(BPS MORGANTON Rt air X Jtiiii MO RG ANTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1888. NO. 20 Published by Request. IN MEMOltlAM. From tlie Darlington News. Weeping may endure for a night, but Joy cometh in the morning." They shall hunger no more neither thirst any more : neither shall the sun lisrht on them nor any heat ; for the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and lead them to liring fountains of waters, and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. lAbso!i!te!y Pure his powdpr never varies. A marvel of etv strength and wholesomeness. ire econu'ii"-111 - . ... ' 'he nUlilulUie in iuw ico-,, suwu wcigim Royal Baking Powder Co., 106 OHN TULL, ADDICT IX PHARMACY, i : Twenty-two years- experience.; A full Hue of 3? i "-fesi-ii On the strand of that deep wid sea Whence thy spirit took its flight. Alone I stand and think of thee, Alone in my depth of night. Alone, my dear one, all alone, On the lip of the boundless sea. Waiting for some sweet word o thino That never comes back to me. II. From the dephs of a wounded heart I pray To the Lord who loved us much. Strength for my weary, lonely Avay, And his gentle, healing touch. For my heart clings close to the tender love mat waiKs oy my siae no more, But beckons me siill, from her home above. To her side on the heavenly shore. III. And I wait in the valley of prayer. And I call, in the hush of the night, And ask for the solace and care Of God's holy angels of light. And though never the touch of a sound From their lips sends its thrill to my ear, By the peace that my spirit has found, I know that the angels are here. ' IV. For my Father has "harkened and heard," And his angels aye come at the call Of his children who trust in his word And his mercy whatever befall. And they bring me sweet thoughts froxi that shore Wher the Elver of Life floweth free, And my loved one. at rest evermore. Is waiting and watching for me. To my soul comes their whisper, so sweet! Tife' dark night, it is passing away ; Soon, the dear ones, now sundered shall meet, And shout at the dawning of day. Thy dear loved ones glad soul is at rest, By the river that flows from the throne, In the light of God's face she is blest Willi a peace that earth never has known." And I weep, yet I Icnow all Is well, And a sweetness And even in tears, And earth's darKnesa grows bright while I dwell With the angels sent down at my prayers. And I look to you beautiful land With a longing f$lt naver before, While I dream of the clasp of a hand Which awaits me upon that bright shore. Darlington, April, 13S8. be, it shall be my In'gliest aim, as tion to its honors my chief ambi it will be my highest duty, to do, tion. If invited to go np higher all that may be in my power to in my profession, I shall approach preserve tne ancient character of i the grave duties of the position uie uiguesc juaiciaitriounai in tne j btate tor integrity and a fair and impartial administration of jus tice, so that, in an appeal to the court of last resort in the State, every .suitor, however high or however humble his position, may feel that no injustice has been done. With thanks for vour kiud pression of personal esteem, 1 am, very truly, Jos. j Davis. ex- LETTEKS OP ACCEPTANCE. State Norai- Frora Democratic nees. refill p AND FURS CHEMICALS always on hand. PRESCRIPTIONS State of Xokth Carolina, Supt. of Pub. Instruction, Kaleigh, June 4, 1888. i Messrs. B. H. Bunn. W. T. Ennett and G. G. Lulce, Committee : Dear Sirs: I have your favor of the 2nd inst., notifying me that the Democratic State Convention, recently in session, nominated me for re-election to the office of State impounded at all hours, day or Superintendent of Public lustruc- lit, by a liejnstered Pharma- joilet Articles, Soap, Efffflir, Tooth and Xail Brushes a Sjjecialtv. 1888. 