THE MORGANTON STAR. T. G. Cobb, Editor and Prop'r. B. A. Cobb, Business Manager. FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1887. Snterod at the Pott-office at Morganton bl geoond-class matter. Subscription price. - - $1.00 Advertising rates low, Ing circulation. consider- tOondensed from News & Observer THE GENERAL. ASSEMBLY. HOUSE. Monday, January 24. INTKODUCTION OP BILLS. Mr. Hayes, bill to amend chapter 175, section 24, laws 1885, regula ting fees of registers of deeds. Mr. Newson, bill to amend chap tor 214. laws 1885, giving a pension to widows of Confederate soldiers who died fr jni disease. Mr. Mills (bp request), bill to pre vent. rnlvcramous marriages. S. B. 78, H. B. 268, to prohibit fast driving or riding over the iron bridge across South Fork river in Lincoln county, passed its second and third readings. R. B. 86. H. B. 303, to amend Chapter 148, laws 1885, for the bet at driii n in? of Lower creek in "Rnrkfi and Caldwell counties, pass ed its second and third readings. SENATE. Tuesday, January 25. Bills and resolutions were intro duced and disposed of as follows : Mr. Broadhurst, to empower the countv board of education to pun ish contempts committed in their presence. Education. Mr. Pnrcell, to prevent the spread of hos cholera. Mr. Griffiu, to prevent preference of creditors in assignments. J udi ciarv. A bill on its second reading to amend section 3734, of the Code, to raise the salaries of superior court judges and to prevent them, and the supreme court judges from ac cepting free passes. Amendment offered bv the committee, that a sum of 8500 be allowed each supe- rior court judge, payable quarterly, 1 fV-n f t.a-1 i n rr PYnAtiRP.s. Thft hill I was tabled. HOUSE. I INTIIODUCTION of BILLS. i Mr. Daughton, bill for the relief! Of widows of Confederate soldiers I who died from sickness m tnejty, was burned with its contents on war. I Friday morning (the 14th inst.) at 3 Mr. Overman, to provide rules ana regulations ior contestea cas-t es. f A. 1. A- a. hA-iv tMAin I jur. worsen., w yiuuuo uiuic F i ,J 7i . ..,- air. . ries, tu IT.; uou oi iuayun uuu Vucx ui SLv nnft. order, Pinnix's bill to repeal the present county government law. It provides for the election of five county commissioners in each conn-1 ty ; also, magistrates ana an county - ... -m m I school officers, by the people. Pntchard offered a substitute lortue Din almost menucai wuu u, m . ... i " "l a? 1 lit. li. Bave tuai n proviues lor tue i election oi turee commissioners in-1 stead of five. There was a hot de-1 bate on the bill. I Pinnix, Pntchard and Turner, all Republicans, made an attack upon the present county government aVJL onri nrMaA t hW i.-.-tii; t r.!.. - f i T'""r'r'""7"rii an Independent, who contended that the present law was not only best for the people, but was in ac cordance with the ideas of those wise men who founded the govern- iugu i uiio wiaio auu nuupuim - ..4- .f Ofn r,l mrnrUs. mT.T.MiA ed over a century age for such an election of magistrates by the Leg - islature. The last speech of the day was made by Wells, Republican, of Buncombe, who said tnat the pres - cut law was odious, harsh and un - just in hiscounty. PREPARING FOR WAR. Charlotte Chronicle : From pres - r cnt indications, it looks like war is a foregone conclusion in Europe, Thero is fight in Bisinarch. His utterances before the Reichstag have caused serious alarm in the political and financial circles of the Old World, and his sharp words in reference to France are accept- ed in some quarters as virtually a mm . . - A, declaration of war against the an- cient enemy of Germany. A crisis is rapidly approaching. An arm - ed