THE MOR&ANTON STAR. THE ELECTION. jAYTNQVEMBEB 5, 1886. Col. Byuum is enlarging his residence by building to the .cast Mr. Wm. Michaux was in town this week with a load of very fine apples, which sold readily. l)r. nartman, of Pensylvania, preached a very able sermon at the jletliodistchureh last Suudaj'. We learn thatKev. 1ST. B. Cobb AV ill preach his last sermon before taking leave of his congregation at this place next Sunday night. Mr. W. W. Wall has opened out a stock of general merchandise in the Tate brick store house, formerly occupied by Mrs. C. Becht i lcc- jJ. H. Hill has been ap- to an wijeneral Baggage Agent of Jimond & Danville E. B , uith aadquarters a Richmond, Va. t-v r T ITT . 1 jjr. m. u. w ooa s sermon on Saturday, at the quarterly meeting at i liiboa, is spoken of as a very line effort, and was listened to with much iuterest. We are glad to note that the election passed of unusually quiet in this county. So far we have heard of no disturbance at any of the voting places. At the quarterly conference last Saturday Messrs. D. J. Hicks, E. 13. Claywell and J. If. Payne were added to the board of stew ards for Morganton church. Prof. L. F. Shuford, of Ruther ford College, is teaching a writing class at the public school-house at this place. Prof. Shuford is a fine scribe, and is very successful as a teacher. . . Rev. J. 2s. Payne, superinten dent of public instruction, is mani festing much iuterest in the teach ers' convention to be held at this place Nov. 18th, 19th, 20th. It is to ba hoped that the friends of Ed ucation generally will encourage the enterprise. Mr. G. G. Hill gave us a plug of tobacco manufactured at the Lackey factory, at this place, which would compare favorably with Dur ham, Asheville, or any of our lead ing markets. On Saturday, the 23d of Oct., a party and dinner was given by Mr. Thos. Garrison complimentary to Miss Mamie Patterson, Miss Nan nie Garrison and Mr. Adolphus Garrison. Also a party and din ner was given by Mr. S. B. Pearson, Oct. 25th, complimentary to the same persons. A number of invit ed guests were present at both places and the occasions were very enjoyable. Virginia Looses Five Congressmen. HEW YORK ISOLDS HER OWN. iiitAHAM DEM. DEFEATED IN RALEIGH DISTRICT. STATE DEMOCRATIC TICKET ELECTED. In Oth.r States. In tho Counties. VIRGINIA. Richmond, Nov. 3rd, 3 p. m.-The following is the Virginia Congress ional delegation elected yesterday 1st District, Brown, rep. ; 2nd, Bow den, rep. ; 3rd, Wise, dem. ; 4th, Gaines, rep. ; 5th, Brown, rep. ; Cth Hopkins, Knight of Labor; 7th. O Ferrall, dem.; 8th, Lee, dem.; 9th, Brown, rep. ; 10th, Yost, rep. Six republicans, three democrats, and one knight of Labor, a total loss to the democratic party of-five Repre sentatives in the State. The news from the first district is rather meagre, and there is a bare possi bility that the democrats may car ry the district, but the chances are decidedly in favor ot the Republi cans. NEW YORK. New York, Nov. 3rd. Hewitt elected Mayor of New York. Seven hundred and forty districts in the city give him a majority of 2oJ)00. Nkv York StIteI The latest returns indicate tint the -Congressional delegation will be about as usual. The Democrats have gained two members and the! mated not over fifty thousand. ner (dem.) is elected ovtr J. V. Lf Findley (jnd.) by 7,648 plurality in tho Fourth District. Rusk (dem.) is elected in the Third Dist. by a large majority, West Virginia. Wheeling, W. Va., Nov. 2. The entire Republican ticket iu Berkeley county, W. Va., is elected. Flick (rep;) for Congress, is ruuniug ahead of Ins ticket. ItfluucsBota. St. Paul, Minn., Nov. 2. The election to-day has been the liveliest ever known in the State and an ua usually large vote wag polled. He turus have begun to come in aiid show large Democratic gains in all parts of the State, and it is cjenerally conceded that Amis, the Democratic