1888. llUIOFlISEiSl I desire to inform my customers (I the public generally that lam w receiving a large line of tion. j Thanking the convention and i very highly appreciating the hon or conferred upon me, I accept the nomination and promise my best I efforts for the election of oiu' State and National tickets and for the i promotion of the principles of the Democratic party. For the committee's kind per sonal allusions they have my best acknowledgements. I am, gentlemen, very truly Your obedient servant, S. M. Finger. Wilson, C, June 5th, 1888. lir T" 77 T XI T rwt 71 f m juessrs. u. u. jjium. p . . jxnncu and G. G. Luke : Gentlemen : With a just ap preciation of the high honor con ferred upon me and the great con fidence reposed in me by the rep resentatives of the Democratic party of Xorth Carolina, I accept the nomination for Associate Jus tice of the Supreme Court, that you are commissioned to tender. Knowing that one, who properly fills so exalted a position, must be free from the exciting influences of political strife, I still recognize the right of a party, whoso conserva tism has won the confidence of our people, to provide through its organization for ra:muiug all of the judicial as well as executive offices of the State government with its own trused men., This plan is consistent with tlu fixed faith that, in the future as in the past, justice will be as fairly melted out to all classes of citizens in JSorth Carolina, as in any State in the Union. Allow me through you to tender my siucers thanks to the Demo cartic State Convention and to the hosts of people, for whose weal and under whose instruction they acted. In conclusion, gentlemen, I must thank you for the very kind terms in wliich you communicated the message trom tne oouy you repre sent. It is moreover gratifying to me in the extreme, that a commit tee composed of friends whom I have honored and trusted for years has been the chosen medi um of correspondence between the convention aud myself. With the highest esteem and kindest feeling, 1 am, very respect! ally, Your obedient servant, A. C. AVERY. the all Spring Groods ught with a view of suiting' stes and the capacities of ;o call on me, consisting of '(uli Fabrics, Ratines, Ginghams, Seersuckers, j 'uprising the latest styles and patterns. NAINSOOKS. Also 10ES IX GREAT VARIETY. Slippers, All Sizes. ?n short, I try to keep every- pg usually kept in a general a i . i iii.n iii n linn v Pauui stue. x rA . . the actiou of the convention. o guuus rignii aown ai lowest ices for cash or marketable pro- State or Joeth Carolina, Treasury Department, Raleigh, June 4, 1888. Messrs. B. H. Bunn, W. T. Ennett and G. G. Luke, Committee : Gentlemen: I have the houor to acknowledge the receipt, this dav, of your favor of the 1st inst., informing me of my nomination bv the recent State Democratic Convention, for the office of Treas urer of the State ot North Caro lina. In accepting the nomination I express my deep sense of. grati tude to my fellow-citizens for this additional testimonfal of their con fidence and partiality, and my ! thanks to you for the pleasant ; terms in which you convey to me with an earnest resolution to dis charge them uprightlj and worth ily. I am profoundly grateful to the convention for the high honors which it has bestowed upon me. Very truly, Your obedient servant, Jas. E. Shepherd. Our Philadelphia Letter. Correspondence of Tho Morjranton Star, Philadelphia, July 21, 1SSS. The Wm. M. Lloyd Company of this city is one of tho most exten sive lumber and coal handling con cerns in the country. Their trade in this city alone is sometimes enormous, and at Williainsport, Pa., they have a largo source of supply and, I have no doubt, occu py there as conspicuous a position aiuwng the commercial Institutions of that section as they do here. Their lumber and coal yards in Philadelphia cover a small town. Only recently a whole row of houses was bought to be torn down and the ground used as an extension to the lumber yard. A firm sending out on an aver age one hundred loads of lumber a day, and a uot inconsiderable number of tons of coal, must, you may well imagine, own some strong and higii-bred live-stock. Six or seven stables