camp is in every county of Eu - rope,audthe army list are being rapidly filled : to such an extent there will not be men enough left to till the soil. We are told that France is col lecting on the frontier more troops than can be sheltered in fortresses and garrisons, and Ere&ch officials are active in buying lumber for the purpose of building barracks. Prance, we are told, expended dur ing tho last sixteen years $2,800, 000SQOO on her military establish- meat alone; and when the naval I budgets are added an aggregate is nhtainpd which adequately explains i the increase of the national indebt- edness to nearly 5,000,000,000. Germany, dunng tne same penou, has expended ?i,oio,uw,wu "l" of its arniv. in addition to lavish out-1 ua (huij, .u . lay on its fleet. Whether France will declare war against Germany, or a German army will once more take up the march to Paris, or whether Russia j and England will marshal their for ces along the Afghan boundary, is yet sealed up in the Book of Fate. But there seems to be no doubt, and reckoning within the range of human probabilities there is no doubt, that before the new year is very much older there will be war in Europe. A Washington correspondent of the Goldsboro Messenger, writing under date of Jan . 16, says : "The iSorth Carolina delegation, except Senator Eansom, called upon the President late Friday afternoon, Their purpose was to present to him the request of a large number of citizens that certain officials of the Internal Eevenue service in North Carolina should not be re tained. They protest against the present management as entailing, if possible, greater hardship, amounting to persecution, than under the former Bepublican re gime, and bringing discredit and injury to the Democratic party. Senator Vance acted as the spokes man, and presented the memorials in behalf of the people. His re marks were well-timed and in his handsomest manner. The Presi dent, replying, said that the mat ter should have his most careful consideration. Whatever wrongs had been or were being brought upon the people of North Carolina through any agency oi the United States should be remedied, bo far fln his nnwftr A-rtAnrlArT 11 STATE NEWS, Hickorv fraj We retrret to learn that the drug store of Dr. A. P. I Keever, at Keeversville, in this coua o'clock. Loss 81,700. Insurance $i,iou. ine nre onginatea irom a nue. Marion .Z&ifeiprfM.- Measles pre vails in and around town. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Neal of our town cele braUd twenty.fourth annivcr8ary of their married life on last Thursd- They had quite a number of their friends and relatives to dine wi'ii them on the occasion. There was a disastrous fire at m 1 1 1 1 it 1 mw I ueiasviue last ounaay morning, l bf 1 Piedmont hotel, Star warehouse and I eigut stores were destroyed. Entire It 1 . fiAn rv X Sin. -m I ross aoout 5ow,uou. insurance ow. iuo ure originated in a oar- room ana is saia to nave oeen tne work of an incendiary. m. e -KtmM t? m . o nr "V l,!: Al" j , u. M flfu. -m. .n i ed by fire, together with all its con- lenus, involving a lots upoa juorril tentfl. invnlvinor a Iota nrvnn Mnrn Brother, of $10,000, upon which there is only a small amount of iu- surance. lms anair was tne work of burglars. F. J. Robins, a former citizen oi Ct.o.;ilA ...V U 13 . iuwiwuw, nuwuaa uavu a rcoiuclll I of Buncombe county for a short time, 1 committed suicide at Asheville the 1 19th inst by cultme his threat from ear to ear with a razor. He leaves a j wife and a large familv of children. 1 Ho was an invalid and mental deDres 1 sion inspired the deed. . iamavn -f. OJt. .... 