TUC DIIDIC PdllUTV UtlMv" i The firt tiling we know, wit mm uu wt5. --;,y P FRUIT PRESERVING POWDERS. 1 Published Every Friday BY T. G. COBB, - Editor and Publisher generals as members of thej 5J i' 2 peace commission to negotiate; 2 C.. . . i in regard to the surrender oi subscription price; i those t,ihy ,f the iatv atrc-; gs Scott's and King's in Packages. 3 ( hie Year 75 Onts. Cities. Six Months Three Months . . .40 ... 25 j All Americans will regret; A'hertisinir rates made known on ! , , . , r I ZH ; tiie useless slaughter or O-'i application. ! . ... n .. .brave American soldiers in; Address all communications to ! Tin-; urKKK corxTY xi;vs, j the Philippines, but they MoKc.AN'ioN. N. C. should even more regret the - ; policy of deceit that conceals! ST the facts of the situation there ! ST i r ! i rom the countrv. SALIEYS1C ACID IX BULK. FRIDAY. OCT. 5, I'm 10. Democratic National Ticket. l-Vr President: WILLIAM J. I1KYAX. For Vice President: A I )L A I K. STFYHXSOX. Democratic Congressional Ticket. For Conres.-, - Fihth District: J. C. DllXTi X. of For ?v tli. Recently, some Democrat took the short end of a wager at 3 to 1 that Bryan would carry the three states of Indi ana, Illinois and Kentucky. And lie was a man who is longsighted enough not to risk his money against a deaf sure thing. Fresh Turnip Seed. The kind that will come up. Sold in bulk or in pound 3 packages. 2 I"'.;- Pi evidential KKctor. ; WM. s. pfansox, j The President hascertainly ! "f ,u,rko- I had bad luck with the TafV . i report. He held it back for It is to bo hoped that Mark a monthf waiting the most! does not neglect to take his j iaV()ni)e chli nCc to spring V full dinner pail along when he on hc mUc aml tmjn, almost ; starts oil to his day's work as I jm niLHli:itel v after it had )een orator, j printed, came the report of I the severest lighting oi the; Teddyisanathlote,(dcourse,entir -v:ir" in tK. islands.! andean chin himself lots of i It's hard luck. Bill. j times. The trouble is that - i I i he canalso "chin" other people j A Game Family. j altogether too much. 1 I he wile oi n Methodist nun e Leslie's Drug Store. 3 uiiiiiiiiiuuaiiuiaihiiiiiaiiiaiuiuiiuiuiiiiiihiiuiuiuiil Blair's Writing Tablets are. the Best. All grades on sale at txagzxz i(U 1THEK S BOOK STOK K. The paramount issue can-i n ,t 1).- dodged !v savi-isr that ! !irst 1"'s,:a"'1 ws K-. . 1 4' 4" r - i ! 111s and the second one Snnr- ... , , 11 dues m,t ext. 1 1 mu s. . e ; w Subscri ptions taken for any magazine at met and it it can be disproved, 1 , . , T; . ,. . ' 11 ! r ir 11 iale. Iheiv are two Jitt - - publisher s price. Respectf u 1 !y , 7 , n-Mjiiis, one iittie opai row and sincere ami patriotic Demo-. . W( uk, Q.ades. Their fellow cr,lt-s- j townsmen designate them as B. S. GAITHER. "In His Steps," paper binding 10 cents. the game family. -Exchange. If Teddv had known that he! ' r a A FI KN DISH ATT A C K . was going to run tor icej President he might not have j , , j c jatel v made on . . . . i v . v . Loliier ot LheroKee, Iowa, insulted the negro troops who: t,ilt nearly proved fatal. It aeti his command f nun being-ran-e Ihnmgii i i s kidneys. lli wiped .ut, bv .ailing them 1 ,,:H'k -nt sn 1;nn,J 1h not , ' ; stoop without great pain, nor CUanlS- it ilMl ehai- exeept, )ropp(.d - ' by o:shions. , remedy ladped Mr. Hanna -nv that ho u a. ' J1''" "V1'11'" tri.-d Kl,.,-t. -i.- I Jit- tel hleti etleete.'l sueh a Won - misquoted as saying that there d'rful eharge that he writes he were no trusts. What he real-; feels like a newniati.This mar ly meant was that there were' Vi'!olIS ".li'-" 'ivs ba-k- ... . . . , . . , aeiie ami Kidney trouole, imri - no illegal trusts. 1 1 this is so, ; ms htt (HH tUl( jMliM ,,) what is the reason they have your health . Only 7)'h at John not been made illegal? : r,!l! r' Store. Notice to Creditors. It is somewhat curious that' T, , , , . . j tia:n uahii.-d a- administrator of all the recent strikes are i n , M"r,; s-.-.c:. i'-ceai. all parties 11 it t . m, , hainsr claims against tiie estate f Republican states. I here .ai(i ::.M.ltt. art: h,r,llv n.,titi.,(1 seems to be somethings about 1,rce:U ,n,ni ":1 "r 'vf-rc ilu lt .iuv . or September. A. P. l'il.or ti)is n..tice Kepublican rule, even in states. ; win he :oaiieii in bar of rcc.ury . 1 . .1 1 ,- 1 therei rj. that rues the workingman. I : U1 mMl it- 1 paitiv's lrioeotr'il to ame estate it is nothing else, it is the ''Cmn bv making imnu-diate insutterable airs the kupubh-j This day of An-xist. a. n. 1... can trust bosses assume. . Vi. v -L;. A AdnCr. i .-w h.n vV hKVix, An vs. Anything in Hardware. Farm and Garden Tools, Harness. Saddle Cook Stove-. Agate Ware. Tin Ware, Spokes a: Handles. Bar Iron. Hnre and Mule Shoes. A Complete Line of Builders Hardware, Nails. Screws. Hinges. Locks, Glass, Puttv. Oils, Builders' Tools, etc. Pocket and Table Cutlery. Buggies and Wagons. See us before you buy. PAINT YOUR IlOUSF- we have the Pain'. Re m e m be r , w h a n d 1 e t h e ' K M PI RR" ; R A I N DRILL, which has been sold in this county " twenty odd years. ( ur prices are ri'du. MUliUAMO HARDWARE CO.