accommodate some sixty horses and seven mules. The stables are separated because of the lessened danger of a sweep ing fire. Three men are constant ly at wdik timing the day, clean ing and otherwise keeping the places in order. Each driver, and they are all tried and experienced men, is expected to attend to the team placed in his charge, beside haying the duty of harnessing, wl course. Uut here is tne curious part which I wanted to tell you about: . The animals ru allied by clock work. I'll explain. An ingeni ous machine, regulated , by clock work, furnishes the fodder to the sixty-seven stalls with unfailing regularity and without the neees sary presence of a single employe at the time of feeding. wonderment upon arriving at the church-door and finding a placard with an inscription like this: "Church closed till September. i'astors vacation." . They wondered "whether Tanl aim I'eter and them olden tune preachers ever took a vacation, ana whether Paul had an unpub lished correspondence with the church at Ephesus on the sub ject.' Of conrso I believe the minister ought to have a good rest during the hot week ; but couldn't it I c done without closing tho doors t Til . ii nas oeeu arranged so by a very few. I rocemmsnd CHEROKEE? REMEDY of .Lucre's one uimg to uc Kept in view : tho turning of the key in tue doow ot uod's house does uot imprison His Ever-Wakeful Dark ness, who goeth about with nlacri- l uiougu me inermomeccr icu a most torrid talc. Otto F. Peeler. A RADICAL TKICK. "Introduction to the Kin;: and Queen" Ouirht to be the Xauie ot the Fraud. Temperance Democrat, la State Chronicle. The children have a play wliich they denominate "Introduction to the King and Queen. They place two chairs jnst far enough apart to admit between them a tub of water. Over the chairs and tho tub they spread a sheet, making it appear that there THE DOCTOR SAYS I OSE iJSjT FOR BOHSUMRtiON B R OHO) ITI SffSTH MAf That Wonderful Combination TAYLOR'S SWEET GUM and MULLEIN. H dos more tnan any prescription wrtt ten; both plant are high.y modiclnaU . Jt. B. Th0 Sweet On ectn-t firam th BmtZMrm. Sworap fcnl U Wily rrpectort, whilo Mut Xarti . la llsiciUctiwru and thoa evbtned thsy mr aimply A PERFECT RCMCOY. A COLD acjrloctoi Icali to irou raolta, C&OTTF" CCUOII o n?jlir tt& xmintaX. AJLU yield T&llr to tho rKxi?.z:r MACiO POWfR ot Tytor". e-arect Onn and aCmleia. Mi03CTim3 sad XXA lcfi nttwt-l to, Iad to COygTXITIdCC. lK3iUT ON HAVING IT. aia. on "LrJt IrjaiSukl lYcaiO, toeuaads M2:oi:ein3 try f!rr.t better da Cad Live OU tot Crar-aaspUan. t "i'r'p It l-i Jta hoxwo. IT IS PLCASAKT AND PALATABLTC an-t i the tusr: knuwu Titccdy In tho wtd tor a Vl-tOil end i.ary trocar. It mijl mtiianlAl tbm tr.rot ad ctiAt r&ta o throw eff U obctracUoo eaiJT, ci lur expectoration aad reUtrtaf thm ooock . iioae. ash your entrat tor it. 3S.coo.Aiiso. IT ho doc fc-t kr it, wo ill TJ. tat ono Umm ccy.crroMett&rgeocnrrcBist bottiM to vnj p CftbAtJ. B.ca riptottl.OO. The WAJLT Kit. A. TAYLOtt Cm AtUto.Co TOn AIX BOWIL T&OVhLia nd Ctlidroa TwO. trg, u Cat tTv-it &?aUara ramaiy Vr. ttv, HadUebcrry CcnL&l. CO ocoU At Orc3rtt. :iri. tliron 'ii:i!r in n nw. tn nr. rauKcinent they style "the throne. UYIOB'S PHEHiUH GGL0H IS TEE EEST. A boy, styling himself the king:, Alexander, 0., June 8, 1883. Messrs. B.H.Bunn, W. T. Ennett and G. G . Luke, Raleigh, X. C : Gentlemen : I am in receipt of your letter of 1st inst., in which you state that you are commis sioned by the State Democratic Convention to notify me of my "nomination for attorney general of North. Carolina." I accept the nomination with profound gratitude and pride. 1 trust that in the coming political campaign 1 may have frequent opportunity to testify my sense of the honor conferred upon me,, and to contribute somethiug to the struggle which the Democratic party is again called. upon to make in the maintenance of pure local aud general go vein ment. Thanking you lor tne kintl ex pressions accompanying the formal notification oi my nomination. I am most, truly, &c, ' Theo. T. Davidson. pice. Call and see me before purchas S I'll try to save you money. Very respectfully, K. PEESNELL. March 1. 