THE MORGANTON STAR, fe'g now an account to its credit there of T. G. Cobb, Editor and Prop'r. B. A. Cobb, Business Manager. EBIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1886. nearly three million year 24,134 patents were out of 37,695 applications Intrd at the Post-office at Morganton aa iecoad-cfass matter. Subscription price, - - $1.00 Anew order of' -things confronts politicians these days ; no help from Washington, and stumping federal officials to be called to account. Con sequently but few 'can be seen here tained a tablespoon full of water. The water is icy cold.Ainoug thosepres entyesterday and who can testily dollars. Last to the truthfulness of what is above granted (recorded, were Mr. James A. Ber ry, sergeant in charge or the signal station in this city ; Mr. D. P. Hutchinson, and a largo number of yound lady pupils of Charlotte Fe male Institute in charge of Mrs. Atkinson, in addition to a number Advertising rates low, ing circulation. consider-1 this week. The elections are only of prominent citizens. Mr. 'Berry. THE STAR IN THE CAM . PAIGN. whilft Tite SAR bas endeavor ed to vindicate the principles of the Democratic party, believing as we do tbat true democratic principles is the foundation of good govern ment, we have stood square to the men who, we believed, would advo cate an economical administration of the affairs of the government, both State and national ; at the same time we have endeavored to treat the opposing party and their candidates with all due respect, avoiding personalities or any re flection upon private character j and during the campaigh we have lost but two subscribers on account der is to be strictly was so impressed with what he wit nessed that he reported the occur rence to the Chief Signal Station at Washington. The plat of ground covered by the rainfall is about ten feet square. This wonderful occur five days off, hut the habit of running to Washington in a hurry to get friends or offices to assist in the elec tion, is not in order this year. No assistance beyond sending out docus ments by the campaign committees has been drawn from the Capital, rence has been going on Notwithstanding: the ereat interest iour weeKs past, as tne felt in the result, the administration that vicinity can testify has rigidly abstained from everything that could be construed into official interference, and no carapaigu con tributions have been collected in the Departments. There is much doubt as to the gen eral result of the election, but whats ever it may be as to parties, there will be a large number of new men in the next House. The recent ac tion of the President in suspending District Attorneys Stone and Benton, one a Democrat, the other a Republi can, for too great political activity, is accepted as an indication that tae or- enforced. It is R. B. Brittain & Co., ' THE LEAD'iriO OLOTHII38 HOUSE Of the Piedmont Section of Western North Carolina, I Aaheville u tba Great Emporium of trade of Western horla Carolina watt of tie Bint TtMre . v;t. i daily for lotto supplies the central portion of the State, leaving a large territory, embracing the Piedmont Section. residents oi is ncn hi minerals ana productive oi immense quantities of wheat, corn, tobacco, hay. eaU. fine caul w . I fcheep, without a central market, and we can conceive of no better location than Morranton aa Iim,!..... While the rain was falling yes-1 trade of all the Piedmont Section, aud with tbi idea iu view wo have arranged oar Mammoth Buildic f terday Mr. Hutchinson climbed up purpose. Allow is to iunumerate aonie of the article! that we make t specialty of, and 41 r V"' one of the trees to make an investi gation,' but failed to unravel the mystery. The leaves and twigs were perfectly dry, and while he was in the top of the tree, he could see rain coming down from above him. These are the facts aud the wise men can now take the case. Wo Defy Competition This Side of Baltimore. OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ; rf our nosition." and for those two ve received ten new paid-up sub scribers, with . many assurances that we would be sustained ia the future as in the past. THE ELECTION IS OVER. And now that the election is over and the result declared, and the will of the people is the high est known law to an American cit izen; the people have placed in office men who are to make and execute laws for the next two years- and having received the highest nnmber of votes of course are elected it is therefore to be hoped that each will strive to car ry out the best interest of all the people, and at the same time be God-fearing men, looking to the elevation of the morals as well as the advancement of the temporal expected that a number of dismissals will result from violations of this or der. A general court of inquiry would probably not be found practi cable, but where serious charges are made and supported with sufficient evidence, dismissals will follow. A campaign lie has been going the rounds of late to the effect that when the agent for the sale of General Grant's Memoirs asked