111V ATllU iu V11C n c XL if and Observer, from Ahpcillo ga .ThOM i ,v ot ' lr:Zi. ' 1 der and lightning last nitiht, follow - I 9 . . v.v ii m . - by a cold wave about 9 o'clock "e ereeuio iigat was suddenly ex. the dynamo. The whole telephone system was prostrated by the dis charge." Shelby Aurora : Mr. C. C. Erwin, whose press and outfit were con sum ed b' nre last V6ar at Forest City, f err,d ln affct'on8 to the Lmcohi Press, which will be under lhe control of Messr Tinton A E win. The Massachusetts and 1 Southern Construction Company hav- 1 lDS finished their contract with Cleve- auu ,,iUU a"lv the remainder of our bonds, accord ing to the contract which called for delivery of bonds npon completion of worK in uieveiano. Better stop your cough while yen can. Bye and bye nothing will do it. It is worth heeding, that Parker Tonic is the best thing known for coughs, colds, torpid liver, kidueys ana weak lungs, lou risk your life in waiting. Take it while there i9 yet time. j74t. A MODERN" CAIN'S MARK. The stranffe Realization ol a 0 Murderer's Dream. wew d oooiier j J?; hafl . t emerged fcora the obscurity the mountains west ot nere. A I man, thirty-five yww of age, six feet 1 t j :.uT. - 1- I four in height and without a single hair on his body-such is Terry Shelton. a native of Cherokee county, Ten years ago he had a heavy beard ana long DiacK nair oi wnion nc was i 11 1111 ! especially proud. In the autumn 1877 he was tried for murder Murphy, the eounty seat of Cheto kee. From Col. A. T. Davidson, ih Nestor of the bar of western North Carolina, and one of the most promi- nent members of his profession, are cleaned some of the faots in this un fortunate man's sad storv. Col. Da vidson was of the counsel for Shelton, who was charged with the murder of hia brother. The prisoner, one morning before the trial came on, sent for his conn sel and told them of a remarkable dream he had just had the night be fore, lie said his dead brother hud appcared to him and lold him lhatbe wouia be acquitted, but that shortly afterwards he would lose his hair and beard as a mark set upon him for his crime. Suggestions to the prisoner -were made in regard to being as quiet and free from excitement as possible, and forgeltiug the vision the attorneys re turned to court-room. When a day or two since Col. Da vidson saw the unfortunate mn without a hair upon his person he saw a terrible realization of that dream in the jail ten years ago. Soon after Shelton's trial and acquit- I . i i . i- i ; j : . J ". ucgau uiujpiuguuw ..u his hair and beard were all gone. His skin is soft and smooth as an in fant's. His general health seems ex cellent and he shows no indisposition to show himself and pose as the mod ern Cain. He is of the firm belief that it is a punishment sent on him for the slaying of his brother. IiOgan's and Blair's Widotra. Scotland Neck Democrat. Senator Logan dead body vras hardly out of sight before the Fed eral Legislature had given his widow a pension of 2000 per year during her life. And at once Sen ator Vest put a bill through the Senate to give Mr. Blair's widow a pension of 2000. Why give these men's widows pensions! What have they done more than other citizens, that their -i-r 11 A TC1 Alt Atl sion rolls over and above other citizens' widows t When will this damnable curse end! There are today three hundred thousand worthy widows in this country more needy and dependent than the widow of either Logan or Blair. Why not pension all wid ows 7 Mrs. Logan to-day is the ob solute owner of more than forty thousand dollars, and does not need the pent ion granted, in the MT O 7 trne sence of the word need. The creation of a civil pension