candidate fur Governor, is elected with the Democratic ticket. Tennessee. Chattanooga., Tenn., Nov. 2. The election passed off quietly with a iigut vote. Hamilton county, witn three districts to hear from, gives a gain for. John Neal (dem.) for Congress of 76. Returns from other comities in the same Congressional District indicate Neal's election hy .about 1,000 majority. The Uepubli- caus elect tiieir entire legislative ticket ii this county. R. L. Taylor was elected Gover nor of Tennessee by a majority of 20,000. New Jersey. Jersey City, Nov. 1. Returns in dicato Greens Democratic election for Governor with legislation in doubt. Virginia. Richmond, Nov. 2. Richmond city give Wise, (dem ) for Congress, 2,107 majority. Petersburg, Nov. 2. Total vote in city, 3,161. Raines, (rep.) 1,786 ; Pare. (dem. 1.375. Guinea maiori- field) Waddill, 124; Wise, 74. Ma. loaca precinct; Wuddill, 51 ; Wise, 127. Connecticut. New Hakover, Nov. 2. Tor Governor, Cleveland, (dem.) 7,076; Xounsbury, (rtp.) 5,3G; Forbes, (pro.) 37; Baker, Xabor, 865 ; for Congressman, iewis, (rep.) 5,275; French, (dem.) 7,! 90. South Carolina. Charleston, mv. 2. The election passed off throughout tho State, quietly. Vote polled lightest cant for years. Total vote of the State eatis The VICTORY ! OLD BURKE FALLS IXTO LIKE AND ELECTS ALL JIER DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES! Will Hnrrah for Democracy XXX The following is the vote in Barke, from Senator down to sur veyor,1 Upper Fork township oil": Tull 1008, Bailey 890 ; McCall 829, Silvet 389. Mills 8.34, Hallyburton 775, Mull 157. Lackey 0GL Berry 959. Pearson 903, McKesson 810, Pe terson 206. Laxton 960, Huffman 891. Estesllol, Poe598. It. T. Clay well, candidate for cor oner, ana D. t . Denton, lor sur veyor, having no opposition, were voted for on all the tickets aud car ried nearlv the full county vote. The candidates for supreme and district judges earned the full dem ocratic strength. Upicr Fork Township Contested. Upon the grounds that the elec tion law says that there shall be four judges appointed to bold the election at each precinct, and at this precinct only three were pres ent, the countinir or throwing out of this box will only effect the slier iiPselectiou. If counted it will elect B. A. Berrv bv 51 votes : if thrown out J. A. Lackey M ill be elected by 5votes. The canvassing board adjourned Thursday to meet Monday next, at 12 M. Col. J. G. Bynura is council for the contestants and Messrs. Tate aud Perkins for the defendants. A Common Cold Is often the beginninz of serious aTTcc tions of the Throat, Bronchial Tnbet and Lungs. Therefore, the importance of early and effectire treatment cannot be overestimated. Ayer's Cherry rec torsl may always be relied upon for the speedy cure of a Cold or Cough. Last January I rx attacked with evsre Cold, which, by nsglect and fre quent exposures, became worse. Easily settling on my lungs. A terrible congh oon followed, accompanied by pains In the cbsst, from which I suffered intense ly. After trying various remedies, with out obtaining relief, I commoaced tAiij Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and wae Speedily Cured. I am satisfied that this remedy tared my life. J no. Webster, I "a wtucket, R. L I contracted a severe cold, which suddenly developed into Pneumonia. : presenting dangerous and obstinate: symptoms. My physician ordered the nseof Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. in structions were followed, and the result was a rapid' and permaneut core. II. E. Stimpson, Holers Prairie, Tex. Two years ago I enffered from a severe Cold, whi h settled on my Lungs. I con sulted various physicians, and took the . medieinesthey prescribed, but received only temporary relief. A friend induced tn to try Ayer's Charry Pectoral. After taking two bottles of this medicine 1 was cured, tiince then I have giron the Peo tdral to uijf' Mreu, and consider it i ThCespQst Homed .for Colds. Cc and all Throat and Lung diseases, ever nod in my family. -Robert Yanderpool, Meadvilfe, Pa. Some time ago I took a slight "Cold, which, being neglected, crow worso, ana settled on niy Lungs. 