STATE HOSPITAL NOTES. ! Miss S. E. Pitts, bv a number . loftheladv nurses that were Mrs. J. S. Parscns is quite! r . . t . ick. j in this department consisting Mrs. D. C. Grady has been of the following: Misses Ida very unwell for sometime. land Iva Moore, Eula Wajer, ,r e 1 u - t r ' Lillie Patton, Estella Stike Miss btikeleather went to t t , . . leather, uth! Pattie Mc Adams, llickorv, hundav, to spend a c , " Miss Pitts had recently re tew (lavs. ! - : signed here to accept a like Miss Mae Murphy is teach-1 position jn the State Hospital ,n- a nissu.nsch'..,lat Ander-jat Columhia S. C., and prior s,,n n:il)el- to the event of her departure Dr. and Mrs. P. L. Murphy; her friends desiring to pay a recently returned from a visit j tribute to her as a souvenir of in Columbia. S. C. 1 their affectionate esteem con- Miss MarJe Singleton h:is!ived th5s haIPy idea- The returned to the Hospital f rom ! spacious reception room was a visit at Drexel. Mr. George C Lenoir, was a Wortman Items. To the Editor of The Xkws: Mrs. Wyoina Buff is still improving. Lewis Taylor, shingle dealer, has bought up a considerable lot of trees. The Dawning of a New Era Written by Rev. L. S. Denton f r T;r News. A few of the great enteipi that are likely to be consum mated during the early -ar or tue twentieth eentnn the following: ii . indeed a bower of floral beautv .' disclosing in quite a vivid wav Cottev, ot i , A , f , , , ... , -w. - : tne toucn oi a nana sKinea in visitor at the . . . . , , , , i he oVmrntive art brother Hospital this week. ! ,T . , . . , , , 1 I Maclachlan tays about here Everybody is for Car r, Sim- anj that settles it. And with mons, or the other fellows the array of feminine beauty here, -take your choice. ijn the midst of this itpresent- Mr. H. E. C. Bryant, of j ed a scene of panoramic splen Charlotte, visited Mrs. Brv-Mor rarely witnessed and none ant of this place, Sunday. j seemed morehappy and charm ing than the little lad v to whom this occasion and Four revenue officers passed ; l. The opening up uf r:,. through here last Friday. They ' great resources of China a:;. I seem to be regular visitors here ! Siberia, through railroads lately. ; European-built cities. This- Miss Sarah Chapman, who already in proeess of a.-,-,,,-, had been in a critical condition j Hshment. for sometime suffering with! Ship-canals that will op,. h Ulcers, died last Monday night, j the American Great Lakes and At , the Mississippi to sea-".,ii,... The camp-meeting at Maide . Grove ( colored ) has been well: o V , ... - A ship canals tim.ii-ii at ou ie i . me wjme ioiks went to hear them sing. given, r , -if i I the honors ot the roll ot the sick tor a week: . .... i were intended t hnnir i k now linnrnVintr. i j Manv varieties of cake and Mr. J. E. Coffey and B. 13. i dolic'ious tropical fruits, cool Hensley came back Friday ; jno; waters, ice cream, etc., from a few davs visit in Nor-j were dispensed. The follow folk, a. j nljr invited guests were pres- Manv persons from the lbs- ent: Doctors P. L. Murphy, pital accompanied the choir on j I. M. Taylor, C. E. Ross, and its annual picnic on Burke-jJ. J. McCampbell, the Mb either the Isthmus of Panama, or Nicaragua, or both wlm-h John Brittain was tried the j will make a direct eonnvtin: other day for cutting Charles ! between the commerce of th,. Smith. They finally compro- i Atlantic and the Pacific n,.p;ni. mised and Brittain paid thej 4. The opening of the Yukon cost. j Valley by a railroad from the ! southern Alaskan forts to th.- A Pair of Pants. Aged 60. headof navagationof the Yukon Lexington Correspondent to Charlotte , 5. ne laying ail ocean ali.- observer j from San r ranciseo to China Mr. Wooden Daniel, who!; waii, the Philippine ,. T. and Japan. Our commercial liNsiiearDeiitoii,iiithiscouii-!gro.ltlietfSilas jllst ;m,j ty, was here a few days ago,'; as it grows, there will he a wearing a pair of pants which j limitless demand during the .