roll is a verv danMrona movfl. Wo reirrpt I to see it. but we are powerless to nrevent h The Tlftmocrata ar as bad as the Republicans. As soon as a big man dies, there is a race between Democrats and Republi- cans to see who can first get the widow on the pension rolls. Well the rich must be kept rich and the 1 poor must bo kept poor, and we know of no better way to do it, than to tax the poor for the benefit I of the rich. If Grover Cleveland had any manhood in him, we would . .r. , , reached him. TfthftviravA a nfinsinn Ki II I H till II1K 1 1 1 1 1 S Uinn Hi ini'T I . J 1 .1 I m ttlQ WKlOWS OI tWO DOOr hard 1 working farmers, he would swath I them ouicker than thought. You are right, brother. A Gift for All. . In ordtr to give aU a chance t tst it, and thus be convinced of It wonderful curaura powers, Dr. Linj'a New Discovery for consump tion, c jught and colds, will be. for a 11 salted time, given away. This offer Is not only liberal. but snows unbounded laith in the merits of this great remedy. AU who suffer from coughs. 1 ec"011 of Throat, chest, or Lungs, are speciaf- I It rpniiftatftd tf rail at Tnll'a Tnicr trr antt rt cmn- roBsnmnnon. innmn. Rmnch i nr an a inai coiuo r rco, Lrg iKJtuet i. triixtk, r mjih ffcr timtm lSrmlUa pcaUr to tuelr hi, aBia try BRQM5 THQ BE5TTDHIC Thia medlclna MtnUnc Iron wHi jm wgnubto ionics, and iiTlabl for Pi mm peculiar tm Waiuen, and all who lalaedratarr lira. It Km flche and PvrtOes ba Uld,. !Stlanaltc U Appetite, Strentb UmHimIm aa4 Ii does aot lUckeu tin teeth, canaa beadacb. pradaea constipation oil other iron wttdiouut dm. Vmi uu ronpwuni, ana rmJcw Um ZJR. El-xaxzth Bzat. 71 Tinrn At.. If flwatt k. Wia., my. ondar dato of Deo. S3h. 16&4: X bav aaad Bown'a Iron Bittara, and It baabaaa laora than a doctor to ma, bariiiK cored ma of tit waakna3s ladiea hava in Ufa. A km cured taa of Lit ct CoBT.pUint. aod now car ompiazioa ia claor ao4 ood. Uaa alao baoa H"r..j,i to my oltiidraa.n Bias. Louisa C. Euagdou. Eut Loekport, N.T aya: . I ha,v anffarad sntold miaair from FaouU (Jurapiainta. aad ooaia obtaia talief truax nothioM seapt Brow&'a Iron BiUara. Oannina baa abora Tfada Mark aad craaaod rad Uae on wrapper. Take no wtker. Madcoolibr aT59 frSl r l MM II H NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. m i pyw3 Itscausp. and & new ana uc itfUilatfu cessIuCUREatyour own home. by one wno was aeai vwemy-eijus yrara. Treated bv most of the noted specialist without benefit, cured himself In three months, and ttlnco then hundreds ol other. Fuil partic ulars sent on application. T. s. rao. : No. 41 West tlst St.. Nw York City. Please Don't Forsret It That Dr. h. James cannabis indtca is prepaid in Calcutta. India, from the purest and beet a- ts?&. asthma, nasal catarrh and nirtocs dsbiutt. hour8 per chad dock, s. cu.. nropnetora. nacc ow run. V"LV1. " - o. TV. II UNRIVALED ORGANS CYn ihRKlHT PAYMENT a-ratta. from 83.83 jTuU per month op. 100 stylo, $ttl to f?oa. SeadforC- UPRIGHT PIANOS, Constructed on the new method of trlngtag, oa similar terms. Send for descriptlTe Catalogue. MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO C0 Boston. New York, Chicago. P0RgypffiFER Winter Kxposure Causes Coushs, Colds, nenrtsy. Rhcumatlsftn. Pneumonia. Neu ralgia. Sciatica. Lumbago. Backache and othrr ailments, tor which Benson's C'apclne Plaster are admitted to be the bst remedy known. They relieve and euro In a lew hours when no other appUcatlon Is ot tha least benefit. Endors ed by 5.000 Physicians and Druggists. Beware ot Imitations under Rlmllar mjundlnjj name, such as capsicum." "Oupslcln" or canlclne." Ask for Benson's and take no others. Kxamlne carefully