1888.-tf. 1IAVE YOUR DONE AT THE Star Job Office. :Atfaction Guaranteed. I share in the opinion which yon express that, with united effort, a great and overwhelming victory is already assured. With personal regards, 1 am, very truly, Your obedient servant, Donald W. Bain. Lotjisbubg, June 4lh, 1888. Messrs. B. II. Bunn, W. T. Ennett and G. G. Luke, Committee : Gentlemen: Your favor of j the 1st notifying me of my "nomi nation by the State Democratic Convention as one of the associate justices of the Supreme Court" was addressed to me at Raleigh and has beeu forwarded to me and received here by tlie last mail. I accept the nomination with a grateful appreciation of the high honor conferred upou me by the convention and for which I avail myself of this reply to express my cordial thanks. If my nomina tion shall be ratified at the polls next November, as I trust it will Washington, N. C, June 12, 18SS. Messrs. B. II. Bunn, W. T. Ennett and G. G. Luke, Comm ittee : Gentlemen: 1 am in receipt of your much esteemed favor of the ist inst., notifying me of my nomination, by the State Conven tion of the Democratic party, late ly, in session at Raleigh, to an as sociate justiceship on our Supreme bench, should the proposed amend ment, increasing the number of such justices be ratified. t It would be the pride, as it shall be the effort of my life, to merit the gratifying expressions by which you have chosen to indi cate vour estimate of my fitness The machine may be set to do its work at any time of the day or night. At Lloyd's the animals aie fed at six in the morning, at noon, and at six in the evening. At some convenient time before these hours the fodder is conveyed by an easy , means to conduits or pipes in the upper part of the buildings. No further attention is requisite. At the tinio fixed by the regulator the feed is dropped into all the stalls simultaneously. The beasts then have ample time to eat and when the drivers are ready to take them out for the morning's or afternoon's work, there is no delay on account of feeding, some thing all who have used horses will aonreciate thoroughly, 1 think. Thus it saves tunc as well as labor. Either the drivers or men specially appointed for that purpose, would have to consume much time in doing what this ex cellent machine does with exact ness and to a firm like the one I speak of, "Time is money.' . Pretty good, idea, isn't itl It has become virtually univer sally the custom among the churches of largo cities to cloe at least during one of the Summer months. Then the pastors seek recreation at the shore or amid tlie mountains. Then the con- irrecrations arc scattered, some of the members following the exam ple of their spiritual leaders (if thev can offord it, financially) and others spending the time at home, attending divine services when ever the doors of the houses of God are not barred. The church organization, church discipline, which includes punctuality and regularity of attendance, are all temporarily weakened or destroy- seats inniseit ou a chair, and a girl, who is to play the queen, takes the other chair, tho hidden tub of water being where the thiul chair should be. Now the fun commences. A lit tle boy or girl is brought in to be introduced to their majestic? the queen and king, and is told that he is to be granted the tlUtiu- guisncu iionor oi sitting on me throue between them. After hav ing bowed and knelt before the royal pair, he is told to liso and come forward aud bo seated ou the throne. As he is in tho act of takiug his seat, tho king, and queen spring up and the little boy, instead of fiudiug himself on a throne, wakes up to the fact that he is in a tub of cold water. That's about the game the man agers of the Third Tarty are try ing to play on the unsophistica ted, honest, temperance Democrat ic voters of North Carolina. They have ai ranged their throne, phic ing in ono clwir king "Prohibi tion" and on the other queen u Woman Sutlrage," while under the gaudy covering overspreading it, they have placed tho Republi can tub; and the uusophisticating Democrat, if ho take a seat tin that throne, ho may expect to find himself, in November next, smear ed all over with Radicalism. . There is more temperance iu the Democratic party today than there is inthe Third Party, and Demo crats would do well to examine the trick before they take a seat iu the Radical tub. Established 1S12. i - . - 1 v ft o t 2 3 f 2.1 O ,, " r 2 . ,. 