Racket News 1 1 - i I t For this week w- w ill offer thf bw earlv bargains of the early fall season. We art to be in the fall camoa; low prices and according a, we desere, wo want our patronage. It will !, our aim from now on to forjLfe to tlu -with an arrav of bargains nowhere else to be found. It oil! prices appeal in son look over what we have. It wi h :! means of saving you monev. When you e- a thinjj" it is enough to know the truth of tin lesson taught by it. It is our aim to make vur int. (OH interest. A Supposition. For instance, we otTer vou a ladies' elegant shoe for Sh(S, when as a fact it is worth $2.50. It made as solid r leather can be put t Lfetlier. Is it unreasonable to suppose you will see that its to your own interest to buy this line? Aam. we offer vou men'-, shoe worth $2.50. same price SI .98. These are two real bargains pick it up at random Suppose you see lor yourself. A nvthinir in this line at varying prices. In fact, a comporfable fact at a comporfnMe price. There can be no question. About our ability to meet any competition. We buy riht. We now have a line of shirts for men and boys that will astonish vou tor value. Men's shirt and overalls are a strong line with us vou will have to see them to appreciate the real value. A few bargains at random. NO. ONF First-class opaque window shade. Fvervbody charges you for same oods 35 cents, we now offer w hile they last at the startling value of 20 cents. SIM-XT Ah : doen pocket knives amon- them are some worth 5 cents, vour choice while they last forth. startling price of lo cents. FXTRA SI 'ICC I Ah-- 5n dozen men's linen collars, others sell at 15 cents, while thev last each 5 cents. 1UC HARCAIX Hale sheeting o-oods as the best, worth now at advanced price 7 cents jroinjr at 5 cents. A C,i )D SHOT headed paper shells 12 -au-e. others charge 45 cents, we sell at 35 cents per box. A good Thread. W,. :l. i"n.,!,K-inyf n,Mv m.-u-hino thr-a-l. hand an,! machine. It will pay you t !,y it. for on, wvok wo ..(To: . 3 cent-. C.ood a anv standard thread. r-,One Cent. "4 'U','U m;,' i,:ilK'r- m:,!-,,K"i- il lhr'-;l,!- -"" yar.l ,...!. ,,, n;cM .-,,,,, lH.,u.iK , , . , . laundrv M-aj1. We mean to interest v.u. CASH RACKET Hiir assortsments of men's suspenders now oinjr at )A real worth, see them W-,t aLcn tnis space.