THE MQRGANTON STAR, FRIDAY, JANUAEY 28, 1887. Didn't Sign. Arkansaw Traveler. Arkansaw printing-office. A dele gation from "away back" files in. Leader (to business manager of fice) "'Lowed, a passnl uv us did, that we'd come up an sign fur yo' paper." Business manager (smiliug warm ly( "Glad to see you, gentlemen. Won't you have seats ? " Leader "No. ain't got time to set. Wh ut yer holdin' yo' paper at now f " B. M. "Two dollars a year," Leader -"That mucht Didn't 'low it wuz mo'n er dollar. Ken git ther Fireside Smile fur six bits." B. M. "Ah, well, you see that it is only a cheap concern, a sort of advertising dodge. What you want is home news." Leader "Yes, that's a fack. Wall, Lige Baily (addressing one of the delegation), plank down." Lige "Don't b'lieve 1 wanter sign far it ter-day." Leader "W'y, yer wanted me ter come up here with yer. VVhut yer come up fur ? " Lige "Wanted ter sorter look er round." Leader "Jim Boyle, you wanter sign, don't yer ? " Jim "Xo, don't b'lieve I do, ter day." Leader "W'y, ding it all, you said yer wanted ter sign." Jim "I said I moutsigu." Leader "Tal Paytou, I know you wanter sign." Tal "I 'low ter sign airter while airter I git in little better shape." Leader "Why not now?" Tall "Ain't fixed well ernuff now. Ain't mo'n got money ernuff ter run me till I git home. 1 like the paper mighty well. Got some uv the best things in it I ever seen." Leader "Wall, ef none uv yer wanter sign, reckon we'd better go j i -a a . we e got a goou aeal uv knock in' round ter do." B. M. (to leader) "You wish to subscribe, do you not ? " Leader "No, I jest come up with the boys, here, an' I don't b'lieve I wanter sign fur it ter-day. Like the paper mighty well an' hope to be able ter sign fur it putty soon. Wall, good day." J A few moments later. In a sa loon. Leader "Wall, fellers, nom inate yo' pizeu." Lige "Hoi' on; I'm doin' this," (throwing a ten dollar note on the bar). Jim (sweeping the money back to Lige and replacing it with a gold piece) "Not much yer ain't. I axed yer in here, I reckon." Tal (with pretended indignation) "Notbv a iuo-ful. Avoil myself. Here (to bar-tender), give us seme straight goods." Leader "It makes no difference who pays for it. Wall, here's hopin'." Stricken With Blindness. A Kalamazoo (Mich.) Telegraph Reporter gives the following states meat of Dr. C. Francoise, the well known veterinary surgeon of that city, in reference to a case of blind nes3. The Doctor says : '-OUr,ycys ,a3fc aPring Kttle Willie, the four year-old son of Mr Peter De Witt a relative ot mine, re siding at that time hi Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was taken with tioro' - icaa- les. 1 he disease struck in on him and the poor LITTLE FELLOW WAS LEFT BLIND. "Distinguished physicians iu Mil waukee and Chicago were consulted, and said that nothing could be done for him, and that, blinded thus earlv, he would coiitiuue sightless during bis entire life. While at Tint Mr. De Witt had heard the S. S.S. remedy, maoufactinwl r spoken or very highly. How it hap- pened I don't know, for S. S. S. is uot guaranteed to cure blindness ; but by some happy chance it was decided to test its efficacy in Willi's case. Bv nu; uo uau tacen a Dottle and a I jh vyvu nau so rar recovered il.ol 1. 1 1 t - - ninu iiecouui piay out ot doors. Af ter taking four bottles he wa3 com pletely cured. His fuctly sound, aud have continued so ever since." "Here, Willie, Willie, come here ; " suoiuea me doctor suddenly to an ac tive Jittleboy dressed in knicker bockers, who was playing m the street, "inis is Willie De Witt. His lather used to be a railroad conductor, but he is out West now on business, and Willie is staying with us until he gets back. He goeso the East Ave nue school every day. and never has the least trouble with his eyesight. See, his eyes look as well as yours or mine.'' Treatise on Blood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. The Swift .Specific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. PfllSOf j THE ASHES TOut the 2t Lebanon Shaken Found Incident In the His tory of a Quiet Community. 