Confederate Pensions. On the 10th of December, lx'.7. Important Tax Notice. r-m. and Personal Mention by .tli:ig Glen Alpine Reporter. , D.mnie Simmon, of visited her grandpa Sig- L:: 0". i-iuiii me Jta eiL'il : A. Uonahoe. oa-tor M V . v . : . i i - . i . correspondent of the Charlotte iUl"Ml- s'""h- IW, w v, K' Observer will be of interest to cr,,ltTl,eJ a , "utIe?l-.loi attended from I severe cold wkieh wH . ' 1 lUA " vin ri i.;vl 1 it n, , "Mtimvu nun uie DPIimiri" i' Violent lyJi oiii,uiik.ia is I'itM uu- illlll o d icuppled soldiers of the cofc. e My,7 .Aft;r ;r m lst 1h? iai(1 al ollce. This is Lint: 1 he new pension lists ; ; " uumWr of ,t!c ,. the seeond and positively the i now being printed. There ' f ""l 1:5 5he 1,r'11 t" t pi.rpo.,, , t , - , 1 3 224 more pensioners Hrm ! J.Prchaed a bottle of Chamberlain ia" T Ul to1 . M-e WIS last ve-r T 1 V'' U"" wUt h iik Hy or,,,'r " the board o -.e was last yeai. 1 he war- cUrm. J uu, ch,,iiul!v r,,-,,,,-,, i iWn (mmiioners. .1 1 . . . Tut -lUtl i h. k V v . . i . . L'C k . county: "Thei ir! Tallent, of the are rce on the so nth-1 are 22 ithe .ill be preaching at iU,ua ait- to oe sent out, It was ! 11 Hie .abbe. For , de K learned to-day, on December ; Le-;lie lniit. O 1 o r . k 4-, v 1 - . f . . II. 1. Smith, elerk. Get. 1, I'AHI. ...dit church, here :i! . ,tl i 1 o v iOlK. 11 - . i. th.v ;LIN ALPINE NOTES. M. :-rir.kiev is takir;- stock at Mr. !nrt- in Xebo this week. !'! il-r Berry and lady. vl, sent last Sunday! r and Mrs. Dock Pat- 1 jr- OREJurroH ONLY Land Sale. 1 Will sell on Monday No vein-; b-3r 5th, 7 lots on Green street j opposite Dr. Laxtou's. Terms I of sale 20 per oent. eash and ; o D.-c . . 1 i cnui mcmues atp. m. ana o p. m. nam Saturday Oct. 6th. '.arn that there will be -alio nal rally and picnic i 1 :. 2n, all are welcome 1 balanee in ( months. ! L. A. Bristol. or nine. Receiver of Piedmont Bank. ' The Same Magnificent Kxiiibition That Delighted Thou Oet. ord, 1900. j sands in St. Luis. Indianapolis. Detroit, Memphis and other larfe Cities thi season. r-N. Colic tt lply and Dont Forget ;r-'.eil areprourl men ; Dont forget to ask to see our a ' pound trirl theiiie oi enuerwear, ior men Til ,..,,.,,.1 K,,. ! and ladies V l S ' , i V 4k J V ' -. Martha Bright and son. TriTrCiTZ 1 XT M mm v 11 KJW..1 X REALISTIC nr DUUkAl.N BILL'S You will never forget that! the Doufflas Shoe will wenv ;-. e viitm- Mrs. longer than any shoe for the i ':;mhttir, Mrs. Julia same money. j A l.ernethv, in Marshall. I The Eagle Shoe, for ladies , , and ( hildren, we have trouble nn 4 VTv II TT UM t,!;?'ne inain keeping in numbers. iilKAjNl) MlLllAKl :it,t. Bessie, icrt u eanes- ; win proinise you win not haV(k a tow days visit to Mr. ; lo wait long if you hnd us brother, John, at Xebo. j short in numbers. Jessie Whitlev and ! Ak to se!' 0UJ V1 eSS ?0,Vl? ' . ni.iuiehaviM limited stock, but last Wednesdav, after a ' iii,dit visit among rela WILD WEST, vou will lind them bought right. Respectfully, Huffman cv: Connelly. Annie Giles, two chil ud sister, Vivian, re- a visit to Mrs. bNAMENT AND ROUGH RIDERS OF THE WORLD. Purely ICducational, (lenuinelv Historical. Delightfe.llv Amusing. A Grand Inspiring Exhibition, Consisting of Cowboys, Indians, Mexicans, Arabs. Cossacks, United Static. English, German and French Cavalrvmen, Kooevelts Rough Riders and Batterv oi Light Artillerv. t i ! :ann at Murphv Tuesday. Sale of Land. By virtue of an order of the Superior 0urt -f I'urkc coiintv made in the h U band. "Mr. Mack ! spec'K'.l nroceedir-'r therein nemlirnr en- j titled S. Ilnfl'man and others, cx -arte, j i I will sell at public nation to the hi.v ! V, sr, T W BrinkleV B. ' CS'L bidder for cash, at the Cjurt Houe I l r Vs c i i. - J uuyi i ii low ii oi ioiL;amoii, uui i-.c and 1 . S. Giles, returned !countyf x. c. on Monday, the 5th day ;!) last Wednesdav f rom . of Xoveirber. A. I). 