NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS As Told by the Papers in the Neighboring Counties. CLEVELAND. Pure Vandalism -Negroes Going to Pennsylvania-An Ann Broken Real Estate Transfer A Two Horse Load of Dogs Other News. Shelby Star, Dec. 5th. Mr. Columbus Hamrick, a young man of No. 2 township, while attempting to shoot a rabid dog with his pistol last Friday, accidentally dis charged it and the ball took effect in his hand. The hens have all gone on a strike. Eggs are scarse, there is a great demand for them and the price is good, but notwith standing all this the hens can not be induced to resume oper ations and the egg outlook is not at all promising. Eggs are selling at 20 cents a dozen on this market. Mr. D. Max Cline, of No. 10 township, has sold his farm containing 1153 acres to Mr. W. II. Bumgardner and Mr, Am brose Peeler. The first named bought the home place and 119 acres of land, and the latter bought 14 acres of land adjoin ing him. The laud was sold at $9 and $10 per acre. The Star congratulates its young friend Mr. Clarence P. (Joforth, of King's Mountain, upon his good fortune in win ning the heart and hand of them. One negro who has been to Pennsylvania and travelled extensively in the north and has returned to this county, says he prefers to live in the South. Mr. Ruf us Bobbins, a young man who resides 5 miles above town, fell out of his wagon in Shelby on last Friday and broke his arm just above the the el bow and dislocated it at the el bow joint. Drs. R. C. Ellis and W. F. Mitchell were called to attend him and they reset and placed in position his broken limb. He suffered greatly. His arm had been broken once be fore and this will prevent a rapid recovery. He is doing very well, however. Some persons at the new fac- tory have been engaging m pure and unadulterated vandal - LINCOLN. CALDWELL. Death of Mr. Thomas Wells -Captured by Raiders-Barn Burned -Sheriff Cline Leads. Lincolnton Journal, Dec. 7th. To Sheriff John K. Cline, of Lincolnton, belongs the honor this year of being the first sheriff to settle in full with the State Treasurer, which he did November 24 th. The Board of County Com missioners organized Monday by re-electing Esq. S. D. Bur gin chairman and Capt. C. E. Childs county altorney the county attorney's salary being fixed at the same figure as here tofore, $100 per year. The barn of Mr. J. W. Rush, who lives near Mr. Andrew Link's, was destroyed by fire Friday night. The roaring of the llames awakened Mr. Rush ism on several occasions here ; about 10 0clockand he reached of late. The spirit has mani-the bniidillg just in time t0 fested itself m a desire to des- iSave his horse aml nattlp Hp troy and completely ruin thelostthe building with all his roughness, harness, imple- products of the mill. For in stance, one day last week some one purposely stuck a knife ments, etc. The barn is believ ed to have been set on fire, but tin-ought 297 yards of clpth pnt there is as yet no clue to the in im in n. rn n n rumen it. 'no t -r- i x, - - ; ; - .cenaiary. iir. kusii is a poor man and a deserving one, and same thing has been done on previous occasions. The guilty pary has not been detected, but some hands have been dis charged, we understand. Mcdowell. Another Newspaper for Marion -Mr. J. D. Blanton Married. Marion Democrat, Nov. 30th. J. D. Blanton, of Blanton Bros., was married to Miss Miss Laura Whitesides,a lovely : Nancy, daughter of Mrs. A. V. young lady of Old Furnace. The ceremony was performed last Thursday morning, Rev. J. R. Millard officiating. A man came in town this week from Cane Creek, Ruth erford county, and brought a two horse load of hound dogs for sale. Hw had them in 'i h? slatted box and drove around offering them for sale just as if they were ordinary products of the farm. He had very good success in sell ing them. Mr. David Harrill, aged 21 the loss is a heavy one to him. Deputy Collectors Kanipe and Loftin, with Deputy Mar shal Levi Gheen captured a wagon, three barrels ( about 103 gallons ) of blockade brandy two mules and two moonshiners in the public road about ten The New Methodist Preacher Arrives A Wedding-Death of Mr. H. I. Hayward-Caught a Catamount Court Postponed. Lenoir News. Dec. 7th. The fall term of the criminal court for Caldwell, which wa to have been hell this we, k, has been postponed until Janu ary or February, owing to seri ous illness of Judge Stevens' child. News was received here a few days ago of the leathj of Mr. H. L. Hayward, at his home in Chattanooga. Mr. Hayward will be remembered by our readers as being a citizen of our town at one time, and has num erous friends here, Mr. Millard Triplett caught a large catamount last Wednes day morning on Green Moun tain. It was quite a formidable looking" varmint" and attract ed