Jiojir.l r.-.i ... .,..;.. . -.i . ...... - - villi l IIIU regiirtrnlion to be siven bv notii e i.?te.1 ivnuMup oi liurke countv, pro vided in bectioii iST.j ,;- r v..Mi. l::ia llv Order of tlm nT-.-l y-e r t Burke county. J. L. J. fcS I JCs. . Irk Toaid Oni. B.nke Co. ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Offlce in Court Ifousc.) Will practice in fue .n,i Vori i-ro I CotiriB. ottentiot) civen hlSTABIiIIEn 1. OFFICE OF- THE NEWTON PilPiP Ft 4 V ls,ck L.,x. 1 SO. Xcxcton. Xm C.y Jfrv-oK, joinij Mates, Urath,j: J Larcl,"a ' big l.avo t. s't.ri(:jncv; that we are J- vi nn! i! ul luvin of NEW TON, i.t be iuticib n .f th- V. N.- 7 L. K. It, Ihiif Mf.-rdipg t:s 'lie bei fbipping 1-cilititVt f v UroliiiH town wit f ( -rl..f t innk. ... -T iin.ish the very b. .. MOLASSES EV A I'OILYTOUS ,. ?' ' tall, :.n.i til jb. n Uki, '.h.b lor mv. We will cunt ran r J iMJOfING u:.( GUTTi-UINO any where in NorihorShfV I, -J i wi "J'U.J, i . CII!HeCir iCi i L'la. and lt'.ll lhp tmntir i-.t. . hctore letting our yur wik in tliis line. W d.i all kind .f ininbi. i;,,:y,i,tMly utui at tbe lowest prices. WeL,, j i nuiuU r of i:joJ tJl STILLS AND FIXTURES and a full : pircfc of Sheer Copper and Rircta, Seamless Copr,rPft 'op Cock. II vJrotn iter Sten:a nml R..t. Ti,. Plt.... 5 . . ? flic puriai.Miig to a tirst-cbs3 'l "TIP 1 v Tin and TcfQW fifiij ana mm stable. r " au T TnVlll!v i - x . - . . pub) o lh.1 1 h, n-ai,,, at .UL, place .ill t low price, .nd on SooH !onR lim nn Cnod A frooiiturumit cm ha hr,i if !,n. &UU8 for Old. orn-ont StiIIr Wnrtna ' " ' fit Rras nabls Ralos, Tourists can h t1;t.-.l - .--v. v. -Jin O l(J- horsiis, j)lnt;tous, or hacks by tbe day luijuin. uive me a call. Salhfnclion Gu:ira:U?cd. llesnectfullv. S. D. DUN EVA NT, PropV. Morg.intou.N C. vlu23 PATENTS CAVEATS. Ti J a I)E .MAKES AND cui'viriGirrs Ollainrid in,l nil .tl.- : .1 i7.' .r. :. in ui u. meiiiuinco uitcndcd to for moderate rates. t )UT OlTiOa i nunn.iin 1. IT c ft . . .. , " tK" I'. tpnt in Ies w.,.i 4,.uu 1, ,90 remote Irom V..sI,ir;Kton renil nnnli-l . A.....: ,1 We are the onhj Practical Cojper-Smith in Western CanV guarantee tatiff action in every reqtct. Soliciting jonr patronage, we are joiim irnlj, Hiphtowcr & Goodnight Cash. Casl T It .. .... Sena d ,r dri-K" ShlAr.u'n' . s'1" oonnnne ro Vhj th- h.-hest cash prico to th- frra h ... : A. rrwin. c advise as trraiti . .iku. T.r"r n ..... i!.nHijKiiiiv tree or charge and wel v" K,u""te. ivur lor eaie a weu-seieciea line CI imiKu ih. d,RrH uulfc w t tnt. e rtTi-r liori. t .1 r. ' . .. ... 