permission to canvass the Interior Department for subscribers, Secretary Lamar refused to grant it, but that an agent for the "Life of Robert E. Lee" was accord ed the privilege without the slightest objection being interposed. Nobody ever solicited permission to canvass the Interior Department for the "Life of Robert E. Lee' until last Tuesday, when leave was promply granted. When the agent of Grant's Memoirs made known to Mr. Xamar his desire to go through' the Depart ment with bis subscription book, the Secretary not only acceded . to the requeat without hesitation, but head- ed the list of Interior Department subscribers with an order for the or costliest edU interest of the people. And it is a natural consequence for. every twenty-five dollar noh tt harA his nrftffirencfi andttlOU. manifest more or less zeal in favor of the man of his choice ; but as 9 each candidate's dye is casty wheth er elected or defeated, let all, both candidates and voters, accept the situation, and each persue his vo: cation in the even tenor of his way, and if the man of your choice was not elected, take consolation in the fact that two years from date an other opportunity will be afforded to have your preferences gratified. Observer. Oct. L Our people are really excited over that phenomenon the rain tree, the peculiarities of which were fully set forth in yesterday's Observer Notwithstanding the attraction the tight rope walker, the rain tree yesterday afternoon had an audi ence of fully three hundred people, all of whom saw and were convinc ed. An explanation is now badly wanted by our people. No possible cause can be given by anyone and the man with a theory has not been heard from. During the progress of the rainfall yesterday, Rev. Wm. R. Atkinson, principal of the Char lotte Female Institute, climbed into the top of the tree to make a per sonal investigation, and like Mr. Hutchison, he was also puzzled, he could see the rain coming from above the tree, but from whence it came remained to In in a myste ry. There are many people in town who hold that this must be a joke of some sort but if they will attend the matinee this afternoon, provi ded the skies are clear, they will be convinced. The locality of the phenomenon is at the corner of Ninth and D streets and the per formance generally commences at 3 o'clock. I MERMEN'S WEAR,. ee freaa Ik PiiHt to U LtVMt QxtU SiiU. FOR YOUTHS wa ea nit tie meet faataalie alae tit laik4 flv-Uj. FOR CHILDREN veknre al Our Shoe Department A CURIOUS SIGHT. Clothing for men boys and child-) U complete. ren at Davis liro. XT caarj a fell lilt cmrs imt codes, in ibeU.I WASHINGTON LETTER. Correspondence of The Stab. Washington, Oct. 30, 1886. -The week has been rather a quite one in Washington. The President and his Cabinet returned promptly after the fatigue of Bartholdi day in New York, and settled down to their desks. I do not think they are bill ed for any more fairs or unveilings this fall. The annual autumn races, which have always attracted large Charlotte's Latest Sensation-Tlie Rain TreeRain Falling: for Three Honrs and the Skies Bright and Clear. Charlotte Observer. Charlotte has a sensation of a most .puzznug cnaracter, ana one which will prove an interesting sub ject for study by the scientists and the learned men of the laud. It. is a tree, or rather a pair of trees, in the vicinity of which regularly each day, at 3 o'clock, a shower of rain falls. The phenomenon was yes terday witnessed by a crowd of at least 250 citizens, before whose gaze the rain fell for the space of two hours. The focality of this strange oc currence is at the corner of Ninth and, D streets. - Three weeks . ago, it was reported that every day 'at three o'clock a shower of rain would fall at that spot, but most of our citizens thought it a subject for the -Ric:b.- 18 lbs. good Bice $1.00, afcli. B. Brittain & Co.'s. for . A car load of the celebrated 'Le noirV Flour just in store at th Cauh Warehouse. Take warning Brittain & Co.'s and go to B. B. anu lay in your winter clothing while it is so cheap. A fresh supply received this week. Women, are everywhere nsiug and recommending. Parker's Tonic because they have learned from experience that it speedily over comes despondency, indigestion, paiu or weakness in the back or kidney's, and. other troubles pecu liar. . We fttrxj ft tafi Be 4 taCee ta UUiaa Qhi a a3 mml HATS. ' We bare tit ioeit mmAoiM f Bala witkoat bti smite. tkia aaarkat m4 U ih Umi to It a caiaiaaiar p Davis Bros, are still receiving new j?au ana winter (roods. Jl-very freight train brings goods,- the fact is, they are so full they hardly hare room, and say they will certainly tell chestnut bell. During the last few cheap to make room. Go and ee contingents from the fashionable, days, however, they have begun to their stock any way, aa it certainly is Diplomatic, Army, Navy, and official circles of . Washington, are in pro gress, but the weather is unpropitious and they have excited less interest than usual. . . Those of you who live far removed from Governmental machinery can not 'realize the extent of the improve ments in Departmental work under the new Administration. But. those of us who have , beeu here all the time, and who have seen so much of the idleness, exiravagance worth lesgness and: corruption of the old . Republican omcials and methods, look at the matter in a different light. There is uo jke about it, but the rain really does fall, as in dica ted above, and it can be wit nessed any day, after 3 o'clock in the afternoon. .umSutSiS . Morgauon Produce Market. the largest ever in Morganton before. Just think of &' good pair- of shoes for one dollar and many other arti cles are cheaper than they have be fore been. .'