1 ML an ANT O N " ' ' " )S - H VOLUME II. MORGANTON, N. C., FRIDAY. APRIL 9, 1886. NUMBER C. W.C.ERVIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LENOIR, N. O. APRIL'S SONG. 1 Practices in the State and Federal Courts. ' SAMUEL J. ERVIN, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, 310 iiG A.NTOjS ,"N. C.--. (Office in Court House.) , Will practice in .tae State and Feder al Courts. Special attention given oil business iutrustort to him. ISAAC L AVERY, , ATTORNEY ATLAW, M OR G ANTON, N. C. (Office in Gov, Caldwell's old la w office.) -Practices in the State and Federal courts. . Special attention given an4 prompt returns made to all business intrusted to his care JOHN T. PERKINS, Attorney & Counselor at Law, Morganton, N. C. Office No. 1 Brick Row. Practices in State and Federal Courts. Claims collected anywhere in United States. Prompt atteniton giveu to all business and prompt re turns made. BY BELLE, I swing on the spider's cable, I float on the butterfly's wing, I feast at -the Brownie's table, I drink at the fairy's spring. I sleep in the lady-bug's bower, The velvet heart of a rose, I dream in the lap of a flower, Till its petals soft unclose. I dance on the rainbow arches, I sit on the sunset cloud, I fly the rough wind's marches, I laugh at his whistle loud. I drink from the hare-bell's chad ice, I dine with the brown-winged bee, I sup in the humming-bird's palsoe, Oh ! this is the life for me ! For I am fairy maiden, I have no soul, no choice ; With life nor love I'm laden, I know but to rejoice The Guardsman for April. A BUDGET OF NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL, CAPITAL. A NEW INDUSTRY. Two blind boys. J. R. Winters and W. N. McCurry, desire to -state to the public that they are prepared to make Matresses, Brooms and repair chairs, both cane and split bottomed, and ask liiepUUllC lO glVC IUCU1 J will be assisted by D. L Wiuters. Their shop is two doors above the Seagie Corner. Morganton. N. C. RESTAURANT. John Ervin will open a First-Class Res taurant in Morganton Feb. -)th 1888, to accommodate the public I will have at all hours. Ham, Pies, Cake?, Chicken and everything suitable to a first-class res taurant. Cbifee only on special orders. Something that has long been needed in our town. I hope to merit the patronage of the public. Very respectful ly, JOHN EltVIN. A WOMAN'S DISGRACE. She goes to Atlanta False Name. Under a Shelby Aurora A few days ago an attractive woman went from North Caroliua to Atlanta, stopping at the Adam house, under POUTZ'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS i r "i I I Bo Hoksx Tin die of Colic. Bots or Ltjng F Ysr. if Foute's Powders are used in time. For.tz'6 I'owdere will core and prevent Hoe Choura. Foute's Powders will prevent Gapes in Fowls. Foute's Powders will increase tlw quantity of milk tnd cream twenty per cent., and make the butter firm imd sweet. Foute's Pswders w411 cure or prevent almost kvk Diskask to which Horses and Cattle are subject. - FOPTZ'S POWDEKS WILfa GIVE SATISFACTION. Bold everywhere. DAVIS Z. TOTJTZ.PronrletM, altisiobe.ms.. FOE SALE BY JOHN TULL, Morganton, N. C. PATENTS CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS AND ccpRiGirrs; Obtained, and all ether business no the -U. S. Vatent Office attended to for moderate rates. Our office is opposite the U, S. Patent Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model or drawing. , We advise as to patentability free of charge, and we make no charee unless we obtain p-tent. We refer here to tho Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div.. aad to officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms and references to actual cli. ents in your own State r c .unty. write to C. A. SNOW & CO., Opposite Patent Office, W sbtaM 1.. P. the name of Mrs. Anna Jones. She was ill and call ed in a physician, who secured lodging for her in private quarters and took her under his care. He was attentive, but the woman grew worse. There was suspicion about the case from without. The patient became irrational, suffered intense ly and died. The attending physi cian afterwards said, when asked how the woman happened to know ot him: 4I have no Idea. Well, when gan attending her I presumed she was all right. I mean I had no idea that she was sailing under an assumed name to hide a shame. On Tuesday (23rd) when I called lound her suttering with intense pains in her head, and later detect ed the real cause of the trouble Her sufferings were intense and she soon became irrational. Then I searched her trunk to ascertain where she came from and found in a prayer book Miss '. Julia Lock, King's Mountain, N. C. I at once telegraphed the