when you buy. All dnurgrlsts. SEABUUY& JOHNSON. Proprttors. New York. ISAAC T. AVERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MORGANTON N. C. (O file in Got, Caldwell's eld UwofTico.) Practices In the SUte and Federal courts. Sveeial attention eircn and promptreturni maae v in Busines inirusiea to fii care NOTICE. llf E will sell, on Saturday, the 12th H of February, 1887, at 12 o'clock, at tho old Ml Pleasant campground. to the highest bidder lor cash, the arbor and fixtures and the preachers' teat of said.rnnipground. ' S. U. KEKLEY, W. W.KINCAID, D. H. PEELER, Jan. 21, 1887. Committee. NOTICE. ORDERED by the Board of Com missioners that publication be made in The Morgaktox star for thirty days that a petition has been present ed to the Board of Commissioners tor the removal of the voting place in Lower Creek township to the home of Janios Murphy Kincaid, which petition will be heard and acted upon tho 1st Monday in February, 1887. J, L, J, ESTES, Clerk Bd, ConiY. ISTOTTOE. llf E are buying persimon and dog 11 wotid lotrs from five inches in di ameter upwards at the following1 rates delivered at our factory at the IL U. station fformerlv Messrs. Briu . x tain & Cos mill) Persimon, ?2.50 per cord; Dogwood, $2.50 per cord. selected timber running from eight inches (8M) and upward $3.00 per cord, IN CASH. For further intor- rnation apply at Messrs. Brittain & Co.'s store, Morganton, Dec 189G. Moroantom Wood Workiso Co. NOTICE. HAVING qualified as administrator de bonis uon of John A. Dickson . m m ;. l..a ,,: i. I "vivu, .iw... uwtw.rj m all persons holdine claims against I Bilu toiaiW W Illt'SCUb U VUC HQ' ! 1 A .1 . - . I I dersigned on or before tho 14th day of January, 1888, cr this notice will bo plead in bar of their recovery ; and all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to come forward and settle at once and save ost. JOS. BRITTAIN, AuWr de bonis non of John A. Dickson. This 14, day of January, 1887 NOTICE. n Y virtue of an order of the Supe- V errrl0f, , rt 01 , r , Wn V J. Hallyburton adm r of W. b. Sud- derth, deceased, against D. M. Sud derth and otherf, heirs at law, I will, on Monday, the 7th day of February, 1887, offer at public sale at the Court House, in Morganton, the interest of W. S. Suddertb, deceased, in tie following tract of land, aud town lots, namely : . An undevided interest in the tract commonly known as the J. R. Sud dertb, or Murphy, place, lying on John's river, containing acres more or less, snbjcct to the dower of D. M. Suddertb, widow, which has been assigned to her. . .. . An undevided ne-fjurth interest in two valuable town lota lying on Green street, below the Tate lots, containing four acres, more or - leas, Terms : Twenty per cent cash in hand, the balance on &'x months on bond and security, and title resumed till purchase money is paid. R. J. HALLYBURTON, Adm'r. By S. C. W. TATE, Atfr. Dec 28, 18 6. MorgaLton, N. C. j74f. - j CONTRACTOR, BUILDER AND MANUFACTURER OP 00 o o J2 O M P Q Q WEATIIERBOARDIXG, In short I am prepared to furnish anything required to build a house in fiist-clas order at short notice. I keep constantly in stock dressed and matched flooring and ceiling for ny customers in large or small quantities. bhops second block from Court House, at forks of Lenoir steets. and Icard Qive me a trial order. Respectfully, R. G. ROSS, Morgan ton. N. C. P. B. BREWTON & CO. DEALERS HI Furniture of All Kinds, Keep constantly on hand Bureaux, liouges, licdsteaus, tJnairs, mil suits, Toilet Cases, Brack cts, hand Oil Paint ings, in guilt frames, po r f o r a t o d Chair Scats for repairing chain, good stylo Bed Springs, Baby