1 had a hacking eough, and was very weak. Those who knew me beat considered my life to be ia groat danger. I continued to suffer until I commenced nsing Ayr.r's Cherry Pectoral. Less than one bottle of this valuable medicine cured me, and X feel that I owe the preservation of my life to its curative power. Mrs. Ann Lockwood, Akron," S'av York. , Ayer's Cherry Tectoral is considered, here, the one great remedy for all diseases of the throat and lungs, and is mors In demand than any othr medicine of its Class. J. K. lloberts, Msgnolia. Ark. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, fTpred k-y It. J.C.Aji fc Co., wctl, Xu. ftU y n Drrr!n. . TKm $1 ; tic fcHl,C WAITED. . Jrdlin r.?;tcs. SC. iC. X.2. Arrow llevK. ferr. Tit ' R. T. CLAT WTLL, D.'S. Carrayay, ' MOIIGAXTON, N. C.-'.'. SPS7TALa:tont1o'iri'Mttbe anelyns sni u.ijn:ig vt ocrs. rUif-il rwaKs rasraor. For Sale. J ersoy Cattlo. ' ' X Taoro"bret Jrry H :!1 sjri n s Rrtered. " Uetier.- l - . do " HzAi " " ) ' ' Apyly to a. T.?AfWS3w. V.Uiwirlrr.ura. s - GILHER HIGH SCHOOL. This School is principally adapted ratin for College, or H'sint". For further partus! 4r nMre.t John A. Cj'nmcr. A. Tr'noipal, Morir.inton, N. C Vll ie-rtn epf!s Aniit ?.r. ISflte -iVdminits trUtoi-'s SALE m lAHD. W. M. Kerr, ntlaiV .f Ci. JL, Kerr, ti. Jwhn K. Kerr, ti. al. JY VIRTUE: of a lccrw in lhi U thov-cnltll(Hl action rporJ;rtl hj S. T. Pvarson, C. S C. Sevt. Wihm !8oG, I will, on Mono r, ih r.ih lnj of-Deceiu'.cr, IftG, sclKt pnhlits a tiontn- tho hitjest bi'ldrr. a -ijuo an'l lot at Rulhcrfupl Co! lee. Term cnh. " W M. KKRR.A.lVr. Bepublicaus two. GRAHAM DEFEATED IN THE RALEIGH DISTRICT. Ealeigh, Nov. 3d, 8 p. ra. Mai. Graham, democratic candidate lor Congress, concedes the election of Mr. Nichols, rep., in the . Raleigh district. The, Knights , of Labor were the balance of power, and Mr. Nichols, beiug a member, received most ot that vote, Nichols majori ty will be from 500 to 1000, a heavy democratic loss. , '! - ;v v . NORTH CAROLINA LEGISLA TURE DOUBTFUL. Raleigh, NoY. 3d 10 p.; m. It is now figured that the democrats have lost twenty members of the House , of Itepresentatives of the State legislature, and perhaps ten in the. Senate. The democratic majority 'in the last House was forty-fiur. Raleigh, Nov. 3d, 3 p.m. Full official returns from Wilson county in the ,1st district give Simmons, dem., 19G3, 6'Hara, rep., 1144,' Ab bott, rep. 114, a democratic gain 1817 thus far in that district. Iu the 6th district the republicans Itch Irarie Mange and Scratehu of every every kind cured in 30 Min xites by WoolfordM Sanitary Lotion. Uto no other. Thii never fails. Sold ; ry John Tull, DruggUt, Morganton,1 N. C" j l HIMN Tti banana oi a nW Jin A B11C- eSAiiii cessfal CURE at your ewn home, bv one who was fleat twcnty-elpht years. TreatelbY most ot the note-t npec'.alUts without benefit, cured himself In three months, and since then hundreds ot others. Full partic ulars sent on application. T. 5. fao. Wo. 41 West ist St.. New York City. Personal. Miss Laura Avery has been very ill for several days past. Mr. Willie Moore, of South Car-1 carry Richmond county, making a una, is visiting his mother at this J gam ol 400. place ' Miss Lilla Cobb has had a severe attack of catarrhal fever,but is con valescing. Mr. W.'D. Sprague, of Old Fort, "was visiting his brother, Mr. H. B. Sprague, this week. ; Mr. H. H. Crowsoh, of the West ern Enterprise, Marion, N. C, made us a pleasant call last Monday. -. Mr. I. F Simmons has been con- fiued to his room for several days Uh sickness but is convales cing. A - Graham and Keid Defeated. si3oi0xs supposed elected in second