1 . The Mount Lebanon (Ncrir York) Shakers are a quiet com munity, secluded from the fret and worry of the outside world. They are widely known, how ever, for their strict honor and probity in business. The Shakers believe that na ture has a remedy for every dis ease. A few have been found the rest are as yet unknown. Many were discovered by acci dent Others came to light as the result of patient experiment and research. -Nervous Dyspepsia is a com paratively new disease, growing out of the conditions of modern life. It is a joint affection of uie uigesuve organs nnH f flia nervous system. These two were formerly treated as sepa rate ailments, and it was left for the clear-sighted Shakers to prove that the basis of this terrible and often fatal compli cation lies chiefly in the disord ered and depraved functions of digestion and nutrition. They reasoned thus: "If we can in duce the stomach to do its work, and stimulate the excre tive organs to drive out of the body the poisonous waste mat ters which remain after thelife- fiving elements of the food ave been absorbed, we shall have, conquered Nervous Dys pepsia and Nervous Exhaust ion. . And they were riffht. Knowing the infallible power of Shaker Extract (SeigePs j iy " cumpuicatea though similar diseases, they resolved to test it fully xn this. To leave no ground for doubt they prescribed the remedy in hundreds of cases which had been pronounced in curable with perfect success m every instance where tbeir directions as to living and diet were scrupulously followed. Nervous Dyspepsia and Ex haustion is a peculiarly Ameri can disease. To a greater or less extent half the people of this country suffer from it both sexes and all ages. In no country in the world are there so many insane asylums filled to overflowing, alj resulting trom this alarming disease. Its fading-symptoms are these: aW J. . a quem; or continual head ache; a dull pain at the base of the brain ; Tbad breath ; nau seous eructations; the rising of sour and the throat; a sense of oppress ion and faintness at the pit of the stomach; flatulence; wake- sleep; dis gust with food even when weakfromtheneedofit; sticky or slimy matter on the teeth or m the niouth, especially on ris ing m the morning; furred and coated tongue; dull eyes; cold hands and feet; constipation: dry or rough skin ; inability to lix the mind on any labor call- Iriff tsxw A-T - .. . 5, . wnimuous attention and oppressive and sad fore bodings and fears. All this terrible group Shaker Extract Seigel fevrup) removes by its pos- jpuenui, airect yet "t-nae action upon the functions of digestion and t,uii. mose elements of the food that build up and system are sent meir mission, while all wasie maiters (the ashes of life's nre) which unremoved, poison ana kill, arc vnolli t . body tlirough the bowels, kid- pi-ostrated nen-es are quieted, toned and fed by the purified blood. As the result, health, with its enjoyments, -blessimrs and TK)wer. iftumo 55? ferer who had, ierhap4 aband oned all hope of ever seeinc?' another well day. ,5 $11.20 In Music For 35 Cents. Tins Favorite Ai-bum of Soxg AND JiALLADS U8t published, " COD- t&ina thirtvrtwn n!rr.p nfnhnir nd popular vocal music, full sheet music and piano accompaniment. Themusio 10 uucijr printea upon iieavy paper with a very attractive cover. The loilowmg are the titles ot the ttongs umisuo wuiitiueu in iiiexavorlie Album As I'd Nothing Else to Do; The Dear