a good deal or attention when he exhibited it m town Wednesday afternoon. The marriage of Mr. Thos. M. Bernhardt, of Charlotte, t Miss Carrie Harper at Patter son last Tuesday was quite a pretty wedding. Miss Nellie Harper was maid of honor and Mr. H. L. Parks, of Concord, was best man. The ceremony was solemnized by Rev. C. A. Monroe, in Harper's chapel, which was tastily decorated. The new minister for the Le noir station. Rev. N. R. Rich- miles above town at 11 o'clock ardson, arrived yesterdav. Sunday night. The men were Some of the good ladies' of Fleming, of Warrenton, N. C, Wednesday at 11 o'clock in the Baptist church. Mr. and Mrs. Blanton came to Marion on the U:H3 p. m. train Wednesday night and will make their home for the present with the former's parents. It is expected that another newsnaner will be nnhlislirwl i Marion within the novt tl. suffering from cancer we have weeks. The mechanical work heretofore spoken, died at his will be done by C. B. Eaves, a !10me here laSt Satll.rday moni former emnlovce of this nffi ecemoer isi, jusi oeiore and his father. Attornov a a jSixo clock Eaves, will look after ti,n i ' J ust a year to a day before. --, - - "n- v v I - J. H. and D. F. Vanhorn, of Burke county. The oflicers re ceived information that they were on their way in this direc tion and went to meet them. The men were lodged in jail here, while the team and liquor were taken on to Gastonia. The Vanhorns gave bond and were released. Mr. Thomas Wells of whose good the Methodist congregation thoughfully had the parsonage open and fires made in the stoves and a nice, hot dinner on the table ready for the min ister and his family. Mr. Rich -ardson com s to this work well recommended. itorial end. Charles went to Deceased resided in GatTnev and came over to visit his brother and was taken ill with fever almost immediately af ter his arrival, and the sick ness terminated in his J. , e i' r Itokersville last Saturday and years, died Saturday at the j purchased the outfit nse,l , home of his brother. John ' publishing The Mirror there. Harrell, near Shelby, and v;isThe otJice; t is said, will be lo t i o i i i cated m the new Dysart build - - i " mr. No one can reasonably hope for good health unless his bow els move once each day. When this is not attended to, disoi ders of the stomach arise, hil- ' lousness, headache, dyspepsia death. jani piles soon follow. If von Several families of negroes! fvlsh lo avoitl t,.iese ailments i 4t 4 i keep your bowels resrnhir hv are leaving this county and go -; tnkill Chamberlain's Stomach mg to Pennsylvania. They land Liver Tablets when iv have been told great stories of j quired. They are easy to take how the negro is treated there ?nl ,n1,lt and gentle in effect. and what a great opportunity rorak J; A. lxslie. he has to accumulate money Heiuz's Tomato Soups. S and some of them believe May. 'Phone t9. If you would have an appetite like a bear and a relish for your meals take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They correct disorders of the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels. Price, 25 cents. Samples free, at W. A, Leslie's drug store. Notice. while attending to his duties at Motz's furniture factory, a large splinter flew from a saw which he was passing, and struck him in the temple, in flicting what he thought was a trifling wound. This injury developed into an ugly sore and from that it became a cancer, which covered a large part of one side of his face. While it was known that there was no hope of curing him, it was gen erally hoped and believed that his life would be prolorged for some months. Two days be fore his death, complications appeared and his death came unexpectedly. At 7 M .I. U 1Jtaufc- - I. T. AVERY. Trusts. Ma . 'Phone O'J. j j. f. s pain-hoik, Am. By virtue of a. over of sale con tained in a certain trust deed execute.! by John H. Pearson and wife, Flor ence, to me as trustee, for the benefit of Peter Woodlinij-, to secure a n ' due said Woodlin for the sum :?350.fU, with interest, dated Nov. 1893, I will sell for cash to the hitrh - bidder, at the Court House d.r in tt town of Morjfanton, Burke county, N C, on Monday, Jan. 7, 19ol, it the tirst Monday of said month, all said tract of land embraced in deed of trust, beinj,r lot number (7 . en in block E on Union street, beii; the lot on which Charles Lane now re sides and fully set out by mete a:. : bounds in said trust deed dated N 6, 1803. and recorded in Hook Y, p -134 and 135, antl reference to which -hereby had for fuller and better !--cription of said lands. After satisfying said note, totrt ' with the interests .and cxsts. I ili ; balance, if anv, to John If. Pear- : Said note i subject to credit awv n 1 if

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