( Ttie Buiirke Cominity New FIRST OF j&.XjX-i THE 2STBW"S. VOL. II. MORGANTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 1,1900. NO. 21 Combined Sale of s Mrpassieg Im portaece Bespeaks Our Determination to Force Out all Surplus Stock. Time has come here for surpassing reductions. Others may wait until the end of sum mer, but we prefer to make reductions while demand is still great, so that the greatest number can be benefited by them. Sale will begin Monday at 8 a. m. We would advise an early call as there are a great many small lots that will go fast. WASH GOODS. Ciood unbleached domestic, per yard 3c Yard wide bleached muslin, per yard 5c New York Mills muslin, real value 124c, per yd 10c English long- cloth, 124cts value, as many yards as you want, per yard 10c Fast color calico, 5c quality, during- this sale, per yd 3c Y Linen crash, plain and fancy, 15c value, per yard 10c WHITE GOODS. Cross-barred muslin, per yard 4c Nainsooks and dimities, 15 and 18c qualities, per yard 12 j4 c India linen, real value 8c sale price per yard 5c India linen, real value 10c sale price per yard 8c 40-inch lawn, real value 15c, vard 10c ard-vvide Sea Island per- 4r, T i- t :,le, during this salo.r 400 al.ty India l.aen, sale price per yaru oktx. P K in narrow, wide welts and fancies, real value 15c sale price per yard 10c Extra fine quality of P K in lace ejects and welts, 35c value, per yard 25c Just received, a new assort ment of hamburgs, inserting-s, aljovers, tucks and puffs, which will be put in this sale at surprisingly low prices. Japanese fans, plain black and fancy, real value 10c, each 5c Vienna fans, hig-hly polished stick, handsomely deco rated, 25c value, for 15c French ginghams, real val ue 122C, sale price, per yard 7c Yard-wide solid gray ging hams 15c value, sale price, per yard 8c Fast color fancy lawn, 5 to (c qualities, per yard 3j4c Fancy figured dimities and solid colors, in blue, pink and lavender, real value 10c, during this sale, per yard 5c Fancy figured dimities, lawns and organdies, real value sold up to 18c per yard. We have cut the price for this sale to 74c Solid color organdie, Grand Careux, in blue and pink only, real value 20c per yard, sale price per yd 10c Imported French organdies and dimities in rich de irn and pleasing combi nations, real value 35c; in order to make them sell last they will be closed ut at onlv 15c Imported French organdies in white, pink, blue, yel low and lavender, 2 yards wide, real valne 50c, per vard 20c I' rench silk ginghams, real value 35c, sale price; per vard 20c SPECIALS IN NOTIONS. String ties, each lc Bows, each 5c Handkerchiefs, each lc Pins, 2 papers for lc Hair pins, 2 packs for lc Hooks and e7es, 2 dozen on card, per card lc Spool Cotton, per spool 2c Lu.dtes ties and stock collars, sold up to 25c, to close out 10c For Monday and Tuesday Only 3 cakes of Butter milk soap for 5c LADIES' GUAZE VESTS. Ladies' bleached vests, dur ing this sale 6 for 25c Ladies' guaze vests, 15c val ue, each 10c Ladies' guaze vests, real value 20c, sale price, 2 for 25c Ladies' silk guaze vests, real value 40c, sale price, each 25c LADIES' WASH SKIRTS. Good quality crash skirts, real value 50c, sale price 29c Ladies' crash skirts, with two rows of braid, sale SPECIAL SALE OF R & G CORSETS. In black and white medium and long waists. $1.00 grade reduced to $1.25 44 44 44 $1.00 75 c SPECIAL. Just received, Lansdowne, the newest thing in silks. We have bought then un der price, which will en able us to sell the$1.20at, per yard $1.00 price 48c Ladies' white duck skirts, during this sale each 50c Ladies' linen crash skirts, during this sale $1.00 BARGAINSIN FANS. Palm-leaf fans, each lc Good fans pretty decora tions, during this sale each c SPECIAL DRIVE IN TOILET SOAPS. We are sole agents for the Chas. F. Miller Soap Co., of Lancaster, Pa. As a method of advertising and for the purpose of placing these high-class soaps more favor- ablv before the public, we will offer for Monday and Tues day Royal Oat Meal, Peach Blossom, Dr. Raub's Medi cated Cataneous Soap and Dr. Raub's Egg Wrhite. These are 25c soaps, during this sale, per cake 10c Call at our store for free samples. 10c Soaps. Refined tar, pure white castile, olive oil. and Turkish bath, duringthis sale, ner cake 5c A UMBRELLA BARGAINS. A real good 50c umbrella, during this sale 29c Fast color gloria umbrella, steel rod, Congo handle, real value" 75c, sale price 48c Ladies' and men's fast black English gloria umbrellas, steel rod, Dusden, Congo and silver-trimmed hand les. These are the bal anceof our manufacturer's samples, that are worth up to $1.50, sale price oc BARGAINS IN SHOES. Infants shoes reduced to 10c Misses' shoes were $1.00 reduced to 75c Ladies' lace and opera and Oxford shoes, in calf and patent leather tips, in coin toe, common sense and spring heel shoes, good sellers at $1.50, reduced to $1.00 Ladies' fine shoes in lace, button and oxfords, all the newest styles, were $2.00, reduced to $1.50 Ladies' hand-sewed lace and button, patent leather and cloth top shoes and ox fords, in all the leading toes, that sold up to $3.50 reduced to $2.00 Men's fine shoes, were$1.25 and $1.50, reduced to $1.00 Men's heavy whole stock shoes, were $1.25 and $1.50, reduced to $1.00 Men's fine shoes, in lace and congress, plain and tip, were $2.50, reduced to $1.98 Men's hand-sewed extra fine shoes in box calf, vici kid and French calf, black or tan, were $3.00, reduced to $2.45 Our entire line of Regent $3.50 shoes reduced to $3.00 Gilt Edge Shoe Polish re duced to 19c LAZARU S BRO