The Mokg ANTON TAR VOL. IL For Sale. A FINE two-year-old Devon Bull, well irrowi oii.i in e-ooA order. For further nurri;..!.. sppiy toC. H. DKLH. on the Ervla farm, fou. nTMtRAL AGENTS VflHTm - nniiihn )f extra ability and experience, to take genera? Moomtlnc Jitfencles, to find and start othfr ran. msfers books. Extraordinary 4uceiuents. Applicants must show they nifc ffc-ix. tiielr experience, etc. 11ENUY BUCK LIN CO.. go6 Arch st.. Philadelphia! ra To all who mo suffering from the error end li41scp-!lloof yooth, nerrous woaknoas. earl "It m . 1 -vi' tMankAAjl v . Satxa, uumw, c, x wiu seaa a recipe IbAt will C3 you, FREE OF CHARGE. This groat remedy wdUoovered by & missionary in South i ABicrii. oci-auuressea onreloDe to th jxv. joufcra x. AJtay, StcummJ), ,'tw York CUg, NOTICE. Tan order of the superior Court, of Burke I) county, in J. T. Abernethv, adm'rolE scott against T. A. Scott and others, heirs at thprt will lw nffurort " . .,., ....... - iuI ocic ul me uourt House in Morgranton on Wednesday, the 3d Zv of November, issc. at 12 M. a ,.. " i lot at Kuthertord College, containing Tacres more or less, and sold to make assets Term : Fifty dollars In cash, tne "balance In toncl and;securlt.v, at six months, and title retain, ed until payment Is made. u J. T. ABEEXETHY. Adru'r Oct. 3,HSSg. By S. C. W. TATE. AttV. Amherst Academy. PRINCIPAL: REV. R. L. PATTON, A. B. THIS school Is In Burke county, onlv three mUes from the llallroad. A new two-storv building. Rooms for boys right at the Academv Board per month T. Table fare So. Tuition to $3. The school Is leased for five vears, there fore FEKHASEjrr. Debating Society and Jieadins Koom. Address the Principal. Morganton N e J. A. CLAYWELL Is Manufacturer's Agat for Tombstones, Monuments and In fact GARBLE WORK OF ALL K1H3S. CALL on him at the Post Office before pur chasing. All work sold by him first-class. Satisfaction guaranteed. Angust 17. 1S86. J. A. CLAYWELL. Agt. If .A-rtlrur Evans, Poat-Offllce Block. &k is Walciss, Clocb, Jerclrj, SOtct Ww FANCY GOODS, ETC., HAVING 25 years' experience In the largest manufacturing houses In Europe and Amer lc. 1 am prepared to repair all kinds of watches, elocks. jewelry, etc. All work guaranteed. MMMO For tie Sot M, DEES - DARING Bv BLUE & GKRAiY, The gTeat collection of the most thrilling per sonal ndventures.on both sides during the Tireat Uvtl War. Intensely Interesting accounts of exploits of scouts and spies, forlorn hopes, heroic wavery, Imprisonments and hair-breadth es capes, romantic incidents, hand-to-hand strug gles, humorous and tragic events, perilous lour ne.VN, bold dashes, brilliant successes and mag nanimous actions on each side the line. 70 chap vn. M0FCSELT illustrated to the life. No oth er book at all like it. Outsells everything. Ad 3 roes, PLANET PUBLISHING HOTE, 10 Arch St.. PHILADELPHIA, Pa, ; to for payments allowed canvassers short of "inos. EAGLE HOTEIa Itake pleasure in announcing to 5y friends and the public, that lam prepared to accommodate the trav eling public. My house is fitted up with an eye to convenience aud com ort. My table shall contain the "est the market affords. Clean beds Jim polite servants. Mv house is located fifty yards from the depot of the W. N. C. K. R. Meals serv ed at au hours for the convenience of rail road passengers. Give me a call llespectfullv, KOBT. PO inSLL. Proprietor. i C. TT 7! U DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVEltf, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, ; KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. r.1' igorat- TT