Old Songs of Home; Moth- r, Mnicn me juiieueet; Uh, lou Pretty Blue-Eyed Witch; Blue Eves; ivaiys jeufr; ine 1'assing liell:! saw Esau Kissing Kate; Won't you Tell JMe Why; Robin; The Old Gar ucu vaaif; xown xeiow tne Waving T 2 J -r- - -w- .... rumens; jaaeu lea e!; All Among the summer Hoses; Touch the Harp vieiuiy, xiy pretty louise; 1 Keally Don't Think I Shall Marry; Dream ing of Home; The Old Gotta re T A . r-, . ..... O across tne boa; I here a Silver Lining to every Cloud; Straugcs Yet: o-ui, xei; oomeooay, a icar Ago; Bachelor's. Hall; Kuth and I; Good -wignt; una llappy 1 ear Ago; Jennie in the Orchard? The OM Itnm fintm. Jack's Farewell; Polly; Whisper in' the Twilight. This is a veiy fine Collection of real vocal gems, and gouen up in very handsome style. Published in the usual wnv mw) . wuT bought at amosic store these 32 pieces would cost yon 811.20. The Holidays ere past and we muat V T n. Jm m. mm T. a V . a . v,wsc uub our acocK c once. ill send entire collection well wrnnwl postpaid for only 35 cents or four for & i nrk r fi.w UBUtKS FILLED SAME DAY KlC- ceIved By getting three of your friends, you secure your own free. AJ.1 IT T " Auurvss. HOLIDAY i.'UIiLlSHIXG UO , Bucklen8 Aruica Salve. hie 1EST. oa lye in. the world for Cuts, brumes. Sores. Ulcers, Salt mieusi, JeverSores, Tetter, Chappeil Hands, Chilblains Corns, n.wl nil sl :.. Eruptions, and positively cures Piles ur no pay required, it is guaranteed to give pei feet satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents ner ho v. For sale by Tull. Great R IN PBICES OF CLOTHING. 25 Wool Mixed Suitt, GttSZO, former pric 13.00 to tSZO. 25 Union Mixed Plaid 13.75 to 14X0, former pric 25 suits worth $12.00 down to SJ0. A big lot of Children's Clothing at cost, We wake this big reduction in ordtr to make room for oar Spring Stock. Our Overcoats Must be Sold. Our Boots Must go Regardless of Cost. R. B. BrTTTATM & C II I PI I CrJ.c-i----.-ivL WANTED. ndian Relics, 'Arrow Ih-ads. Mortfr.. Tines 1 . . It. l.lLAlWbl.l Morgauron. :v. v. WiC.ERVIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LEXOIli, N. C. Practices in ihe Stnte and Fep-al CourU SAMUEL J. ERVIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MO l G ANTON, X. a (Ollice in Court Houso.) JVill practice in tne State and Fetler al Cuiru. Special attention given all Imtunesa intrusted to him. GILMER HIGH SCHOOL. This School is principally adapted to give young men a thorough prep aration for. College, or Unsiness. For further particulars address John A. Gilmer. A. 15., Frincipal. 3Iorjranton, N. O. . Fall term opens August 30, ISSC. i Amt " 1 m i , &1M life . ATo. 3 Family. IT LEADS ! OTHERS FOLLOW THE LIGIIT BUHNINQ "DOMESTIC," Copying it !a foim and ttylt at bchj mm poioifiinrDyac knowledging it sth STAIIDAnD OF EXCELLENCE mm mm.mmmM. - . IU 3L7inU UACIIinES. Mexican TVTO matter what dealers , r i impie, yet iplendid nieckaniim. b nfr!l 7ondei;fu,,7 imPIe Mt f attachment., and otic il. wid. raurt of work, from the mmnW .:.71r 9 VT rD , . --.-r.-. iiiwoii icvicai BIDS CiecttltiL to thf tmbroierv. an no mhmr m, 5 . avmwi, m am siett lerriiory. Addres, Domest o gewintr lf;n- j O . v IIVUIBUUB f Mustang iniment Amherst Academy. :&& J I T CTTRE3 Diphtlierl. C OU1H30 Ce&tnett tmilQmZtm PUINCIPAL: REV. B. L. PATTON, A. B. TH ? Khool 1 in Burke countv. onlr tw T, , muesrromtlje Itallroad. A new tw,J5fJ bullcuuy. itooms for boys right at the EXiJtfJ fore nuiViT; nVKot,1"' " ' "ire- 0 , UAKC waw, azcx CLOOD. I i -i ia renT. lfw. I. jncvi riiT0 U manner f dle a. TTv. ii Boom AEESIS WANTED fcr lis hi m: DEEDS or DARING 5y jju UJdJ& GEAY. f,?8.1 ?dvntures on both sides durln "the ;ETr t'ivil War. intenselv interesfiuff TcroSntf of bmmr. toprinmenTs and' KStlf capes romantic incirtcjt, hand-to-hand I stn!? ffles. humorous and traeic events wr u,,. ( f noj s, bold d-Le. brtUlanes. and & nanlmous aetK ns on ea-rh ride K J, ters. rKOFTSKLY I LI.l'STR ATE1) to the life Xomlf" or look at all like it. Onraelta wrrvthinp S" dress. PLANKT PriJUSHIXiioiE.