postmaster at that place telling him that a woman giving her name as Mrs. Jones in whose trunk a book bearing the 'name 61 Julia Lock, was danger ously ill, and asking if she had menus, l received an answer stating that Miss Lock was known, but could hear nothing more. Tuesday night the crisis came and then the woman seemed to improve but soon gre w worse and died." Condition of the TimesThe. Fight for the Republican Nom ination of 18SS Senators Lo gan, Hales and Teller's Racket .House oi.itepresentatives on a StrikeSenator Vance's Speech, &c., &c. Washington, April 2, 1880. Editor Morganton Star: With three members . of ..ilia Cabi net and the President's efficient pri vate secretary .sick ; the President is anxious about Ins own physical con dition, occassioned by over work and lack of exercise; a family quarrel in the Senate between brotbeis Logan and Teller; a ferocious assault upon each other in the House by two Con gressmen from I enn., Messrs. Houk and McMillan ; Treasurer Jordon and Senator Vance condemning the Civil Service law'; confirmation in the Senate in spite of adverse leports from committees, and with full par ticulars made to the public of the proceedings of the secret sessions of the Senate Star-Chamber, to say nothing of the Spring floods and la bor strikes, it would seem that the "times are out of joint." I going to kill itself with overwork, ! A - l . mi we ougnt 10 rass some sucii measnre as this iu the name of Civil Service Reform." Speaking of the sick Cabinet of ficers, the ultimate recovery ol Sec retary Manning is still a matter of doubt.. His friends are encouraged only by the fact he become no werse. Being restricted to a diet of milk and beef tea, the natient wonders whv they do not give him something solid build noon. A nhvsician who was discussing the condition of the distinguished patient said, "the trouble with these men is that they simply work wiih their heads; if they do not take irore exercise, there is danger of fatal consequences." ALL OYERTHE STATE. GLxVNCE AT THE STATE. From Mountain to Seashore as Seen through the State Press. county is enjoying a A JUVENILE CRIMINAL. A Boy of Ten or Twelve Stabs and Kills Another of Ten Years of Age. Ashevule Citizen of the id ins. xnursuay evening a little negro boy named Uampbe'l 131ack stabbed and killed a little bov named Cal vin (or Jack) Pressley, white. All tne parties lived near Heavers' View Mountain, Buncombe county, some six miles from Asheville. It seems this little negro is a very vi cious character, and has had fre quent dithculties with boys in his neighborhood. There The fight for the Republican nomi- pleasantness between him and wpvucv cu.y ... tlie mue rressiev boy. ami iie nafi v v f recently made threats of doing him some personal yioleuce. Thursday eveuing he saw Presslev and a lit- v - hation of 1883 has the season and not under altogether balmv auspices. At least Senator Logan's Presidential "boom" has proved a very uncomfortable thing for him to conduct personally. Sen ators Edmunds, Evans, Hoar. Sher man, Allison and the rst their's with less friciiou. Senator Logan insinuated that Senator Hale's opposition to his bill to increase tUe army was inspired by manage tie brother going to some woods near by j in going they passed the house ot Black. As soon as he saw them he begun rocking Calvin, and continued it lor some time. He then armed himself with a shoe knife, followed the Pressley boys to the woods where thev were, and . i . . t. i . . i ... . .'.-. - a certain niswrian, who uhs spent ue renewed tne attack, stricking Cal wimer iu lutme wjiuug vn ms viu wiiii a poie. uaivm took a and alternating bis literary labors board and frailed him: bnt Blnek with tobeggannmg, ice-boating and again attacked him with the pole, other neauntui recreations, ljogan puuehiug him m the abdomen with spoke rather acnmoniausly, ami the it and then dropping it, rushed upon admirers ot ur. uiame aetermmea toi rressley with his shoe-kuife aud get even with him. l hey undertook 1 stabbed him twice the first thrust to show that Logan wants the army striking a rib near the heart and increased so that it may be used to glancing, the second neuetrating put down labor strikes, and that he his breast just a little to the right A Kinston umbrella borrower has 77. McDowell gold fever. The Bebrews ofGoldsboro will build a synagogue. There are 1,017 uniformed mem bers of tho State Guard. A 1 ' - v ueau negro was piougueu -np m orsytn county a few days ago. Morrison Bros, will erect two tobacco factories at Statesville this summer. Fayetteville will memorialize Congress for funds for a public building. The spring races are to take place at Goldsboro on