IKE BURKE COUNT! NEWS, TeIephoneNo. 26. Mr. Jessie Brown and Miss Annie Aulberth will be mar- Notice to Creditors. FRIDAY. OCT. 5, l'XH). STEPPED INTO LIVE CO A LS ried at Statesville, Oct. loth, i "When a ehild I burned i,,v'Tr Mr. Brown is a brother of ; tir)t frightfully" writes Y H : H'nf 'ina!1,,f:las;,,!miniatl'r'' irJa( S. of Jw.,.;n.. - - - .Annan, deceased, all j Messrs. Chas. and V. A. i Brown of this place. 1 I M Avhioh ,n,K,ul I. ,x ...!: 1 1 " r.1"1 'V'M.1 claims against the ' cm mi 1 c .Mr tare oi saiii inif.t.,1.. k.. .t... bOle.v toi oU years, but litH'k- tlc'1 X" V-m them en t-r U-furo th( noti- i, . ."i.-, 0,0 lMU'K- "l i'- on or oeiore the at r I HMI K Artn'i.o silt.A ...I...M.. . 1 t dav of Sent.-TTifi.T V 1 n-.i ; :,:val r passenger ! "mpsey. tjlllH s " ; ;. n" 'J1 this notice win i ui n ;r ikaixs at MoKGAXTox.,Ouaker Meadows, and Miss ed " Intern 1 i u r!T,u'r-v thcriv"- icKNiKAi. timk.) j Cornelia Michaux, of Morgan-. alds. Cuts, Sores. Bruits win cot t,v making imnuuii-.v left Wednesday, for L1)!1!- SoMl.y John Tull. vmcm- ThU u VsoSkks ; . v.. und (vestibule). ';:54p. m. ; Oreeilsboro to enter the State 'I ' Admir. of Pleasant Alman. deed. ;i -;-' un! '.local freight i::Lr iaenrersi, - ll:5oa.m. 1;r Normal and Industrial Col-1 '.. .--a-bound 1 1. cal freight ifj; p.ihM.'iiri, - 12:44 p.m. . A 55" 5 55": 5". 5?"- 'f t . V- The r,.ntl.. I-,.,.-.,.... 1 ; P't Y 1 ivrynrf CZ 1 . , l i to fall last Tuesdav and we i l Ti r LOCAL AND PERSONAL. 1 r , , - ' Till S Week j.ire having a hne season. ; W 1111:3 CCIV ';iiHnt (,fr ,.,,tK jMuchtothe ideasure of the i i 1 , A tanners and everv bodv If Mr. U r,. -1 n t Sundav here. is i r. John K. Crouch, of; was i n town Mondav. ' depending upon the soil for f a livinj u . . i. .... ,r ! hh: ne.i ineeiinr o !u : 11 AiCi'owell went to T , r , T. . t, , , fI. . , ,. iUuiki' i,oure iv. 01 r. there ; Mm t.vj )ik in me iirsi decree If ! .Lit o 11 A . rl Sudderth to the State; f vi is mir now .ill stock ju-t imu CLmjiIct..- h , , , '0 .-ind in the ln-st shape- to so!,-ct from. It m and other business of impor- li 1 11,n- ; tance will be brought beb.re 4 Mr. James Walton, of the the lod?v. A onod :tt.nil:i n.- V v'.iinlina c: North wester n, is desi red. ,-itel triends in Morgan ton Sundav. i A Populist Meeting- ! Mi.s MusaMarbut returned! The Burke count' Ipulist! i i-st. week to Converse College, ; ' contains a thousand and ne attraction in this season-, novelties and bargains. The laro-rt and best assorted stock of dre-s 'oods, the most complete lineof shoi-s and tlie lowest priced line of staple o("K ever exhibited in the town. It costs you nothing to look and we are here to explain their ad vantages. l-iil1 -i 11-, . a ! n . 1-. O a . . .1 . . : at at . . . " f Spartanburg to resume her,111 'uornlolL Mr' ; Asbury was called to the chai r. :Theoblect. of t he nitet i nr w Mr. T. N. Hallvburton,:, t i"ti : le.irn, was to elect delegates. i T w l! l,!!l r!,-l',r- U-'" i to attend the Sut, Mia.He of ' S I . I. DAVIS & SON. 1 t ie 1( .11 1)1 list convention w. 1 1 .c lo r v Press. Mrs. J. L. Laxton, of Mor- State electors for the Barker ; a: v-ti, is visiting at N. W. and Donneilv ticket for presi ' . ; : ;m.h1'm on Walnut street. ; dent and i ce president. Mr. A sheville citizen, 1st. R. A. Cobb was elected and m m m m m the Road l'opulist convention. W. - j to elect Congressional and H 5 -5 5 2 S 5 -IS 5 "S ."3 :5 Z 00 KS CLOSED" lion. -Spencer Blackburn. Republican candidate forCon .ress, is billed t( speak at Connellv Srins on the 15th. iiuckskin Bill's realistic ;'.d west show will be in town i -liior row ". Now vou have a hance to see some real cow : " - s. Miss (iertrude Davis, of M rt;anton, came down Thurs day t' spentl several weeks uith Miss Mildred FUis. Hadcorv Pres-. Miss Katie Reid Carlton, .i" has been visiting Miss ' b-rtrude Davis in Moranton e-r the past month, returneil '" Statesville last week. em powered to rtjpresent Bu rke ! countv at said convention : i w hich convenes at Raleigh j October the 11th. j j I find it necessary in order to oje the best value for the Hickorv Press: Mr. David I. , . , , , i r. -, , ; least monev to adojit the cash svstem. I desire, ho(er Sealtoidi and rannly, ot Okhi-i 1 ' '"--i homa, arrived in Hickory last ; to say to my triends and customers that our business rela- Ta-sdy morning, l.avinSma.l- : tions-h:lve l.cen exceedin-lv pleasant and satisfactory to me. the entire trip overland. 1 hey had two two-horse teams and )ut owinjr to my limited caj)ital I am forced t run my busi had been fifty five days on the!1K,NS on a trictlv cah lasis. road. Air. Seaboeh and t'amilvi moved from this county to I am now buvinr mv Fall and Winter Stock, which will Oklahoma some two years ao. j be the very latest and up-to-date style on the market t C s K B. (Pienn . will ad the people of Burke imii in Moi'oanton on Fri d..v. )ct. 12th. Come out and ! ear this desti nif uished v;iU'r. Mr. W. A. Frwin has e;0ne Mor'anton to look after " p.h- business connected with u cotton mill at that place, ' h.ich he is a stockholder. H will return tomorrow.---''-rliam Herald, 27th. DDKS IT PAY TO HI Y CHKAPH A cheap remedy ur cuuzh nud colds I at the opening. I remain i all riht, but you want Muiethin J that will relieve and cure the more j evere and danerou. results ot throat ! and ln:)r troulde. What shall vou do ? (in to a warmer and more regular climate ? Yes. it possible ; it' not pos- sible tor vou. then in either ca.-e take! the only lemeuv that ha been intro-! dined in all civilized countries with ; Micces in severe throat and lun trmi-! ble, "Uochee's Derman Syrup." U GIVE IT A not only heals ami stimulates- the;! IT TI p Oil T - ' II 1 k m 'V I riiankinr u tor your patronage, and hopin to cl vou Verv trulv vurs HRS. A. E. HICKS. ti'.je to de-lrov the serin disea-e. An engineer cn a I Cotn-ti-.c oils hi engine a iniiiiU-r of time every day and the en'ific rt! haif of t-cry lay. Your watch run dav aid ni'ht. btU allays inrtainmation, caues 'v tinulUsly: but w hen did you have it oiled? Are the delicate parts untnUu expectoration, -jive- a -jood niht ? i . . . 1 , , . rp .... aw av on tlrv jt-seN. . tne;r tustriictifti . Are wache cheap that -,u can rest, and cure the patient. 1 rv oshi - - bottle. Kecommended many years by bitford to h.ue your. Ioe all ;t time keeping urtm-s h n.-b,ct' all druii:ist in the world. For ale by Hrinir your watch to tr.e. Kf--re the injury oc furtlier. There ina U an doh:j lull. , excuse for its r perfortnance .f late. I will examine it. and ciir.-tulate ! vou if it nccd r.o attention, and if it doc. oti Tin: Ni:vs and The Atlan ta Weekly Constitution sha11 i,a no "K,re than -ry to both one Year for $1.-H. j restore it to perfect health. J. B. SWINDELL, Watch Repairer, MORGANTGN, - - - N. C