glv NEW Inar nt r. A . . fhtful to tafc. t"''i4 1 v-i- cvctu of great value . . . mm tiivi w . w A mmwm Medicine for Sfk d Ailing Women and Chil- by Strengthening the Muscles, Ton. ing the NERVES, and completelyDU gesting the food. CONTAIN i3 A Book, 'Volina, by leadiMff physicians. telling how to treat dis eases at HOME, mailed, together with a set of hand some cards by new Heliotype process. .ned skill.' making a ci V"T ,V Pm " woor. Bhonld Dm dMlr bmi rV0lJ D Drug and Chemical Conaptnj. rierAitic uu bt THE ElToQUENTJKANSOM. His Splendid Speech nt tfalajgh. f Extras fmm -woo " . - w Cno-vuacryer.j v uuauuiai record I Willi Senator ltonsoni was gracefully i ber ' per cent bonds selling to troduced hrft p Irim. n i m . . . introduced by R. H. Battle, Esq., uery nappy way. He bagan saying that he would try to lay some valuable facts before his hearers. Noth ing would stand but the truth. Ma said he had yesterday afternoon re ceived a request from thechair- manofthe Republican committee to divide time. That had been decHned. as th (the speaking beginiug at 8 o'clock) m uoc aamit of a lengthy discus sion. But tb f'AOt. tiof vtmcvv OIUC was to be represented would pre vent him from speaking any word .save those of truth. He spoke of iue delivery of the peonle of Xorf l, Carolina from darkness and fear and trouble, and said that too of. ten people who had escaped from these evils forgot what thev had escaped from, thought only of the present and did nor, tut - title fact that these perils might come again. He spoke of the dark davs of 1874, and said what a contrast there was between the present and t hat t ime, when lie had last spoken in this hall. Theu the liberties of the people were threatened: all ma tuey nem Gear. He hated to lift the veil from those dark hours. But it was his duty to do so. Then Federal bayonets gleamed every where, plans were set on foot to WKC tUK iahC uDcrty irom the peo- j.v,, u iub accarseu civil rights i.;n i .i ...... I uuug oer cue soutb. But, tutu xiiven, uie people had been taken out of that dark sea and all is brightness and peace, drive away trade from tforth Caro Yet people ask what the democrat- Una. How absured. How had the ic party done! hat a question ! It is almost as if a mau had denied lllS (iflil. Ha Aklrod iT i UJ uuc could ever cease to rememhir rw I dark days from 1868 to 1876; those u a WUCa no nousenoiawas sale, when Southern Uln WAn unf waa I . , -w - mvw au- i crats.had brought the people into the bright daylight of peace aud Happiness. He spoke of the 6,000 school houses in the State, of the light of education so generously shed, and said he had planned to show his hearers what the Bepubli caushad done aud then show what the Democrats had done, and let the people contrast the two parties and their acts. He asked, if the He publican party loved the people, why it refused in 18G9 aud 1370 to shed a ray of educatioual light or employ one teacher to shed it. Yet that party, theu in the pleni tude of its power, did not give oue dollar to the cause of education. He aid the Republican party for three long years never opened the book of knowledge before the children of Xorth Caroliua. They collected the money, aud the legis lature paid itself its high salaries from the school fund of the State. It sold railway, it squandered the people's money, it robbed the school fund, but it never did oue n lvnUlnn A L. .1 A.1 A" j 1 . xnt wwiuug im ihc cuuca&iou ox uie people. Contrast that with what the democrats have done. See the 6,000 school houses in the State, the thousands of teachers, the generous aid to education. Ask Al. AI. C A A . . 