the 23th and 2L th of May. The People's Adrocatci the name of a Republican paper just started T at ew iterne. During March sixty-eight dram mers licenses were issued from the State Treasury. The two national banks of Win ston do a business of fifteen million dallars annually. A handsome monument is to be erected at ashington. N. C. to the memory of the Confederate dead. A Franklin county man owns a pot that was hurried containing valuables when Gen. Com wall is in vaded. North Carolina during the Revolution. The Waynesvillo New under stands that "The North Caroliua Talc and Marble Company" intend opening up their mines in Nanta- 3 based upon his connection with tho Pan Electric scandal. Nobodv doubts his integrity or honesty, nor does any responsible man believe" here was anything improper in his holding the interest he did in a prospective business speculation, - but the hue and crv that has been. raised about it throughout tho' country does not stop to reason the thing out, and thus his position as Attorney General becomes in n- measuro embarrassing both- to him self and the Administration. It would be a wonder if he, too, shonld feel disused to step down and out'4 some of these -morninga- atid- ur pease the insensate of the ,popu lace. Mr. Bayard has a genuine statesmanlike bride in his denart-" & ment, but beyond question, would prefer to resume his old seat iu ther Senate, especially - now that any more commingling with the social world of Washington has been made permanently distasteful' to him, by the afllict ions that havo visited his household. If however, it be true that the health "of. President Cleveland is breaking, there are cogent reasons why ho might desire to remain iu the cabi net. He is a fast friend of the Ad-1 ministration, and in the event of any contingency that might occur at the White House, bringing him to the front under the new order of succession, he would ceptablo try. executive prove an ac to the. coun- IIow ho Escaped tho Gallows. - Tho Ashevill corresiondent .'of the Charleston-Conrier. writcs: "At Hendersonville, onMav Sth, is to occur the execution or Kil gore, the negro convicted of tho murderof Mat. Henderson, a white woman, about a Year ago. wants the pay ot the soldier increase ed while be will do uothing for the workingmau. The III. Stnator was quite aston ished to have his sarcastic reference to Senator Hale answered from Colo. Senator Teller is not a man that an other should be afraid of, under or dinary circumstances, hut he succeed ed iu giving Logan a great deal of annoyance. He remiuded the Gen eral that a great 6oIdier is not ueces sai ilv a great Statesman, aod that i . - . . . Miss Julia Lock was known by making the Senate ring with person ... - .. - 'I ; : i . many citizens of this county. She was about 35 years old and decid-i edly attractive. She had jet black hair "and sparkling black eyes. She leasees a daughter, named Orin, 11 years old. Julia lived tor 1J years with Mr. D. W. Conrad and wile. . near Jiang's Mountain, being a sister of Mrs. Conrad. Julia Lock was born and raised in Salisbury the daughter of William Lock, who al reminiscences is not necessarily statesmanship. Mr. Teller's remark that Logan wonld never permit the public t for cet that he iLogan) had served in the army, stung the ljogan said it the remark uad ctune from a copperhead he w.uld have understood it, but no confederate on the opposite side of the -haniber would insinuate in such a low, mnan, Speak ni2 ol an execution for murder at Hendersonville reminds vour cor 1 1 T lit A . I 1 L ' . ? uaia, near jaireii s station, at once. I icsiwimeni oi one oi i nc most ro- Mrs. Sarah Benton, of Anson mauticjail escapes ever known in county, has a three-year-old hound llns section. Confined .in the jail which she sends 115 miles to the at lua1' Rome years ago, was post-otllce for her mail. The dog 11 mau . e name oi Adair one has never lost a naneror letter ol RCcrai Drotuers whose names vet. ' were common to the'crimmal dock: 2.Aniw. vu-i. i!42"- r..y ct. of the. .county, and. whoso mis vjuiiivi) in va iv ivu vuuuij , vital gcl of the breast bone, causing death in a few momeuts. Some one, work ing near by, saw the difficulty, saw the Pressley boy fall and the Black boy running away; he went to the place and found the little fellow dead. Some neighbors ' arrested the little culprit and brought him to town yesterday. His mother says he is but ten years of age, but others think he is 12 or 13. He is small for his age. The little Press ley boy was just 10 years of age. The prisoner confesses the whole matter, and seems unmindful of the character of the crime. He has been for some time very offen sive .to the whole community, and but for his age would have been latter acutely, lynched yesterday uion his arrest. Mr. J. L. Ktarnes brought him to town, and turned him over to the authorities. Coroner Watson went out yesterday evening and in vestigated the affair. Alter a thhrougli investigation, the grand jury about the failure of county commissioners and other public officers to do their duty such as publishing exhibits of county busiuess, etc. Col. Thomas M. Holt is putting up a new brick factory at Haw river, for weaving punoses alone. The ebb iuthe financial tide is be- : : ..1 it . . ginning 10 snow evidences oi us ety. .The prisoner here spokcuihal been convicted of murder, aud tho day before his execution-among the number of mouiitauiecrs' thus early flocking to the towu.;to' see the hanging there was ono who came for a different punose. "Bho was a young woman, some twenty six years old, attired in tlie' plain, simple homespun garb characteris tic of the locality, and wjth a face : .. . a i... r ti.. i r i fining uti, auu wiure iue chu ui which, wliile it was not or a type to .. . . . I bo caueu ieauiiiui, was.nv, no exieneuc a happy lrmtiou of this Upanhnmnlv ti.n.mh it vr long deferred hope. otatesvuie ixxnamark: two or three years ago Mr. F. M. Cline es tablished here a little cooperage shop which has developed into the Statesville Banel Factory. His business has beeu growing from the start and he is now working twelve hands. He is making kegs. half barrels, barrels and hogsheads, and cutting white oak staves which are shipped to the West Indies. 7 1 . . . m -m . . - I A. J . A was ii man ot wealth ami nosition deDicaoie way as mar. ie uenieu before the war came and swept having any Presidential asperations; the Corouer's jury rendered aver fivrtrvthiiur-iawav: Tim rpmaiiis of added that, be did not pretend to be a diet in accordance with the above thP. Tknor ill.fVifArl wn m i n wpvo utafKman. arul tbilt Mr. le er WftS iaui. All UAiiiniuuiiuu w xti. broue-ht haik tn this State and not a statesman simply because he buried last Saturday in Gaston 1 had served iu the Cabinet. Mr. county at Long Creek, Presbyterian Logan, at least, made a good point church, where she was a member. "Julia listened and was tempted, she was tempted and she fell. As the angels fell from Heaven, to the DiacKest cieptns or hell." CONTRACTORS, BU IIDERS . . , AN D . ' MANUFACTURERS OF in hia remarks when he said ; "I am not a statesman." Such argument was unanswerable. The House uf Hepresentatives k been on a stvike, iuasmuch a it has been tryiuir tobolvu the great labor and capital problem. I her has been an interesting debate upon the settie ment of strikes by arbitration, lhe i; .. cmsts, euects, ana remeuu's were disenssed and criticisms and warnings were freely, civen. Sf.nat)r Vance took "party as the Watson, showed that the knife had penetrated the heart of the victim. TVn mtinimi fF flm ?n who tliof the act was one of malicious mur der. ; 'What Farmers Can Do. At beville h. 0. Presa and Bnnr. CO o o CO w o CO -O a d a Too Much Land. Une ot the most common mis takes in farming is the attempt to cultivate, too much land. Too much work is laid out and too little done. The ground is imperfectly whole word is rushed, and though text for a speech which he delivered the labor is performed late and ear- u e oeuaie aga." lv. thA work ia navftr nvp.rtn kn: vice law. He avowed v J .. . . . . . , Thnrn iaalwava mnrA to flo than I party-man in 118 most compienensivo can be done. The result is a hard sense. He believed the safety and vrV work and na nrnfir with welfare of Ameiican Knmp.rimtta thft pruu liision that in party leeung aim farmintr does not nav. Farmer & he criticized the livil service ac Trucker. S WEATHERBOARDlNG, . t In short we are prepared to furnish i anvthinjr required lo build a house iu I fiist-claits order, at short notice. We I keep constantly in stock dressed and matched flooring and ceiling for oar customers in large or small quantities. Shops second . block from Court "i House, at forks of Lenoir and Icard eteets. Give us a trial order. ! w . . 