4. . ,"v l WUIIUHIT. me oi 1 1 YA" nf.y rd" 1' ottcUU Ol lilt! I. S. I iilf.i.t 1fl'.r... I' - . mUice. term and reft ret.ccs to ht-lual cli- ... in y. ur own Mate -r u tinty. write to C. A. ?nv A nn Cpposito Patent USco. WaViineton. D. C. f.C?;S2AND CATTLE P0W3ZHS BUGGIES AND SPRING-VAGONS, Ttlads by tho Bsst Rlanufactxrars 1 ...!.T-r .S I I AM IIAlinTTlTCl t?ir vrnr-n ... TSl 4"2v1 ,ar?' 6tot;k of be wcll-kti.iwn LENOIiriM (lldier IW 1-: ;:li-6 fv "0t 8,,rPa:frd ' J y. AUo th. U, qiui,v mH,ie hv...roxatoT: v t. -r" riin ri t v 111 2 1 1 v.- ..! f . ....... ..11.. . r it ? . " . . . -.., v v -. , , ... .a.. ii 11I4.II A. l.nll nril 1.1 4 . U J III., I I lit.' 4. V I - - w . . J IIIU AA-J I I LllJ 1, No H r. !- . r, . , . . I " '.:. i.'t or LI NO Mb t-2J:i;"i ',? ?' ,:i '!,r'' a"'" pw vfi.i Ikm' r.VW".'rh h'lr"- I MI!pi.ii. n.!.i,vt. CAVID r. FCUT2. roprtctor Nona rcLiDlno ..' tuuvn s9 S3 SHOE." Tboi-o Shoes for rnitJrnipn arc r.i2tlo or Z"ucaI Tamurrjt .jvuine iwur, BTi'J ere Auueqj:ilk-1 in iJurabilittf, 'A fo n o rt, a ntl A pvm i :--" aM Tlirv aru nmde m vanocBwiiU.i.ioiHM f,J md fflili ef. c- " tlicr troad or nar 4 Moffloo. Tliemcr- n. 'x-v 113 or input r vr. A&j RM 1:1 1 H"otlco . By virtue of nn orderofthe Superior and others a;;aint John l'.irks , K aud others, I will re-seU at pubjj tlan at the Court. .!... Vi . w4..v mnii 111 IllO townofMorganton cn the 7th d-.v of December, 1S85, (the name being the hrst Monday,) the following decHbed tract of land, to-wlt ; cSnsSuSSf wi or Cherry Field laid and n.h Jrt lo dda to J. S Fleming, decJSJu will moiv fullvupnvar 4eu, t wwia ; -j per cert, cash, balance r ff,.' .J.: . u oa,t? jj fi 'l""uuu ,lll,ruuS in;mtc in common J. A. I.aOKIY. Gom'r. caused mch aa enor mous lurreaso In tho demand for them I hut wo can now furnish i 1.1 tl X A ritia n 1., icy Of VhroVr" rrf , V. rrado than any V. o;lr f.ieu.-v U si' 1 s 'UEBAt3. Jarly reqnc6ttho who hav .. . . wS il f f 1, "- BOSTOX, It-' tt'.v;vc R B. BRITTAIN & CO. 5000 Pounds Clear Rib Bacon Sids. MHnoIia Hnms Lnrd. MoUsse?, Sjar jinj O .ff.-e Ficb-(;ro:aU Ooni, limn and Fecd-Stutl lor CASH ON'LV at grer.ij reduced piicx'3 Fretr Delivery. JTIQ. S, PEARSOV S T O V E S ! STOYES I STOVES ! TheCalebrated PATRON Cook stove. The lar-est lot of cooking and heat- oliua has arrived at the HARDWAEE STORE. We hivp lKught them la Urge orjan tit es.and at very low ptieand are r i K,nor,r Cl5 mere tbe bene lit or a heavy discount da dou't fall lZJ netiInK Z cook erheat- MtlsracUoa in every particular. We are still headqunrtera for all kind of HARDWARE. Very respectfully, T.I. GILLAMA CO. JOHN TULL GRADUATE 15 NIAR3U (Over ninetet jm cfi2" phssh imtrs IM PURE CH33nClfc alwayija htal PRESGRIPTIS COMPOUNDED At aU hoars day or uig'-l 1 t- - . J ToileL Artielss tf n j. Qpuclal''

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