190-. the iillmvin- antoi-i wh(jre ih 'V served lescri1'e(1 1ts of ntU t-wit: I.yimc " '.' ' " 'i " and beir.j; in t!ie countv of nurk', 'i'.rors m the murder Case, j state of 'North Carolina", in Tpper , i Fcrk township, bounded as follows: v-impson, a popular j lyjX Kein- the land conveved Southern. 1 to J., A b-1 Huffman. REOi;iRIX(i lMo MEN ANA HORSES. ."lor on trie ,, ,i ... ."i-. ,, 1 , 1 reoerse ; Haintian and. Samuel Uutl- n.i! 1 !o(l to .lls-N lailu 1 , 'man b Siaalert!' and krwm s execu- a: ' ;U' orides nome wed r i 1 rieno night, fiis at ulaie him. 4. U Xo Who. s LKuni-iiiitn. tor ieaciier?. ! l regular examination toi: I'.cj'inniiitr ju a hickorv, Patieno- S;nit'n'.- crner. and runs west 10 jle i Z'j a small black-oak; then north o7 J poles to a wliite-nk; then west 9o poles I to a pile of rocks; then south 14 poles to a stake and pointei ; then west 21s I poles 'ii v iirwood m iaadshaw" t linn- h n Soinh l.s decrees east with a black-oak. r: then cast : line; their ime Ho ijies to .,.!,., .! '...,-.!.. v; of Anders,-.. n Smith's c.'-uie witn nis line an: s.imui'i 0.111111 r him ! t unt v w ill be held in ! 3 mse ) OS pol''. to a bhick-tnn and pointer: a!! a p-iii-ates o hand . m. ilr.;ir,:ui (. Horn, Snpt. a :o km 35 Bushels of Wheat to the Acre, -j p) j; in PatieiKt- Smith's ime; then north' ' ' V v. i'.ii her line 79 poles tothe beinniiiir. ; ! containing 2o5 3-4 acres. i Lot Xo. 2. - Keiiir th- land owivd by J. M. ami Abel Huttman. ; lieinniiii on a pine stump and. a hiekoiy, J. Ci. C.irswel! V. corner, and j runs north 0 decrees we-t loo pol.-s to a spani sii-o ik near a lar'e rock wet v!" a small branch; then south. pa-.-m-.,r ' MurjMi black-oak Coiner. sanif cou-se. with Muriihv's line 1'2 poles BicKFoKi iS: IIfff- MAN G KAIX DkILLS. ivr on !ia:io a t :ar 1 atl of . i - in d i sc and! i e. : . x me if you are desiring a KomemlH-r. these are the monrt,o manv features of tiii- Mammnth Exhibition to a Mnali black-oak X nith'. . p , tf ' M:irk man sh i p, i n t rod nci ng Buck ski n Bill. corner; then east with Smith s line, i " oi ov. t , i i -o-,sir.- Smiths sPanih-o ,k corner. u ho will a5)pearat each I r t r :n a n ce d av and night and giv 1 " - i . .. ' ..... 4- r i tl .i II hi wonderful exhibition ot shooting trofii iiorseoai k il iuu speed, also a score of Male and Female Crack Shots of the world in plain and fancy shooting-. With BRONCOS. A HERD OF lU KFAI-OS A N I TEXAS STEERS. same course, with e arswell's liTie l'H ;oies to a span Carswt;! corner; then north 7 decree- west with Carswell's line 104 po'.e to the bcin 'naiir, jontcunin 73 acres and 24 poles. Said lots of land sold for partitK-n amonLT the tenants in Common, and It will i reference hein;r hereby made to jtlats I of I). F. Denton, surveyor, tiled with i ami attached to his report in said pro- tlinr. fr further accuracy ot tne c ee that hae the roller bear- j location and boundary of the same, bbon toe! irrain tube. The : bi dd'n on lot Xo. 1 to cmjix-ncc at , f SLV( .5( and on lot Ao. at roo.... i and M. HurTuan s bids. ;'.U and it trives entire satis CHAS. L. SHUPIXt;. l .nis th clay oi i ctoor .v. i'.. M. P. H ILDraiKA.M', i om r. i Avkkv Sc Ekvin, Atty. i FREE STREET PARADE AT 10 A. M. COW 80! BUD OF FIFTY FAMOUS MUSICIANS, Twii Exhibitions Daily rain or h:ne. Afternoon at Xirht at 8. Doors open one hour earlier. 0 II 4

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