1 I u.c to KUnnmr. and thev all trill uorl rr " ""j voJe for the Democrats. He made a nowerfnl aDueal to the Dcoule. rr sunrjort. to endorse in thesfxouMSif. I --At- -7 - o - 1 way, a party which had put before 500,000 children the bread of life, 1 the bread of knowledge. He said that what helped the people more than all else was the education of their children. i nn a tlttv t?txt s vit a t m-Artjt-r AjwAiuuAiflw.u;i, It has been said that all people . a . . . itt n f nriiiia IrtVAin Nnrrh I :orf. W WV.A"V MVAV W WVA AWtW V"AV- uuu, uuu uo ts3 omo ui4 ucuicxa MORGANTO N. C, FRIDAY OCTOBER an amoved .worth Carolina. Tie nRL- a . ed if any of his hearers were not proud of her financial record : with Ul a 1 Jill niiff m A nn4. bonds at 100. He asked if all true North Carolinians, democratic or republican, white or colored, were not proud of that fact, and wanted sogooacK to the time when the State's bonds was of no value at all. To day the State's credit is better man gold. He felt like thanking the grand party which had brought this state of affairs about. He said the StatelErovernment was f Iia most economically administered of anj state in the Union. He snoke in very high terms of the ability of state Treasurer Bain, lie said he asked Mr. Bain what the tax was in republican days, in 1860-70, and was shown that it was 80 on the $100. He asked what it was now and was told SVcents, aud that next year it would be 20 cents. If. could be reduced to 20ceuts now if there was a law for if. r 1869 the republicans made the people pay 3J times as much taxes as the democrats do in 18S6. I . . ne astea, in the face of this, if they could have so little sense as to supiort a party which made them pay three times as much as anoth er and yet never gave them a cent in return lor a dollar thev snent. Suppose a man has two stores to trade at, aud at one he is charged SO cents for an article, at the other he has to pay only 25 cents, which one will liespatronize?? - a rkiqk or puosperitt. He said it had been said a hun. dred times that the democrats will facts been i What were the re Ufofu .m.l Xr.:l f ? . .. I tiW rtitutiiuaumiaisiTation,! and more neonte and nn. n;f.,i 1 --a ....,a "Titat becoming into the South than r oeiore. in theyear closing OVer rSS3.0O0.AOfl nf Vnrf hatn iom w m. j.., v iuvi em liAin i whole State in hi-rh tt of progress. He spoke of tbe fact tbata reat contractor said he had never seeu so' much improvement. People poured into thegtate; mon ey came here for investment. He thanked God for his goodness to North Carolina and his blessings upon her. Would people return to darkue., to an impoverished, a plundered ptople, te cruelty, to fraud, to .Lit tie field and his host of pluuderers who preyed upon the State! When he looked at thescjeau benett himself bv tin rIllberlX 10 K,ve ro7 "me and addres questions aud the duty of the peo- a - pie, ne eouhl not speak coldly. The mere thought of fifteen years ago made his blood boil to look back upon. He eloquently! sjwke of a man's duty to his country. He spoke of the destruction which earthquakes brought, but that could be repaired. But wheu an earthquake blow was struck at good government damage was done which could not be repaired in vears. He called unon the neo- pie to stand to their high duties -!! r a vituocus. uuuu uvuruiueu is a. vital necessity. Next to his duty to his God is a mau's duty to his as cuizens. uooa government country Cleveland's policy of justice He said he would now pass on to I apeak of national matters. Peo . t . pie sometimes asxeu tue question, what are the democrats doing! He 1,1" t. rrr ai i ai. t .... tuucitci uura wuh m iut3 iaai fou- gress a republican senate, which put a stop to man v measures which the democrats souuht to Dass for the people's benefit. He said that! uuder the republican administra- tiou the people of the South were a a oannea, ignored, treated as hostile, foreign. They had no political . . . v ........ anno MM' " 1 1 a gain mar. lti timoA.' VIJUIIII. I -M. mmmm wmmtmv .AJ bUVOO ua vcu wiutcu wsu ui iUq ovum who went to Washington coald not get justice at the hands of their own representatives and fifty of them had come to him there for aid. He said fTiaf r,i--.t,....i i i U..V vi t tri.niu uu uone I i v " mo iHJuiu cti oca justice to the South (applause). to oien the door of knowfsdge JUStiCA ia thA mnthn rr rr.- rri. I to thm Ua fA.1 - darkliflifl rf nnn flm. Mn,wk t " . v .u u& ui. a a it-. . -mm ills... .... ..11 aiiziirii 1 1 ..rias r vuv .uihu iti iieuil iirru ujiun our peo nlo and nnf !nutiftiinn 4 .u.itituuuua uu passou away. Honored and noble South - Cm trlAn nro in 4 lis ... ... VUXi UiuiiiCI) anii rep- roscntatives to foreign countries. Ho called the names of Jarris, in BraxH,of Hale in Encland. of .Tor. nigan in Japan, and these names evoked applause. He snoko of the purity of the present administra - viuii nun cii i i if lrtir rnnr iiiii t. ; . u on uhcu iiiuj l a . . .. wuen ue tuought or these grea. Southern States. nnrA urr'iin iin;nr. , ha, Aijii thA.. . 1 .. lucir ma snare in the country's ad- .... HllUlSEranoil Mlii:n tirrtn1 wealths occupying their nosifinnu in rhn lirinrliff f0I ... r At, . . . e"vi4b.Aj ui iutj Amen - uhu anion ; redeemed, disenthrall - ru, wim great statesmen in the !. a. ... . ' uiucr, witn honored sons in Congressand abroad. Wnnl.l the people turn around and drive out a nartv wh nli hA hrK auout ail tnese irlor nn rcnliu f r , . . .vUM.w,,u,,Bwraar, plucky ticht and tcr W ould the people cro back to thoe rihlc emr;,n J fi" . republican days when there wa no juauce sua no honor and no intcir - : a . nty. He sa d the great curse of .7: .Vl a.' . uiauoni ; mat monster whicu and lAnn Tim rrMfin nr . ington had left as his lesacv to the Amprifi'in iu..1.. tt V .-A 7 , It ,4 1 1V1CC nevcr iu ichhu uarmony ot the union bepia. who treated me three Uisturbed. Once more ther ;a eace between the North and South. The xrrand democratic r,Ar. f v- l,-1 ua .. . . v "-.u UuSI,bi,l,0utiDis nappy re- l fsi I ii. u mi t n ca mriv atr . m .,. " syaa ni K III. Ill III V IM UI I BH II r a .t - J ct mis coutiuue and nothing iul all Mt wri,iA. !.; ; , ! wut.u a utaiuij will Ue CCm- parable to this America. Let us support that great, that noble mau I MrirAr PlalnnJ i i .1 e B www LJAllflU s w . a, ii w i in 1 1 . w iiriuu r i facts. sto by your rot that Tou" i? T.f,,ae.!"or "'"not Move tl.8 onion and will rt I a , . share to htlp preserve it. THs MAVkLOUS DrVELOPMSNT Or THE BOUTII. n- m.u , . lie made in conclusion an earn - est pica for good government, for support of liberty, aud said there was uo hope for freedom unle-is men cam, toctber iu tbe lisH of tbe suu and diusaed frnm,n..,t The party was ..ledger! to eau:d lust ire In all mon XT I fhi. pmKi;T. ' T. , . tbe rei)bIiCaa r,y wbleh the irreuf. runif alinf. .... J iwou uhiu tueir prey of rings and rascality. He said there sever was such a field. i. .. . . ' leuiug, sucli a promise ior uie working man, as in , tho Houth. He sioke of th South ia prosper- the rival of ...... itr and said ifc in. ti. Mi Vrfi. itaa ai.. - a. a. . urers of the North had found that . m.myj BmiXA. LUC IAJHII IIIIUT. iu North Carolina the iron and the cotton could be manufacture more sVa tvlst it. a f . a vAAdjj.j iidu is me north. Thisl.iA f " 7. . ... 