BUCKSKIN BILL'S CONGRESS. His Most Wonderful Exhibition Soon to Come to Morgonton. Tii,. pulpit and press have a il. piiiis'1'! Buckskin's great ..xhi' irinn of wild westN He ; n all over this country K-mpe, and the warmest :i,l;n! -it ion has been paid 1 his unequaled com- mposed of over 1,000 wherever they have I i ' ' C( I His Home Paper. Atlanta Constitution. "It's strange," said a cele brated author, recently, "and yet not strange, how these old associations cling to us I was borci a rural district, and forty years ago, the little country weekly was the only newspaper literature we had. It was pub lished every Saturday, and when it didn't come out 'on time7 everybody was in a flur- New Goods, Great Bargains, Good Material, Low Prices. 1 1 , nir My Lines are Being Completed for ! HT 1 1 T 1 ... .,wboys, Indians, Mex en.iimve not visited my Th c . UinW T.oHa South American rough i uu lHPiace twenty years, hut - " t...cwi i iuuv. during all that time I have Hi"!" , ossaeks of Russia and Mi.iiiy other things he has ; t'iiil'd to please all, old ynimg alike. In the great t cavalcade at 10 in the iinir f the performance, will be five bauds, ln - ;nid cowboys, as well as been a subscriber to that little country weekly. I've crossed the seas and it has followed me faithfully to foreign capitals. I've taken it from my pocket in the clubs in Loudon and Paris, and have lead, with all the interest of old. how Colonel CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINGS AND HATS. -,J,!'.t trmn ninnv nations ini.hi.limr our own, England 1 So-and-so is in our midst, how j Everything is up to the last issue in stvle. I have a larger line of Clothing than I have had fnr k.-v- John Jones Kmwlnvpil with! us,' how 'our esteemed coroner eral -vears' and intend d "'ts at cheaper prices !m r" world, and has been en-'sat 011 tnree dead men yester- than can be found elsewhere. Boys' and Children's Suits in extra low prices. Over- Tin- exhibition is the greatest j. ). both in this country and K ;rnp. by some of the most 'lirati'd people in the world. The Fvansville Evening Tini' of May HO, says: "Baek--kiu Hill made his initial bow t universal crowd in this city yesterday. He has a tine li v and all the attendents luiiidied the large audience in t most praiseworthy fashion. Buckskin will arrive next Saturday Oct. b'th and expects to haw tliousands of people to inn. oay, ano now tne eaitor is thankful for a mess of cabbage, but needs some bacon to boil .coats and Reefers, for boys and children, below anvthin it with,' etc. Yes, that little 1 be found elsewhere. country weekly is a positive g to In the Heart of a Poplar. s'.Vi'x inCi Landmark. Mi. R. M. Saunders, who is "rating a saw mill near 1 "ol'Mne, Davie county, add ''1 a genuine enriositv to 'h'- Landmark's stock Satur hiy. In cutting a poplar log k2h i-' t in diameter, last week, Mr. Saunders' saw struck and 'it into the handle of an old-i'-hion steel fork. The fork h.i'l been broken just at the handle and years and years ago broken handle had been T;i'-k into the tender bark of a young poplar. This had grown around and covered it. The !'"" was perfectly sound and iron was found just at the M"a rt nf the tree. One piece of non handle still had the I covering on it when taken f the plank. The tret' was in the South Yadkin river "ttoiu, near where Hunting '"''k empties into the river, far from any house. Those v' have a speculative. turn of can decide how the brok t'rk handle, as it seems to w t into the young poplar, ! ' iiowlong ago that was. joy to me yet. And the editor doesn't have to dun me for my s ubscription either." A HUSBAND 41 i T Before mv wife beaa using Mother's Friend she could hardly get around. I do not think she could get along WllHOUw it now. vShe has used it for two months and it is a great help to her. She does her housework without trouble. " Mothers Friend is an external liniment for expectant mothers to use. It gives them strength to attend to their household duties almost to the hour of confine ment. It is the one and only prepara tion that overcomes morning sickness and nervousness. It is the only remedy that relaxes and relieves the strain. It is the only remedy that makes labor short and delivery easy. It is the only remedy that puts the Look around a little, in fact, look all about, then I will come below and save you money. If I sell without profit and only make interest, let them go. Yours to please, B. F. DAVIS. Mft New School at RUTHERFORD COLLEGE. NEW EQUIPMENT. NEW MANAGEMENT. NEW FACULTY. A Superb Location. Ample course. Thorough work. Faculty unsurpassed bv anv school of the kind in the State. Terms low. Stu dents will receive personal attention from instructors Session Begins August 30th. Prospectus and announcement will he sent on application. A ddress Chas. C. Weaver, Ph. D. or, A. C. Reynolds, A. B. RUTHERFORD COLLEGE, - - - N. C. The Election Over. o ( ) The best form of Blank ;""n for sale at The News medicines internally. They endanger the lives of both mother and child. Mother's Friend is sold by druggists lor $1. Send for our free illustrated book. The BradflcU Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. The election is over and THEY SAY the negro is eliminated ; but be that as it mav, both man and beast must depend upon breasts in condition so that swelling i tanner for their bread and meat. To encourage this great or rising is impossible. Don't take i . , T , . f , tt , n,,,imfl,M(,lt(, iiv u-l,;,., T an supplv mv farmer friends with the most reliable Wheat Fertil- I izer on the market. I am also agent for the celebrated Disa Wheat Drill, a sample of which can be seen at my store. I will keep on hand choice Tennessee Seed Wheat, erfeetly elear of all tilth, and from which article the finest Hour in the world is made. I am daily adding to my large stock of Family Groceries, Fancy Confections and other useful articles that I have not room here to mention. Fair and honest dealing is my motto, and to verify this you Administrators Notice Having qualified as administrator of James Locke Simpson notice is hereby iiven to all persons indebted to said estate to made payment and save cost and all persons having claims against same will preset them to the under-j . j yoil will fllld Hie at the old signed on or before the 2mh dayofjOIll Ilde to M. 111 - ' September 1901 for payment otherwise I JjQcyatl Corner. UN!) IHHILC Will UC JMCctU 111 Utll Ul an recovery. This "September 20, 1(X M. N. HENXESSEE. 6t Administrator. R. A. Cobb. -i escribe for The News.