district: ' Raleigh,- Nov. 3, 11 p. m. Eelection of following Democratic Congressmen in this State now re garded as certain : Democratic State ticket has been elect ed without opposition as follows : Governor. John Peter Richardson ; it. 6rOTernor, W. T. Mauldin ; Sec retary of State, W. Z. ieitner; Cornpi troller, Geu. W. E. Stoney ; Treas urer, D. S. Bamberg ; Attorney Gen eral, J. H Earle ; Superintendent of Education, J. H. Rice, Adjutant Gen eral, M L. Bonhara, Jr. The Dem ocratic majority m the next Xegisla ture will be overwhelming Buncombe connty elected Pear son and Wells, independent democrats. Catawba elected the straight NEWSPAPER democratic ticket throughout. I Caldwell sleeted D. D. Coffey and the balance of the democratic ticket. McDowell is democratic by 300 majority, but on account of person al grounds Sinclair, the nominee, was defeated and Crawford, a re publican was elected. . Cleveland county gave a good democratic - majority," " electing Schenck to the Legislature and Webb to the Senate, the regu lar nominees.. In Robeson ' county the " whole democratic ticket was elected. Cabarrus gives a handsome dem: ocratic majority. Rowan gives 1200 democratic, ma jority. The Piedmont Lumber, Ranch & ! Mining Company will pay market liJS iui tin uuiii, iir t ami viiu. j corn fodder and . hav delivered at Piedmont Springs. j NOTICE OF REMOVAL. Te tik th: rttthrxi o informing our frieodi ! customers ihtt wn ir now in oar Nr Brick Store, JUST ONE DOOR BELOW DAVIS BRO.t where yoi will tlways find our daort open nd one bf tho mot;Uotnplt , , , - stock: op habdwabe . , ; t bifoud in WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. .We ktep jn 'stocfc & fall line of COOKING, HEATING STOVES, and ; RANGES, . GLABSy PUTTY, and READY MIXED 1'AIT, ..... Saddlos. Wliip's, Broodiinp:, &C Oar line of GUNS and SPORTING GOODS U just good cnougV!l vrhich is sold cheap lor CASH, or.gool PROiiUpM Thahkin jou for jour pat favori and soliciticg a coatiauaoco of tho sra&. '. ' t" ; We tri yoa lroly . T. T. Gr I Tu Tj jLL , CO - ADVERTISING. ttflSI ISS, SJPttk ton filler. MaVe lowest rates on nil newspapers la tte U. 8. and Canada. Establieea iei. GRAIN. . ' . FLOUIt. - . " ' - - ... --'-". i JOHN H. PEARSON, -DEALER IN- ROGERI ES UNRIVALED ORCAWS ST A P LE G Grain,: Flo-ar and Cpuntry?reducVn SjscUItjr;" n nutntn Bn. 1UU ll.Tlm. mm w mvw. Slocuo witk lull pkrticaisrs, pisiied f rM. UPRIGHT P1ANQ3, Csastrneted os ths new snthed of strlnjinj, tlmiir urms. Send tor doscripUTS CaIsIocu. HAS0X fc HAHUN ORGAN AND FIAH0 C0 Dostsn, Nw Yrk, Chicago. sioo aweekT I keep ft well-?electel stock of floyr i;d dtil0aU'"illio"tl houstholdcrs to that uniform nd popular braud Vcb'wn as' " of TGWEGRE First District, Second, Third, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth,. Ninth. Latham, d. Simmons, d. McClamui y, d. llowlaud, d. Henderson, d. Cowles, d. i j Johnston, d: Old winter is coming upon us; but if you will go to LI. B. Brittain & Co.'a mammoth -clothing . store and fit yourself up with a1 good overcoat, her pierciug winds will be in -yain. LADTES or gentlemen dcslrln? pleasant hrof Itable employment wrltfl at once. We want tou to nanaie aa arucie oi aucnuv una vuu i . . ... .1 , . . rii. recommends Itself to everjone at eUat. SfAple I j)f,CR othr cradoa nnexCCileil from thcO CClcWatca nihs. n,. u.,110 in- not rake. Pronta aoo Deri.." . . ... ...... . cent. raxnlllM wlshln?r to c-i.