1 ' AU1, I thirtvaix ceuta lr drtzpn. 1.-1.. was the secret nft!,oi.(rnrta.,rma vv-w.,ov.WUJO people of the North to remove the Democratic party from power aud 5"1 and injured the South . . . .. "io uusumic tiuiuru vi the republicau party to maintain itlf in tlm .Qftnti. ifu a.,;.i - .w uU o (mciuweui, (applause). White men had made and whito meu would ruU it- noblest act lit HiaTOaY. He paid a glorious tribute to the southern people, who ho said had ... ooua the proudest act in history. This people had, after the war, - rwmt irMnnAl t. onma. n 1 , II A JSVVl tit OVltVll IS U U must utipicss, wucu tuey eyeu in wanted hraii -hn .... . vnnn . - - - a n ucii LI1R I-lllinfI vo against them in that dark hour they taxed themselves to give the Innlnnwl 1 Khntr an -inf f .r...1 l " fcuiu uiut, rqiiai - 1 w "uu -i"i iiumanity. (ioi I hnrl TiTnunrl IA i a . I k;uiic iur ii. and 1 would continue to bless thm. IM:ltr1 fliA rAnnl.lU. i i -i"wnii3 lum arnived tue nogrosolidily against the white IpIN who nevertheless had done t"m justice. He cilltHl nnon th whit0 men to fmard their honor an teir liberties and not t trnvr 1 t,,H pecious promises of the rrpub- iit.tiin. riii unnL'nni ih . 1. 1 i - --i'vv. UIC iiiuiiiican I ... I aH ,r ast stages in orth I Carolina. Tie nvVorl l. i --w n uciucr int? I -... . .. woum say to the President i.t . I inaL ne Il:lil mron f h a U...L i iBOvernment and eoual instire. r I wotilfl tliai- uiul . 1 .. mc cumrarv ana 1 K:insi nonio work. I a timmi.v - .,..t I .m l.lj(JUHi k-Tho Wilmington (Del) Mornrne r.' "ru "'t mves the 1 1... . '. 7 - i drealcd and ftlwaYn-lo-lW..araAl I ., r l J 9 v.iot: Li . T J . "go 1 " '" ",,f- A,,e ! w very slitrht and for some lime h.irdly give it a led the condition if n. u-nn u.-..;..v. A6"1.'' Wllh.a T ef- in l irmiWI. I WCIlt to one ol lbe adm, in Phil I months tor cancer, and sent me hom 1 fur6? as ,J 8aid- Ual 1 wa I'prt X!!?' 1.WM.. d .b.m prominent F'r'a ol iimington that I wouId .urely die of cancer. About T Mid t r. . K. i . 11.1 1 CI LIII1M I 'ini rW I Ha srs eT T cures eitecti-d hv Sw t'a Sf.aif;,. I known ma a act "V c waw "uueniij with perfect nrrou prostratiou Af known sg S. S. S. I wns .nfrr;..M it --ww - l-WVIMVl . . ter I had piyrn S i - r.' I tfab .11 difapLacL d I felt like myself again. 1 continue! i VA ika C? .a a&n a. hit nwiu a ecinc menioins regaltrly for seTer I . 1 - r w Anec"'c" J- r--. w.v. -v. uufc j leirin- ed from enakiug the curs public be f?fe 88 1 wihcii to b certain I . ajij o;nHiuon u bk.iiw.ii uunnsi i nave none of 1 them .mnnwin.. u-u , I 'owed every other treatment used. ( 1 l,on1,"7 I'elieve that I have been . eu OI .oot V1 thc worst tHiciioB SShTLS "M. V t ' i : UWWH ij. a iiu uui wim (dj name I to appear in thin connection, far Kmi. n?ss reason onlr. hnt . . i iii a v ru n ....r I - 4' u uerer, or any one rartiVS.SHV: I T ... . . ... V 1 realise on Blood and Skin ram's mailed free. The Swirr Seci-irtn fin Drawer - H-WB W WS A a . 