Cribs, Extension .and Com mon Tablos. A full assortment of COFFINS kept (except metalic) and.they will be rurnisueu on 12 to 15 hours no ticc. Wo will do repairing on forni- tnro at short notice and at rcaaona ble rates. When in need of any article in line, don't fail to givo us a calL our Very respctfully, p. b. brewton & co. MORG ANTON, N. C. I) Y virtue of an order of the Superi 1) or Court in thn case of Jos. 3 lull and others, vs. Thos. Duckworth and wife, I will sell at public auction, at ' the Court House door in the town of Morganton, on Monday, tho 7th dsy of February. 1887, the following described tract of land, to-wit: Lys i . . . ng in uurKe county, D8 Ck J0101 fifnd ff ing in nance county on me waters oi ming A. B. Ilaw- eranted to Ptter Mull by the State of N. C, on the 5th Oct. 135Sj containing 95 acre, M m m as oyreterence to grant will more folly appear. oaia iana ro-soia oy reason oi a ten per cent. bid. for partition. Bid ding to commence at $12lll,Moul ton William s bid. Terms, one-third cash, balanee ho .l i i i : ulvilkUliUUIC RUU HIilllUICU icvutrii ? ... - I ty required, title retained till tmrL;5 ... I I I CuaSO money 18 paitl. 1 - 1 H mr k'lr v ' . " Jan. 7, 18vH7. Au FOR S-AXJU. I valuable farm of 400 vrr Ttnatf A in the county of Burke upon thol. JV)r,n irnttering "4 wtrm nf SiK-Pr l!rV ft of Morcanton and 3 miles from Glen Alpine Station, on the W. N. CL IL R. baid farm is known as the Jno. Mo- Elrath place, is well watered, and wheat, and tobacco. There is a fine frest of Pn npa suiuble r, .r,lnlo r 1,.tt,k, Also 100 acres upland, finely tim bered, adjoining said 400 acre. For terms apply to MRS. ANNA URBAN. Agent, " or C. F. McKESSON, Att'y. Nov. 12.1886. oro. B Y virtu e ol a deed of trait to me ex ecuted by D. M and W. 8 Sud dertb and registered in the Register's omce of Burke county, in book J, pages 254, and 256, 1 will, on M onday, the 7th day of February. 1887, offer at public sale at the Court House in Morganton, a tract of vaU uable land lying in Rurke county, on the North side of the Catawba river, near the Rocky Ford bridgr, adjoin I ing the Suddertb. Unas, containing zuu acres, more or less, oi wnicn a ) at part is in cultivation, and produces well, lermacasii. S C. W.TATE, Trustee of JOHN MARTIN, Awinee. Jan. 1, 1337. tf7t GOATS' SEE :-cord SPOOL C0TT01T. TOU CAN BUT IT OF LI. DAVIS &BRQ,, MORCAXTOIf, X. C We have an assortment of fT-. Upol Cotton and can fnrnish rar. I chants at the regular wholesale price. I We hare it loose or in cabinets, all colors and numbers, in any quantity for convenience to merchants hrr and a saving of freight. JOHN TULL, Graduate n (Over nineteen years experience.) A full line of FRESH DRUGS a&d PURE CHEMICALS always on hand. compounded at all hours davorcirU vj Atcguicrea xvruggui. Toilet Articles Olid Sdp TAKE HOTSGE. CxOxO :-: K .STOVES ECoating Stoves in I - . . oi ui Tfrr ortt vaneir. ids sini irrOTM Silt I , 7 . I ' " - w v . w - - V TINWARE always on hand. I kttp the Ilausehold 5wing II- I ckiaa, Bucktye Force Pnmn. :i Ikinds o renairiDsr doDO in ray boa. 1 ! w kP o btnJ ful1 ll8t of EiTi 1X3 rin 11X31 BaeonLard, Syrup, CcnVe, Sopr. Canned Goods, Cbnfectioaa, vbicb I will sell cheap for cash or good coaa try produce. 'Doa t fail to girt me a tail. Very rapctfallyv A. P. CHANDLER- BE WE ARE With a new stock of General Merchandise, Consisting of Dry Goods, Shoes, leather, ' COFFEE, SUGAR, RICE, TOBACCO, With a General Arsortmeot of Confectionaries, Which Iv will sell a cheap u t cheapest. Call on roe at the bnc building formerly occupiel by tv Bcchtler. Respectfully W. W. WALL.

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