. : . . ueh m Wkiti t Shirta, latadrted aa4 alauSxied,Colerea Vool Linen ai Silk HaWkerekieft, SttfmUm. Saiita, Uaier flkiat, Cravaia, 1Zh-.t yesterday visited the spot and found a crowd of a least 270 already as- semoied, waiting for the rain to commence. The skies were per fectly clear, the sun was shining brightly, and everything in the vi cinity was dry and dusty from the CORRECTED WEEKLT T JOHN. JT. PEABSOIT. BUYING TRICES. In order to and Willovware A LOT OF S30BS AT 00ST- "if COST.' " " 'ClJf, vt ySl'wU M UxrA-rtr, Cj, TT take special delight in the new order 1 prolonged drought. On -reiichina of thines and feel as it too much could not be saul about it, For instance, the current business of the Patent Office is in much bet ter and more prosperous condition than when Commissioner Montgora ery assumed control. At that time the work was largely in arrears, and he has succeeded in bringing much of it up to date. The application of an inventor for a patent is now reaehed in. about . three- months after filing. The time formerly was five and a half months. Mr. Mongomery . says he expects to be able to bring all of the work substantially up to date within the next few months, and so ' keep xt. ' v ' ': A little over a year ago some of the divisions in this office were as - much as seventeen mouths behind in their examinations. To fully appreciate the work accomplished, consideration . must be given to the fact that the Commissioner Was experienced and ' had to . study up and advise himself thoroughly oh all points .relating to : a, very, difficult practice. The attor Jieys practicing before the office are much pleased with the progress made, and ask that the good work may go -on. The Patent Office, be the place where the people, were as sembled, the reporter enquired for the spot on which it was said that the rainfall was to be seen, and waa pointed to two scrubby oak trees growing in a yard in the corner of Ninth and 'D.v Streets'" There was nothing unusual about the appear ance of the' trees, save that they were not very well filled with leaves. At half past three o'clock the ex pectant multitude was rewarded by the appearance of the rain. It be gun coming down between the two trees in a kind of a mist which grad ually increase until it was a gen tie, but undoubtedly a genuiue rain fall. ' Though the rain was falling before the eyes of all uresent. no one could tell from whence it came. I 11 persona having clams against the it could be seen coming down from n. estate or J. k,. ite, late . of Harke a point above the tops of the trees, county, will present them to the h and continued falling until 5 o'clock dersigned, or to S C. W.. Tato, attor and that was all that could be real- ney, on or before the 1st day of Oct. ized. Every individual present I A. D. 1887, or this notice will be Apples, ; . Cabbage, . . Buck wheat flour, Corn; "T . Oats,- Beans, wkite, . T colored, Potatoes, Irish, " ' sweet, . Pork, V ' ; ' Turkey, per lb., Butter, . . Fresh Eggs, . Spring Chickens Wheat White, " Red, . Rye 1 .. . Hides, dry, , .v . 3550 4 ' i' 67 40 . 80 100 ; so 40(50 50 5 7 . . 12 8 . 812 . 8090 ' 80 . . . . eo . , 10 FOR TBI . W ODR GDSTQMER5 MF 1 LIMITED m SJOCEEIB. Rico 181bs. for a Dollar. NOTICE In addition ur already Lar tHoth, u are daily rtccimnt Jfei Goods fron th A'orikm Markets in larjc quanfitUsZ k . - - J v - - I - Batteae peeple, wke iketUrk tide of the aiettire o1y, mky itjt TTkytaea oalltr tr theMpply t aair te tkdata4. Per Ikerr benefit wilt ay that, from all fottitas ef tk eatauj yield of theareps will be far fceyoad ererjeat expeetaiiea, ani a kutrr traleia tbu till taaa tl Already tke aretaU are brifkraruf an4 tke way h clear,- 'Lei ear peo?U take mg M M1,3j m indaitrf ra fraraeriaf the Vanalifal roti tbat the earth an titllti. We taadar oaf aintara ikaakt far the liearal paireaasa Ual wa krrt receive! fr tie aVl, aa I ti a eeatiamatieA f tkev farvra, wl beepeak a food wwri frera thiea t lkir fmaia. ' . respectfully, i - could see . it plainly An umbrella held under the falling water was quickly made dripping wet. Hand kerchiefs spread on the ground I delar. were also made wet. One lad v nlac-1 W. M. ed a cossamer at the foot of the tree, and when she took it np it con . S?pt. 28 plead in bar of reeovery. . . All persons indebted to ai& de ceased will make payment witkoat B. B, BBiTTAIK" CO. WALTON, Ad'rar. By S. C. W. Tate 1386. Auoruey.