1 a Free Trade. The reu.nrtinn nf inin.n.1 . -.-w.- v . lumiiiii I r t CU Uc an lno ung off the revenue ttamp 5? .PrPieUrj Medicines no doubt haa largely benefiltsd the con 1 doubt hai lareelv I 11 ... i auminira, an wen an reiievinr the burden of home m.n,,factL -S v.! I pecially u thin the cae with Green $ A . . . . -A X7TTJ. ... n . . . - w ana ujokmc's Uer man ovrwn. & iho rpdnrtinn i . . . ' Mitieu io increase tne ue ox the bet- tie containing these remedies, there- by giving one-fifih medicine in Couizh Loner trouble 'h IVA fs40rHttal the Urgent sale of any mediciuea in the world. The advaatst'u of in creased lite of the bottlws will U greatly appreciated by the nick and alflicted, iu every town aud village in civiliied countries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain theisme size. An elastic step, buoyant sp rits, and clear complexion, are ths reaulu a a a a - ot Dure hloud Th healthy blood eujoyes a clean: of perception, uupa,ble when the blood is heavy with impurities. Take a - m.WwW wT Avert Sarsanarilla. the ltf 1,1 purifier and vitalicer. f-Tg T T "f V 1 U AA . , for fl.Ov, at ii. B. Biittaiu & Co.'s. NO. 35 v . , I Sore Eyes The je Wf lwrs In yrnpihy wiil tha Lntlr. na aHonl an excellent ln.!rx of It condition. Wl,rn the eJM br.,ua weak, an.l laflaraej an.l M. u Uaa erWeoc that tbo r"m Iim bc fcorderist b Scrofula, fur lucu Ajror'e Sarsa par ilia U Lo braa . ; t a now a remcd. toediane a short I WM coiu.lctcI Cured M ejfi ar now in a epIandM ron-IJ. Mrs. Wilham Gtjce. Concord, a. ri. wiTh n"mtTr cf ar 1 trm,,!M Mine Ajcr Faraaparill. This n.a,IU eina has eJ!W tal a comalta cnri-. and f balaere it to Jr the host cf nur Cera.-C. E. Urton. Nashua, N. II. rj" r,hiMho-1. nUl with a Dioathi, I have Un alllict., with WVak and Eca. I hare nM fur tlM y""'1' with brnftclal rr.mta. Ayer Sarsapanlla. and cnsi.Ur 11 Rover. Tt! runfler Ut- C- 'if I anftVred for a j'r with InflAmma 1ln i n rnj left ey. Throe ulcers fnrm-1 n the lall. dcpririDj me of sight, and eansinc creat pain. After trTic nAny ethr remedies, to no pnri. 1 wm final 1 iaduced to use Ajer'e SaraapaxiUa, By Taking tiroabotnca of this modlrta I hare tn !UI!i,J C1rm2- "-hl " b-iTire- wred. and there is no sin of Inllaroma ron. aorc, or ulrcr in tnr ee. Kendal T. Lowe a. 6uSar Troo l;ide, Ohio. 4 with Ecrofuloua 8re Eres. Durintf 1be lat two Tears she never saw light 1 any kind. VhysiHans oi the htzheel tending iertM their skill, but with no permanent Heceaj. On the recomineo datlon of a friend I pnrchaaed a l-tile oi Arer a Karmaparilla, which my .laurhter rra!1n1 ,inS- Before she had use! the third bottle her slht was reurL Her erne is cowplj-te Vf. TL Bulbed Und. ETanffellst. Shelb Cli, K. Ayer's Sarsaparllla, rrTr4 by Dr. S. C. A y i J Ca, T.H. Ummm, JOHN TULL, Gradaate is (Over sineteen years experience.) A fall lins f FfaESff onoos anel PURE CHEMICALS always on hand. eowpoanied at all honra dsyer night by a Registered Droggtak Toilet Articles and Soap 1 a-iittw 1 iilSs COOK, COOK, COOK S T O V E S ? aXD- lieating Stoves -"w-r wvtsa 0f the verr best varietr th K;., :.i ,iVin "ra? yeira aa-t tsriety TINWARE . always on hand. 1 keip the JI Guit bold Sewiur Ha. cnine, oucatye force. I'nnip. ltoofing and gntterio aa.f kinds of reaairiue dons in m i;..,. all 1 also keep on hand a lull Una cf n t i 'a. - Canned Goola, Vhirh 1 will .11 cheap for caA or g.l ccut. trr rjrodtir. "Dou't ftil to give too a call. Yy re)ctfnlly. A. P. CnAKDLER.

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