-t:M tor thplr own. benefit im T-rt rfrr th rear rounl m every household, trice within re ch ot alL rirculars fri AcrnT9 TfrlQ mm9 IW. auuxsi 0 v.vnT r T Art 1 NOTICE. m HIS i to warn and forbid any and Tho family vnJnSwSnoK basaetcan always be supplied with uh'p'rodacts as orur- coamy " 'iSorii. write for partlru-J - . ' . O .,." - MAGNOLIA HAMS, LAUD,- MOLASSRS, :..KipE.; -BACON, ' SALT,- aUGAH. - aad C0F.FEK. ATLOWrBICSSFOnsrOTCASII. . ' Marlon. Ohio. Four Questions. - Correspondence of Thh Star. , Me. Editoh : Will you please answer the following questions : 1. Is it not absurd lor the town authorities to put down a brick sidewalk at a cost of $1,500 and put up lamp posts not even drasS' In fourth district, Nichols, rep., and the fifth Brpwer rep., are elect ed. This is a democratic loss of one congressman from this State. Beturas so far indicate that re publicaas have gained ten Sena tors and twenty members of House of State legislature. Alabama. . Montgomery, Nov. 2. Follow-in"- is the reoort from the Con- m 2. Is it not ridiculous for the city fathers to put up lamp posts 10 feet gressional districts as far as can be learned: 'First ; J T Jones, (dem) re-elect ed without opposition. Second H A Herbert, (dem) reelected-without Opposition. Third W O Oates, (dem) re elected, no opposition. Fourth three candidates Da vidson, (dem), McDuflie, white (rep), and Tanner, colored, (rep). Mfta wr returns indicate the lec- o lnirh? 3. Would not the diFerence in the price of posts the proper height and the rediculously : high ues thev have pay for dress ing! - 4- Is it not a pity for the town authorities to spend' the mbney of the people, in such a way as to Nate them a laughing stock to sveryoody. "ne lacnes especially go into ec- employment to or stacies over Barkers Hair Balsam," j bQUnr w. who has writes Mr. J. II. Decker, druggist, oul my pflrmissiffn or confent. The of Findlay, Ohio. "They say it is Joseph Jolmrtnn is 17 yejir of the most elegant dressing they fle i,Vh't hair, 5 feet 7 inrhM high. ever used." btops tailing nair, re-1 numpJftck and rather elend r, stores outur. piuuiui gmiui Wood ! Wood ! Wood ! ; Wo .hope our sub-cr.bers wuo have been promising wood to pay for their subscription, will come right along. You know these white frosts call for fire- I all persons from giving shelter or J . pdfj , CilSil tOV iUl UlYitlB OKSZlfJ josena common, i JfyoUUCCm ... ... . ias left mo with-1 FHKEE pKLIVSLT-. it JOHN K- PBARSOK. A reward of fire cents will ba given for hi return to un9 at my residence. STEVEN WINTERS. This 25, Uot 1886. NO T I CE. answering these ennuiries tou Ition ofDavid3on, but ifc is likely "iu ouiige A Town Tax Payee. The Piedmont-Lumber Banch & JHuing Company will pay $1.25 a head for good young ewe's deliver ed at Piedmont Springs. - that the seat will be contested Dy McDnffie. Fifth Jaa E Cobb, (dem) elected. All the balance of the ticket Maryland. Baltimore, Nov. 2.Isidore Bay The old lirtu of Fisker h Magnss is dissolved by mutual consent. The baaincti will be conducted in the fn fur t. the old Btd by Fishr k Shuptac, who will keep & fall Btook nf fteneral M erohandise. Our motto ! AVI qnalifictl as a'dntinistralnr : j ,.j . W. Mnenef. noi;- ,ore byciven lo all persons holding clini against hif estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 22d dv of Octotwr, 18w7, or this notice will be plead in bar of Uieir recovery. - - - , . . inHol,t orl I r ; rj i rl ' . 1 1 . MIlll 211 I ir I 7" 111-" I I 11" 1 V V w-.... will be to sell as cteap as ine eneap-1 i ttf!M A rnrnm for uirneat maraei, price i - ' , 11110115111 11 mm 13 IF8 1pTitri, Cro. Antliwi ). leflnarc. llMklnt Conch. T HE tit!- Antlin, Brenhis. Krr"sfl. ahtuwBi'jm. lf!JJjr i t. DiM. 7USlA) fl-M. fit. 1. I. l U, H wt. eit, and pay the highett market price for produce. iJoar tai ia raina horse shoes for 25 cnts and other articles ia proportion. Our terras are cash Not 20 days. Give ms a eall. Uespectsnllr, FISUEU & SUUPING. riu MAKE - arxw. mxoB CLOOD. lrxfrrmtn ara Mt boc l w-h ma t!c t& m-ol of lor of ttle at v nce ami cavl f.. Pt, l.l.oi3foy yx waid and coais. . if; a SHUPING, Jr., Adminis tatorof V. W. Magncss. 7h?atrct. 183C t m 9 m car aaa. wuml Im wortH Bo sTthr kind. b rtvan with food. ?a CM m 1 1 . ri. I e--r- wuvm U u bk tr r? 5. lSX

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