CITY OF CHARLOTTE BURNED The Car Destroyed at Kingston, 0. Cost $12,000. Mi. (). L. Barringer received , wU ram this morning from Will Bason, his partner in rj. ownership of the ear "The i "iry ni Charlotte," saying that w car had been destroyed by liiv at Kingston, O. The tele--r i.Mi did not state when or how tii- liiv occurred. T!i' ar with its exhibets, !vpr-s-ntMl a cost of $12,000. It Ait- insured for two-thirds of ir value. The ear was built in r i i - .-spring of 1SD7, for Messrs. Muore ( now deceased ) and Kamseur, who secured the ex hibits and toured the country with it, periodically, up to 14 mouths ago when Mr. Ramseur, -! owner after Mr. Moore's h',ith, sold it to Messrs. Barr lt Lr' i and Bason. The exhibits ivnreseiitd the cream of North ai olinas resources in minerals, forestry, fruit, cotton, fish and .very line of products. It was mimed "The City of Charlotte" when the city paid a certain a mount to the owners for the name and for other advertising of the city which the contract railed for. Tiie car had been in ;t n umber of States of the I'tiion, aiid everywhere attract ed attention, not only for the heauty of the car, but for that which it contained. Charlotte News, 1st. This ear was known as the North Carolina Rolling Exposi tion and was in Morganton about three years ago. It was visited by hundreds of our people. The Jurors- 'Hie following are the jurors drawn last Monday for the Superior Court which convenes here the first Monday in Nov ember: (I. M Arney, WillBivens. J, 1. Barrier, J. P. Bumgarner, jas. Benfield, C. A. Harbison, Abel Pitts, Sr., J. W. Parrish, ' M. Ross, G. S. Ramsaur, T. Rhodes:, John F. Stamey, H. Thompson, Joe Whisen ;nit. Waits Walton, Frank Walker, W. A. Williams, Waits York, Stanley, Baker, Harrison Beufield, P. A, Bol T. S. Bright, H. M. rnley, Joseph Denton, V. M. I"hsoii, W. H. Evans, L. A. iH'annon, Theo. Griffin, Wal- i iles, M. V. Golloway, Chas. Hmiman, G. A. Holder, Alfred H"yle, (i. W. Lowman, Jones Martin, Albert Ross. Every incoming train brings bargains to fill our house for the fall trade. Our buver has spent 30 days in the Northern markets and has left no stone unturned to get what suits our trade, and get it at prices that have no competion. We have added some new lines this fall to our complete stock of merchandise. You can find in our place a larger stock to select from than you will find anywhere else in the western part of the State. Next Monday, 24th, Will be the day for our opening, with our stock complete. It will not be an opening "GRAND" but an everyday opening. Clothing! Clothing! This is a great line with us. Our stock is complete in everv respect. The man or boy that wants the latest style or cut, the best material and the best work manship, all combined, will do well to examine this line. Shirts. "I i-li to express my thanks to the !!i ''i:ta. torero of Chamberlain's Colic. J- : :i and Diarrhoea Remedy, for Mut on the market such a won ' medicine," says W. W. Mas v 'oil, of Heanmont. Texas. They many thousands of mothers whose ' have been saved faom attack ": ''w-nterv and cholera infantum who J' - mUu feel thankful. It for sale '.v A. Leslie druggist. We don't stand aside for any body's line in Shirts. We have them from the cheapest to best, and at prices that will attract you. Ladies' Shirt Waists. &i Wre have a line of Ladies' Shirt Waists that will interest all in qual itv, style and workmanship. Dress Goods. Our line of Dress Fabrics for the fall is complete. We are showing the latest weaves, the newest shades, in jrreat variety. Remember that the greatest stock in Western North Carolina under any one rof e n be found at J. L. Amdersomi & Co