-11' , ArchSt..llUL.VI)ELPili i. fifflf fr paymenta allowed tanvSrsshort of ELY'S nA?i pdciii wiMitwn UIILIM UMLfil Owes reiief at once and Cures COLD IN HEAD CATARRH HAY FEVER 2fot a Tiri!J - MJ SnuiF or JMAsr r from. TnUf-t vr vu isruffi ana tf. " " v vvnuiwoa Powder la tMlutlT ua oiaiy eon cntrtl. One ounce wvna m pounu r kind. It 3 any other kfnd. It i. ill ill UI I t t I E BED m !BrtU Mkt kM Imw It ORCHESTRAL 1 civic I --.-'V -' j SIX OCTAVE. It Ion Wiih Ciood Article Ot Toia wj, ask your aealarffor oia Rip. A particle of thTWm i W8ing healthy wcS! S .f caUrrhAi . n" ProW4, the 1 omntet , "P addUton! cold oftiteVndl Tr"80"8 Price Kfl Mnfa . r . ... Wcente. dL 'K' : SerL Catarrk la .Kmc - m Vt 1IKtNt head. There t!Jlw dreadfal dwease. ft Tle:m whw One of ' thlStlit i! 1 a lecUHl cold. . I . - (VDTW I nrarm h- ti.i "-". wmi latrewrtt. t Tn. li JTlnu'Ini-rnak.l ,..iii.rLf rtlo- Otmr rtvlc. of rrW;. taT M4 Lie infoM.iirJ"0..2iI ? rlattrla aithic 11 A GRLT CAUSE OF HUMA.N .MISERY IS THE LOSS OF a terturvon ik. w.i. caj cur. ;rr ,i-t' v ,T"n 4 L-"uir Mmirable that th .w.wr. uw" "PtVBf. oe rffrvtiimJiv imwi v . "? "7 lcaloni.T"Jl"Wma .or. .Vr.v5UEjr out ioode of cure at ooce MSfi?."!.0.1- hch .very .uff r.' r.. . oMconaiuoo may U- but mm Kent Dmlor umI i. . ki.i . . itamna. AdVir.. - w wo PW II A.n C YL X.Y: Kg 'k.,, 40, UUtieMm tmatimt. Sort lalia, litaa, IruiaM, loaioaa. Coraa THIS COOD OLD 3TAX0-BY Xaataa Ualaoai u foaadutu aalvetreal !IeUIty. K7t4ya-acaaaT-dirta. Zz " U caa ofaeeUMk Tai II m wife ae4a It for raerai fanSy a. Tae Caaaler aveeda It tot aU t ma ait aaea. Tkm Weaea!e imk u alvaya oa aa vera oeaca. Tae Mlaer e-2 it la raaa of eawteary. T rtoaoar aeedalt-mantafaaLt-vtUMt tt. Mklattockyar.- . Mfk8 aa or Iko tUataaaa n U taxtal tayply attoai aad aaoora, Tka Uaraawfaacler aeeda It-H U ate tel frl4 4 aaXeM ratUaca. Tao rawer al u it wta tba c doOara aa4 a worU of irxmUm. To BaekwoWaaaaa aeodatt. Taareaaoia. ngliaa it aa aa aaUdoaa for U aar ta Cf, Cab aa4 eoeMfort waich msrrovd tW -oorr. vTtva Maraaaal a4e It aboaa ftia atora amaet Ida aoaployaaa. AorhSeata wnj aaooaa. aa4 waa aaeaa taa Tartiag ZJatmeat U waated ttrem. XeaBulaIataaIIeaa, -naUaaeatef toaaoaay. Kaep a Bottle la taa raotary. ItataaaartUM aaa ta eaaa of aeetdeat mtm bai a Ka a, Aactla Alwayata tao Saaala far oa waoa waataa. Gem FJaq.0 m om ca KTAJIUMKB INI. nai rM. ,A i OM.f-ee-dytiaa. I cisjr : J ItaU-arywiUaa. X aaalae akk Uara.t V ; wwtw r-jTBf aowMa f J- f aaa ao I a4 at daya." ThouaandTof aleS'"' a colda in jaxperlence. Ely's Cream Balm tha bead and catarru in alliu stage - -.ICMII(i atVf.Vt.Try:.rfSBar4 DECTnOVR" PIAXO OHOAf CTO Uahlagioa.ew ierVrrl; a -mca.-;iauioB nao. of thl. rpc, wbIVo, wrtt: x PAnitErro AI DALGAf.1 f7,7'Jf!- IT.""" badr2. Tka boat Camel. Car -yam tmi1TTTtnl. 1 n . ffi li ! Imi 1 1... tru- ' " ' flaTMal Taa t a a ari.a a a - J " aaaaaaa H JPJJD ER CORTJS mmtm, tl T" s iiiiiMaaa. KUImiWrfxr. Oriaaarr3aooa aeve at tta uv iaiiv roe taa auaaa 6Mtoacf iAoa ed Uryx ,MbW , ,, elTrr i ""a w cc ! HIM KST rjtIJft: at t-i rie thaai fct a4 f a Vrita aa aa4 3 kaae rlaaaare la n aa Ua laNaaailua daatr trrm of rtkaj-f- All erne Iatraiaaeala ara w 'rmaVMCncSIX TCARI ao4 arr aretaaya-brrawa U day a trt tmaL Keyal Caaa Oraaa. 04 Ka.a WtOaat CaM. f- oaJy SSI. a4 fee Poaarau Ca. ain-aa. li J ? i-ULel-1a2Lat-3 Washington, Warren Co,, N.J fiDraiTisEnsto aaeXlMaflMiaw" 41 - RaAdVlplk Sc. HCRD&TUOIUiS. tka WwiWr Aff-MC-

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