-r.i he has owned and worn a good j llow llPon us, for keen,cap.ihl. deal everv vear for (iO yi.arsJ younff men who havo receisv,! i . at -i i 1 a good commercial education. He bought them m Mr. dohn There are 0Q( things in vi u Murphy's store in Salisbury j for the aml)itions young man sometime during the fall of the! tvh is nice enough to pivpnie year before the Tippecanoe himself for the demands of th campaign in 1SK), that being j lieu ' ,M "a. . . . the fall of VX Mr. Daniel is S2j WHAT'S YOCK PACK years old and rode a m ile from: WORTH Slisses his home. IS miles distance.1 .- , .Snniatnimt n tnrtmin nil mont, last week, they report' Lula Kirkatrick, Lillie Slade , ami back in the afternoon. The!lievel. j vo jjau a sallow com " i I . 1 ' a delightful time. ; May Conoley, Mamie McCiimp- pants are navy i.Me with a plexion, a jaundiced look, moth small bronze silk check. It is patches and blotches on jias;sey. Lou London, Corinna Cowan, Ldith Barber and Mr. Thomas Sparks thinned the overalls and is now I i At i at .sisting Mr. Carter in the """P"" es- .Mattie Miss irsSlSLHJi .Ul . V.ll VZ 111 LM ! j r i engineer's department here. ! Udmes 1-lura OIe' Ueisanaot student and will ! Smith and I(la Mu1 mmmi learn. ! 1itU h;ul lon bcen at th head or the training nurses th. yet very strong goods. He said skin,-all signs of Liver Trou it crJ.i fnvii , v v.,v,i ble. But Dr. King's New Iaie it sola ioi 1 pei ai(i. i'ii ii oi i 1 J Pills give Clear Skin, Kosy Mr. John M. Dougherty vis ited Table Rook a few davs;. ago. There seems to be oth attraction' and made warm friends with all those that oame in contact trlwith her. She is a oleasant .1. i . A in inai tjuarier. and kind ladv and as she lias so willed to iro her -oi r.r Cheeks. Rieli (omnlexion. ( )nlv Notice to the Public. L5 cents at John Tall Drug It is ordered by the Board of ! Store. County Commissioners of! Burke County that no person ! axtkix--Good sale-men ;t. o,,n,n..;., .1 t ,a. , ' and collectors to work in Burkv is auttioi iea to make accounts , , v , . .i . , countv, A. C Oood salarv against the county without anan( commission. Contract, approved order or reipusition. 1 1,, the H ht men C;iH on nr Accounts presented must bea(idress The Singer Sewing accompanied by either an ap-; Machine Co., No. 15 K.-ned, proved order or requisition be -: Block, Spartanburg, S. C fore being paid. ! R. L. KnHand, Mgr. Oct. 3rd, :()00. SCKIB ). other than the natural scenery j l!KrL 'u'mmum'- lu,ll,UUtUlMeavos within the hearts of all hml thither. a p;in nf sornw aml all ujsh Miss S. L. Pitts left Monday 1 her all happiness in pursuing for Winston for a visitof aday 'her chosen mission of min or two with her relatives there, . istering to the sickand afflict- Miss Klla aughn, thence ed ot humanity. to her home at Cross Hill, S. C. where she will spend a week or two, thence to Colum- Stxtk oi Ohio, Cityof Tor.j:io. i , i Lucas Cocntv , ; Sj5 OKI, v . V. ! Fkank J Chkxky makes oath that 1 he is the senior partner of the firm of Mrs. Abernethy, wite and i j. Ch;nv a- Co., tioin business in . r n t ? fhv Ciiv ol To'.eilo. Count v and Sf fe nv - aore.v. an! that -aul firm will pav r 11 n , ernetin, of Murphv. x. c. f hi'xprki) dol. opening ot all the new styles and novelties or and a Mis Allen, were visiting .tIi;atK,o;l:;TS, the season in hats, bonnets, shapes, ribbons. ,w.,vvw, yji I lcUl Icillo. SIIKS. L f III' : i Millinery Opening! ... ,0mf .g . MOXDAY AM) TUESDAY, OCTOBEK 8TH AND 9TH. You are cordially invited to attend the the Misses Moore here, last week, and were while here the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Maclachlan. FRANK J. CHKXKY. S-.vorn to hefore me ani subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. I), iss,. A. W. G LEA SON. Iskai. Notarv Public. r 4.1 .1 4.T i. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- One Ot the most beaiUltlll ally and acts directly on the blo.1 and SOCial events of the season at mucous surface of the system. Send ' lor testimonials, free. the Hospital was the enter-' F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, o. ta::: merit iven in honor of j Soll by Dr uists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the lest. mmgs, embroideries, hankerchiefs, gloves, hosiery, etc. Beginning Monday at 7:30 p. m. Very truly yours, Mrs. A. E. HICKS.