1 - z 1 . S 3 2 C- t g 5 p R. j .. . ; !L i Q S- 2. 2 r. 5- H ; - 3sri s 2 o i , : b. a fi ft . ( 1." 'v, - i' . (Wouud ou White fiiioola.) A full lino of this celebrated THREAD in WHITE, FAST BLAOK and COLORS for pale ut wholesale and retail by DICKSON, TAT 12 & WILSON- for this high position. While sin- Jed. As far as united opposition is cerely entertaining lor my own part a widely different conception of my capacities, I am so far en couraged to trust myself, by the high opinion of men .whose opin ion is everywhere valued, as to venture to dedicate my humble powers to the service of the Stat' , if to this honorable position' her sovereigu people should call me. In this spirit I accept, the nomi nation. The law has. beeu from my boyhood up the study, tho be loved pursuit, of my life; piomo- concerned, the devil lnis a free field during the dog days in the cities. i Some ironical poet, perhaps Bret Ilarte, certainly writing much like him if it was not he, eotitri bated a good thing to a magazine on this topic not so very long ago. He described- the journey of a plain old country coupled to a big town, and their experience there over Snndaj. In inimitable fityle he relates their expressions of The Bandau.ua Uirl. N. Y. World. The liaudanna Girl is abroad in the streets and is doiug her pret tiest to spread Democratic doc trine with a charming disregard ot any pontics ot ner own. in a Fourth avenue strce car yesterday she was au object of much inter ert. Around her tidy turban hat a genuine silk oanuauua wa wouiid and fastened with a dainty butterfiv-liu. The vest-frout of her walking dress was made en tirejof a bandanna laced in to her tiguro and evidently an integral part oi' her bodice. The bouilaut drapery below per waist was made of two artistically drained baudau nas, ami the corner of another peeped capriciously from her ret icule. Fashion nas octore now worked np a vast amount of politi cal feeling, aud the cause that comes home to the hearthstone of the milliner is oouuu to nave a certain amount ot moral momen tum benind it. If there are mwm . a . rhnr-nien in tue iami, there uie Thnr-womeu, also of a verity. STOViBS. MARE ASDGBflEIUES. I take great- pleasure in inform ing the old customers of Chandler & Arney, ami as many new one as I can induce to trade with ine,. that I have a heavy stock of Stoves, a full supply of Tinware, and a fiesh lot of Staple and Fau vy (groceries, with a good line of Cigars, all grades and prices, ami respectiully asK you to call jindex amino before buying elsewhere. G. M. ABNEY, Successor to CIIANDLi:U & ARNEY. Morgan to n Nov. 2."J, 1S87. AMHERST ACADEMY. PRINCIPAL : REV. R. L. PATTON, A. B. Turning Night into Day, why is tlie sun like people of fash ion It turns nicht into dav the time people catch cold, which, if not lALL TcErsI opens August 6tl, 1SSS 'Ajfi' I luitioniKT Rjoatli ?l to lnci- attended to in time, will induce con sumption. Take in time Taylor's Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein. ITCn. .MANGE. AND SCRATCHES Of PVrV KTi OH Iiiuui-in or .inunaig cured in m uilnutcs by .Wo ii Djf -Ja2 roil. iViiui, aiiriaua. C dental fte So cents per term. Music on organ t2J0 kt month. Board, ererr- tuiuz inciuucd, t ii-r montli. Tablo faro C"5. IlvXim-4 for those wiliiuff to bi'.rd thciujeb'Css. Wool free. Addrciis the Principal at Morganton N. C. t i 1 1 I h I ti I - 1 Km

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