8pectfuily, . ROSS & FOSTER. Mwgantou, N. C. Killed while Robbing his own House. Chattanooga, Tenn., March 29. A 'report''' from Granger county, A m T.! ...i 4. mortal it v any more than the rresi as an invasion of the President's powers. For want of political parties, he ad, Uussia had Nihilism, France slep on communistic fires, and Germauy had to maintain enormous armies. He Hid not see whv a Government clerk should be endowed with official ira- They have votes enough to carry i 9 any election. Thev can effectually put an end to t he extortions of railroads, which take one bushel ot every two that he raises. Thev can put ten farmers in Con gress and the State Legislature for every one they now have. They can make their own laws in all the States. Thev can combine themselves iQto a compact body, institutions lay luli0 fnrT1:i, allegiance, and "V- " " "r themselves inestimable his own residence .of $2,500 tax money he had deposited there and .was snot dead, under tne beuei that he was a burglar. dent, or the Senators and Kepreaen- tatives. A Senator remarked that there wTas a good deal of souod philosophy in the measure' receutly introduced in the House eivinc: Government clerks a half holiday every Saturday. .The canning establishment at "NThw Berne 'is in full blast; Three ""Trnm nresent aooearances, comm- gotten in a few days ago. ued he, "the new Administration is value to themselves anil the couu try. and They can by so doing protect themselves against speculators. Why Drug Stores Pay, Senator Allison says that prohi bition in Ioa is a "faxed lact." So much so indeed, that it is better to iro to Iowa" and open a drug store than to go to Colorado and open a silver mine. i The Bichmond & Danville Bail road Company has granted its em ployes an advance of ten per cent, in wages, which begun April 1st, Probable Cabinet Changes. Washington Ctitic what hid uuuer the. shadow-or - a sun bonnet. Her form was rounded and stout and she -presented an appearance, of unusual - firmness, intelligence and self-possession. She asked permission to sicnd the night with her 'husband, the pris- orer his hist night on eartlu " Tlie kind hearted and sjmiathetic jail or did 'not hesitate to grant, so slight a request. ' On 'retiring- shii a&ked to be allowed her freedom at early dawn, so that she might mko tho.tiiial preparations for the terri ble fate of her husband. To. this ulilif imil rortitovt tlmm iria iri r il would not be at all surprising, jectioll OII the ,)art of the old jailor. says a close obsener aim wen- unact.ustomL-d to tnm.the Lev-on posted friend at our elbow, if sever al other changes took place in the cabinet within the year, iu addi tion to the enforced retirement of Mr. Manning. It goes without say- inff that there are three officers of the cabinet besides the becretary of the Treasury who have more than once mourned tlm day that they left their comfortable seats in the Senate for new and untried rcsjoii sibilities. Of these two are now sick, the resnlt, no doubt, of close confinement and harrassing duties of their complicated departments. Mr. Lamar, a geutlemau or schoi arlv tastes and habits of easy leis ure. was of all men least fitted by education of natural aptitude for the hard, routiue drudgery that waits nnon the Secretarvshin of the Iuterior.' He is a good.ofn cer, but it goes hard with him to be that particular ofticer, and the couu'rv need not be startled to hear of his beinr returned to the Sen a to again. As for Mr. Garland, the duties of his position are not to arduous in themselves as to break down any mau of ordinarily robast health, and being a first-rate law yer, he is not unlikely to feel a high professional pride in executing the trnsts confided to him, and execut ing theui well. But the. Attorney General in spite of ' his indepen dence of character, Is a sensitive man and cannot help but feel wor ried and annoyed as being made the target for scandalous attacks pnsoucrs charged with graver' or fences than assaults and; batteries. As the great northeast began to send np its first gray' streaks ''an nouncing the brtMking'day the old jailor, none too soon lor his volun teer prisoner, turned, the. hnge kC3' iu the massive lock and , allowed the homespuii-cla'd figure with the sun-bouuet to pass ' down into tht cool sweet air of a mountain morn of summer and glide away amid the dimly distinguishable objects of the dawn. . Crowds came- iwur- ing into the small town at all mo ments from diiylight "to" 9 o'clock, the hour for breakfast- at jail, -an eager to seethe first banging in the history of. the county. As the clock struck i) the prompt old jail or ascended tire stuirwjy with the prisoner's last meal ou eartlu. ' The bolts weiy 'turned,' tne iloor "was opened, then with a clang; wan shut. - Aa the : gray - liairetl jailor. for years and years the, keeper of the prison, extended the' moniiiig meal to the only inmate nndcr his charge ho" was dumb with nmaze- ineut when ho iviur before him nut a couvict, but the handsome : face of the convict's wife, whose Khajcly limbs were covered by; her bin band's clothing, while he, with licr's, was amoug his native hills aud far away. :. '.. . r"A lot of Hill's Shoes, in sizes from 1 to 3, for cash at cost at Claywell Bros.